Hannah Taylor-Jones
Hannah was drawn to connecting with her Arcturian guides through a Mahasamatman (crystal skull) channelling in a multi- dimensional and healing workshop in Glastonbury, England in 2015.
David Miller’s Arcturian channelled books have been a great inspiration, source of Galactic information and wisdom, encouraging Hannah to join the Group of Forty in 2017, to further her understanding of the Arcturian Earth Healing mission and her role as a Starseed on Earth. In 2018, both Hannah and Fiona volunteered to support the UK group and currently Hannah is UK co-ordinator with the support of both Fi and Stephen (see below)
Hannah’s background is in energetic healing, Light-body activation and teaching the multi-dimensional Angelic Reiki healing system, which interweaves harmoniously with the Arcturian teachings and with the study of the Kabbalah and the Arcturian Tree of Life. Hannah is also a multi-discipline trained meditation teacher.
Hannah lives in North Yorkshire, between Thirsk and York.
“It’s a joy and a privilege to serve on such a mission here in the UK. We as Starseeds are Ambassadors for the Fifth Dimension and actively hold the Light for our Homes and Loved ones, for our Community and Town, for the Region and Country we live in and for all the Humans Beings, Animal Beings and Ocean Beings which inhabit Planet Earth, our beautiful ‘Blue Jewel”
Our GOF UK Offerings
Our UK group comes together remotely twice weekly for Personal Healing and Biorelativity meditations using a conferencing platform. We use a ‘building’ series of meditations and spiritual exercises for you to participate in to help you work more fully with the Arcturian 5th Dimensional system. We also arrange other group meditation focuses throughout the year using the Zoom platform or similar. Our group uses the Telegram app to connect with other members informally and to share information and meditations. New members are paired with more experienced members who are the geographically closest to them, if they wish to do this, to support contact between members, plus any initial learning and understanding of the GOF material and spiritual focuses.
For more information on joining our GOF UK group,
Please contact Hannah Taylor-Jones: [email protected]
UK Co-ordinator
Fiona Mash
Fiona is part of a small but established spiritual group in Worcestershire who have been studying and working with the Arcturians for a number of years prior to her joining Group of Forty. As well as taking part in the global meditations and bio-relativity sessions, Fi and her group also organize other ceremonies local to where they live. Fi and her group arrange monthly crystal gridding ceremonies sending healing energy through the grid to people and places guided by the Arcturians and other high frequency star-beings. As a group they also respond using meditations and earth energy healing to areas of natural disaster and countries experiencing conflict and famine.
Fiona regularly visits some many sacred sites and stone circles like Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury Tor, which are geographically close to her and is actively connecting and working with the Michael and Mary lay-line that runs through Cornwall, through Avebury and Glastonbury and exits off the coast of Norfolk.
Fiona and her group has a well-established and vibrant Planetary City of Light in her local area of Pershore, Worcestershire
“Britain also has a strong Pagan tradition of honouring the seasons and holding Earth in great love and respect. I envision as a group to visit such sites to meet together, meditate, use our healing modalities to send high level group energy to Gaia. In so doing we can connect on a personal level, meet and make new friends and create crystal grids and medicine wheels on a spiritual level for the benefit of the planet and for the highest good of all”
Fiona is happy to connect with members (and potential new members) around her local region and neighbouring counties i.e. Worcestershire, Gloucestershire etc.
Please contact Fiona if you are interested in any of the information or activities mentioned here and if you would like more information about existing and new Planetary Cities of Light ( PCOLs ) in these regions.
Fiona Mash: [email protected]
PCOL support, GOF Meditation Host and presenter
Stephen Moore
Stephen is Group of Forty UK’s longest participating member and he and his spiritual group established their Polbathic PCOL in 2010. Stephen is passionate about collaborating with our Arcturian Star Family, with the Pleiadians and the Crystal Temples of Alcyone and Arcturus especially within his PCOL and throughout his spiritual work. He is very knowledgeable and drawn to working with the Crystal Kingdom and uses crystals in his daily spiritual practice:
“We have a Crystal grid permanently in place within our Polbathic PCOL and change this as and when the energies require this which helps to hold maintain anchor and radiate Shimmering 5th Dimensional energies and light across our PCOL and Cornwall and the UK.”
Stephen is a regular contributor to the global Group of Forty newsletter and manages our UK Monday evening Personal Healing and Earth Meridian focused meditations. If you would like to find more about Stephen’s PCOL work in his part of Cornwall or wish to connect with him relating to our GOF Meridian and Personal healing meditation offerings, please send him an email.
Stephen Moore: [email protected]