Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The theme for our discussion today is thought and telepathy. You are bio-electromagnetic beings, and there are unique features that you possess. One of the unique features is sensitivity to thought forms. Telepathy is one of the abilities of bio-electromagnetic beings. Telepathy can be defined as the ability to receive thought waves from other bio-electromagnetic beings. This does include thought waves from animals and thought waves from planet Earth.
There are various levels of telepathy, including but not limited to, galactic telepathy, that is, the ability to receive telepathic communications from Galactic Masters, and necromancy, which is the ability to communicate with the dead and receive information from departed souls. There is “near” telepathy in rooms or places where you are interacting with people; I call this “nearness telepathy”. But there is also telepathy remotely, where you could receive messages from people who are far away. In fact, distance is not usually a factor in your ability to receive telepathic messages, especially as you are getting closer to the Intersection of the Dimensions which will be upon us soon.
You want to sharpen your telepathic abilities, and you also want to understand the nature of being a telepathic electromagnetic being of light. Generally, your upbringing in this materialistic society limits or disregards telepathic communication, and this is unfortunate, and it discourages many of you in your earlier upbringing from listening to and enhancing your telepathic abilities. But now, as you become awakened as starseeds, I know that many of you embrace your telepathic communications, and many want to find techniques to receive more telepathic messages from the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Council, and even from distant galaxies, including the Andromedans.
The nature of thinking is an important aspect of your understanding of your telepathic abilities, and you can develop and use telepathy for your spiritual enhancement. Telepathic abilities also include the sending of healing light to others and the receiving of healing energy from other sources outside of the physical body. I want you to think for a moment about your sensitivity as a bio-electromagnetic being, and I want you to appreciate the amazing abilities that your mind has to be telepathic and interact on this thought level.
Telepathic communication is not always influenced by distance. You can be telepathically close to somebody even if they are 5,000 miles away. You still can receive messages and information and impressions from them. Impressions are the beginning stages of telepathic communication, and you have to develop and pay attention to impressions, because that is like the doorway into more permanent, more direct telepathic communications with another person or another being.
Now, here is an amazing fact. You as bio-electromagnetic beings of light, you who are telepathic, also have the ability to communicate telepathically interdimensionally. You can use this telepathic ability on the Earth plane and also connect to other dimensions. You have the unique ability to be telepathic inter- and intra-dimensionally. This is an ability of the Adam species, and this ability is going to only improve when you participate and experience the evolution into Homo omega, because Homo omega has extremely powerful telepathic abilities and sensitivities.
Thinking is composed of thoughts. I often say in meditations: “Travel now at the speed of thought.” Thought is the fastest energy in the universe. Thought waves are faster than the speed of light. You may know that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, which is a speed that is unimaginable to the logical Earth mind, but you can receive the impression that the speed of light is very fast. But thought travel is instantaneous, which is faster than the speed of light. This means that in thought travel there are no limitations which you find in the speed of light.
Here is a simple example. The Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth, and the sunlight travels at the speed of light. It takes eight and a half minutes, approximately, for the light from the Sun to reach the Earth. Now Arcturus, in the Third Dimension, is approximately 36 light years away. That means that it would take light, traveling at the speed of light, 36 years to reach Arcturus. Yet, in telepathic communication, you can instantaneously receive messages from the multidimensional, fifth-dimensional Arcturian system, and by using thought projection, you can instantaneously, at the speed of thought, travel 36 light years.
In order to travel at the speed of thought, you have to be in another form. At this stage in human development, you are not going to be able to take your physical body and travel 36 light years instantaneously. Just know that it is possible to travel at the speed of thought with your etheric body. There is technology that would allow you to physically do that also, but that technology is not available yet on the Third Dimension,
You have four energetic bodies. You have a mental body, physical body, spiritual body and an emotional body. Your Spirit Body (sometimes referred to as the etheric body) has the ability to travel at the speed of thought, and you can send your Spirit Body to Arcturus. You do that often in the Arcturian exercises.
We also are looking for ways to enhance your receptivity to the Arcturian Masters who are continually sending teachings to you. Each of you has your individual guides and teachers. Some of your guides and teachers are Arcturians and some are other Ascended Masters. I know that you want to receive messages from them, and they are sending messages to you. This means that you must use your inter-telepathic abilities, interdimensional telepathic abilities, to connect with them. You need to practice, and you need to enhance and develop these abilities. It is good to practice and develop a sharpness and a reliability in your telepathic communications.
An important part of your practice is a letting go of the mind and letting go of logic and letting go of the third-dimensional constraints. That is an important part of your practice. You have to step outside of your third-dimensional mind, the mind that you have and so dearly love. Your third-dimensional mind that has developed over all these years has become your identity. Now, you could recognize that your third-dimensional mind is only one part of your multidimensional Self and your multidimensional existence.
In the mystical world of the Kabbalah, the universe and the world are divided up into four levels, and the highest level is called the “nearness level”, which means that it is closest to the Creator. And some of the mystics, including we, the Arcturians, describe this nearness level as the “world of thinking, the world of thought”. This means that thinking represents the highest form of existence. It is true that thinking is that process that is most like the Creator, and higher thinking is a process that can bring you closer to the Creator now.
I will use new ideas to help you better understand and use these new tools and perceptions. The first idea is that you can exist, and you do exist, in a thought form. That means that your existence transcends this physical body. Your Spirit Body exists as a thought. There are higher beings, especially in the Andromeda Galaxy, known as the “Blue People”, who only exist in thought. They do not have an incarnation; they do not incarnate into physical. The stories of Adam and Eve show that Adam and Eve were living in a higher thought plane. And they, through perhaps an error or perhaps intention, were brought down into a physical form that was denser than the higher reality and thought forms that they previously existed on.
When you are in a thought form existence, whatever you think will happen; whatever you need, you can create; whoever you want to be with, you can be with; wherever you want to travel, you are able to travel, using your thought abilities. Living in a thought is a magnificent existence. You can see that from that level of existence your telepathic powers are infinite. There are still rules to follow, but they are quite different than the laws on the Third Dimension.
In the Kabbalah, the idea has emerged that this Third Dimension exists as a dream in the mind of the Creator, so that you and I and everyone who is on this dimension, or is participating in this dimension, exists in the dream world of the Creator mind. Let us just look at dreaming again, from this perspective. In dreaming, you have enhanced telepathic powers in the dream world, far beyond what you have in normal third-dimensional consciousness. You have powers in the dream world that are really similar to the powers of the Creator.
When you hear this expression that you are made in the image of the Creator, do not take it literally, as if your physical body is like the Creator’s. The idea that is more instructive is that your mind, your ability to dream is in parallel with the Creator mind. In your dream world, if you wake up, the dream is over. In the Kabbalah, the idea emerged within the sages that the Creator could end the dream, which would immediately end this dimension. Now, there is no indication that is going to happen right now.
Let’s integrate this idea of the dream world and telepathy. This higher aspect of dreaming is called lucid dreaming. I like to also refer to it as vivid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is defined as the ability to be in a dream and be conscious that you are in the dream, and that in this consciousness, you can control the dream. You can bring in any figures you want to in the dream. You can communicate telepathically with anyone you want to, including those in other dimensions. In a lucid dream you can bring in any gifts or powers to yourself or to others. Lucid dreaming is truly powerful. Most people do not have the ability or the training to do lucid dreaming. But it is instructive to know that lucid dreaming exists, and it is instructive to understand that, in the dream world, you have telepathic powers that are extraordinary.
There exists what is called the “dream censor”, and the dream censor can block you from remembering the dreams, or any discomfort that may occur in the dream. The point is that the dream world is part of the thought world, and the thought world is part of the creative process that holds this dimension together. It is the thought world that began this reality. The Big Bang occurred after the thought, not before the thought, but after the thought. Thought forms create reality. There were a series of thought forms that created this universe, and there were a series of thought forms that created this dimension.
We, the Arcturians, specialize in telepathy and thought forms. We, the Arcturians, know that the reality is formed on the Third Dimension through the bringing together of constellations or groups of thought forms. We compare that process to the dream world. We do not want the Creator to say that the dream is over and this Third Dimension is gone. But in order for this world and this the dimension to continue to exist, there must be an uploading of healing thought forms. This is where this concept of the Noosphere comes in, because the Noosphere contains the thought field around this dimension. The Noosphere is the thought field around the planet, but also there is a thought field around the dimension. There is also the thought field around the Fifth Dimension, just like there is a thought field around the Third Dimension.
You want to be able to telepathically interact with the Noosphere and with beings on the other dimensions. You want to be able to receive their thoughts and their communications. We place a high value in creating and holding thought forms together so that our reality that we want is maintained. Right now on the Earth, the reality that is happening is what I call “by chance”. There is not a constructive development towards a peaceful, harmonious, spiritual reality. Instead, you see what I call a “random reality” based on lower vibrations and lower thought forms.
The Noosphere is like the Subconscious, which means that whatever is downloaded into the Subconscious will attempt to manifest in the Subconscious for the most part. The Noosphere does not discriminate what is downloaded. Data is entered like a computer and goes into the process of manifestation.
There are protective affirmations that you can use for your Subconscious. For example, you can say to your Subconscious that it should rejects all information and ideas and thoughts based on misrepresented or wrong impressions of reality. What is the wrong impression of reality? Wrong impression of reality is thoughts that are not spiritually based and are not in alignment with the Fifth Dimension. The Subconscious can be programmed to reject all affirmations or all thoughts that are not in alignment with the Fifth Dimension and higher light. These are what I call “protective field thought forms”.
You are developing your telepathic abilities to communicate interdimensionally and to communicate galactically. Therefore, you, too, can add a protective affirmation which would say that your Subconscious will not accept messages from lower beings. You can direct your Subconscious to only be open to receiving telepathic communications from fifth-dimensional masters, Ascended Masters, Galactic Masters, and other higher fifth-dimensional angelic beings. This is important because, telepathically, you are a bio-electromagnetic being of light, and you are extremely sensitive.
You do receive many different impressions from telepathic communications. You are probably not aware of the input of the helpful telepathic communications continually being sent to you. This is similar to the cosmic energy and cosmic particles that are coming into the Earth all the time. You are not aware of the nanoparticles that are reaching the Earth and are coming from hundreds of thousands of light years away and are bombarding the Earth continually. But there are certain cosmic energies that have negative force fields, such as gamma rays, for example.
Gamma rays are known to be very destructive, and a gamma ray outburst, even in an area, let us just say 10,000 light years away, can destroy life on Earth if the rays directly hit the planet. If that gamma ray came directly to the Earth, it could destroy all life forms on the Earth. Fortunately, there are not any deadly gamma rays coming to the Earth right now, but let me correct that there may be minor gamma rays, but nothing of the intensity that could destroy the planet or destroy the bio-electromagnetic life field of the planet. The electromagnetic cosmic higher light from the Central Sun is flowing to the Earth now.
When talking about Galactic Telepathy, the key word here is sensitivity, because not everyone is sensitive enough to interact with or process the messages. Not everyone is evolved enough to process messages from Ascended Masters that are telepathically being communicated now. It does require a level of spiritual evolution and an understanding of thought forms to process and understand high messages.
Thought is nearer to the creative life force energy field of the galaxy. Creation and thought are interactive. In the Kabbalah, we say that the Creation started from nothing and transformed into something. I want to emphasize to you what I am talking about is Galactic Kabbalah, because we have different levels of Kabbalah. Kabbalah is defined as the ability to receive information and multidimensional light. Kabbalah is galactic in origin. A starseed has the ability to receive and process information and light from all sources dimensionally. So, in the Galactic Kabbalah, the Creator can create something from nothing. There was nothing, and then you created something, and how did it come into existence? It came from a thought. You, too, have that higher power. You, too, have the power to create something from nothing.
Let us talk again about traveling at the speed of thought. Yes, you can travel at the speed of thought to Arcturus and to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. Arcturus is multidimensional. We have the third-dimensional Arcturus, and then we have the fifth-dimensional Arcturus, and we have the fifth-dimensional lake on Arcturus. What if you wanted to travel farther? What if you wanted to travel outside the galaxy? You could do that. Because, again, where you imagine is where you can be.
But there is in Galactic Kabbalah, and in modern astrophysics, the known universe and the unknown universe. Astrophysics estimate how far away the known universe is. Looking through a telescope, you can visualize distant places in the universe. You can see through a telescope objects and galaxies a million light years away. You could travel at the speed of thought to a different galaxy. For example, you could travel at the speed of thought to the Andromeda Galaxy, even though the Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years away.
There also exists the unknown universe. That means that that part of the universe is so far away that its light and energy will never reach Earth, and astronomers will never know anything about it. Would we thought project ourselves to the unknown universe? The answer is no. Would you thought project yourself to an unknown area such as a black hole? The answer is no, because you do not want to be destroyed.
A black hole can put you into a state of disintegration, including the disintegration of the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental body. Incidentally, this destructive energy from a black hole has a similar effect on your bodies as nuclear energies. This is another reason why we are strongly against using nuclear energies for any reason, because the nuclear energy has the potential for greatly disrupting the four bodies. We would not thought project ourselves to the unknown parts of the universe. We only would thought project ourselves to the known universe. I know that the known universe is large enough, and it has many planets and galaxies, more than enough to keep one occupied.
Now, I want to discuss the concept called the Twin Flames. The Twin Flame is a term. In soul psychology that describes two souls that comes from the same soul root. Twin Flames are telepathically bonded. Many starseeds are looking for their Twin Flame now. Starseeds long for that opportunity to live with somebody, or to be friends with somebody, who is coming from their same soul root. Our observation is that, in most cases, the Twin Flames remain separated, which means that one is on the Third Dimension, while the other is in another realm. Our observation is that there is an agreement between Twin Flames that one will be here on Earth while the second Twin Flame will remain on the other side. But there will be ongoing communications.
Did you know that you are continually communicating with your Twin Flame? Did you know that you also are in communication with your soul family on the other side, and that there is telepathic messaging going on? Besides receiving messages, you are also sending messages to your soul family and to your Twin Flame.
In our meditation I want you to use this affirmation: “I am able to receive, telepathically, light and information from all higher fifth-dimensional beings now.” I would like you to take three deep breaths. Say this affirmation: “I am able to receive, telepathically, information and communication from higher fifth-dimensional beings now. My sensitivity and receptivity are enhanced.” Let us go into meditation and silence now. (Silence)
Focus on these other affirmations: “I have the telepathic abilities to communicate with galactic beings from the Fifth Dimension.” Another affirmation is: “If needed I have the telepathic abilities to communicate with those who have passed on to the other side.”
What is truly amazing about the Adam species is that you have the ability to communicate telepathically with Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth. This is a truly remarkable ability, and you have the ability to telepathically communicate with the plant and animal world also. You have the ability to send, telepathically, messages to the spirit of the planet. You have the ability to telepathically communicate interdimensionally. You have the ability to telepathically receive messages interdimensionally, and you have the ability to use your Spirit Body to thought project yourself, that is at the speed of thought, anywhere you wish in the known universe, including interdimensionally. This is part of your bio-electromagnetic sensitivity abilities,
These abilities manifest because of the complexity of the human mind and the human brain. In general terms, the neural pathways in your brain can be compared to the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The billions of stars and pathways to the stars create a complex network that can be compared to the neurological systems of the human mind and brain, including that your mind and brain is multidimensional and has linkages and pathways to other realms. Open the doorway now to accessing these other powerful thoughts and realms. This is part of your birthright; this is part of your foundation as a multidimensional being.
Consciousness of Self is often expressed in the term: “I am that I am,” or “I will be that I will be.” Consciousness of Self is a manifestation of the highest form of existence, which is thought. Eventually in your soul journey, you are going to come to a point where you can have an existence in thought only. You will not need to incarnate into a physical body. You will not need to go through the life and death process. You will not need to separate yourself from your higher soul, from your soul Twin Flames, or from your soul family. Being on the Earth is part of your soul training here, and it requires an advancement in your thoughts and in your thinking. You could even say that part of this third-dimensional experience is a training in how to think.
The four worlds include the thinking, the feeling, the spiritual world and the physical world. But these four worlds interact, and when we are talking about the four worlds, it is like we are separating them as if they exist separately, but they are interactive. Your mental thoughts do interact with your physical body. Your emotional state does affect your heart, and your mental state does affect your physical body.
Embrace yourself as higher telepathic beings, and know that the bonds and the connectedness and the sensitivities that you are developing now are going to stay with you on your soul journey. We are happy to be able to communicate telepathically with you, and we are happy to see your abilities as telepathic beings evolving, and we are happy that, finally, there is an awareness of the importance of the Noosphere as an influential and necessary part of planetary development. (Tones “Ooohhh.”) I send to you my thoughts of love and activation of your receptivity. The light from the Arcturians is being downloaded towards each of you to increase your powers of receptivity and telepathic abilities. Receive this activation now. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Good day.