November 9, 2019
The Resonant Response Frequency
Copyright © 2019 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We will explore, in more depth, the Stargate, and how the maintenance and overseeing of the stargate relates to our role as helpers to you on Earth. This is a time of great change and evolution, and great possibilities for soul advancement on the Earth. We, the Arcturians, have come here to work with you on many different levels, including through dreams, channelings, and when possible, we will help you to accelerate your karmic lessons and karmic problems. Of course, we cannot assume or take away your karma, but we can help you in many different ways. Perhaps the best way to begin helping you to understand our mission is to speak in more detail about the stargate.
The stargate is located in the fifth-dimensional Arcturian star system, and is one of two or three stargates which are in this galaxy. Each stargate serves a particular sector of a galaxy. We, the Arcturians, because of our spiritual advancement, dedication and desire for service, have been chosen by the Galactic Council to be the overseers and guardians of this stargate. It is important to note that this stargate is serving this sector of the galaxy, which has some important ramifications. First, there are other, third-dimensional planets which have Starseeds on them like yourselves, and these are the Starseeds from third-dimensional planets who will also be using the stargate. This means that this sector in the galaxy has other third-dimensional planets who are advancing like you, and this means that they are in proximity to the stargate and to the Earth. I realize that “proximity” is a relative term because of the different factors of distance involved, but remember that there are more advanced ways of traveling through the galaxy besides using traditional transporting methods of propulsion systems. I am referring to the travel through hyperspace in which vast distances can be overcome, and also fantastic speeds can be achieved without damaging living life forms.
We are happy to be guardians and maintaining this stargate. This stargate is like a transport switching or sending system, and it can be compared to a railroad station in one of your large cities. Visualize a railroad station, and when you come through that station, you will see signs directing you to tracks which lead to different cities around your country. This is a good analogy. First of all, when you come to the stargate, you do, in fact, have choices of where you are going to go. But it is not like you come here, and then immediately hop on a train and go to another dimension or go to another planet. There are many intermediate steps, and there are guides and teachers on the stargate. There are training sessions, educational sessions, practice sessions and different conferences or buildings where you would review your life on Earth, and meet and talk with your guides and teachers. You would make decisions about your future, with their input, on where the best place is for you to go.
From this perspective, it is more than just a transfer station. The stargate is a learning center; it is a processing center. It is true that, when people come to the stargate, they can spend a great deal of time there, and that is perfectly acceptable. In fact, coming into the stargate is such a high and wonderful experience that I would conclude that many of you would want to stay at the stargate and take advantage of the learning possibilities. Also, remember that you are not the only planetary beings there. There are beings from other third-dimensional star systems in this sector of the galaxy that are also coming here. You would enjoy the opportunity to meet with them, and you would also enjoy the opportunity to learn from them.
There are also representatives from the well-known planetary systems on the Fifth Dimension, such as the Pleiades, the Arcturians, and the beings from Alano. This means that you would have a full opportunity to meet and interact with and learn from these other higher and more advanced beings. I know that you would enjoy talking to other extra-solar third-dimensional beings and seeing how they are working and dealing with the planetary issues which are similar to the issues on the Earth.
It is only natural that we, who are guardians of the stargate, then would be reaching out to you, the Starseeds. This explains, in part, and answers the question about why the Arcturians are involved with the Earth, and why we are reaching out to the Earth beings, because part of our mission is to help prepare the way for you, the Starseeds, to come through, and take full advantage of the stargate. It is important to activate and introduce the concept of the stargate to the Starseeds before you, as a Starseed, come to us and to our stargate system. This means that there is preparation for you to work with and accomplish. It is too much to expect, even for a Starseed, that upon either an ascension or a transition, that you would know or immediately come to this stargate.
I often use the term “conscious transformation” or “conscious ascension”. The reason why I use these terms is because when you are in such a dramatic and highly charged situation as a transformation, which would also include a death state, you want to remain as conscious as possible for as long as you can, before your actual moment of transition. This applies to the Ascension. In fact, it is probably more critical for your ascension, that you maintain the highest state of awareness that is possible. When you are in the actual transitioning energy, which again, includes the Ascension, you can consciously direct yourself to the fifth-dimensional stargate, or to any higher realm or higher place which you choose.
