June 3, 2017
Thought Constructs and Constellations of Thoughts
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
Let us look at thought fields and the relationship between thoughts, the Creation, healing and the Noosphere. Thoughts have special properties that are totally unique and do not have a system or energy to really compare them to. For example, thoughts are able to travel faster than the speed of light. In fact, I often use the expression “traveling at the speed of thought”. That means that in many ways a thought can travel instantaneously across the galaxy and even to far distant galaxies or to nearby star systems.
The other important aspect of thoughts has to do with its nature. Thoughts possess a special feature called multidimensional abilities. Thoughts can exist on different dimensions and can travel from one dimension to another. This means when we are discussing channeling, then it is easy to understand that thoughts that are in another dimension can enter this dimension and can enter your mind. This ability is expressed in the concept of telepathy or the traveling of thoughts from one mind to another without any seemingly physical bridge or connection.
Another feature of thoughts is that thoughts can arise out of nothing. This is a very unusual and difficult feature or characteristic to describe. How can something come out of nothing, you ask? The Creator existed before there was any Creation, and the Creator arose out of nothing. The Creator existed infinitely both before and will continue to exist infinitely after the Creation. There is no logical way to explain how the Creator came from nothing. You may have struggled with this unresolvable thought before: “How can we go back to a time of nothing and yet something arose out of nothing?”
This leads me to the next observation which is that Creation, and in particular this Creation, this universe, began with a thought, and that thought is often expressed in the phrase “Let there be light.” This phrase refers to the Big Bang, or the first moment of creation of this universe. Now this universe also was created out of nothing. At first there was nothing, and then the thought was injected into nothing, and that began with the phrase “Let there be light.” That phrase, “Let there be light”, is also the first thought that existed in the Creation. But my observation about this process is that one thought alone was not enough to create the universe. When you hear that there is the First Thought “Let there be light”, you must understand that this was based on the First Thought, the beginning thought, but it was not the only thought.
In fact this description leads me to the theme of this discussion in this lecture, which is “thought constructs and constellations of thoughts”. In the beginning, there needed to be a series or pattern of thoughts to create this planet and this universe and this world. There needed to be a constellation of thoughts. The idea of using a constellation of thoughts will become more important when we talk about repairing this planet Earth and bringing it to a higher vibration. The reason for this fact more clearly focuses on this truth: One thought by itself, although it may be the most powerful thought, needs the support and the patterns of other thoughts to create a reality or to create a major change in an existing reality.
This has significance when we are talking about using affirmations to change the manifestation of reality. Let me put this in more direct and understandable terms. For example, you may want to have the thought that you want to be rich. You can work with this affirmation that “I want to be rich or am going to be rich in money” or however you wish to describe it. But a more broad and successful way of creating a new reality for yourself on this planet would be to have a series or a constellation of thoughts about wealth.
For example, you might say or think: “I am going to receive or am receiving new employment or I am becoming more successful at my current employment. I am buying a new house. I am buying a new car.” I think you get the idea that you must put in a series of thoughts to help a manifestation occur in this reality. You might have the thought: “I see myself working very hard and working very successfully. I see my books selling at a very high rate. I see royalty checks coming into my bank account.” You see, this then describes the constellation of thoughts instead of the one thought that is that I’m going to be rich.
One mistake that people make, including the lightworkers, when they wish to manifest a new reality for themselves, is that they just focus on one thought instead of a series of thoughts or constructs. As we progress in this lecture, you will see how important this rule and concept is when we are working with planetary healing.
Now I will return to the discussion about the creation of the universe. In the Kabbalah, the study of the creation of the universe is one of the most important themes. Studying the beginning of Creation helps one learn how to survive and to spiritually grow in this world. Kabbalah believes correctly, that by studying the Creation, one can understand the mind of the Creator. The Creator issued the First Thought and first words: “Let there be light.” Afterwards, there was a series of thought constructs that helped to create this universe and this world. Many other thoughts or constructs were necessary. Without the other constructs and other thought constellations this world never would be able to exist in this Third Dimension.
