The excerpt from the book “New Spiritual Technology for the Fith-Dimensional Earth – Arcturian Teachnings From the Sacred Triangle” (Chapter 11 – Page 110) will explain shortly the Ring of Ascension:
The ring of ascension is a fifth-dimensional light around the Earth and it is activating the starseeds. It is being coordinated by other higher beings besides those on the Earth. These other higher beings – like the archangels, the Pleiadeans and others that you know of – contribute their thoughts to this ring. Higher fifth-dimensional beings are placing their thoughts to this ring. They place powerful energy into the ring of ascension. This input provides a ten-fold acceleration of light and energy – a ten-fold acceleration of light and energy that is beyond what you, as starseeds, individually can input from your higher vantage point.
Call on your connection to the higher beings that you know. Each of you has unique starseed connections. You will be able to work with higher beings to establish a strong ring of light and ascension. Visualize the ring of ascension become brighter and brighter. You will see a heightened knowledge and activity of spirituality never before experienced on the Earth. This coming time will be an especially strong time for the ring of ascension, and it will be magnificently elevated. Teach others about this etheric spiritual ring.
We invite you to:
- learn more about the Ring of Ascension from David’s Books and Lectures
- Purchase this special Audio Lecture on the Ring of Ascension