The important thing to remember is that you, as a Starseed, and you as a potential participant in the stargate, choose to graduate and to leave the Earth, which means that you are not going to the fourth-dimensional realms. You are not even going to the higher fourth-dimensional realm. You are not staying within the Earth orbit or the Earth energy field. You are choosing and directing yourself to go beyond the karmic field of the Earth. Once you go through the stargate, then you are free of all karmic attachments to the Earth. This is a good reason why you would want to have previous knowledge of the stargate, and this is a good reason to prepare for your journey to the stargate. Part of the requirements are that you acknowledge that you are prepared to graduate from the Earth, and that you do not want to return to the Earth, and that you want to connect with your Starseed abilities, your Starseed heritage. You also want to be in a position to enter the higher realms, namely the fifth-dimensional realms. This is a spiritual accomplishment; this is a spiritual advancement and this is a sign of spiritual evolution. Everyone is not capable or eligible to come to the stargate. I have to introduce the concept of the stargate as part of your training as Earth beings. It is overwhelming without previous knowledge and discussion of the stargate. You may not be able to understand or cope with the demands of the stargate without preparation.
One of the issues that always comes up is the advanced energy, the advanced spiritual vibration that is necessary to enter through the stargate. I have introduced the concept of the Spiritual Light Quotient (SLQ), which is also related to your spiritual vibration. Spiritual Light Quotient refers to your ability to understand spiritual concepts, but also there is the Spiritual Light Vibrational Frequency (SLQVF), which has to be at a certain heightened, vibrational speed. You cannot pass through the stargate unless you are vibrating at this higher frequency. We often do preparation journeying to the stargate with our third-dimensional trainees, such as yourself. You will remember that, when we bring you to the stargate, we caution you that you cannot go through the stargate at this point while you are in this Earth incarnational body. One reason is that when you pass through the stargate, then all karmic ties with the Earth are terminated. We do not take on your karma, and therefore, we cannot allow you to go through the stargate while you are in this incarnation, unless you either are ascending or you are transitioning in another way to our system.
However, it is still beneficial for you to practice going to the entrance of the stargate to practice feeling the vibrational frequency of the stargate. Also, I am allowed to open the doorway of the stargate a small amount, allowing you to experience the heightened light frequency and heightened attraction at its entry. Naturally, you are attracted to the higher stargate energy. You are attracted to being in this great experience, and you are preparing and working towards this transition in a most positive way. I am happy that you can receive this higher information and higher knowledge. You need mental information about what a stargate is, and why you want to go to the stargate, and what you can expect to experience there.
There are choices to be made once you are there. Some of these choices include: “Which fifth-dimensional planet do I want to go to?” I know that many of you are saying: “Well, I want to go back to my home planet.” Or some even told me that they do want to go back to Earth, and that they want to be an Ascended Master on Earth. Maybe you want to go and work as a prophet or a high ascended being on another third-dimensional planet in this sector of the galaxy. The best advice I can give you is that, please, do not make any decisions about where you are going to go until you arrive at the stargate. It is simple; perspective is everything in spiritual practice, and information is also everything. You do not have all of the information that you need to make that decision now.
There are so many unknowns and many things that are happening on this Earth now that seem unexplainable. Many of these things are a direct result of the sixth mass extinction. Remember that the mass extinction is affecting everything. It is affecting the weather patterns; it is affecting the ocean currents; it is even affecting your moods. It is affecting the energy field of the entire planet. There are attempts to understand why this is happening, including why certain groups are controlling this part of the planet or why people are behaving in a bad way and are destroying the environment.
Incidentally, somebody came up with the word “ecocide”, which is similar to the word “suicide”, or “genocide”. Ecocide refers to the activities of people who are purposely destroying the environment and making a terrible planetary situation even more terrible. The point is that you do not have all of the information to understand the complexity of what is occurring, and that includes the karma complexity. I have often referred to the situation on the Earth as a “cosmic drama”, and that means that there are a multitude of different energies and sources and groups that have come to the Earth and who are contributing to this “cosmic drama”. When you come to the stargate, you will have all the information. When you arrive at the stargate, you will be given all the information which is important and relative to you and to your soul journey.
This is a good time to introduce this important concept which is your soul journey. Your being here on the Earth is part of a greater soul journey that has lasted for eons. You are now in this wonderful position to graduate. You are in this wonderful position to ascend and to go into the stargate. Not everyone is able to go to the stargate. It requires the ability to graduate from the Third Dimension. This requires mental, emotional and spiritual advancement.
I am aware that some of you are doubting, and are thinking that you are not good enough to ascend. You might think that you have not resolved all of your karmic problems. You might think that going to the stargate is for other people. You may experience a sense of despair and disappointment or giving up because you think that you are not good enough, or have not accomplished enough spiritually. I want to assure you that that is not true. I also want to emphasize a simple observation. If you understand the concept of the stargate and how it is a transformational center and how you can go to other realms from there, then you are capable of going there. You have the Spiritual Light Quotient Frequency Vibration ability to enter the stargate.
We are fulfilling our mission when we explain the stargate to you. We have come here to bring to you knowledge and to activate you to the stargate. If you understand what I am talking about, then you can go there. It is that simple. Because if there are people who are not Starseeds and they hear this lecture, they will not understand it and will turn off the energy and go away. They will not want to pursue the concepts of the stargate anymore. They could not grasp the idea of what a stargate is and how you can go there.
