December 3, 2022 GOF Lecture
The Planetary Drama: The Inclination towards Good vs. Evil on Earth
Copyright © 2022 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. As we come to the close of 2022 it is helpful to look at the cosmic situation and the planet Earth. I repeatedly have mentioned that you are experiencing here a cosmic drama. This is a planetary drama, I may add, that has been played out in other parts of the galaxy. Homo sapiens, which I refer to as the Adam species, is also living on other parts of the galaxy. The Earth is not the only planet that has the Adam species. This, perhaps, is a revelation to some, but also is not very surprising to others. You, as starseeds, have had reincarnations as an Adam species on other planets. This current planetary situation is a repeat of conflicts and polarizations that have played out in a dramatic fashion on other planets. The Ascended Masters, including the Arcturians, have intervened in some planetary systems and have worked on providing spiritual and technological support on other planets. In truth, there have been interventions already on the Earth. Many of you have expressed a desire now for another contact, and we also support this concept, which I also refer to as a Messianic Intervention.
There have been numerous prophets on this planet, and each prophet has brought powerful messages. There have been problems in previous prophetic interventions on this planet. One of the main problems is that previous prophetic intervention did not address the universal humanity situation, and this resulted in an attitude that created feelings of superiority over others.
If there is a going to be another “spiritual intervention or Messianic Intervention”, then it must be on a multiple global level. It cannot be just with one group of people, but it has to be with multiple groups who all can accept an intervention with multiple prophetic global experiences. When I look at the history of the Earth, I often see individual separated prophetic interventions and prophetic experiences. But this is a new era; this is a new time, and it requires new global spiritual work.
I would like to review what I consider to be the human condition, and how the human condition has led the planet to this point. The main observation is that you are on the Third Dimension, and this Third Dimension is a freewill zone, and that this freewill zone, for better or worse, offers unique opportunities for soul growth. The soul needs the freewill zone in order to complete certain tasks, and these tasks cannot be completed on the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension is, from this perspective of the Third Dimension, the place of perfection, and it is a place of total health and balance. The Fifth Dimension is a place where you are in harmony. There are no diseases on the Fifth Dimension, and there are no polarizations. There is a harmony and balance that I can describe as sweet and relaxing and free of any anxieties or depressions that you may find common on the Third Dimension.
In fact, some of you have even been on the Fifth Dimension before, and have left the Fifth Dimension and have come to his planetary system. Now, the freewill zone is set up for third-dimensional consciousness. There are two basic features or characteristics of the human Homo sapiens, which are the inclination towards good and the inclination towards evil. These are the two polarizations that beings, which incarnate into the human body, experience. The inclination towards evil is well documented in most of the religious experiences, including in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in the Muslim tradition, where there are references to the devil and references to lower energies and lower beings who try to attract and move people towards evil ways. The evil inclination is a basic instinctual characteristic that is part of the human Adam species. Fortunately, there also exists in the Adam species the inclination towards good.
How does one deal with these two polarizations? Because how one resolves these polarizations has a tremendous influence on your soul evolution. We know that the inclination towards evil is hidden in many things that are materialistic. The Buddha, one of the greatest prophets that have been on this planet, associated the inclination for evil with desire. And he stated in many of his lectures that the desire leads to the core suffering on the planet. Therefore, if one is able to release desire, then one has a better opportunity for enlightenment and entry into the fifth-dimensional consciousness. But this is easier said than done, because with desire includes the desire for wealth, material comfort and possessions, for recognition and in many cases, dominance of will and control over others.
Desire can lead to the inclination towards evil. The concept of the inclination towards evil makes you more vulnerable, especially desire for the material wealth. This is certainly a time on the planet for many people of great material wealth and material comfort, both technologically and materially. On the Fifth Dimension there is no lack of wealth; there is no lack of material needs. In fact, on the Fifth Dimension, there is no money. Can you imagine living on a planet that has no money? But then, on the Fifth Dimension, there is no need for money.
There has been great thought provoking proposals on establishing a new monetary system that would have greater spiritual significance and greater spiritual healing powers on the planet. There have been various names for these economic and monetary systems. Our opinion is that the implementation of any new spiritually based economic system will only be successful if there are successful spiritually minded interventions at the same time. It does not work to establish a new monetary system based on spirituality when the inhabitants or users of that system themselves are not spiritual or advanced, and have not overcome their inclination towards evil. Any economic system that will replace the current economic system, and I am talking specifically about the monetary system, must come with a spiritual intervention at the same time. You cannot have one without the other and expect success.
Now, the inclination towards good is the royal road to the Fifth Dimension. The inclination towards good entails overcoming the lower impulses. The inclination towards good means to heal the planet. The inclination towards good also involves service. Many of the Ascended Masters speak about the importance of service, and the choices that you can make now toward offering service are phenomenal. Why would people want to come to the planet now, when there is so much polarization and disharmony? One of the answers is because the opportunities for service are extremely high. And when there are such opportunities for service, then you can advance your soul development. Participating in service to others is a way of overcoming negative karma, negative because karma does have cosmic consequences in your soul journey.
It would be wonderful if those who are involved in inclination towards evil experiences would understand the importance of service to others. They would realize that the evil that they are doing will have consequences for them in other lifetimes. The karma may not occur in this lifetime on this planet, but there will be other lifetimes available on other planets where they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
You can look at, for example, some of the dictators that have existed on this planet, and I am referring to such leaders as Saddam Hussein, for example. And I can tell you that his next incarnation, which is already begun, is on a planet of warriors. It is on a planet where there is continual battle and continual destruction and struggle for power. I am sure most of you would not want to be incarnated on a planet like that. Is it not bad enough that you have to observe this kind of struggle going on now on this planet? The repetition of such karmic consequences is dramatic. So, there is no “free lunch”. There are karmic consequences of inclination towards evil, especially when it is expressed in power over others, leading to control and dominance and destruction. Such actions will lead that person into cosmic incarnations that are filled with similar patterns.
Your ability to do service helps to erase any of the possible negative karma that you may have accumulated over the years. I know that some of you have been warriors in this and other lifetimes. But it does not mean that, just because you were a warrior in this lifetime or other lifetimes, that you cannot advance into the Fifth Dimension. Service offers one the ability to cleanse and purify the soul, and service is still available on this dimension and on this planet.
What is the greatest service now that you as starseeds can do? The individual work and the planetary work that you are doing are providing great service. I would say that the greatest service to humanity lies in the planetary work and the contribution towards human evolution, which is summarized in the Homo omega status. Now I know that humanity and the Adam species on the Earth are in a relatively young state or stage. From the historical and evolutionary perspective, it has only been a very short amount of time since the humans, humanoids, or hominids as they are also called in your anthropological work, have left the jungle, left forests, and have come into civilizations. And that is not a long time. That means that there are still your basic, core animal-like energies in your nervous systems, including in your Subconscious and Unconscious. And so when you as a spirit came into this planet, and into this body, you stepped into an evolutionary pattern that was young and filled with lower vibrations.
One of the observations about the Third Dimension is that there is always change, and the change that has been occurring on this planet in the past 20 years is extremely high. I talk about homeostasis and the ability to establish a pattern of stability. You, in your personal life, have been looking for stability. You have been looking for homeostasis in your life. But think about how difficult it has been, and think about how you were as a child and what the planet was like then, when you were just eight or nine years old, and what the planet is like now. You have experienced one of the most dramatic changes in the history of this planet.
Every mass extinction that occurs on this planet or other planets always is accompanied by massive change. Massive change leads to instability, polarization and anxiety. These are really difficult times, and this is a difficult situation that you are living in now. This planetary change now is extreme. Everyone on this planet, no matter where they live, is psychologically and emotionally affected by this overwhelming dramatic change that is occurring at this rapid rate. It is one thing to have change that is slow, and that may give you some opportunity to adjust, but when there is such rapid change, it puts tremendous stress on your nervous system, and tremendous stress on your emotional and physical health. This rapid change creates spiritual instability.
The good news is that you have the ability of higher consciousness. The good news is that you have the ability to understand this Earth situation, and you are able to get the galactic perspective on this drama. This is a drama, again I may add, that has occurred on other planetary systems. I personally have been on several other planets, including planets with humans on them, who have gone through this situation. One of my favorite planets, besides the Arcturians, is Erra in the Pleiades. We know that the Pleiadians are humans. There are even Pleiadians living among you now, and you would have difficulty distinguishing them physically from a normal human being on the Earth. On Erra we have a situation of a planetary group that is human that did advance through this planetary crisis, and they did move on into the Fifth Dimension. So it can be done. But on the other hand, I have also observed planets that were not able to overcome these crises. We are in a situation now on Earth where the Ascended Masters, including the Arcturians, are gaining in their abilities for successful spiritual interventions.
Supporting one prophet in one section of a multicultural planet does not save the planet. It may save or help save a group of people. A global planetary prophetic intervention, or a Messianic Intervention, is what is needed. We do not need to create separate groups that will fight with each other. We do not need to create groups that are exclusive and are saying that we have the truth and you do not. Exclusiveness is contributing to the drama now. I know that many of you have left groups that have taken such an exclusive position. Exclusive groups can say our group has the only answer, and you must follow in these footsteps for your soul evolution.
How does one deal with change? What is it that one needs to attach to? The answer comes back to the Creator, because the only energy that does not change, the only energy that is stable in the universe, is the Creator Energy. The love for the higher soul and the love for the Creator are the key to homeostasis. It is the key to your own evolution. Attaching to your soul evolution and loving the Creator is a choice you make. This is the choice that has to do with the inclination towards good. You have chosen the inclination towards good. You have chosen the path of higher evolution. You have chosen the path of service.
You have to ask yourself this question now: “What is my mission here? How is it that I could be of the greatest service?” This is an important question to ask as we come towards the end of 2022, and we come towards the period of the spiritual Intersection of the Dimensions. You want to be able to use the spiritual intersection energy in the most intense way. You want to be able to use the spiritual energy to further your soul goals. I would say that you need a spiritual boost. There is nothing wrong with a boost. There is nothing wrong with having higher octane spiritual energy. You have a higher octane gasoline to propel you to fill your vehicle to go at higher speeds and run more efficiently. I would say that there is going to be higher octane spiritual light and higher octane spiritual energy available. This energy will help move you in the spiritual direction that you want.
One major core service and energy available in the transition at the Intersection of the Dimensions is the advancement to the next evolutionary stage of Homo sapiens, which is Homo omega, because you are in a unique opportunity, as Arcturian starseeds, to teach about the Homo omega. I have talked about Homo omega in terms of higher consciousness and expanded consciousness. Higher consciousness is one of the greatest traits or characteristics of Homo omega, the next evolutionary step in humanity. Homo omega has the ability to experience expanded consciousness. Expanded consciousness includes the ability to interact with the Fifth Dimension.
Fifth-dimensional characteristics include the ability to be telepathic and also to travel inter-dimensionally. It also includes the ability to connect with extraterrestrial and galactic energies. The idea of embracing Galactic Spirituality is central to fifth-dimensional thinking.
One of the most powerful abilities and characteristics of Homo omega is his/her ability to be of service. You have two strong characteristics of Homo omega. You have the ability for expanded consciousness, and the ability to fulfill the mission and to be of service to humanity. Homo omega can introduce humanity to Galactic Spirituality using Starseed Consciousness.
I think you are up to this task. And I know that in many sessions, people ask me, “What is my mission? Why am I here?” “I do not want to be here on the Earth”, starseeds often say. This is what I hear many times: “I want to be off this planet.” I laugh to myself, because I know from your soul history how hard many of you worked to get here to this planet. In working with me you would say, “I do not want to be here.” I can be confrontative and say that you worked very hard to come to this planet. You have made a lot of sacrifices to come to the Earth now. The other side of that argument is this: “If I had known it was going be this hard on the Earth, then I would not have made that choice to come here.” Well, that is a pretty good argument, but I know also that I have worked with many of you on the other side before you came here. You would say: “I will be able to deal with the difficulties of being on the Third Dimension. This is not going to be a problem.”
When you were on the other side, you were not confronted with the polarizations of inclination towards evil and inclination towards good. When you incarnated onto the Earth, many of you were shocked at the strength of the inclination towards evil that is being expressed now on this planet.
One of the major issues affecting the strength of the inclination towards evil on the Earth is the influence of the Fourth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension is sealed from the Fourth Dimension. So the Fourth Dimension cannot permeate energetically the fifth-dimensional systems. However, the lower Fourth Dimension energies are extremely strong and thriving. From the galactic perspective, the Earth has one of the strongest fourth-dimensional realms in the galaxy. How else would you explain all the wars? How else would you explain all of the evil that is occurring? The seepage from the fourth-dimensional energy fields into the third-dimensional energy is shocking.
The Earth crisis will require some major planetary interventions. We will be discussing and working with you, especially in the coming months, on stronger ways of sealing the fourth-dimensional energies. We need to help people recognize that there are lower fourth-dimensional energies influencing the Earth in a negative way. There are lower fourth-dimensional attachments and lower fourth-dimensional energy fields that have dominated the decision making on this planet, especially in the past five years.
The Ascended Masters with the Arcturians see Homo omega emerging. We see the evolutionary process unfolding. We see that there is now on the Earth an extremely strong movement and a readiness for this next evolutionary step.
I want to talk about spiritual readiness and preparation. I think that readiness and preparation are two important spiritual concepts that need to be emphasized now. Many starseeds have been overwhelmed by the rapid negative changes that are occurring. It has been a burden on you to adjust to these lower changes.
You, the starseeds, are part of a new movement. You are part of a group that is preparing the way for a new spirit, a new evolution, a new perspective on this planet. I call this spiritual preparedness, and I see spiritual preparedness on a personal basis, and I see spiritual preparedness on a planetary basis. You are preparing yourselves for a major change. I know that you could feel it. I know that you are ready for this spiritual intervention. I know how much it is needed.
Being prepared is such an important step. What do you do to prepare? You need to release attachments to many things in the Third Dimension, and you need to attach to the higher light and to higher values. I have been fascinated by the crop circles and the sacred geometry and higher values represented in these designs. The crop circles represent an eternal truth that is different than the transient truths that may be seen in materialism on this planet or anywhere in the galaxy. Crop circles are done in a systematic matter using sacred geometry patterns. What do the crop circles mean? The crop circles often contain geometric patterns that are meant for the Spirit of the Earth. Messages are being sent to the Spirit of the Earth through the crop circle. Also some of the crop circles have personal messages for you. Some of the crop circles are for reaching patterns and consciousnesses within you that are beyond verbal means.
Let us look at the Sacred Triangle as a geometric pattern that is often contained in crop circles. . Think of that triangle and the circle in the center of the triangle. This pattern of the Sacred Triangle is also a representation of sacred geometry. This is a great symbol because each side of the triangle represents a spiritual tradition, or a spiritual perspective, including the galactic perspective, the Ascended Master perspective and the Native Peoples perspective. The circle in the center represents the unity that can be created from that unification of energies.
For today’s meditation, I am going to encourage you to prepare for the Intersection of the Dimensions coming up. I am going to encourage you and ask you to meditate on the sacred symbol and the sacred geometric symbol of the Sacred Triangle. That symbol will help to activate within you higher spiritual powers. It will help you unify your consciousness with the three sides, and it will help in a deeper way, raise your abilities for spiritual work.
Visualize the image of the Sacred Triangle. Visualize the symbols as a triangle and circle, with the circle inside the triangle. When you visualize the images, then the upper right would be a doorway or corridor representing entry to galactic spiritual corridors. We have the image of Sananda/Jesus on the left side and the image of a Native American peace pipe on the bottom. Choose a guide or teacher from each side of the triangle that you are comfortable with. You might choose Chief White Eagle; you might choose Buddha; you might choose Ptaah from the Pleiades.
Visualize now the Sacred Triangle again and see that image in front of your Third Eye. As you meditate on that image, you are evolving towards a higher, interdimensional experience. Incorporating this image in your Subconscious will give you protection and accelerate your abilities to fulfill your mission now on Earth.
Go into silence as you focus on the Sacred Triangle imagery, just like you would focus on a crop circle. (Silence)
Tell your Subconscious to allow this image to manifest positive changes on all levels that you need to experience during the next four months. Use this affirmation for your Subconscious: “Let this image of the Sacred Triangle manifest for me all changes that I need to experience in the next four months.” (Silence)
Know that this image of the Sacred Triangle can stay with you and serve many purposes, including protection, acceleration of your spiritual mission, and fulfillment for planetary healing. Let the light of all three divisions – Galactic Spirituality, the mystical Ascended Masters from all traditions, and the Ascended Native Peoples around the planet – fill your heart and fill your spirit with its light. (Tones “Oohh, eh oh oh ah ta” and sings in Hebrew.)
You are given the gift of the Sacred Triangle, and you, the Arcturian starseeds, are helping to fulfill this mission of unity of the Sacred Triangle towards the evolution of humanity to the highest stage of development called Homo omega. Carry this symbol with you and use it as a sacred geometric pattern. Try to relate to it from the sacred geometric side as opposed to the intellectual side. Let us talk about it from the visual geometric standpoint, and see it as beautiful geometric patterns like in crop circles. You are going to see a major increase in the crop circle world during the next three or four months, and you are going to feel a great desire to travel to sacred places in the next three or four months. If you have the means and the ability to do so, you will have great rewards from that ability to be at the sacred places, carrying the light of the Sacred Triangle. I am Juliano. Blessings and good day.