September 3, 2022 – GOF Lecture
Copyright © 2022 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Our focus in this lecture and meditation is on the future events, with attention to the year 2023. As we approach 2023, it is always helpful to look at and even predict what the future looks like. You do not have to be a great prophet to understand that the events that are unfolding dramatically in 2022 will continue to lead to a planetary crisis. In fact, the events that are unfolding on so many levels in 2022 are increasing the planetary crisis.
It would be easy to look at each area of the planetary systems, including, for example, the economic systems, the political systems, the social systems, and of course, the bio systems in general. And based on the current unfoldment, then I could predict further conflicts and further blockages and chaos on the planet. There are many problems and many blockages in so many systems that it reminds us again of the Theory of Chaos known as the “Butterfly Effect”, which in a brief summary states that, when there is ongoing chaos such as what you are now observing on the planet, then even a minor change in the direction of a butterfly’s flight, could be enough to set off more huge catastrophes.
But we are not here to focus and predict ongoing catastrophes in the next year. Rather, there is good news, and there is a new spiritual energy that I am recommending, and that I am also predicting will be successful in the coming year, and this has to do with a new spiritual focus. The reason I am so optimistic is that we are now in a situation that I have defined as the upcoming “Intersection of the Dimensions”. This experience needs to be explained in more depth, and I need to give you instructions on how you, as starseeds, can accelerate the spiritual intersection of the Third and Fifth Dimensions which will occur in 2023. There are exercises and processes that can accelerate and increase the success of the intersection of the Third Dimension and the Fifth Dimension. Why is this intersection so important, and what role can it play in solving the crisis that is now confronting the planet? These are questions that I will answer.
Let us look first at some theoretical concepts. I see each dimension as being represented by a sphere, which means that the Third Dimension is a sphere, and the Fifth Dimension is also a sphere. The technical observation is that a portion of the Fifth Dimension is going to intersect the Third Dimension, and this intersection is going to manifest itself in 2023. The timeline and the window for this intersection is January 15th, 2023 through March 15th, 2023. A window means that this possibility is likely, and that with the proper encouragement and proper work and exercises and meditation, the likelihood that this will occur is very high.
When the Fifth Dimension intersects with the Third Dimension, there will be a huge downloading of fifth-dimensional light and energy into the Third Dimension. It is not a total intersection. In other words, this intersection cannot be visualized as a sphere 100 percent intersecting another sphere, the Third Dimension, but rather visualize that three to five percent of the bottom fifth-dimensional sphere, is going to intersect with the top three or five percent of the third-dimensional sphere.
This means that, even now, the two spheres are close to each other. When the intersection occurs, higher light and fifth-dimensional energy overcomes and dominates lower light. In a dimensional intersection higher light is transferred into the lower energetic sphere. At that moment there will be a high downloading of fifth-dimensional energy and light. This can be called a pre-ascension intersection. The intersection will download higher spiritual energy from the Fifth Dimension and will be available in 2023 at the dates that I have given.
This intersection experience will offer quantum planetary energetic healing power.
Quantum in our definition means beyond the logic and beyond the prediction based on cause and effect. Quantum energetic planetary healing light from the Fifth Dimension is able to overcome darkness and accumulated effects that have been increasing, especially during the last two to three years on this planet.
From a logical standpoint I can say this: if you added up the Earth situation in 2022 from a logical and scientific standpoint, then you would agree that further chaos and destruction will continue on planet Earth. If you add up the sum of the pollutants in the air, and the number of wars that are going on, and the radiation that is being released, and the biodiversity that has been destroyed, then you would conclude that there is no solution out of this crisis, and that the planetary crisis will continue in a dramatic way. But from the quantum fifth-dimensional standpoint, there is quantum energy that can overcome this chaos and overcome the accumulated negative force fields that are being manifested through human activities. From the quantum standpoint there are amazing outcomes that are totally surprising, loving and healing.
We all want healing for the planet. We all want this for our lives and our children’s lives. And I can tell you also that this Intersection of the Dimensions is also going to offer each of you personal opportunities for quantum healing in your life, for yourself and your children. (Tones “Ohhh.”).
I like to compare Quantum Healing to Omega Light, because Omega Light is a particular vibration of Quantum Light. Omega Light is defined as a spiritual energy that intersects with the Soul, the Self and the Central Sun. Omega Light integrates the force field from the higher Noosphere. This light contains higher thought forms of the planet, the higher thought forms of the Central Sun Energy in you and your Soul and merges it into a frequency that is quantumly able to enhance third-dimensional healing energy.
There are meditations and exercises that you, the starseeds, need to do to ensure that there is a strong magnetic attractive force for creating the right environment for the Intersection of the Dimensions. Part of the success of an intersection of the Fifth and Third Dimensions requires setting up an electromagnetic attractive force field that brings that fifth-dimensional sphere closer. This will help to attract an intersection of the dimensions. This intersection in 2023 will provide a higher power of Omega Light which will be downloaded into the Earth. In order to process that Omega Light, there must be on Earth an ability to process and receive and use this light for healing the planetary systems.
Let us talk now about how to ensure that there is the right attractive force field. This is where you, as starseeds, will play a critical role in this upcoming intersection in 2023. The solution to this planetary crisis requires the completion of the next evolutionary cycle, which means that there will be a transition from Homo sapiens to Homo omega. At the intersection, Omega Energy will be used to accelerate the evolutionary transition into a higher evolutionary stage of the Adam species, which is called Homo omega. In order for that intersection energy to be used for that successful transition, there must be a meditative focus by you, the starseeds. There must be a focus on planetary meditations. There must be a focus in your Arcan (Author’s note: Arcan is an Arcturian word meaning high thought focus) Power and your alchemical transformational powers. Remember, you are planetary healers, and the process of manifestation follows spiritual laws, and that is why we teach you about applying your thought powers to the planetary Noosphere.
The Noosphere is the collective thought field of this planet, and it receives all thoughts and then works to manifest them. The Noosphere does not make the distinction between good thoughts and bad thoughts. The Noosphere is like your Subconscious, that is, whatever you feed into your Subconscious, then it works to manifest it. This process that the Noosphere uses is comparable to a hard drive on your computer. The hard drive in a computer does not know the difference between a good program and a bad program. It accepts whatever is downloaded.
Now, in order to successfully download the program for Homo omega, you will be required to meditate and use your thought powers to place imagery, affirmations and directions into the Noosphere to manifest Homo omega. The way of doing this requires high Arcan Thought Power which is achieved through gathering large groups of people meditating on the same higher evolutionary image. It requires visual imagery of what the Homo omega person or prototype will look like on the Earth. It does require the assistance of the Arcturians and higher masters in the galaxy that can help provide immediate spiritual energies for manifestation. Your work for the success in this process is critical.
The Ascended Masters, guides and teachers and the Arcturians are assisting in helping with the intersection of the dimensions. The correct downloading of the energy needed for the manifestation of Homo omega requires that the planetary inhabitants do a higher and continual level of meditation and work with the Noosphere. This meditation will require connecting with higher spiritual energy forces in the galaxy. Why? It is not an easy task to accelerate an evolutionary change on a third-dimensional planet rapidly. Usually the evolutionary changes can take 100 to 500 years. There are various different time requirements for an evolutionary change.
This next evolutionary change does not have to occur over hundreds of years. We can use Quantum Healing Energy to accelerate the process. This accelerated energy will be available when the Intersection of the Dimensions occurs between January 15th, 2023 and March 15th, 2023. There is going to be a phenomenal amount of spiritual power and energy available during this time period. You are going to have increased psychic powers and increased planetary healing powers. With the proper direction, you are going to have an influence far beyond even what you would normally expect. You are going to connect with the spiritual energy of the Central Sun and with Arcturian powers from our Crystal Lake. You also will be able to more deeply connect with Gaia, the healing Spirit of the planet, and with the Ring of Ascension.
The spiritual energy from the Central Sun, the Arcturian Crystal Lake and the Ring of Ascension meeting together with Gaia is called the Cosmic Cross. It is powerful to use that Cosmic Cross Energy in a normal time period, but it is more powerful to use it during an intersection of the dimensions, because your Arcan Thought Powers will be increased. This will allow a direct intervention into the Earth’s evolutionary cycle, which will allow Homo omega to emerge more quickly. Homo omega will emerge. A holographic consciousness will sweep the planet.