What were the thoughts? What were the constellations of thoughts that contributed to the building and the creation of this reality and this thirddimensional world? The answer lies in the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is basically a thought constellation paradigm that was used by the Creator to manifest this reality. Using the Tree of Life, the thought patterns were put into spheres and numerical values and triangles and vertical as well as horizontal columns. A complex, but highly effective, thought constellation was used to create this reality. Some of the thought patterns that are expressed in the Tree of Life include the unknowable energy or undifferentiated light, divine wisdom, divine knowledge, divine intuition, divine compassion, divine judgment, divine balance, and several other categories that comprised this thought pattern.
What is important for you to understand is that the thought pattern comprising the Tree of Life exists on multiple levels. It exists on a purely numerical level, which is represented by the numbers 1 through 10 or 1 through 12. You may have seen discussions about the spiritual significance of numbers. You can remove all physical realities; however, the numbers will still exist because the numbers are a thought, and so the numbers have special creative power because they transcend physical reality. Understanding the spiritual meaning of numbers was one of the contributions of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. He pointed out the mystical attributes of numbers.
Numbers also have different meanings when they are arranged in patterns. For example, arranging numbers in a triangle can enhance their energy and information that they hold. Numbers are part of a thought constellation which also can include patterns. Patterns on the Tree of Life also are superimposed on another structure which is going up and down and horizontal. The holographic pattern of the Tree of Life also includes the back and the front of a constellation of thoughts. This pattern of thoughts known as the Tree of Life has been described as the “Mind of the Creator”. It really represents the mind of the Creator at the moment of Creation. What it really represents is the constellation of thought patterns that was put together in order to create this Third Dimension. We can say that the names of the spheres and the patterns, including the triangles and the vertical lines, all are important. We can conclude that in order to manifest a reality on the Third Dimension, there has to be a constellation of thoughts in a pattern rather than just a sole affirmation.
Let me give you another example. We can say that the Earth is moving towards the Fifth Dimension. The intersection of the third and Fifth Dimensions is approaching in the future. But we also want to add constellations of thoughts that would represent how this interaction will happen. One thought pattern would be the visualization of two spheres intersecting. Another visualization to help manifest the intersection of the dimensions would be that there are more sacred places on the planet that are emerging. These sacred places could also include the Planetary Cities of Light and the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light. This idea becomes extremely important for your work as planetary healers.
You can use the Noosphere for planetary transformation. One of the characteristics of the Noosphere is that its special energy field is able to direct evolution and manifestation on the Third Dimension. The Noosphere is an amazing energy field that can also be described as a thought field or as a mental energy field around the Earth. I’ve often said that mankind is totally controlling the life outcome of every plant and animal on this Earth. Whatever Man does now will decide which plants and animals will live on the Earth. Never before in the history of this planet has every existing species been dependent on what one creature does.
Humanity has the opportunity to control its own evolution. Previously, evolution was determined by chance or by randomness, or in earlier cases by direct intervention by an extraterrestrial being. That intervention, even by the extraterrestrial being, was not based on humanity’s wishes, but rather it was based, on the wishes and desires of another species from another planet outside of this solar system.
But now a new consciousness and a new expansion of consciousness is taking place. You are on the forefront of this new consciousness. You can now understand that the thought fields that are downloaded into the Noosphere can create a change in this reality. Thought fields can create a new reality which is exemplified by the creation of this world. Also thought fields can change an existing reality.
I know that you want to change this existing reality because this planet is on the road to selfdestruction. The downloading of thoughts for the change of the Earth reality follows the same rules as I just described in the creation of the world. A series of thoughts must be downloaded into the Noosphere. I will make this comparison between Creation and the change of this reality. Creation began with the phrase, “Let there be light.” That was the First Thought. For planetary change now, we download a new thought in the Noosphere: “Let there be higher consciousness ruling this planet.” That becomes the first thought for planetary change. The first thought becomes like the Big Bang which sets in motion further changes. But one thought alone is not enough to change everything. We must put together a series, a construct or a paradigm of thoughts that belong together just like a group of thoughts belong together on the Tree of Life.
Now think about how difficult it is to grasp and understand the ten or twelve intersecting spheres on the Tree of Life. For one thing, they are divided up into triads and columns. For another thing, the spheres are not necessarily equally distant from each other. There are complex relationships so that one sphere on the bottom relates to a sphere on the top. Basically we have observed that there are 22 intersecting energy paths within the original Tree of Life. There are ten spheres or original thought patterns. The interactions of those ten with each other create 22 paths. The thought patterns give you an idea of the complexity of thoughts that are needed to create the world. This is also understandable when you think about the intricate thought patterns in DNA. DNA is the basic building block, the basic pattern, of the creation of life.
Which thought constellation is necessary and must be downloaded into the Noosphere so that this thirddimensional reality can change for the higher good and the higher expanded consciousness? I call the highest point of consciousness and the highest evolution of the planet and of humanity the “Omega Point”. How do we bring this movement to the Omega Point energetically? Because at that point, we need to manifest the highest expanded development and consciousness for the Earth.
Throughout the years we have brought to you spiritual tools for the transformation of this reality, and these spiritual tools are designed to change the reality of a planet when they are applied and understood correctly. The first two that you are most familiar with is the twelve etheric crystals. We have brought to you these twelve etheric crystals from the Fifth Dimension to the Third Dimension. We have created a pattern with these etheric crystals that resembles the Tree of Life. We have designated these downloaded etheric crystals into a new pattern called the Planetary Tree of Life.
Let us talk specifically about the Planetary Tree of Life and how it is used as a thought form for improving this thirddimensional reality. The first point to us is that the etheric crystals are spiritual vessels. Spiritual vessels are containers that hold thought forms and energy. The idea of an etheric crystal is that it has multidimensional properties. Etheric crystals exist in the Fifth Dimension and can interact in the Third Dimension, so therefore they are multidimensional. This means that the etheric crystal can download and receive higher thought forms and energy that normal thirddimensional vessels would not be capable of. This means that higher fifthdimensional thought patterns and higher energies can be placed into the etheric crystals. This is important because to heal or repair this planet, you need thought forms and energy patterns that transcend logic and the normal patterns that you are observing on the Earth.
For example, the radiation and pollution patterns from the contamination from society are so overwhelming that, frankly, there is no existing technology that is capable of cleaning up the Earth. If you had to wait for purification, it could take thousands of years. A purification might even be something so catastrophic as the destruction of a continent, which was witnessed in Atlantis. That is one way a planet seeks to purify itself, but that whole process could result in the elimination of humanity for an extremely long period of time.
A thought form that transcends logic and transcends the normal patterns of purification can be downloaded into the etheric crystals. The etheric crystals then hold this thought pattern. Now you, in your meditations as planetary healers, can download this etheric crystal energy into the Noosphere. This is one of the reasons why we have designated physical locations for the etheric crystals. This makes it easier for you to place in your mind and to transfer the image of that etheric crystal into the Noosphere.
Let us take the etheric crystal of Grose Valley in the Blue Mountains in Australia. In order to remind the Noosphere that we have this etheric energy field that is doing purification, Earth healing and receiving light from Arcturus, we need to place an image, a representation of that etheric crystal, into the Noosphere. Visualize the beautiful image of the park which is called Grose Valley in Australia near Sidney. Now, to make it easier for humanity and the lightworkers and the planetary healers, we can simply say: “We are placing the image of Grose Valley and its etheric crystal into the Noosphere.” Use the visual image of that etheric crystal, everyone, and this will make it easier.
Now the second part of this is that we, the Arcturians, are able to download and direct newer energy into that etheric crystal which would include newer updates, newer healings, newer healing thoughts and patterns and newer purification energy forces. Several months ago, we downloaded the image of the golden etheric ball into an etheric crystal. We saw the golden ball as based on an etheric crystal coming from Mt. Shasta, and that etheric crystal was able to produce an etheric golden ball that could go bouncing in the ocean and absorb the radiation that was destructively being distributed throughout the oceans. That golden ball could absorb that negative energy from the radiation and remove it from the oceans. This kind of exercise needs to be done quite often, because at this point, the radiation leakages at Fukushima continue at the same level as they were even two years ago. In fact, our observation is that the discharge has actually increased since the original accident.
There are other archetypal healing energies that are contained in the etheric crystals. Let us go to the Bodensee (Lake Constance on the border of Germany, Switzerland and Austria) crystal which is representing and holding a vessel for energetic wisdom. The Bodensee is located in the central area of Europe, and the crystal contains higher thought forms for spiritual wisdom. The inherent conflict that is now occurring on this planet is advanced technology which has become more advanced than the planet’s overall spiritual wisdom. Thus the advanced technology has been directed towards military use without the oversight of spiritual wisdom. It is easy to see that this planet has become overly onesided on technology, especially military technology, and one of the costs of this is the loss of the perspective of spirituality and wisdom.
We have downloaded the etheric crystal in the Bodensee, and we send higher energies and activation of wisdom for the planet. The energy of wisdom can be transferred as an etheric energy. Wisdom is difficult to measure and to describe, and it is difficult to manifest. In a sense, wisdom is based on forces that are transdimensional. The wisdom energy comes from a much higher source. Wisdom appears in consciousness, and we want those people who are in positions of power especially, to be open to wisdom and to the ways of planetary development and evolution.
The etheric crystals as a system or pattern need to be downloaded into the Noosphere. The Noosphere can hold the evolutionary energy of the planetary Tree of Life.
Now, to the best of your ability, visualize the twelve etheric crystals in the Planetary Tree of Life. See them in the many different places that you know Lago Puelo, Argentina, for example; Volcan Poás, Costa Rica; Copper Canyon, Mexico; Mt. Shasta, California; Mt. Fuji, Japan; Bodensee, Central Europe; Istanbul, Turkey; Lake Taupo, New Zealand; Grose Valley, Australia; and the crystal in Canada, Lake Moraine; Serra da Bocaina, Brazil; and Montserrat, Spain. See all these crystals as etheric vessels that are forming a pattern like the Tree of Life. Let us meditate on that pattern and those etheric crystals, which are now entering the mental thought field known as the Noosphere.
We will go into meditation now. I will continue to make sacred sounds as we meditate on this. (Chants several times OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Now another thought field or another thought that will fit into this constellation of thoughts is the thought of the primordial perfected Man. I have referred to this in Hebrew as the Adam Kadmon. But I like to use a new word to describe the primordial Man, which is the Omega Man. I want to update that term from the primordial Man or the Adam Kadmon to the Omega Man. The Omega Man has this expanded consciousness and is at the higher evolutionary point that is the pinnacle of evolution for humanity. There are various representations of this higher evolutionary Man in the history of our planet. For example, we have Moses; we have Jesus; we have Lao Tzu; we have the Buddha and Quan Yin. There are many other male and female leaders that are representative of the Omega Man.
To the best of your ability, I recommend that for meditation we choose a figure that is most compatible with your vision and your religious upbringing. So you can choose either Sananda, Moses, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, the Buddha or Mohammed to represent the highest form, the Omega Man. Visualize that image and create a new perfected Man possessing Omega Light. (Chants Omega Liiiigggghhhhhht, Ommeeeemga Light.) The beautiful image of the Omega Man represents the highest evolutionary point, the perfected evolutionary point of humanity. See that Man now, that perfected image, and download it into the Earth’s Noosphere. (Chants Omega Man, Omega Man.) The Omega Man is downloaded into the Noosphere of humanity helping to accelerate the next evolutionary phase to higher consciousness.
Let me turn the discussion over to planetary healing, in particular, the whole environmental situation, the whole biosphere. It is our argument that real change to the Earth’s biosphere is going to come from the ground up. The real change is not going to happen from the top down. So the top down would include the governments and the secret societies and other representations of the industrial giants and corporations. Because of the dualistic and materialistic investment in power and the desire for wealth and power, we do not see that the “top down” will be successful in repairing this planet. Our recommendation is that the repair of this planet is going to come from the base or the people and go upwards instead of the top coming down to heal the planet.
This is why we began describing the Planetary Cities of Light and the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light project. We see that planetary healing will begin in small areas. The small areas will gain power and will create more sacred space. These Cities of Light and Ocean Reserves of Light will be an interactive energy field, an energy force that builds and grows. There are approximately 45 Planetary Cities of Light that are active in the Group of Forty. Please understand that there are more sacred sites besides these throughout the world, but these Planetary Cities of Light, especially, are holding fifthdimensional energy and are working in conjunction with our Arcturian energy. The corridors of light from these areas go to the Fifth Dimension and to the Stargate, and they are also connected to the twelve etheric crystals. They are forming a web, an interactive network of fifthdimensional light on the planet.
Let us visualize Planetary Cities of Light radiating golden light around the Earth. Imagine that you see the satellite picture of the Earth, and you see where there is electricity and lights on in different cities around the planet. Some are of the places on the planet that are highly industrialized, and they have many lights. Others are more primitive, and so they do not have the grid to develop and create a great deal of electricity. Imagine now that you are in a satellite above the Earth, and you are seeing the whole Earth and the Planetary Cities of Light and the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light from the satellite. You are seeing fifthdimensional light beaming from each Planetary City of Light. See now 45 Planetary Cities of Light beaming through the Earth’s atmosphere. They are all shining with fifthdimensional energy. Now place this image of all of the Planetary Cities of Light into the Noosphere. We will go into meditation. (Chants several times OOOOOOHHHHHHH.) The network of the Planetary Cities of Light is now being downloaded into the Noosphere.
Next we will work on the network of the Ocean Reserves of Light. See now from the satellite the Ocean Reserves of Light. These are protected ocean areas in which starseeds have placed an etheric fifthdimensional light around them for protection. There are approximately seven Ocean Reserves of Light now around the Earth. They, too, are radiating fifthdimensional light, and their energy can be seen from the satellites above the Earth. Download that image now into the Noosphere.
Now see seven Ladders of Ascension around the planet. These are seven Ladders of Ascension from around the Earth. See these fifthdimensional ladders streaming forward, upward, connecting with the Fifth Dimension. They are providing gateways and corridors to the higher realms. They are an energetic force connecting this thirddimensional world to the Fifth Dimension. Download now into the Noosphere these images of the seven Ladders of Ascension. (Chants repeatedly OOOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Now see the Ring of Ascension around the Earth. It is a halo of light that is a fifthdimensional energy field interacting with the thirddimensional energy, creating this beautiful halo ring around the planet. The Ascended Masters can interact with the thirddimensional Earth in a comfortable and dynamic way using the Ring of Ascension. Let us visualize and download the image of the Ring of Ascension into the Noosphere. (Chants OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, ta ta ta OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Remember the theory of complex thought constellations applies to your personal development as well. When you seek to do any aspect of manifestation, whether it is personal or planetary, please use a constellation of thoughts. If necessary, you can borrow the pattern of the Tree of Life and set up beautiful dynamic thought patterns. You can use the Tree of Life to help you manifest your highest wish. Make sure you add the words, “If it is in my highest good,” when asking for something to manifest on the Earth.
One way of working with the Tree of Life is to create triangles of different thought constellations, corresponding to the triads and dyads of the spheres on the Tree. Also we should point out the crop circles themselves are also offering unique thought constellations and patterns of energies. The crop circles contain thought patterns that are so advanced that it is difficult to interpret them simply at this time. But I can assure you that the crop circles are based on complex thought constructs. The Ascended Masters and I are working with you. We bless you and bless the Earth at this time of heightened polarization. Know that the spiritual energies on Earth are strengthening.
I am Juliano. Good day!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty