The Stargate was the first in the series of Arcturian images that came through for the first book. It was the first painting I was asked to do by the Arcturians. The Arcturians described the stargate temple as Oriental in style, like a pagoda. The temple is on the blue-green planet of Arcturus with a yellow-The Stargategreen sun. A multidimensional corridor extends from Earth to the temple. Beings from Earth are moving up the corridor to ultimately transcend third-dimensional reality by moving through the Stargate. There are three moons, and thus, there is never total darkness. The Pleiades are visible in their sky. The Arcturians asked me to include all these details specifically, and expressed concern about my being able to get all these concepts into one image. Included in the picture are Arcturians climbing the mountain path to the temple. Their planet is apparently very mountainous. The Stargate resembles a multifaceted jewel with gold overtones above the temple. After gathering information, guidance and healing in the temple, beings move into the light as they pass through the Stargate.
Watch a video showing more art by Gudrun Miller