Think for a moment about your experiences with pathogens and viruses. Think for a moment how quickly an out-of-control virus swept through this planet, creating chaos, death and destruction and upheavals. And all this happened in such a short time. My friends, this is how Quantum Healing and Omega Energy also can sweep through this planet, creating a magnificent holographic shift in consciousness and provide the activations for the evolutionary shift away from lower Homo sapiens thinking to expanded Homo omega. (Tones “Homo omega, Homo omega light.”)
Do not just sit and wait until January 15th, 2023. I want to be clear on that; there is work to do. And let us talk about the importance of creating the attractive energy field necessary, the receptivity necessary, so that this intersection can occur. The intersection needs a powerful vibrational energy field that allows the intersection to occur. And that is where you, the Arcturian starseeds, come in to play a key role in this intersection.
I may add that the Intersection of the Dimensions has been compared to a solar eclipse, because the solar eclipse does not happen every day or every year. Sometimes it may happen in different parts of the planet on a yearly basis. Some solar eclipses are more spectacular than others. Astronomers will travel around the world at the time of a solar eclipse.
The Intersection of the Dimensions is comparable to a spectacular solar eclipse. Higher spiritual beings around the galaxy will be involved in this intersection event. These higher beings will be visiting this planet, especially at this time during this window, because they know that this is a galactic event. Higher beings will come to the Earth in the same way astronomers travel around the world to observe solar eclipses.
During solar eclipses scientists want to study different aspects of this transit of the Sun and the Moon and the Earth. In some cases, scientists will do experiments during an eclipse. The most famous experiment during a solar eclipse was Einstein’s experiment in the early 20th century that proved the bending of light by gravity and thus supporting his Theory of Relativity. This experiment could only have been done during the solar eclipse. And so he had to wait until there was the right opportunity. In the same way, this Intersection of the Dimensions will provide to higher beings opportunities for studying certain dimensional interactions
Let us talk about the force that must be exerted to cause the dimensions to intersect with another dimension. The Intersection of the Dimensions is not a simple matter. I want you to visualize with me other phenomena that occur in the universe. This cosmic event that I am going to describe will give you a perspective on the forces that are coming together for the intersection of the Fifth and Third Dimensions.
In our section of the universe we know that there are clusters of galaxies. The size of one galaxy is unimaginable. Our Milky Way Galaxy has over 200 billion stars. Think for a moment about the Andromeda Galaxy, which is your sister galaxy. By some estimates it is one and a half times larger than the Milky Way Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is approximately 2.6 million light years away. That is a huge distance. But there exists a cluster of galaxies that both the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy are a part of, and this cluster of galaxies is part of a supercluster of galaxies. There are 40 or 50 more galaxies which are part of this supercluster.
There exists in this portion of the universe a field called the Great Attractor Force. This Great Attractor Force has an unmeasurable power that is pulling all galaxies in our supercluster of galaxies towards a central point in the universe. No one understands where this Great Attractor Force originates from and how it is moving this supercluster of galaxies towards this point. Imagine how much power there must be for this Great Attractor Force to pull a supercluster of galaxies.
The energy from the Great Attractor Force is also used in the intersection of the Fifth and Third Dimensions. An astrological and astronomical phenomenon of great power will help create this Intersection of Dimensions that you will experience sometime between January 15th, 2023 up to March 15th, 2023. During that time period the intersection will occur. I cannot predict how long the intersection will last. It may be a minute; it may be ten minutes, or it may last several hours. A lot of the length of the intersection depends on the preparatory work that you, as planetary healers, will do. This preparatory work involves planetary healing exercises that the starseeds and planetary workers can do.
I am going to list some of these preparation activities and how they play a role in encouraging the Great Attractor Force Field that will allow the Intersection of the Dimensions to occur. First we have the Corridors of Light exercise. Now you work with corridors of light all the time when you are connecting to the starship Athena.
I want you to visualize in these upcoming meditations for 2023 that the corridors of light on the Third Dimension are projected to the corridors of light on the Fifth Dimension. This means that there are portals on a permanent basis that are in place to attract and hold this connection. Think for a moment about the 12 Arcturian Etheric Crystals that are placed strategically around higher energy points on the planet. They also are adjusted in frequency to the Fifth Dimension. These Etheric crystals provide an attractive force for the Fifth Dimension.
The energy from these Etheric Crystals can be projected upward or outward towards the Fifth Dimension. It is difficult to explain the intersection of the dimensions, because we cannot say up, down, east, west. These words do not really fit. But we have no other way in your language to describe it. So we can say that the Arcturian Etheric Crystals on Earth are projecting upwardly to the sphere of the Fifth Dimension.
Let us talk about the Ring of Ascension which we have been using in our meditations. The Ring of Ascension is defined as a halo of light around the Earth connecting fifth-dimensional energy with third-dimensional energy. One of the primary purposes of the Ring of Ascension is to provide the necessary attractive field for the Fifth Dimension to intersect with the Third Dimension. The beauty of the Ring of Ascension is that the Ascended Masters are able to interact with you in this halo. The Ring of Ascension is set up so that you are able to directly interact and work with the Ascended Masters together.
Equally important for the attraction of the intersection of the Fifth Dimension with the Third Dimension is the Planetary Cities of Light and the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light projects. These are cities and areas around the globe that the Arcturian starseeds have activated as fifth-dimensional holders of this higher light. The continual increase in the number of Planetary Cities of Light will serve as a powerful attractive force for the fifth-dimensional intersection.
Biorelativity, or planetary healing meditation exercises, will also play a key role in creating the necessary force field for the attraction of the intersection of the dimensions. These meditations are focused on helping to communicate with Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth. Meditating for the health of the planet helps Gaia prepare for this momentous intersection. In these meditations you can tell Gaia that there will be a spiritual intervention soon, and that you are helping to direct higher light into the proper channels for manifesting healing light throughout this planet.
In our meditation now, I want you to visualize the Earth as representative of the Third Dimension. Visualize the whole Earth that will be part of this dimensional intersection. We will not leave out any place on the Earth. We will do our best, with the efforts that we have, to include, as much as possible, all aspects of the Earth. Visualize a fifth-dimensional sphere approaching this third-dimensional planet, and this sphere is bringing higher light to the Earth. Visualize interdimensional corridors, reaching out from the Earth to that fifth-dimensional sphere. You can even visualize personal corridors from your home, from your City of Light and personal corridors from the Etheric Crystals reaching upwards. See these corridors reaching out to the Fifth Dimension. Let us go into meditation now. As you and I together work on that image, we will be in silence. (Silence)
(Tones “Omega Light.) Let the corridors of light from the Arcturian starseeds reach out to this sphere of the Fifth Dimension, encouraging the Intersection of the Dimensions to occur between January 15th, 2023 and March 15th, 2023. Now, let the Ring of Ascension send out an attractive force field to the fifth-dimensional sphere. Let the 12 Arcturian Etheric Crystals on Earth send out an attractive force to the fifth-dimensional sphere, so that the intersection will occur. Let the Planetary Cities send out light energy fields, and the Ocean Reserves energy fields send out attractive energy forces to the Fifth Dimension now.
Hold these thoughts and meditations to the best of your ability as we go back into silence. (Silence)
The work that the starseeds are now doing is helping to attract this fifth-dimensional intersection. Each of your Planetary Cities of Light, each of your corridors, each of your Etheric Crystals that have been downloaded onto the Earth will all serve as great conduits for helping to manifest this spiritual intersection. We, the Arcturians, will be working with you in the Gaia planetary healing chamber, in our holographic imagery, to focus on this beautiful intersection.
My friends, this spiritual intersection in 2023 will bring a healing and new balance to Mother Earth. (Tones “Omega Light.”) The energy from the Central Sun will provide further Arcan Powers for attracting this intersection now. In conclusion, I know people will ask, “Is this when the Ascension will occur?” And my answer is that this is a pre-Ascension experience, and in pre-Ascension experiences, it has been known that there have been also been ascensions. However, our goal and purpose is to complete this needed creation of the force field necessary for the intersection. Please focus on that task and the rest will follow. Blessings to all you starseeds, holders of light and love for our beloved planet Earth and her upcoming upliftment.
I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.