March 2013 GOF Lecture
Copyright © 2013 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture we will cover two very important subjects. These subjects are called the “event horizon” and the second subject is going to deal with what I call “cosmic religion”. I will begin the lecture by talking about cosmic religion and specifically how the Arcturians approach religion. We are often asked the question “What is the Arcturian religion?” and “How do the Arcturians practice religion?” or “What are the Arcturian religious practices?”.
I think that to answer these questions we should make a simple observation on the Earth. The Earth is unique in many ways, and one of the major differences and uniquenesses in the Earth is the many different religions that exist on your planet. Most planets do not have so many religions as there are on the Earth. When we talk about the Arcturian religion I have to make a distinction, because we do not separate our spiritual activities or our spiritual practices from our actual lives or our daily activities. So there is a merging or unity in how we approach the spirituality, which does not lend itself to a separation. This type of approach is most similar to some of the Native American approaches to religion, in which they do not separate their lives or their activities from a spiritual or religious way, but rather they look at the entire existence as one unity. This is not surprising because the native guides and teachers received their information from the star brothers and sisters, which have helped them in this way of integration. But I still think that it is relevant and important to discuss how we look at our spiritual practices and what, or if, there are any similarities or any overlaps between what is considered our religious practices and the Earth.
First, let me say that we will call our spiritual practices “cosmic religion”. That is to say, the word religion is in fact an Earth term, we do not have a specific word for religion in our language, but for our discussion in this lecture we will say that we look at our religious view or religious practices in the perspective that is called “cosmic religion”. What does that mean? Cosmic religion is based on the study of the universe. Cosmic religion is based on the idea that the expression of the Creator is found in the universe and in the laws and actions of the universe.
There are other important corollaries that I am going to list that are important for understanding our perspective and our view of cosmic religion. One important perspective in cosmic religion from the Arcturian perspective is reincarnation. In the cosmic religion perspective, reincarnation occurs within a planet but also interplanetarily, or between other planets. That is to say that souls can reincarnate continually on one planet, such as on the Earth. Souls can have repeated lifetimes on the Earth, but it also possible, and in fact it is very often occurring, that souls reincarnate on other planets. Therefore, when we are referring to these phenomena, we call it “cosmic reincarnation” or also another term that we use is “cosmic karma”. Cosmic reincarnation then refers to the idea that some of the advanced souls are able to incarnate or reincarnate on different planets. Many of you have been on several different planets on this galaxy. Some of you have had incarnations on Arcturus. Some of you have had incarnations on the Pleiades. Some of you have been on Antares, or have been on Sirius. You also will remember that some of you have been on Alano, the moon-planet Alano, which is close to the Central Sun. There are numerous planets throughout this galaxy that have higher life forms that are similar to yours. This means that there are numerous opportunities to become incarnated on these other planets. That is the basic idea of cosmic incarnation or cosmic reincarnation, and that is one of the basic tenets of our religion.
The idea of cosmic karma is related to cosmic incarnations or cosmic reincarnations. Cosmic karma says that the cause and effect activities on one planet sometimes must be resolved through the activities and circumstances on other planets. This is a major contribution to the Arcturian theology.
There have been, unfortunately, some major and terrible events that have occurred on planetary systems in the history of this galaxy. That is to say that there have been brutal wars and in several instances there have been destructions of total planets through military battles. There have been collapses over the biospheres on planets. In fact, there are several planets that we the Arcturians are now observing and interacting with in the galaxy that are having an evolutionary crisis similar to the Earth. These evolutionary crises have to do with the biosphere and the possible collapse of the biosphere due to evolutionary problems, environmental problems and even nuclear poisoning of the biosphere. The events in these planets are sometimes tragically ended but in other cases they are successfully resolved. People on some planets make decisions based on their highest wisdom, but in other cases people make decisions based on lower energy or lower thought forms. Many of you have been on planets where there have been these evolutionary crises and I will say to you that the reason why some of you are cosmically incarnating now on Earth has to do with your previous encounters and experiences on these planets. That is to say, these planets have previously experienced evolutionary crises. You were on these planets and experienced the evolutionary crises and now you have come to the Earth. Maybe in a previous lifetime you did not do as much as you thought was possible to help those planetary situations.
Maybe in a previous lifetime you did not use your planetary healing skills. Maybe in previous lifetime you misused your scientific knowledge and allowed that scientific knowledge to contribute to the development of militaristic weapons that led to the destruction of the environment and later to the destruction of the planet. There are very many possibilities. The Earth is providing a teaching, a school. This is idea an important aspect of our view of the universe. That is to say, that the third dimension in particular does provide a planetary platform in which great learning can occur. So I am saying to you that you, who are starseeds, have been on other planetary systems. You have had incarnations on other planetary systems. Most likely are coming here to Earth in part because you have previous knowledge and experience in dealing with these types of planetary crises and evolutionary crises. Further, the Earth, because of this uniqueness, is offering at this time a tremendous learning experience. Many souls that have been involved in other planetary systems and have had similar problems, now are attracted to the Earth. The reason why these souls are attracted to the Earth is because the Earth is providing them with opportunities to work on and resolve issues and conflicts related to exactly these planetary crises. So in our “Arcturian religious view” we look at both cosmic reincarnation and cosmic karma.
From our perspective, we would like to speak about the Creator and as you probably know we also use the word Adonai for referring to the Creator. The word Adonai is a Hebrew word that in this Earth’s Hebrew means “My Lord”. But the word also is a galactic word and has a galactic power, and has a galactic usage in many different planetary systems and planetary languages. There is a major question in any theology, whether be on the Earth or in the planetary systems such as the Pleiades or Arcturus. The major question rests on whether there is a personal God or an impersonal God. The impersonal God means that there no direct personal interaction and there is just a system of rules and regulations that have been set in motion since the beginning of the formation of this universe. The formation of this universe did begin with what is known from your scientists as the Big Bang. There are unresolvable and cause-and-effect rules and regulations that have gotten set in motion and there is no possibility that the Creator can be involved in a personal relationship.
The second view is that, on the other hand, there is a possibility for a personal relationship with the Creator because the Creator has every ability and there is no ability that you can think of that is not possible for the Creator to have. So any limitation that you come up with will not fit the Creator. So if you say that you cannot have a personal relationship with the Creator, then, from the Arcturian perspective you have begun the process of putting a limitation on the Creator, and that does not work in our view. Our answer to the question is very simple. The question, again, is: Is God, or the Creator, personal or impersonal? From my perspective we do not use that dualistic mode. We do not put ourselves in the thought form as either/or: is the God or the Creator either personal or impersonal? But since we are talking in Earth terms and since we are using your language, the language of duality, I will answer the question. And the answer to the question is that the Creator is both impersonal and personal in the Arcturian view. And the ability to experience both sides of the Creator is also determined by the level of dimensional reality that you can experience. This is another important aspect of our theology because our religious views (and remember, I am using the word “religious” because that is a word that is in your language; it is not a word in our language, but for the purposes of this discussion I continue to use that word), from the religious perspective, we look at the understanding of the universe and the understanding of the Creator based on levels of dimensions. Which level of dimension are you relating to? Which perspective are you using? When you are on the lowest perspective, which is the duality and the third dimension, then that perspective has a veil. That perspective has a limitation. The limitation on the third-dimensional perspective prevents you from seeing the higher dimensions and prevents you from seeing the unity consciousness. Therefore, there are severe limitations, but, and I want to emphasize this big but, even though there are limitations on the third dimension, and even though there is such an extreme duality, the possibility of having the experience of the Creator both as a personal and impersonal Creator profoundly exists and maintains itself in a the realm of possibilities.
That is to say that even though the third dimension is the lower dimension one can still experience the highest unity on this dimension. But we, the Arcturians, are living on the fifth dimension. We the Arcturians are not experiencing the reality through the limitation of the duality and separateness that you experience. But remember, our religious theology states that the perspective of the dimension that you are on often determines your perceptions of the Creator and the Creation. And our theology states that it is through the study of the Creation that you can understand the Creator and I will try to get several examples of this throughout this lecture.
We practice in our spiritual thinking thought-field creation and thought-field energy dynamics. Thought-field energy dynamics, “TFED,” is a system that is based on one principle. That principle is that the reality of your dimensional experience is determined by the thought field energy that you are in. The thought field energy, or the thought field energy field, is created by strong powerful beings of light who are working to hold the energy for that dimension.
To put this in another way, we the Arcturians create our dimensional reality through the thought work of our spiritual masters. You would call them our religious masters and teachers. The religious masters and teachers have the intense power of thought to create a thought field for a whole planet. They have the intense ability to work with thought fields. So when their thought field energy is sent out, people who are in that reality will be affected by that thought field energy.
I know that some of you accept this and some of you may have doubts, but let me give you some examples on the Earth and you will see that this idea the power of thought fields is prominent even on the Earth. When you go into a church or synagogue, or a mosque, or a Buddhist temple, or a Hindu temple, you will experience the though field energy of those beings of light who helped to create the energy field. This is an important perspective for you to grasp. In fact, it is our belief that there are special prophets. We believe in prophets also like you do. We believe in the coming down of higher beings to show certain ways of improvement. They can show people certain ways of raising the thought fields. The way we define these prophets could be similar to yours. Your planet has been blessed throughout the recent 5,000 years with a series of prophets and each one of the prophets that have come to your planet have had various powerful experiences and various effects on the planet. But the overall purpose of them coming to the planet conforms to our theology, which is that it is required that a higher-level religious person, prophet or higher-level thinker is necessary to activate and hold and raise the thought field energy of your planet and of the dimension.
There is a new thought system that relates to this whole concept of elevated consciousness. That new system is based on the quantum energy cohesiveness theories that I talked about in the last lecture. The life forms on this galaxy interact with each other and evolve in a way that is not separate from each other. On the contrary, the Earth’s evolution is tied to the evolution of the Pleiades. It is tied to the evolution of the Arcturians and other higher planetary systems, so the the thought field energies of the higher planetary systems do resonate and are affecting the thought field energy on the Earth. You and I both know that the thought field energy on the Earth predominantly is in a lower state. And the reason why we say that is because of the condition of the biosphere and the condition of this planet. There are many different factors relating to the lower energies that are destroying so much of your biosphere. But at the same time, there are higher thought forms. Some of these higher thought forms are being based on the prophets that have come here.
Let me define prophet for you from the Arcturian perspective. A prophet is a being who has gone to the fifth dimension and has returned to the Earth to teach the fifth-dimensional perspective on the Earth. A prophet is somebody who has gone to the higher realms and has personally experienced what it is like to live in a higher thought field. After this experience they return to the Earth in order to work on implementing that higher thought field onto this planet. I have visited many other planets and have seen some of the prophets that have come to those planets. There are cases where the prophet have had a dramatic effect on the planet and things have changed, but on the Earth you all know that the coming of prophets often has led to more conflict, not less conflict. There is a reason for that and I will spend some time explaining this to you. the reason is because there are so many different types of people on the Earth. There are so many different races or species or variants that are incarnated onto the Earth. So if there were just one group, then the prophet would be more successful, but there are variant groups. The reason there are so many different groups is because the Earth is a freewill zone and because the Earth is a freewill zone then many different groups have been given permission to come here to explore their freedoms in the realm of creating thought fields for higher dimensions.
I will point out briefly that Sananda/Jesus did arrive on the Pleiades. He was called Emmanuel on that planetary excursion and the effect that he had on that planet was immediately dramatic and very positive and led to a planetary ascension. He helped to lead to the ascension of that planet and helped to move the entire population into the higher realm. Were it not for Emmanuel/Sananda’s work on the Pleiades, then that planet would not have ascended.
Realize that Jesus/Sananda did come to the Earth to raise the consciousness here. But for the most part his planetary experience was not similar to the planetary experience of the Pleiades. On the Earth there was not yet the coming together of the fifth-dimension thought field that can hold and sustain itself. But on a planetary timetable I have to say that now, there is a new opening, there is a new understanding, of the messages of these prophets and some amazing thought field experiments and thought field energies can be stabilized.
In relationship to our theology then we do enjoy what we call the Arcturian temple experience. The Arcturian temple experience is based on the thought field premise, which is again that a group of high thinkers, of prophets, can maintain and send out powerful energies to hold the reality together. We call them the meditators of our temple system. We have also asked them to help you create a prototype of an Arcturian temple system on the earth. Because the idea of sending out thought fields means that there has to be a strong ability to centralize the thoughts. From the center area, such as a temple, then high-intensity healing thoughts can be emitted to the planet. . Remember, we measure the thoughts strength using this terminology called arcan energy. Arcan energy is the designation used to measure the power of the thought. For example, five arcans energies of thought are more powerful than one. And frankly it is difficult for normal third-dimensional people to have the energy field strong enough to influence the entire population of the whole planet. However, a prophet who comes to a planet does have the arcan thought power to send thought waves and to change the thought field energy patterns of an entire planet. That is something that is quite extraordinary and when a prophet is successful in doing that it is a great joy to witness.
We use crystals in our temples, because crystals have powerful abilities to enhance and accelerate thoughts. We use group consciousness because we know that group consciousness accelerates thoughts and increases the power. We also have specific circles or thought wheels in which the thought fields are released. We use the circle very similarly to where you would use the medicine wheel for implanting or downloading thought fields into a place. This leads us to the belief that you can download thought fields. The Native Americans have used the medicine wheel, which is a circle, and the medicine wheel is a device which is capable of downloading thoughts or thought fields into the planet. I want to say therefore that it is our belief that you can actually download the thought fields into the Earth, into the dimension, that the thought fields have an energy that can affect everyone, even the plants and animals that are within the thought field.
Let us return to our discussion of theology. Do we believe that a man or a woman, or an Arcturian, can have a direct experience with Creator light? The answer is yes. We believe sp . And we all have direct experiences with the light. The difficulty, really, and a better way to ask the question is “can you have that direct experience in the third dimension? Can you have that experience in the limitations of duality?”. And the answer is that a direct experience with the Creator can be driven, or implemented, through the energies of the prophet, because the Creator light has to be stepped down. The Creator light has to be modified so that those who are in duality, who are in the cause-and-effect rule can experience that light and experience the energy without being blown away. That is why the energy of a prophet can be very powerful in helping a group to experience this through them. Yes, we also believe that there is more to learn about the Creator and we believe that each dimension that we go up in brings us in a different experience of the Creator and of the Creation. On the fifth dimension we see unity and unification that you do not see on the third dimension. On the fifth dimension we don’t have lower vibration that you have on the Earth, so for example there is no hate; there is no jealousy. Those experiences are not possible on the fifth dimension. But the other point is that if you were to vibrate with lower energy then you would be in a state where you could not enter the fifth dimension.
I want to speak about ascension because the ascension is also part of our theology. We also have a theology that is based on service to the galaxy. Service is one action that transcends the dimensions. Service on the third dimension is equivalent to service on the fifth dimension. There are many benefits and gains from service. The good energy that you receive from the service that you do on the third dimension is equivalent to the good energy on this fifth dimension. In fact, there is now a debate going on that the service on the third dimension sometimes is creating a greater benefit for the soul development. That is to say that the soul, through service, is seeking to maintain itself in a higher state of consciousness permanently. The soul is looking for a place to manifest on the highest level possible in a permanent way. And therefore there are certain activities that benefit a soul. This sounds strange because you would say from your perspective that you get certain points and if you do certain number of services. Then you have enough point and you can ascend. That is a simplistic and positive way of looking at the reality.
From the third-dimensional perspective that view has some merit. All the great prophets and all the great teachers throughout the galaxy have done a great service. The fact is that there are so many opportunities for service on the Earth. Yes, the Earth is a freewill zone. This is true. But also, because the Earth is a freewill zone, the Earth has a tremendous opportunity to provide various levels of service. And these levels of service that are available have great potential for soul expansion. This is galactic principle. It is a principle that comes directly from Adonai, that is that the service that can be done on the lower dimensions is of great benefit on all dimensions. And that is of great benefit to one’s soul journey. The fact is that there are so many opportunities for service on the Earth right now. From one perspective you could say that the Earth is so misguided, so no wonder there are so many opportunities, which is true. On the other hand, you can say that because of all the misguidance and confusion and darkness there are an infinite number of opportunities for service.
I want to say also that another part of our theology is based on the concept of the Children of the Elohim, which is a term which refers to those beings who have reached a certain level of evolution. That level of evolution is so high that they now are contributing to the creation of new souls and spirits. There is a belief that all the spirits have been formed at once at an earlier time. But we do not believe that, and I will tell you why. For example all the stars that are to exist have not been created. There are still new stars being created. And remember that I said that to understand the Creator you study the laws of Creation. Therefore you must study the Universe. There are new planets being created. There are new stars being created. There are older souls and newer souls. And the Children of the Elohim, are called in Hebrew the “B’nai Elohim”, or the Children of the Elohim, or the Children of the God. They are involved in helping to oversee and create new souls and new spirits. This is a very high level of soul work.
Another part of our service to humanity, to the Earth, is through our Stargate. The Stargate is a transformational tool. It is a station in which you can process yourself through and drop your connections and drop your coat of the third dimension. When you go through the Stargate, then you immediately experience your soul group, soul family, and go to higher soul journeys, that is, journeys to other fifth-dimensional planets.
I want to discuss this second concept that I introduced in the beginning of this lecture. That concept is called “the event horizon”. The event horizon is a term that is used in modern physics to describe in particular the black hole. At the edge of the black hole there is a point where there still is an observable point and at this point all the energy is not totally being drawn into the black hole. There is like an outer edge. This concept of the event horizon is extremely useful in talking about Biorelativity because there are many possible events in the reality of the Earth. The possibility of events includes some quite dramatic and catastrophic events, including being struck by a meteor, asteroid, a scene of polar reversals, a scene of nuclear war, or even a total collapse of the biosphere. These are just several what-I-call events. Each one of these events is already a thought field. Each one of these events is a particular energetic field in itself that exists in your Noosphere. And there is an event horizon around each event. The event horizon is like an attractive force around that particular event. So lets use an analogy again of the black hole. The black hole is attracting all matter, whether positive or negative, into the hole and then the energy never comes out. In the concept of Biorelativity, the event horizon is on the edge of the event and it is an attractive, but it is also interactive field for that event. And unlike the black hole, the event horizon in a planet can be influenced. If you look at the energy of the polar reversal, for example, this is a particular thought field and there is an event horizon around that event There are certain attractive forces that could help to make that event happen. At the same time, there are interactive forces which you and other starseeds can sense in that event horizon that will influence the event in a different outcome.
Naturally, when you are close to the event horizon then the actual event is close at hand. There are also event horizons for positive events. So there is an event horizon for the Ascension. There is a thought field that exists in the Noosphere for the Ascension and I have spoken many times about the intersections of the dimensions and how that is going to be made more possible by the participation of starseeds. So I find it helpful to visualize the actual event and to actually visualize the intersection of the dimensions and visualize the energy field around that area , which we call the event horizon.
One of the problems in the black hole theory is that there is an overwhelming view that the black hole is a totally negative experience. But this is not true, partly because the universe recycles itself and the black hole is recycling energy and actually reemitting it in another way on the other side of the black hole. But anyway, for the purposes of our discussion, the event horizon has both positive and negative effects. The most important thing for you to understand is that you can influence the event horizon. You can influence in a positive way or in a negative way the energy around an event horizon. When you are doing Biorelativity in particular, you need to think about the event that you are working on to change and you need to work directly with the event horizon thought field or the thought field that is composing the event horizon around that event Also you need to be aware that it is an interactive energy field and that you can contribute to a different outcome by sending your thoughts and energies around that event thought field. Remember, that thought field is holding the energy for the experience. So if you are for example thinking of a volcano, then it should be easy to imagine a thought field around the volcano. Then you could imagine a circle of light and energy. Try to imagine the thought fields are actually like a light. In a sense everything in the universe exists as a vibrational energy field and thought is a vibrational energy field. So you can send a vibrational energy field around the circle of that volcano and that will interact and be influential because the event horizon is still interactive. In fact, the event horizon is continually interacting. What mankind has is the ability to interact with the event horizon. And in fact the prophets that have come to this planet have used this ability to interact with event horizons. This is the ability that is also known in terms of the Messianic Light or Energy.
There is also a thought field of Messianic Light and Energy around this planet. This was given to this planet, that was one of the gifts of this planet and there is an event horizon that is composing that thought field energy. And you can send energy to that Messianic thought field. That is the thought field energy of the divine light and the divine intervention.
The idea of the thought field energy also can be used in personal healing because there are events that also are possible. There are multitudes of events that are possible in your physical body. So for example you may say that you one possible event is that you can get cancer and that would create a certain negative effect on your life. But that also is a thought field and there is a thought field energy or event horizon around that event in your life. You can influence that event so that that event does not happen or if it already started to happen you can reverse it by using again the thought field and the concept of the event horizon. So this is an introductory explanation of the thought field energy and thought field light but I want to express to you that this is also part of our theological view, which includes that there are thought fields and event horizons around events. The events on the third dimension actually are more separate and more easily distinguishable, so even though this place on the third dimension is very dense, when you are looking at everything from a higher perspective you can see the separate thought fields around different events that could happen. You can see the thought fields around events on the planet. You can even see thought field events around different people. I say this because this is how some of the psychics are able to experience the thought field and they work on the event horizon and they try to shift the event horizon.
Please think of the event horizon as both positive energy and negative energy and realize that you are creators of thought fields. Also as maintainers of thought fields, you can influence events by using these tool that I have described today.
I am Juliano. Good day.