November 3, 2018
Toning and Vibrational Healing
Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! I am happy to hear that you as a group are chanting, and also I am happy that you have been so open to the toning and to working with the sound energy. Everything that is in existence in the universe is in a vibrational state, and therefore everything can vibrate and resonate with sound. Sound is one of the most healing methods for inducing a subatomic shift. The composition of all matter is in a frequency, and that frequency can also be described as a vibration. If you know the resonant or harmonic frequency for healing an energy body, then you can tone that frequency, and then that sound toning will very likely set up a healing process. What also is important to understand is that vibrational toning can change or make an opening in the energy of a blocked cell. This can have a powerful healing effect. Sometimes you may perceive or believe that healing would occur immediately. For example, you might think a healing would happen instantaneously.
Imagine that a healer is toning a certain higher frequency; then that frequency is received by the healee. You might believe or expect that the healing would happen instantaneously. In a quantum perspective everything occurs in the Now. But in a linear perspective, it may not happen immediately. And therefore, the vibrational toning for healing can set up a beginning, can set up a shift, a movement. This means that the energy around the blockage situation can be shifted, can be moved. This is a major energetic success when you can shift the energy with a tone, and that tone could set in motion a series of healing events. Some of the events that are activated for a healing nature may take a couple of days, or even a week. The important thing is that the vibrational energy is helping to shift blockages in the body. I can say that, from the perspective of sounds and toning, the most important part is that the blockages are removed.
I do like the word that is used to describe problems in the circulatory system of the human body. That word is called “plaque”. Plaque can create problems in the circulatory system, including the heart and lungs and arteries. Also, there is plaque build-up involved in the neurobiology of the brain. It is known that the build-up of plaque in the brain is one of the symptoms or causes for Alzheimer’s disease, for example. I also describe plaque around the human aura. Plaque on the aura can have several effects. The plaque can slow the vibration of the aura. In some cases the weight of the plaque, even though it is on a subatomic level, is still measureable. The weight of the plaque can cause contraction of the aura. Using healing tones or sounds can break up the plaque in the aura. And also, when I talk about plaque in the circulatory system and in the brain, there is a tonal frequency that can be especially calibrated to break up that plaque in those areas.
Calibration is an important concept in tonal healing, vibrational medicine and in planetary vibrational healing. Calibration means that you want the frequency of the tone to be adjusted to the receiver. If the tone is too high or not calibrated correctly, then there actually could be harm to the receiver or healee. Toning generally does not cause harm. Vibrational healing on the body is a new art. Using the wrong tone may not have the beneficial effect, but also that wrong tone would not cause harm to the healee. Also, if the tone is too low, it would be too low of a frequency so that the blockage would not be affected. You must calibrate. You must adjust the tone to the person you are working with, and this ability to calibrate the tone is perhaps the greatest skill for sound healing.
These methods and descriptions of tonal healing can also be applied to the planet and to planetary healing. How can tones and sounds be effective on the planet? I began this lecture by telling you how pleased I am that you have been chanting. Chanting involves using healing tones! There are certain planetary healing sounds that can be calibrated specifically for the situation on the Earth and for the healing of this planet, and for bringing the planet back into a better harmony. On the one hand from the linear perspective, from a narrower perspective, the situation of this planet looks to be quite dire. Some of you might be pessimistic about what you are seeing happening on the Earth, and with good reason. Earth imbalances can also have the effect of dampening or blocking the Earth’s aura. The Earth, as you know, has an aura and many of the problems that I described in the personal aura of people, can also symbolically be used to describe the situation on the planet’s aura. In particular I am talking about plaque and the build-up of plaque on a person’s aura and how that may slow the vibration of that person down. Likewise, plaque built up on the Earth’s aura can slow down the light frequency or spiritual light quotient energy in the Earth’s energy field.
The removal of the plaque, especially through sound healing then, can help a person return to a normal or healthy vibrational frequency. Removal of plaque around a person’s aura would bring them into higher balance. There are certain drugs, in particular the opioids, that really slow down the vibrational frequency of the aura. The slowing down of one’s vibrational frequency could be a problem for spiritual work. The planetary aura can have plaque on it. In fact I can say that Earth does have that problem. There are a variety of other possible problems in one’s personal aura, such as holes in the aura and attachments in the aura from other unwanted entities.
As a planetary healer you want to release the plaque, and you want the Earth’s aura to vibrate in the highest possible frequency. It is good news then that we can calibrate our planetary chanting to the needs of the planet, especially when we want to do an intervention using tone. That is why I am pleased about your interest in chanting. The chanting can be done on a planetary, continual basis and can be directed towards balancing the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth.
Let me speak a little bit about the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth now. There are electromagnetic frequency interferences in the energy fields around the planet. Some of these electromagnetic frequencies are produced by cellular phones, cell towers, radiation, and also from what has been described as a military complex type of radar called HAARP, which is the “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program”. This HAARP is a military project of the United States government. A series of radar-like antennas creates ultra-high radio electromagnetic frequencies which are then sent into the atmosphere at great distances. The radio frequencies can be used to jam electromagnetic transmissions originating in a particular area. In certain cases this jamming would throw off-balance the electromagnetic energies in that area, causing humans to experience disorientation. If you were a soldier in that area where the electromagnetic energy is so unbalanced, your cognition, your mental abilities would become deficient. You would become confused, disoriented and lack the ability to make sound judgment, and in some cases, even lose your ability to speak or to walk. This may sound surprising to you. But remember that you are an electromagnetic being of light. You are a sensitive multidimensional electromagnetic being, and the fragileness of the electromagnetic balance in your body is still being explored. Some of the electromagnetic energy in the brain is extremely sensitive to outside radio frequency influences.
Electromagnetically your brain is so complex. There have been comparisons of the number of neurons and pathways in the brain to the number of stars in our galaxy. There are some estimates, and nobody knows exactly the truth, that there are 200 billion star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy. There are an equivalent number of neural connections in your brain. Even the most advanced computer cannot come close to how effective your brain functions. Because the sensitivity of your brain and the sensitivity of the electromagnetic frequencies within your brain are fragile, then this means that it would not take much to disrupt the electromagnetic energy balance of the brain. When that field becomes disharmonious, then you would find some deficiencies in your behavior and in your thinking.
Let us look again at the human aura. Spirit attachments from negative entities can sometimes attach to people, and these attachments can create an imbalance in a person’s electromagnetic energy field. In a spirit attachment of a negative kind, the electromagnetic energies of the person hosting that negative spirit can become unbalanced. Behavior results from this attachment can include disorientation and confusion. The opposite effect occurs when attachments of a positive spirit visit a person. A positive spirit can enhance and strengthen the electromagnetic energy in a person’s system. A positive cohabitation can actually open portals within the brain and even open the Assemblage Point. The Assemblage Point is called the Reticular Activating System in modern psychology, and it is the valve that can be opened in the brain so one can experience higher perception. Higher perception is in alignment with fifth-dimensional perception.
Let me return to the idea of the frequency of the Earth and the balancing and the chanting of healing frequencies for healing the Earth. I want to speak about an Earth frequency emission which is called the “Schumann Frequency” or “Schumann Resonance”. First we must describe a certain type of radio frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum called “extremely low frequencies”. In modern electromagnetic theory this type of radio frequency is called an “ELF” (Extremely Low Frequency). There is an ELF that is a measurable, observable frequency of Gaia that is being emitted. That frequency has been discovered and described as the Schumann Frequency, and it has been estimated somewhere between the range of 3.5 and 7.1 Hertz. Just for description, that is an extremely low frequency. To give you an idea, the radio frequency in commercial FM radio may be as high 90 megaHertz (VHF or Very High Frequency), whereas 7 Hertz would be considered an extremely low frequency.
The Earth has a resonant frequency that is called the Schumann Frequency. It has recently been discovered. There has been speculation of the importance of the electromagnetic frequency that the Earth is vibrating to. Is this Schumann Frequency part of the Earth’s feedback loop system? The Earth’s feedback loop system is described in Biorelativity. This feedback loop system is described as a self-regulating system that the Earth uses to regulate global temperatures and weather patterns among other important variables related to climate, volcanic and earthquake activity. The Earth’s feedback loop system is considered a complex system, and unfortunately there has been little investigation or research into this system.
What kinds of activities influence that frequency, and is the rate of the Schuman Frequency being shifted by the Earth changes? And if it is being shifted, can we, as planetary healers, affect the Schumann Frequency? Can we even help to bring it to a different, higher level and will that help to bring the Earth more into balance?
Earth scientists speculate that the Schumann Frequency is influenced by electromagnetic energy such as storms, lightning. There have even been discussions about whether the frequency is influenced by extraterrestrial sources, such as from other planets within our solar system. For example, when the Shoemaker-Levy Comet hit Jupiter in 1994, it created huge storms on Jupiter which emitted tremendous amounts of electromagnetic energy. This energy was received by the Earth. There is a “portal” in the Earth’s energetic system which received and processed this energy, and this possibly caused a shift in the Earth’s frequency.
I can say to you that the accumulation of unbalanced energies from global warming, including the shifting ocean currents and other, military and nuclear experiments can also shift this core frequency. It is also a frequency which can also be affected by the Noosphere.
We can also say that this frequency can be positively influenced by the Arcturian Starseeds on the Earth. There are ways of communicating to the Earth in order to influence this frequency. There are also ways of influencing the Earth’s aura and bringing the Earth into a better electromagnetic balance. I am interested in raising the spiritual light quotient of the planet. Raising the spiritual light quotient of a planet involves rebalancing its electromagnetic energy.
Frequencies in the atmosphere can be measured electromagnetically. We can understand the characteristics of a planetary environment and whether it is spiritually high based on measuring the frequency of its atmosphere. Let me give you another example. You could go into a sacred place on the Earth. It could be in a temple or it could be in a synagogue or a church or some place that is in a high energetic vortex, such as Grose Valley or Sedona. You can feel the intense electromagnetic energy there. You can feel the higher vibration there. When you are in that area, your personal vibrational frequency is also raised, and you respond by either feeling euphoric or more psychic. Your frequency can be raised because you are open and can process the higher vibration.
Let’s return to the subject of HAARP. Remember HAARP is a description of military project which emits high frequency electromagnetic energy. Generally, people exposed to such intense electromagnetic energy will have a hard time dealing with the frequency overload caused by HAARP when it is directed to their environment. In terms of spirituality, one can also get an overload of high spiritual frequency. Even if you are spiritually advanced, you could overload on higher frequencies and pass out. If somebody comes to a higher physical place, such as Sedona or Grose Valley, and they are not prepared or able to process or integrate higher frequencies there, then they could also become overloaded. There is preparation in receptivity.
Let’s return to the planetary ideas and the concept of chanting. I will return to the concept of mantras. The word “mantra” is a Hindu word describing a type of chant. (Author’s Note: Mantra is a sound or group of words – such as OM – in Sanskirt believed to have spiritual powers. Mantra chanting and meditation can help induce altered states of consciousness.) Saying mantras is a great description of using vibrational toning to achieve higher states of consciousness. There are certain words in Sanskrit that are power words, that have higher vibrational frequency words, just like there are certain higher power and energy words in Hebrew. Both Hebrew and Sanskrit are two special, sacred languages on this planet. There are other languages on this planet that have power words, but I am just reporting that these two languages have vibrational tones and sounds in them that were created in alignment with the basic core vibrational frequencies of the universe and of the galaxy. Toning words in these languages can have an immediate effect on your consciousness. You have heard the channel use special Hebrew words, such as “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.” This phrase is an example of sacred tones or words that can be used as a mantra. When the words are toned correctly, then a higher shift in the electromagnetic energy frequency of the person can be achieved. (Chants “Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, Aaaaaaaa Aaaaaa Ado adooonaiiidonai Tzsevaaaaaaoooooooth.“)
Let us go into a meditation as you feel and allow those tones to affect and accelerate the speed of your aura in the most positive way. Feel a shift electromagnetically, in your aura; feel the upliftment. Now let us tone and use the basic Sanskrit word “OM”. Everyone knows OM, and that word can be calibrated and used to interact and to rebalance the Schumann Frequency that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by Gaia, through the core of the Earth.
Toning must be integrated and calibrated to the receiver of these sounds. There are different levels of toning. So I am going to have the channel then tone again. You will notice that there are special, lower frequencies in the toning that can be used to resonate with the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. I want to say that there are places on the planet which are in higher light and higher resonance, and there are places on the Earth where this Schumann Frequency is more distorted. Listen to the toning of OM. (Chants “OOOOOMMMMM, OOOOOOMMMM, OOOOOMMM.”)
Visualize and thought project the most balanced frequency for the entire planet and see the electromagnetic aura of the planet come into a better balance. (Chants “OOOOOMMMMM, OOOOOOMMMM, OOOOOMMM“. Chants various sounds using the OM sound.) In the planetary healing work, we seek to bring together 1,600 people chanting OM at the same time. We can use the group’s Arcan powers to communicate directly to the Spirit of the Earth, Gaia, and to bring the Schumann Frequency into the most appropriate resonance for the planet.
The ancient Tibetan monks and current monks, who are connected to their ancestors, realized the importance of toning. These Tibetan monks still today work on special tonal frequencies to help hold the energy of the Earth. Some of these tones are made with specialized instruments that you may have seen in pictures or in the movies. They are longhorns, and look like long trumpet. (Author’s Note: This is called the Tibetan horn. It is a long trumpet and is called the dungchen. In Tibetan Buddhist culture the sound of this trumpet is compared to the singing of elephants. The sound has also been described as a haunting wail.) The Tibetans are using those frequencies for healing purposes.
The didgeridoo in Australia is also of the same genre as the long Tibetan trumpet. The Aborigines understand this concept of toning and using tones to interact with the Earth’s frequencies. Interacting with the Earth frequencies with these types of instruments is especially useful, if you have the knowledge and the right intention to heal and balance the Earth.
The Schumann Frequency is influenced by electromagnetic energy, such as from lightning and other electromagnetic global events, including Earth changes, such as global warming. Interestingly, there is a characteristic Earth frequency that can be transmitted through the didgeridoo that can be helpful in bringing rain to an area. There is also an opposite tone that can be used for blocking storms. But it is only recently that Earth has developed means of doing worldwide chanting. Let us do this chant again. (Chants “OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM, OOOOOOOOOOMMMM, OOOOOOMMMMM.“)
Now let me also share with you the Arcturian frequency and tone for accelerating the aura and for removing plaque. First we will use the special tones from this chant for yourself, so that your auras and energy can vibrate in a much more resonant way. (Chants “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.“) See and visualize your Cosmic Egg. See the outer line of the Cosmic Egg pulsing. (Chants slower “Ta ta ta ta ta ta taaaaa.“) As I make the elongated sounds, any buildup of plaque on the aura will break up. (Chants slower “Ta ta ta ta ta ta taaaaa taaahhaaa.“) When you hear the channel raise his voice, that means that there is a particular area in which the plaque in your energy system must be broken up. Sometimes it is necessary to use a higher sound to do that. (Chants in higher tones “Ta, tahaaa tahhhaaa, ta ta ta ta ta, tatatata.“)
Visualize with me the aura of the Earth. It can be extended miles outside of the Earth’s atmosphere and beyond the ionosphere. But also, the aura is electromagnetically connected to the Schumann Frequency. The Earth’s aura is also filling all the areas of the planet, including the ground and the oceans. How are we to encompass the whole Earth in our planetary healing work and in our chanting? I have introduced the concept of the Ring of Ascension. It still is hard to visualize the whole planet, but it is easier for you to visualize this etheric halo-like ring around the Earth. This Ring of Ascension then responds to your interactions and healing thoughts for the Earth. Through your visualizations and projections of your Self, you can send or thought project your Self into the Ring of Ascension.
When you are at the halo around the Earth, then tone together these sounds: (Chants “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.”) The whole Ring of Ascension is now vibrating and the Earth’s aura is vibrating and the plaque in the Earth’s aura is loosening. (Chants “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.”) Here is another, Native American healing chant: (Chants “Heya ho, heya ho, heya ho, heya heya, yayayayaya heya ho, heya heya heya ho.”) The Earth responds to these tones and chanting.
Let this low frequency, known as the Schumann Frequency, come into the highest alignment now, so that Gaia can hold a higher spiritual light frequency for the entire planet. We all will agree that this planet needs to go into a higher spiritual frequency. (Chants “Heya ho, heya ho, na na na na, na na na, na na na na aaaaaa, na na na na na na, na na na” faster and slower). Let us go into silence again. (Silence)
See the aura of the Earth, and also see your personal aura vibrating with greater and higher frequencies. (Chants “Heya ho, heya ho, na na na na, na na na, na na na na aaaaaa, na na na na na na, na na na, na na na na nananana na na na oy yah nnnnnn” faster and slower)
Dramatic changes in the Earth can occur through the global mantra toning. This mantra toning can be applied also using the very powerful Hebrew word “Shalom“, as well as the Arabic word “Selam“. Both words also contain a high energy vibration. However, the word “Shalom” does have that core frequency of “OM” within it. OM represents the frequency that relates to the vibrational energy of the core of the Earth. Let us chant together. (Chants “Shaaloo oh om, Shaaloo ohmmm, Shaloo ohm“.) Also the word Salem has the very powerful vibrational energy. (Chants “Salammmm, Saaaaalammm.”) Let the energy of Shalom, the energy of Selam, put peace and harmony and balance into the Earth’s aura now. See these words projected around the Ring of Ascension: Shalom – S-H-A-L-O-M or Selam – S-E-L-A-M. Let these words be like on a marquee going around the Ring of Ascension. The vibrations of these words, the tones of these words, are now going around the entire Ring of Ascension. Everyone on the planet receive this vibration.
Let us go into meditation again as you visualize and chant this. (Chants “OOOOOOOOOMMMM, OOOOOOOMMMMM, OOOOOOMMMMM.”) This type of chanting is called “electromagnetic frequency modulation toning”. This type of chanting is extremely important now for helping to rebalance the Earth. You can also use this type of toning to help yourself rebalance. We are quickly moving into the era of vibrational medicine and vibrational healing. We are quickly moving into the understanding of the vibrational energy of the universe, and with this understanding comes the ability to quantumly rearrange and rebalance yourself and the planet. You can say this affirmation: “I allow myself to quantumly and vibrationally be rebalanced in the highest spiritual calibration now.” Feel your vibrational energy become more in harmony with the highest light. (Chants “OOOOOOMMMMM.”) My love to you.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty