David K. Miller, Raising The Spiritual Light Quotient, 2011, page 246
The main goal of the Arcturian Group Of Forty is to form 40 groups of 40 members (forty being a spiritually powerful number) to join together in unity group consciousness, to amplify our thought power globally and to assist in the healing of Earth and to help in the ascension process.
Our purpose for coming together in Biorelativity meditation is to bring healing and support to our Mother Earth. We also want to learn to listen to what the Earth is communicating to us, both as a group and individually. We work to bring Balance to the Earth herself; her Biosphere; her Noosphere or the mind belt around the Earth; her kingdoms which include humanity as a whole, the entire animal kingdom, the entire vegetation kingdom, the entire mineral kingdom. We normally concentrate on a specific condition or area but very importantly, we also bring Balance to the whole of Earth so that Balance can be attained with intentions of the highest good of all concerned and with the least destruction globally.
International Biorelativity Coordinator:
Tracy Linde, (U.S.A) – tracyhlinde@gmail.com
Here are the members of the Biorelativity Committee worldwide:
- Cosmin Supeala, (Germany/Romania) – msupeala@yahoo.com
- David Miller, (U.S.A) – davidmiller@groupofforty.com
- Tracy Linde, (U.S.A) – tracyhlinde@gmail.com
- Janine Malcolm, (New Zealand) janinemalcolm@xtra.co.nz