The Council has started many projects towards these goals and searches for ways and possibilities to implement these with the help and guidance of the Galactic Council, including the Arcturians. We connect on personal and on a group level with masters and Light Beings within the Galactic Council in order to receive guidance and support on our path.
At this time the Council seeks to connect even more to the Native American people in order to find ways to help bring their love and strong connection to Mother Earth, their wisdom and knowledge about our Great Mother, that they have kept and held sacred through generations and generations, seeking to bring the consciousness of oneness with our Mother Planet Earth to all of humanity. The Planetary Event Scale project that also has been started seeks to explain how everything that calls our Planet home is deeply connected and linked, and how planetary events, man-made or not man-made, influence the biosphere and all living manifestation on the Planet. This helps to bring more understanding and higher truths and to raise the unity consciousness with our Mother Earth.
The Council seeks to spread and implement as best as possible the Arcturian spiritual technology that has been brought by our beloved Arcturians, not only throughout our Group of Forty but to link and connect with other spiritual movements and groups now present on Earth, which are following the same goal of bringing higher consciousness to all humanity. We seek ways to work together towards our common goals, towards planetary ascension.
Here are the members of the Council of Elders: