The Arcturian books by David K. Miller are based on channeled lectures that David has been receiving from his Arcturian guides, including Juliano, Helio-ah, and Tomar.
The purpose of David’s Arcturian books focuses on the following Group of Forty themes:
- Planetary healing.
- Spirituality and planetary healing.
- Personal and planetary healing.
- Ascension to the Fifth Dimension.
- Biorelativity and Planetary Cities of Light
Each Arcturian book by David focuses on different aspects and themes from these subjects.
Planetary healing is dealt with in these books from an Arcturian perspective and is based on spiritual principles from their experiences in the galaxy. The Arcturians offer new planetary healing tools for the Earth. These tools are based on spiritual principles, including Biorelativity or planetary healing meditations.
The Arcturian spiritual tools present a close relationship between spirituality in general and planetary healing. In fact, they say our modern technology on Earth has developed too fast and that we need to integrate and advance our spirituality with planetary healing.
A major Arcturian planetary healing tool includes the development of Planetary Cities of Light, or PCOLs. The Planetary Cities of Light project is a major spiritual tool for planetary healing that the Arcturians provide. The idea is that small cities can become spiritual centers of light, which will hold fifth dimensional energy. A corridor of light from the higher realms of the Arcturians is downloaded into the Planetary City of Light. An activation ceremony is held in which Arcturian starseeds from around the world participate in the meditation and activation ceremony. Crystals are planted at the cardinal points of the cities of light to help hold the boundaries with greater energy. At the time of this writing, January 30 2023, there are over 100 planetary cities of light around the world that have been activated by the Arcturians.
Another major theme in the Arcturian books by David is ascension to the Fifth Dimension.
In David’s books, the Arcturians describe spiritual exercises that one can practice in preparation for the ascension. References are made to Enoch and Elijah from the Hebrew Bible. Both of these spiritual sages ascended. References or are also made to Jesus’s ascension to the fifth dimension. Ascension to the Fifth Dimension is described as going to a higher world where peace, harmony, and unity prevails.