Channeling from Chief White Eagle through David:
Hey ya ho ya hey ya! Hey ya hooooooooo. Greetings! All my words are sacred. I
am the Chief White Eagle. I welcome this opportunity for you and me to be together.
I want to acknowledge that we are creating with you a beautiful circle above this planet. We, the Native Peoples, the Ascended Masters, the higher Grandmothers and Grandfathers are continually participating in a great Medicine Wheel above this planet. We are in the 5th dimension and with our work, we are interacting to bring down the 190 power of Harmonic light that Juliano has talked about. We want you to be participants in a great Medicine Wheel, which is the Medicine Wheel that encompasses the whole Earth. We want you to continue to build Medicine Wheels around this globe in all the different areas that you can reach. You want to increase the power of your Planetary Cities of Light. You want to attract more people and more Lightworkers. One of thegreatest ways to do this is to use the Medicine Wheel.
I want to say to you that in our teachings, the Medicine Wheel is a sacred space. The Medicine Wheel is a great gift that we have received and you have the ability now to create a sacred space by building your own Medicine Wheel. You can use that sacred space. You can bring your powers into it. The Medicine Wheel can amplify and increase your powers of Harmonic thinking. The Medicine Wheel is a wheel of harmony. Harmony is the opposite of polarization. You have all experienced enough of polarization. I know that many of you have discovered that polarization is tiring, irresolvable. It wears out the systems. Welcome any opportunity to be able to experience harmony. Know that the Medicine Wheel can assist you in experiencing harmony with your personal incarnational cycles, with the Earth and with the galaxy. We are particularly interested in working with the Medicine Wheel in creating harmonious energy for the Earth. We know that our prayers can be more powerful when they are done in the Medicine Wheel. I see many new Medicine Wheels being developed around the planet. I see many of the Medicine Wheels already in existence in the Group of Forty become connected.
Think now of your own Medicine Wheel. I know many of you have a Medicine Wheel now. Think of it at this moment. If you don’t have a Medicine Wheel, visualize where you will want to put it. You can put it in your house. It can be built even in your living room. It could be built in your backyard. Visualize the Medicine Wheel that you have or that you are going to have and connect with that Harmonic Light and Harmonic energy in that wheel. Let that light and that energy from your Medicine Wheel radiate and emanate throughout the planet. Let it emanate also off the Earth and emanate into the ethers so that you are able to attract to your higher personal energies of healing in this incarnation and also higher planetary powers for the Earth healings that you have been sent here to do. Use the Medicine Wheel for attracting also the great powers you are developing to experience galactic connections and for attracting a greater galactic energy.
Hey ya hooooo. Hey yaaa hoooo. Hey ya hooo.
Using the Medicine Wheel will be a powerful way for you to experience 2012. You will be able to come into a powerful Harmonic energy field using the Medicine Wheel.
We are all related. I am Chief White Eagle. Ho!
Find out more about The Medicine Wheel:
- View this wonderful video on our youtube channel:
- from David’s books, visit the shop here
- Presentations from GOF members: