Decemer 6, 2016
Visualization and the Fifth Dimension
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
We want to speak about the world of creation, and how this is related to the changes that are going on, both on a personal and a planetary basis. Let us look at the world of creation from the standpoint of the mental body. In fact, there are beings, such as in the Andromeda Galaxy, who live only in the mental world. The Andromedans who do this are called the Blue People, and some of you are connected to these very high beings on a soul level.
The world of creation in your language is also expressed as the world of ideas and the world of thoughts. Let’s look at the levels of worlds and the levels of manifestation, because in order for something to manifest, there must be an idea and an image behind it. Somebody must have an idea and the real desire to create that idea. Now on a simple basis you know that creating a house requires a drawing or an architectural design. If someone wants to build a house, they first have to hire an architect to draw the design, and then from that design and that image, the house can be created. But remember, the image and the thought had to occur before the building of the house. There are certain things that have to happen in order for this creation to occur. That includes buying the right materials and gathering the right workers in order to build what is in the image or what is in the mind.
How does this relate to the Tools of Ascension and the ascension of the Earth? You are a part of the race of Adam, the Adam species. You have ideas and images within you that will unfold with the proper nurturing and inclination. These images and ideas include the Codes of Ascension. We know that one of the key factors in the evolution towards ascension is the unlocking of the Codes of Ascension. These programs for ascension, these higher evolutionary processes are ingrained in your DNA and in your neurological patterns and in the deeper parts of the pineal gland and other, higher parts of your brains. The image and the idea of how you can evolve and come into a higher state of being is part of you. The Earth was also created and has a program for higher planetary evolvement. You know this higher planetary evolvement has the codes to move the Earth into the fifth dimension. The Earth has within its astral sphere of light the program and the images and the codes for evolution into the fifth dimension. In order for a planet like the Earth to evolve, it does need lightworkers.
You cannot fully ascend without the assistance of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters have been the pioneers, the explorers of consciousness and evolution. There have been many lightworkers and other Ascended Masters before you who have come onto this Earth. You are not the earliest Earth explorers of higher consciousness and evolution and also of ascension. Ascension has been explored, and there has been progress made by other spiritual groups in the past. For one reason or another, these spiritual groups did not totally succeed. I’m referring specifically to the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, and some of the earlier, higher level Egyptians and some of the North American and Central American peoples, including the Mayans. There were specifically higher consciousness beings among these civilizations that worked in a direct and admirable way towards their own ascension and the ascension of the planet. In fact, there have even been higher extraterrestrial beings that have been helping the Earth many times. Higher extraterrestrial beings previously have sought to participate and assist in planetary and personal ascension.
Why did these other previous attempts fail and what is different about now? Well, briefly, the other attempts failed because they were not able to get a global participation in the process. Even the Atlanteans and the Lemurians, who were very advanced, did not interact globally. The Egyptians were also very focused on the work with the Sirians and interdimensional corridors to that planetary system known as the Sirian planetary system, but they too were not expanding into a global frontier. They didn’t seem to have the will to develop a global network. The higher beings that came down and worked with the Egyptians also came to Mesoamerica and South America. They worked with some of those earlier people in the edification and instructions on the building of sacred temples and sacred places. There was not a general mass participation in the ascension work. The Ascension did not occur at that time, but there were higher evolutionary developmental stages achieved. These achievements did include direct participation in spiritual ceremonies at sacred temples. But there was misinterpretation and corruption of the higher teachings, and there was also a mixture of extraterrestrial beings of a lower level that influenced the ceremonies.
We speak of a pure race, a pure Adam species. There has been some corruption and downloading of other energies from the extraterrestrial world. But, now there is a new age of consciousness. There are more tools available for spiritual development now than other any time on the Earth. Also there is a history behind you of the Ascension. Yes, there is history of conflict and polarization on the Earth, but there is also a long list of higher beings that have helped to prepare the way for your ascension and the ascension of the planet. You are not alone in your process of ascension, and you can certainly feel comfortable that other higher beings worked in earlier history to prepare the way for this time. They have prepared the way through different teachings, different lectures, and also have placed ascension corridors throughout the planet. Now many of the starseeds are discovering many of these ascension areas and sacred areas around the planet. The ascension of the Earth does require a global group energy work. A planet cannot ascend without a global unit of starseeds. The reason is that it requires a special energy force. I will talk about the nature of this energy force and how to maximize the energy both for your personal and planetary ascension.
One new tool for the ascension is visualization. You all have become aware of visualization through many discussions of spiritual leaders and psychologists. Simply, visualization is the ability to imagine images in your mind. Visualization directly relates to the world of creation and to the mental world, because in the mental world, it is the structures and the images and the ideas that come forth first. The idea of going up into the higher realms also is represented in certain images. I am aware that many of you may not have the power of visualization and might feel a little bit disenchanted or handicapped because you do not possess good abilities for visualization. Do not worry. There are several suggestions I want to make:
- To do the visualization exercises that I will be describing in this lecture, you can do it with your eyes open.
- There are new visionary artists that are now opening up their skills on the planet. These artists are able to make representations of many of these corridors and fifth-dimensional places that we will be discussing. So it is perfectly acceptable for you to use the images and pictures of these visionary artists in your meditations. It is perfectly acceptable to keep your eyes open and follow instructions while you are looking at those images in your consciousness. You can totally participate in the meditations in this manner.
So this is a new tool of ascension – the visualizations and the participation and interaction with visionary art. Visionary art is representative of the new interactions with the higher dimensions. We are in a new era of visionary art. Some of modern art can also be considered visionary. But some of the modern art also has become rather strange and macabre. I’m thinking specifically of Picasso and his painting of cubism, and Salvador Dali and his floating clocks. These are just two examples of the beginnings of visionary art in the 20th century.
These are examples which demonstrate the higher perceptual accomplishments that are opening up before you. Perhaps only a few of the visionary artists can bring these new insights into the planet, but that is sufficient, because these images and these views can be transmitted instantaneously through the Internet around the planet. Even if you personally cannot visualize these images in your meditations, you still can react and be dramatically affected by visionary art with your eyes open. The nature and the skill of visionary art is a huge necessity for planetary and personal ascension. There are many new ways of transferring images and working with the new visual insights that these visionary artists are working with. The visionary artists are also part of this new process that is the world of creation, the world of ideas and the mental world.
One of the major Tools of Ascension is contained in visualizations related specifically to the mental world and the world of ideas and the world of creation. There is a higher Oversoul, which brings a higher spiritual influence over this whole process of ascension. This higher process does include the visionary images. When you are doing planetary healing techniques, you are probably using visions. For example, we have given lectures on biorelativity and how you can use the image of the weatherman’s radar seen on television. The images of radio technology and radar have greatly transformed the perceptions of everyone about weather patterns and storms. How many people have seen television images of these great hurricanes from the space satellites covering large areas of the ocean and the planet? How many times have you seen on the evening news when the weatherman comes on and shows a storm that is over a certain area, and you might see it in red or purple, and you might see it in a very violent and colorful way? Here again you can see the power of the visualization.
When you are doing the biorelativity work (Author’s note: biorelativity is a planetary healing method described by the Arcturians to send healing thoughts to the Spirit of Earth), this type of “television” visualization is extremely helpful in making your interventions more successful. On the TV radar they show you the storm in motion. You are able to see it moving over certain areas. So if you are working for dissipating or lessening the effect of a storm, you have this beautiful visual image on the radar. Using these radar images, you can easily visualize either dissipating or spreading out the radar image of the storm so that it’s not as intense. Remember, in a lot of the biorelativity work, we actually want to lessen the intensity of the storm rather than erasing the whole storm because there is a reason why the storm has to come.
There are also visual images that we can use in the ocean. We know that one of the biggest issues in the ocean is the contamination of the ocean. A new visual technology of mapping the ocean may be coming to the forefront soon. I know the Earth astronomers are spending many hours mapping the galaxy. They have used a tremendous amount of higher technology to measure ultraviolet rays and gamma rays, and you’ve probably already seen beautiful pictures of the distribution of stars and stardust and clusters around the galaxy. These are quite advanced techniques. I do see there is going to be a time soon where they are going to be able to map the oceans and map areas of the oceans in a similar detail and technologically advanced method as they are using on the galaxy. With this new visual mapping imagery, people will be able to clearly see the contamination in the ocean. They are going to be able to see where the pure water is without any plastic or without any other rubbish in it. With another view they will see where there is a section of the contaminated ocean or a contaminated waterway. These visual images of the ocean will be brought to the higher consciousness of the whole planet, and this imagery will help greatly in the progress towards cleaning up the oceans.
Some of you have said: “We are waiting for this new planetary healing intervention from the higher levels.” One of the new interventions is visualization. A visual image is so powerful. The visual image is one of the great assets of the Adam species that is not found in the animal world. Some animals may understand some parts of language, behavior and even movements that people make. But visualization is an advanced feature of your brain. Look at how visualization has affected television, your iPhones and smartphones. If you took a primitive person who had not been exposed to any of this electronic technology, and brought them into the modern world and showed them pictures of these phones, they would have no idea what you are seeing. They would not know how to relate to these electronic images the way your brain does.
You have this ability to relate to electronic imagery. Visualization abilities is a key ingredient as a Tool of Ascension. So let’s use this great tool. This great tool of visualization is enhanced by the higher level of visionary art that is already here on planet Earth. Let’s use powerful images and engage in powerful meditations and energy transformation. The first vision we can work with is the image of the intersection of the dimensions. Your focusing on these images and ideas is adding to the Arcan Power that will help to create the reality that is going to occur.
What image can there be of the intersection of dimensions? The universe has no definable shape. However, the galaxy that you’re in does have a shape. It is a spiral and your galaxy, and in fact the Milky Way, is known as the spiral galaxy. Well, I would like to offer the shape of the expanded balloon as representing this third dimension. This is an expanding circle. A balloon really can represent the holographic energy of the third dimension. Have the image of an expanding balloon as the third dimension. Now see a second expanding balloon near it representing the fifth dimension. Visualize these two balloons interacting as they are approaching each other. They both have a “solid form”. There is a part of them that has a transparent energy and an ability to interact with each other. When they do interact, and if they do intersect, there is a transfer of energy. That is that each balloon of each dimension is filled with a certain amount of light or energy. The higher light from the fifth-dimensional balloon has a greater power. Its higher light is able to transfer or download energy from the fifth-dimensional balloon into the third-dimensional balloon. This means that any type of dark force or lower energy in the third-dimensional balloon will give way and accept the higher light and transform itself. This is the power of this energy from the fifth dimension.
Let me explain another ascension tool, which I call “special sensitivity”. You are living in this galaxy, in this universe, and there are many energetic forces all around that are coming to the Earth. There could be neutrinos, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, radiation rays, ions, different magnetic fields, continually coming into the Earth and striking you and your energy field. On a conscious level you are not aware of it. The only way you are going to be aware of highly charged electromagnetic energy from outer space is if you had a special detector like a Geiger counter, or you had special cameras with highly sensitive filters. Some of these very faint waves that are around you all the time have different requirements for perception. Let’s use that analogy for receiving the energy from the fifth dimension.
In your current state of conceptual development on a global basis, humanity is not prepared to receive energy from the fifth dimension. When I say humanity, I am referring to the general population. I am not referring to the lightworkers. You, as lightworkers, have developed your sensitivity, and you have developed special perceptual receivers for higher fifth-dimensional energy. Other, “normal” people will have no awareness or no concept of what you are experiencing or what you are feeling. The type of energy sensitivity you have is so advanced that even you might have trouble describing it to other people. But you know it’s there, and you receive higher energy, and it does affect you. Part of the role and mission of the lightworkers is to interpret and explain their sensitivity and explain what it is they are receiving and how useful it can be.
If you go back to the world of astronomy, we could say that some of these discoveries, gamma rays or neutrino rays, have no bearing on our everyday life. Remember that some of the discoveries that were made 30 or 40 years ago are now suddenly being used in high computer technology. In the early twentieth century, nobody really had any idea of what usefulness the quantum energy field and quantum physics would have on the scientific or the technological evolution on the planet. Now here we are in 2016, and there are seemingly miracles of magic involved in all this advanced technology that probably are based on some of the earlier stuff that was discovered in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. There was a lapse of 40 or 50 years, maybe less, maybe 30 years, in which the newer discoveries in the quantum world were applied.
There is a desire to develop new and better technologies for communication, and unfortunately, some of the newer technologies are being used for war. Now we are in a period where the newer fifth-dimensional energy can be manifested. The intersection of the dimensions must be interpreted, explained and shown to people. What a monumental task the lightworkers now have on this planet. Use that image of the intersection of the dimensions now, and see yourself as having this great sensitivity. Maybe you’re not the Hubble space telescope, with these gigantic mirrors pointed out in outer space, but you are a receiver of light, and each of you has specific visions and abilities.
I am going to go into meditation with you now and use this image of the intersection of these two expanding balloons. See yourself sitting on the planet in the third dimension receiving fifth-dimensional energies. You are using your highly advanced energy field. We will go into silence. (Chants OOOOOO.)
I’d like for you to work with another image. See my starship Athena in the fifth dimension. Over the Earth. Even though we are in another dimension, we are able to align our spaceship with the Earth from the fifth dimension. If we go back to the concept of the interacting balloons, it is possible to visualize that these balloons can be in alignment with each other, and that an object in one dimension can be in alignment with an object in another dimension. My starship is in the fifth dimension, but it comes into alignment with the third dimension. It comes into alignment with the special technologies that we, the Arcturians, have. I can open up a corridor which allows you to interact with my ship and to come and travel up the corridor into my ship and experience the energy and the healing effect of being there. I am able to create a special energy field that allows you to come in and leave without having any disruption in your Earth body.
Think of it this way: If you are going to go deep sea diving, you would have to have oxygen and a special pressurized suit to deal with the energy under water so that you would not be killed by the pressure. Without the proper protective measures, the pressure in the water could get into your blood system and cause “the bends”. When you come into my spaceship, you need etheric protection. When you travel through the corridor, there are several things going on. One of those things is that we are pressurizing your etheric energy field. We are working with your energy system so that you can go through the corridor in a healthy way, and come into our spaceship without in any way harming your energy field and without disintegrating it in any way. You probably have looked at the traveling through the corridor as a fun experience, but maybe not as an experience that has any specific healing or preparatory energy work. In fact, that’s what’s happening when you are traveling into the corridor. When you come into our ship, you are prepared to come into the fifth dimension just as if you were entering the ocean in a diving suit. Your aura, your energy field, has been synchronized to experience the fifth dimension.
Let’s visualize again your traveling through a corridor of light. The corridor of light is right over wherever you call home. So visualize that and try to the best of your ability to experience the upliftment and preparation of your aura for the trip. As you visualize that, see yourself coming into the entranceway of the starship Athena. Again, we will go into meditation and visualize this to the best of your ability. (Silence)
To the best of your ability, see yourself coming to the entranceway of the starship Athena. To the best of your ability, see this huge disc of a spaceship that is one mile in diameter. There is a beautiful etheric entryway that you can now come into in your protective energy suit of etheric light that’s totally pressurized for this fifth-dimensional experience. As you are doing this visualization, see myself, Juliano, there before the ship in the entranceway. I am a higher being of light. You know from your work in energy that when you are around a higher master, you are raised energetically, too. We are in total telepathic communication, you and me. Your free will is totally intact. You are having a wonderful experience. Now you have absorbed so much of this energy and light.
You leave my ship and come back through the corridor. But as you travel back through the corridor, you are de-pressurized and re-aligned for your Earth body. See yourself traveling through the corridor, but you’re still aware of the ship and the energy of the ship. You come back into your home and into your physical body. You re-enter your physical body in perfect alignment. You’re in total balance, exhilarated, and most important, your sensitivity as a receiver of light is now greatly enhanced.
The Earth astronomers have these new telescopes and radio discs to receive the higher energy. Now you are an enhanced receiver of fifth-dimensional light, partly because you’ve been in the fifth dimension in this experiment and in this exercise and partly because you’ve already had these experiences in other lifetimes.
In conclusion, we can help you practice your visualizations using the Ladders of Ascension, the Ring of Ascension, and the 12 etheric crystals. These 12 etheric crystals can be visualized through the beautiful artwork and images that have already been created by some of the Group of Forty members. You can see those 12 etheric crystals interacting with the fifth dimension. You can see and visualize them reaching out into the fifth dimension because these etheric crystals have direct links with the fifth-dimensional Earth. This is one of the beauties of these etheric crystals.
Blessings to you all. I am Juliano. Good day.
![]() Founder / Director Group of Forty |