Group of Forty Membership Benefits
Currently, there are over 1200 members. New groups are being formed, each with a group coordinator.
When you join the Groupofforty, you will be assigned to a group and its coordinator. A $40 fee is required at registration. This entitles you to receive the monthly newsletter and lecture, as well as to participate in the monthly and special event tele-conferences.
All groups will meditate at the same time each month – the first Saturday of every month from 5:45 PM-6:45PM (Arizona Time – MST).
During that main meditation, David will channel a message for everyone in the groups. His message will be transcribed and mailed to you along with a monthly newsletter, which will also be edited by your group coordinator.
Members are encouraged to submit questions for the monthly channeling at the beginning of each month. All members may contact David directly at any time for personal sessions, questions and related matters.
Two pages of the newsletter are written by David. These two pages are used for general announcements and updated information. Additional pages of the newsletter are provided by the group coordinators. They provide updated schedules for other activities by your groups, such as additional meditations. For example, many group members request meditations in addition to the main one at the beginning of the month.
Topics covered in the monthly channelings include:
- The Arcturian Stargate
- The Sacred Triangle
- The Arcturian Frequency
- Ascension Technologies
- Healing Chambers & Corridors
- Accelerating Your Spiritual Growth
- The Arcturian Crystal Temple
- Starseed Guidance
- Personal & Planetary Healing Techniques
The goal of this project is to establish a network of 40 groups of 40 throughout the world. This will enhance meditations, Earth healing and will aid all members in raising our consciousness to the fifth-dimensional level. 40 is a powerful number. The Arcturians have emphasized this number repeatedly as a very important one. They have also emphasized the importance of raising our vibrations through participation in small groups of 40.
Becoming a Group of Forty member offers many benefits delivered directly to your inbox so you don’t miss anything. These include:
- Monthly GOF Lecture sent to your email account
- Invitations to Biorelativity Exercises
- Participate in a local or regional GOF group
- Announcements & updates sent to your email account
- Monthly GOF Newsletter sent to your email account
- An invitation to join our exclusive GOF Facebook Group
- Qualify to create and maintain a Planetary City of Light (with a minimum of 4 paid members)
Additionally, as a paid member you may join the following conference calls:
- Monthly GOF lecture
- Biorelativity Sessions on issues of global importance — about 5 per month
- Planetary Tree Of Life classes, usually weekly
- Monthly Question & Answer Session – for an additional fee
Please fill out the form below to register and join the Group of Forty. Your paid membership helps support the many GOF projects – all focused on healing our planet and helping us ascend to the 5th Dimension.