The Planetary Event Scale (P.E.S.) is a concept that is given to us by the Arcturians as a means of measuring events that have harmful consequences of a Global Nature. Our Biosphere hangs on a thread; using Biorelativity, we can alleviate some of the harmful effects of such events.
Recent Earth events as measured by P.E.S.
Volcanic Eruption = minor eruption | Volcanic Eruption 2 = major eruption with 20 mile high plume of ashes
The Arcturians introduce the P.E.S.
Let’s look at you as a person and compare you to the Earth. You represent yourself as a being that has many aspects. You have many spiritual energies and you have many different layers of auras. You are a complex being. You can interact with your entire being, including your higher self, your lower self and your middle self. What I’m suggesting to you now is that the Earth, which now has this complex biosphere, is representative of the Earth’s higher self. The planet, the Blue Jewel, has a higher functioning and higher energy. This higher energy can be called the higher self of the planet. This is similar to what you have for your higher self. You have a higher self that is connected with the greater energies of the galaxy and the greater energies of the universe and the greater energies of the Creator. The Earth, too, has a higher self, and you are witnessing, you are seeing with your own eyes, with your own experiences, this planet’s higher self. This higher self is manifested in this beautiful and complex biosphere.
You cannot or should not separate the biosphere from the Earth. So, for example, you can say that the Earth will survive no matter what happens. This does not take into the consideration the Earth’s higher self. The Earth’s higher self may not survive. This type of thinking does not take into consideration the tremendous achievement and evolution that is manifested before your eyes. This evolution is manifested as this complex biosphere. So, I, Juliano, am saying we will include the biosphere on the Earth, together, as one unit, so that when we measure the catastrophic events that can be coming to the Earth, then we will measure its effect on the biosphere. Because truly we know that this planet will not die, in terms of being out of existence. The Earth will not implode, nor will it explode. The Earth will not be drawn into a dark hole, black hole. Truly the predicted end of this planet will come billions of years from now, when your sun goes through its red dwarf stage and triples or quadruples its size. At that point the Earth would not be able to survive. There are stories and there are histories on other planets where the entire populations of the planets have moved to other star systems because they were able to see what was coming to their planet from the reactions of their own sun.
So let us look more closely at the rating system and what the purpose of the rating system is. I would like to compare the rating systems that are said for cyclones and said for tornados. So, if a tornado is a category one, then everybody knows that that is a lower event. A category one hurricane, for example, may have only 60-80 miles per hour winds, and it could produce a lot of rain. A category one hurricane can cause damage, of course, so it is still serious. Let’s compare category one to category four, for example. If a category four comes to your area, then you know that there will be total destruction, and there will probably be no standing structures afterwards. Structures will be left standing after a category one and even a category two. But once you keep on going higher and higher, once the winds become over 120-130 miles per hour, there reaches a point where the existing standing structures cannot survive, and everything will be blown apart from this catastrophic storm. So, I want you to consider using the terminology again of categories that are used from storms and hurricanes when thinking about the Planetary Event Scale.
What I’m suggesting is that the scale that we are going to use is based numerically on ten, instead of the numeric scale or hurricane scale. However, we can retain the term ‘category’ for each number. The numeric ’10’ scale is similar to the concepts used in the logarithmic Richter scale. So, if you look at planetary events that are occurring, then we will try to measure them in terms of the following: Is the event survivable for the biosphere? Is it going to cause moderate destruction or is it not going to cause any long lasting damage to the Earth? Or is the event truly representing a catastrophic and tragic blow to the Earth and to the biosphere?
So, following on from this idea, category 10 would be considered the asteroid hitting the planet and destroying all life. Now, a 10 may be survivable by some portions of the planet, but in general the striking asteroid would destroy the biosphere and all life forms as we know it.
When the asteroid hit the Yucatan peninsula, millions of years ago, there was a tremendous amount of dust, and sunlight was blocked and most life could not survive. The process of photosynthesis was blocked from occurring; the heat was not able to be transmitted and there was coldness and darkness. So, that asteroid hitting the Earth would be considered in this scale as a category 10 event.
Remember, the idea of these categories is to measure planetary events. The scale will measure the dramatic effect to the Earth and the biosphere due to an event. Now we have an example of the 10. I’m going to look at other examples, because it is difficult to just give you numbers without saying how powerful it is. But I’m going to suggest to you that the event in Fukushima, that accident, is a number 6, and possibly a 6.5, on the planetary event scale. So when I say the accident is a 6.5, I mean that it is an event that definitely affects the whole planet. So, if a 10 is going to wipe out all life and require a long period of time for the settlement, then a 6 or a 6.5, certainly, is an eye-opening event. It certainly carries with it deadly power. Now, if you think of a 6.5 earthquake, then you might say: “Well, that is a very powerful earthquake, but a lot of the damage from that earthquake depends upon where that earthquake occurs.” So, if the earthquake occurs right in the center of downtown Los Angeles, perhaps one mile below the Earth, then you would know that is going to cause a lot of damage. On the other hand, if that event occurred 100 miles off from Los Angeles, out in the ocean and five miles deep, then you would acknowledge that that may not really cause a lot of damage, but it certainly has the potential.
Well, the planetary event scale combines the idea of the power with the place. So, when I’m saying: “It is a 6.5”, I’m saying that it has the power, and it also is in a location that will cause catastrophic events and catastrophic damage. When you hear of a 6.5 earthquake, you don’t know, by the number, if that earthquake caused damage. All you know is that was a powerful shift in the Earth plates causing some major shifts. On the planetary event scale we are going to take into consideration the location, and we are going to say that the number is reflecting the seriousness of the event. So the seriousness of the Fukushima accident was a 6.5. The seriousness of the Chernobyl accident was a 5.8. The seriousness of the Gulf oil spill is approximately a 4.6.
Now you might be surprised, and you say: “Well, why would the Gulf oil accident be considered a 4.6, or is 4.6 that high?” Well, a 4.6 is high, and also the measurement of the power of these events takes into consideration how close it is to the Earth’s meridians. We take into consideration where the event occurs, and here, in this case of the Gulf oil spill, it is close to ocean currents, and it is close to energy lines which can spread out the damage. What is also noteworthy, when talking about planetary events, is that both of these two events, the Gulf oil spill and the Fukushima power plant, have dramatically affected the oceans. Many of the planetary events are accumulative, that is, that the damage from an event is added on to damage caused by earlier events. There has been damage previously to the oceans. There have been leaks of radiation in the oceans from other events. If the oceans were totally healthy before the nuclear accident, then I could say that the Fukushima accident would not be a 6.5, but maybe only a 5.9. So, I don’t want to minimize the seriousness of the accident, but if no previous radiation leaks ever occurred, then the Fukushima accident would be a lower number. Why? Because the Earth would have been able to filter and process this serious planetary event more easily.
Please understand that the Earth has a feedback loop system, which is capable of processing planetary events. The Earth feedback loop system can be compared to your immune system. You can take a hit, for example; you can take an illness; you can take certain discomforts. When your immune system is strong, then you can bounce back quickly from an illness. But if you already have an illness, and then you get pneumonia on top of that, then it is going to be more difficult for you to bounce back. An illness event which you could normally process may be much more difficult for you to process if you already were dealing with an existing illness. It is the same way with the Earth. The Earth has resiliency, and the Earth has the feedback loop system which seeks to establish a homeostasis. This ability to form a homeostasis has been very successful up until recently.
So, the planetary event scale takes into consideration other earlier events and rates that event accordingly. If there were another event involving nuclear power and nuclear energy, then another nuclear accident event would be rated higher on the planetary event scale because of the earlier events that have happened. Some planetary events are manmade, and some of the planetary events are part of the Earth’s process. You can have a volcanic eruption, and that volcanic eruption could be considered a planetary event. If the eruption was producing ash that would go high into the environment and high into the atmosphere, it would have the potential for affecting the whole planet. On the other hand, if a volcano erupted, and it was not sending up high fumes of smoking ash, then that event would not be considered a high number. It might only be considered a 2 or 3, but if the ashes went 20 miles up into the air, that would be considered, for example, 5 to 6 or even a 7. Even in a higher event, even a higher number can be possible if you take into consideration everything else that is going on in the planet. Earth events are now accumulative based on where you are and what events have happened there before. This is why things on this planet are so fragile. This is why the biosphere is so fragile. This is why we talk in the movie, The Blue Jewel, that the world is hanging by a thread. That means that it wouldn’t take a highly powerful event to imbalance everything.
The beauty of the scale, though, lies in the fact that you can help to lower numerically the effects of the planetary event. So, if we say that the Fukushima is a 6.8, then that high event can be modified by biorelativity. The 6.8 can be modified, for example, by some of the actions that the Japanese people are taking. As you probably know, the Japanese people have closed down all of their nuclear power plants. It has taken one year, but now it is reported that there is not one operational nuclear power plant. So, that has some effect. The downloading of the etheric crystals on this planet is raising the energy level and the spiritual energy level. The spiritual energy level can counter some of these planetary events. People working together in a positive way can numerically help the planetary event scale numbers become lower.
Any planetary event that is over 5 is serious. A 6 is very serious, and approaching 7 is very dangerous. Surely if an earthquake is 7 on the Richter scale, then you would be very concerned. Could the planet survive the 7? Could the planet survive an 8 event? The answer to that is: “Yes”. The answer to that is that with the interactions and the biorelativity exercises and energies that you are using, you will be able to modify some of the powerful negative effects from major planetary events. We would like to see the planetary event scale be more precisely developed and more globally used. It is our intention and it is our hope that the planetary event scale, P.E.S., the planetary event scale, will become more widely known. By the identification and use of the scale, a great positive effect and planetary awareness will be created. We are hoping that the Group of Forty will find the means and find the method to work on spreading the knowledge of the planetary event scale around the globe.
There are many manmade events that now have become planetary events. For example, the dropping of a nuclear bomb was a planetary event, and that could be considered as serious as a nuclear power accident. Some of the events of wars can be measured in terms of their effects on the globe, on the planet. So, for example, wars such as the Iraqi war would be considered a planetary event, and that would approximately be at 3.8. Yes, the event and the damage was specific to that area, but you have to consider also the resources that are used, the results of the bombs and the pollution that was created and also what was done to the Earth’s energy field. Some of these wars create holes in the Earth’s energy field, and life force energy is drained from the Earth. This certainly has occurred in Iraq. So, we have to look at the effect on the whole planet now. I know that the planetary event scale needs to be more specifically refined, and I will continue to work with you and others in the Group of Forty in the more accurate design and refinement of this scale.
The planetary event scale also takes into consideration events in the solar system and events in the galaxy. So, if there was a supernova explosion that was near the Earth, by near I say 30- 50 light years, and that supernova explosion emitted a huge output of gamma rays, then those gamma rays and that explosion would cause a planetary event rating of 10 to the Earth. The Earth does not have the protection to survive a gamma ray outburst from the supernova. Fortunately the supernova explosions regularly occur outside of this galaxy, or if they are in this galaxy, they are far away. There could be a magnetic solar eruption on the Sun that potentially could damage the Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic field is already being compromised through various manmade activities, which includes the use of chemicals that have gone into the atmosphere. But it also includes some military experiments in time travel, because the military is trying experiments into traveling through different time dimensions.
A solar eruption could be considered a planetary event. A minor eruption could be a 1 or a 2 on the planetary event scale. There could be major solar eruption that could paralyze the life temporarily on this plane. The planetary event scale will also take into consideration events outside of the planet, and indeed, the scientists on the Earth have already begun the study of asteroids and the probability of certain asteroids coming to the planet. Earth scientists are studying the trajectory of these asteroids to see if they are dangerous and if their paths could be considered striking the Earth and creating a planetary event.