Remember, the stargate is in the area of the Arcturus star system. The stargate is fifth-dimensional and it has multiple functions. First, it serves as a transformational center which directs people to different portals in order to go to different planetary systems on different dimensions. Second, another important function is an educational and a healing aspect, especially for those of you who may not feel advanced enough. I am sure this will be helpful information for you.
We are allowed to bring you through the stargate, even if you feel that you are not “perfect” enough spiritually to come through. This might seem to you as taking over your karma, but it is not. As the overseers of the stargate, we identify and work with many different Starseeds. Some of the Starseeds are receiving direct channelings, while others are receiving visions and dream images. Some may not even have any what I would call “direct psychic or prophetic” interactions with us or with other higher beings. If we feel that you are moving in the right direction, and that you have the right mindset, and that you understand and have the Spiritual Light Quotient to understand the concepts that we are teaching, then we have the authority to bring you into the stargate. That would explain why those of you who do not feel “advanced enough” can still participate and can enter the stargate. This is important to explain. Once we bring you through the gate and we meet you there, then we can direct you to the correct and necessary healing experiences, and educational training sessions. These sessions will bring you “up to par” or up to the spiritual level that you need to be.
The stargate is an accelerated experience and an accelerated chamber. When you are on the Earth, you might need three or four lifetimes and many years of education and training in order to make spiritual advancements. But it is not like that on the stargate. The stargate is accelerated and the time is Fifth Dimensional. We can work with you and help you make miraculous advancements in your spiritual and vibrational work. You can make miraculous advancements that you probably would not have been able to make on the Earth. This means that the Earth is in slow motion compared to the stargate. Even though things are being accelerated now, when you compare it to the Fifth Dimension, Earth is still slow moving. On the Earth you would look at yourself and think: “Do I have to become like a Buddha, or do I have to become like a Christ in order to ascend? I only have 10 or 15 or 20 years left. How am I going to accomplish this?” Especially when you consider the stress of living on a planet that is going through these dramatic changes, and in the best situation, it would still be slow advancements.
This is not the most ideal situation for spiritual advancement, that is, to be on a planet so polarized and experiencing so much destruction to its biosphere. If I were to say which planet would be the best for your advancements, I would not choose a planet that is going through a mass extinction as the best possible place to learn and to spiritually advance. I do not think that you would choose that either. You would want to choose a planet that had or was ruled or directed by spiritual masters and teachers. You would want to live on a planet that does not have polarization and that was free of disease and free of planetary catastrophes.
But that is not the case because you are in a difficult situation on Earth. You are karmically involved in this planet. You have been karmically involved in this planet for many lifetimes. Also, there is this rather intriguing fact that despite all these polarizations and all these catastrophes, there are great opportunities for soul advancement on the Earth. Why? One of the advantages on the Earth is that you have free will. You have choices to make. You can choose to start wars and other violent actions, or at the same time, people like yourselves choose to follow spiritual paths. When you are living on a free will planet that has such choices, and you choose the spiritual way, then you are earning higher points for your ascension, and you are earning high points for spiritual advancements. This is a simple reason and explanation for why many people still want to come to the Earth.
Souls are lining up to come here. You would think exactly the opposite, that is, who would want to come on to a planet that is having so many problems. The answer is there still exists these opportunities for spiritual advancements because of the free will. It is a paradox because it also seems that there are a lot of barriers to spiritual advancement. Some of the barriers to spiritual advancement include having fear for your safety, becoming involved in the polarizations and losing your objectivity, or losing your spiritual perspective. Remember I said in the beginning of this lecture, perspective is everything, especially in spiritual advancement and spiritual work. It is also easy in a dense polarized planet to lose your perspective.
I want to speak about your personal graduation and planetary graduation. At some point in the future, the Earth, as an entire planet, will be in a position to graduate. It is well-known throughout the galaxy that service is the best way to overcome karma. Service can include opportunities to help other planets, and in some cases, opportunities to serve as an Ascended Master or teacher to other planets. I know that some of you now are in training here on Earth, and will continue your training in the stargate for becoming a spiritual master and teacher on other planets. Some have even said that you want to be a spiritual master on the Earth, and that you want to come back to the Earth and serve as a spiritual master and teacher. This type of service is wonderful, and we are encouraging as many people as possible to continue their service after they leave the Earth. This does not mean that you are required to come back to the Earth.
There are other planets that are in need of Ascended Masters to provide spiritual assistance. We, the Arcturians, are teaching others planetary healing technologies. As planets experience different stages of development, they often need assistance in planetary spiritual growth. This has been described when we refer to Planetary Stage I, Planetary Stage II and Planetary Stage III of development. Each stage of development has unique conflicts to overcome, and in each stage are wonderful opportunities to be of service. Contemplate your soul journey and path, Think about whether or not you feel you are worthy enough and have the right spiritual vibration to travel through the stargate. Please remember this one piece of advice: If you are dedicated to service, then your service carries extremely high weight and raises your vibrational energy tremendously. Just having the psychic energy and psychic powers are not enough for your ascension. It does not mean that you could enter these higher realms. Those who are dedicated to helping this planet and other Starseeds receive a great spiritual boost to their vibrational energy.
Now I want to lead you on an exercise towards going to the stargate and coming to the doorway at the stargate. We have done this exercise before, but I think it is important that we continue to practice this because, in the face of a dramatic shift in energy, such as ascension, you want to have the right response, and you want to be able to direct yourself to the stargate. This is such a tremendous advantage to have knowledge of the stargate. Our service is accomplished when we bring you, and as many other Starseeds as possible, into the stargate. That is one of our overall missions, and this explains why we are teaching and reaching out to you because of the need to bring you directly to the stargate.
In this exercise, we are going to travel to the stargate. Take three deep breaths. Feel my presence, Juliano, to the best of your ability. I establish and create a corridor over each of you, and this corridor is connecting to my starship, Athena. My starship Athena is serving as a transitional step to the stargate. Allow your Spirit to come out of your body into the corridor that is around you, and travel interdimensionally at the speed of thought to my starship Athena. (Tones ta ta ta….)
You have arrived, and we have a welcoming center in our starship Athena, and we have all come together. Enjoy being with me and with many of my other students that are greeting you. I have set up another corridor. We as a group are going to participate in this new corridor that is around the welcoming center on my starship Athena. On my command, at the count of three, we will be at the stargate’s vestibule, or the foreroom. We will be right in the front of the stargate.
One, two, three. I transport all of us to the front of the stargate. You are there with me in the front. You notice several things. One, your connection to the Earth is lightened; you do not have a feeling of denseness that comes with your connection to the Earth. Number two, you are closer to your Light Body. In the transition from your room to my starship to the center of the foreroom of the stargate, you have transitioned into your Light Body. Your Etheric Body is filled with light. It is also lighter in terms of weight.
We are all sitting there at the, what I call the vestibule, the foreroom, of the stargate, and you see angelic beings guarding the entranceway. Some of them are singing the famous hymn “Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, Adonai Tsevaoth.” (Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts.) You see angelic presences like Archangel Metatron now. You see other Ascended Masters at the doorway; even some of your own guides and teachers may be there. I have set up what I could describe as a garden, and you are comfortably sitting in the garden at the entranceway of the stargate.
Take another three breaths and let us go into meditation as you are in the garden, in front of the stargate, and I want you to absorb the wonderful energy. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Let yourself be carried into a higher state of lightness in your Light Body, because just being this close to the stargate is raising your Spiritual Light Quotient Frequency Vibration. (Silence) Now, I have permission to open the doorway of the stargate. It will only be open three or four inches. Believe me; it is going to send such a high rush of light and energy and spiritual upliftment that it will overwhelm you. At the count of three, I have permission to open the door six inches. One, two, three, now.
This is a wonderful rush of higher light. It is nurturing to your Spirit. When you return to your body, you will feel so much lighter. You will have a higher perspective on everything. You will see the world from a better perspective. The light and spiritual energy is flowing out the door, and just by being in the same proximity, you are absorbing this higher energy. (Tones) Your Spiritual Light Quotient Frequency Vibration is going up fast. You have a feeling of great joy and great sense of peace and harmony. Know that soon, you will be able to pass through this doorway. Know that your work here today is part of your preparation for this wonderful transition you will soon experience. (Silence)
Take three more deep breaths. Now I must close the door. One last surge of light is coming through, and then I close the door. You have already gathered and absorbed as much light as you can in this exercise. The door is closed, and you have been replenished, nurtured, and are ready to return joyfully, back to your Earth body. We will travel back through the starship Athena. Follow me back to the starship now. And then, we return to our starship, and we gather in a huge circle of light.
We have our individual corridors assigned to our physical bodies and our homes back on Earth. At the count of three, go back to your individual bodies. Go back to the position six feet above your body, and then I will give you instructions how to re-enter your body. One, two, three. You are now traveling through the corridor at the speed of thought, and you come to a position six feet above your body. Re-enter your body in perfect alignment, and you will bring this great feeling of joy and awareness and experience of the stargate into your higher consciousness, into your Earth body. One, two, three. Re-enter your physical body now in perfect alignment.
Blessings to each of you, and we will be working with you again, and we will be seeing you soon in the Arcturian stargate. Good day!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty