Copyright © 2023 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Our mission is to provide spiritual support, encouragement and manifestation for the Earth during this planetary transition. We are using several methods for accomplishing this goal. Today, I want to look at the method that we use that is called the Arcturian 12 etheric crystals, because using these 12 etheric crystals is one of our main supports for raising the Spiritual Light Quotient of the planet. Let me review the history of the 12 etheric crystals because I know that some of you may not have been with this group during the time when many of these etheric crystals were downloaded into the Earth.
To start our explanation, let me talk about the Mother Crystal. The Mother Crystal is the main crystal that we used to create the 12 crystals. These 12 etheric crystals were made and downloaded on Earth. They are etheric duplicate crystals that have been downloaded strategically throughout the planet. The Mother Crystal is in the Arcturian Crystal Lake.
Our meditations include thought projection and bilocation. Using thought projection, we encourage you to travel with your spirit body directly to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. In that lake is a huge crystal that is approximately one mile long. The lake is also one to two miles in diameter. The idea is that the water in the lake attenuates the strength and power of this etheric crystal. The etheric crystal is so strong with spiritual energy and light that attenuation of the power of the crystal is needed. This means that those who are visiting the Crystal Lake have a protection from the overwhelming spiritual energy that is being transmitted and emitted to the starseeds. What a powerful and magnificent Mother Crystal this is!
During our meditations, when I invite you to the Arcturian Crystal Lake, I often will raise the etheric crystal out of the water, but I will only raise the etheric crystal partially, sometimes only several feet out of the water. The reason is that the power of it is overwhelming. You are not trained enough to be able to handle that high level of spiritual light from the full crystal emanations. It is even difficult for me to explain to you the power of this spiritual energy. I can tell you that spiritual light and spiritual energy is the building block of the universe, and that the spiritual energy is the most powerful force that can be experienced. You may be surprised when I tell you that you could be overwhelmed by spiritual energy. But that is the case.
Look, for example, at the story of Moses going up to Mount Sinai, and that the other Israelites were not able to go up to the mountain with him because they could not tolerate the intensity of the spiritual light that was being emitted and transmitted. The higher up they went on the mountain, the stronger the spiritual light became. And I think that is a good analogy to use when we look at the Arcturian Mother Crystal in the Crystal Lake. This spiritual energy in the Mother Crystal is fifth-dimensional and connected to the Central Sun. It has such a power that we need to attenuate it so that you are not overwhelmed by its energy field.
I will be working with you today to experience again the Mother Crystal in our meditation. Now, during the earlier history of this project, I coordinated with many of you Arcturian starseeds the downloading of 12 etheric duplicates of the Mother Crystal. The meditation and process involved in raising the crystal out of the lake was powerful. Through the powers of manifestation, I and my Arcturian colleagues were able to create 12 etheric duplicate crystals, and then these etheric duplicate crystals were brought down into the Earth and downloaded at different times and different places over a period of several years.
The first etheric crystal was downloaded in Lago Puelo, in Argentina. We downloaded a total of 12 etheric crystals in various parts of the world, including the Bodensee in Germany, Lake Moraine in Canada, Mt. Shasta in the United States, Volcán Poás in Costa Rica, Montserrat, near Barcelona, Spain, Copper Canyon in Mexico, Grose Valley in Australia, Lake Taupo in New Zealand, Lago Puelo, of course, in Argentina, Istanbul in Turkey, and Serra da Bocaina, which was the last one, in Brazil.
There have been many questions that have been posed to us about these 12 etheric crystals. For example, many of the starseeds have wanted to create more duplicates, or duplicates of the duplicates, so that they could have duplicate crystals near their home. This is an interesting idea, but I never encouraged that. And the reason is simple. 12 is a magic number of manifestation, and I do not want to diminish the power of the 12 by creating additional sub-crystals or duplicate crystals, because the continued duplication of the crystals beyond the original 12 etheric crystals lessens the power of these original 12.
We are aware of the power of 12. We are also aware of the power of the number 40. These are power numbers, and that is one of the reasons why we chose the title for this organization, the Group of Forty. It is also one of the reasons why we chose the number of 12 duplicate etheric of crystals that were successfully downloaded.
Now, the reason why the etheric crystals were downloaded was because they are able to focus and hold Arcturian fifth-dimensional energy on planet Earth. Planet Earth now is losing spiritual energy, and planet Earth is leaking a great deal of energy from its aura. It is not surprising when a primitive planet at the end of Stage 1 experiences nuclear bombs, radiation and other types of electromagnetic intrusions. These nuclear and electromagnetic technologies contribute to leakages of the life force energy, including the leakages of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is very vulnerable to leakages. You have to hold and work with containing spiritual energy and light.
Now, the etheric crystals each are programmed with a particular vibration, speed and energy, and these energies correspond to the Arcturian Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is originally taught on the Earth as a Kabbalistic model that is explaining the characteristics of God. However, we have studied and seen this Tree of Life used throughout the galaxy by other planets and other religions throughout the galaxy. In fact, the Tree of Life that we are teaching contains many aspects of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It also contains other key ingredients for planetary healing and key ingredients for holding a spiritual foundation on the planet. This planet cannot be healed and brought into balance unless there is a strong spiritual foundation.
One of the purposes of these 12 etheric crystals is to hold a strong fifth-dimensional spiritual foundation. Now, other questions have emerged over the years, such as, why are the crystals not spread out evenly throughout the planet? And why are some of the crystals in one area or one continent, and there are no crystals on other continents? And the answer is that these crystals were downloaded based on the availability of starseeds in sacred areas who were willing to work with us at the time that we were going to prepare and bring into alignment the necessary dimensional shifts to bring these crystals into the Earth. And so the decision was made to not equidistantly download the crystals, but rather, it was much more important to download it in sacred areas where there were starseeds who would receive and work with these crystals. That is exactly what has happened.
Each crystal does have a special spiritual energy that is resonating with it, and each of these 12 etheric crystals is continually in communication with the main etheric crystal in the Arcturian Crystal Lake. The main crystal, or the Mother Crystal, is in the Arcturian Crystal Lake, and this main crystal is receiving spiritual information and energy from the Central Sun. This means that the crystal is multidimensional in a way that is galactic, and therefore, this crystal can distribute galactic energies, especially from the Central Sun, to all of the 12 etheric crystals on Earth.
Each of these etheric crystals has a resonant energy with a characteristic or attribute. For example, the very top crystal on the Arcturian Tree of Life is Mount Fuji. It is defined as undifferentiated or Cosmic Universal Light and Energy that has been downloaded into that crystal. We need to continue to focus on higher Cosmic Energy being downloaded onto the Earth. We need to bring down Universal Cosmic Higher Light, and that is why I call it undifferentiated Cosmic Energy to help sustain the life force energy of the biosphere.
This Earth biosphere is leaking badly life force energy. There needs to be huge upliftments of Cosmic Light, Universal Healing Light, to revive it. The other attributes and energies from the top crystals have to do with Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Knowledge and Understanding.
Today, I am going to lead you on a special exercise that will unify the Cosmic Light and help create deeper Cosmic Wisdom and deeper Cosmic Knowledge on this planet. We know there must be a spiritual awakening in order to bring the planet into a better balance and to heal it.
The other energies and attributes contained in the 12 etheric crystals include the energies of kindness and compassion, judgment, balance and harmony, and also sacredness and the creation of sacred places. One of my favorite crystals is focusing on the interaction of the Third Dimension with the Fifth Dimension.
This is an extraordinary time to be on this planet. There are many problems that are overwhelming the planet, but the fact exists that Earth is closer to the Fifth Dimension than at any other time in its history. This planet is right on the edge of an intersection with the Fifth Dimension, and we want to help you to maximize that intersection. We want to help you to manifest the new solutions and the new healing light that is possible during the intersection energy field.
The Arcturian Tree of Life contains 12 spheres. That sphere at Serra da Bocaina in Brazil holds that intersection energy between the Third and Fifth Dimensions. But everything becomes based on the bottom sphere, which is the sphere of manifestation. There are in our teachings many hidden forces in the galaxy and in the solar system that are interacting with Earth. You are doing many beautiful meditations. In your Arcturian meditations, you are going to many different places through the technique of bilocating, thought projecting and connecting with Cosmic Masters.
How do we manifest, how do we bring into the Third Dimension this higher energy and experience? This goes directly to the mission of the etheric crystal. The etheric crystals are buried in the Earth. They transmit higher spiritual energy within the Earth. They are downloaded into the Earth; they are not sitting on top of the Earth. When we want to use those etheric crystals, then we encourage you to raise them with your thought power.
Let us look briefly at different ways of using the etheric crystals. The etheric crystal can be raised, and then it is able to transmit fifth-dimensional energy, and then the higher energy from the crystals can be directed by you to many different areas throughout the planet. Say that you wanted to transmit fifth-dimensional wisdom. You would use the Bodensee, or Lake Constance, crystal for that purpose. First, visualize the crystal raising it up. You can feel that there is the transmission of that Arcturian energy from the crystal. Maybe you wanted to use the energy of Sananda, who is associated with the middle crystal known as balance and harmony. To make that connection with Sananda, energetically connect with the etheric crystal at Montserrat, Spain, a very sacred and holy place which is holding the Arcturian crystal representing harmony. Use the energies from that crystal in a way that would help you to increase your focus and increase your vibrational energy field to be in alignment with harmony and balance.
You may want to project harmony and balance to certain situations or certain Earth events that are occurring that need to be balanced. We know that there are great imbalances now on this planet. The Earth changes that you are seeing now on Earth are all the result of imbalances. A planet that has graduated from Stage 1 of development and has moved on to Stage 2 can achieve a harmony and balance that is impossible to attain in Stage 1.
The good news is that in Planetary Stage 2 tremendous new energetic harmonies and balances on the planet are possible and will emerge amid all of this chaos. When the Earth goes forward to Stage 2, people will look back at where you are now in 2023, and they will be shocked. They will say, “How is it possible that sensitive starseeds were able to survive on the planet with such imbalances?”
You know that these imbalances are affecting you on multiple levels. Some of you have periodic feelings of depression or anxiety that seem to have no cause. Energetically, the field of imbalance around the planet penetrates everything, especially those of you who are sensitive and empathic. You are picking up the energetic imbalances. What a joy it will be to live on a planet that is in Stage 2 development and can control Earth events such as tornadoes, typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Planets in Stage 2 know how to use their powers of Biorelativity to balance these many forces.
The etheric crystals also help to hold positive planetary healing thoughts. The etheric crystals are connected to the Earth’s Noosphere, and thoughts that are created and held in the etheric crystal have an Arcan Power far above what you could possibly do by yourself in your own meditation. You have to remember that these etheric crystals also are receiving energy from the Arcturian Mother Crystal, and that means there are new updates that are continually coming to the etheric crystals.
Now, today in this exercise, I want to lead you on this meditation where we will travel to the Arcturian Crystal Lake and experience the elevation of the Mother Crystal. Then, with the aid of the Mother Crystal, we will travel to and interact with three crystal sites on the Earth: Mt. Fuji in Japan, Bodensee in Germany and Lake Moraine in Canada. I will give you instructions on how to unite these energies using your Arcan powers. You can take full advantage of the Arcturian and fifth-dimensional energies that are available on the Earth through these etheric crystals.
There is one other point I want to make before I begin the exercise. I refer sometimes to these 12 etheric crystals as a “bypass meridian system”. The problem on the Earth now is that many of the meridians are blocked. They are blocked for a variety of reasons, including dams being built on sacred areas, radiation and pollution in other areas. And generally there is not a free flowing meridian passageway on the Earth now. It is possible that these meridian pathways can be cleared. I know that some of you starseeds do wonderful meditations to help clear the pathways. Nonetheless, the meridians still become blocked again.
There is a lack of awareness of the importance of the meridian system. The people of the planet are negligent in caring for the meridian system. People are ignorant about the Earth as a living spirit. There are people on the Earth who are ignorant that the meridian lines must be kept open, or else there are serious consequences.
The idea of the 12 etheric crystals is that they can provide a bypass system in support of the meridian lines. We come to one of the critical points in using the etheric crystals successfully, and that is the idea of using them as a network. Instead of using one crystal, use three; instead of using one crystal, use 12 together. These are interactive crystals. We do not want you to isolate them because the power of the crystals and the energy fields they create are interactive and form a network. This is an awakening; this is the secret to using them successfully.
I realize that is hard to use all 12 etheric crystals at once. I am suggesting today, in this exercise, that we will use triads, three at a time, as a way of interacting with special fifth-dimensional energies, and bringing those fifth-dimensional energies into the Earth and into the Noosphere and into your consciousness.
So, let us begin the exercise. Take three deep breaths. Enter a state of relaxation, a state of spiritual relaxation. I, Juliano, am now in the Arcturian Crystal Lake. I am sending to each of you a corridor of light from the Crystal Lake to the room where you are now listening to this lecture. Feel the power of this corridor over your room. A huge warm light, a golden warm light, is appearing over your room now, which is a reflection of the brilliant emissions from this corridor. You are able to increase your spiritual relaxation and feel your spirit body rising up out of your Crown Chakra and entering the corridor of light that is surrounding you in your room. You are now freely out of your physical body. Your etheric cord is still attached to your body, so you will be able to return comfortably back to your physical body when we are done with the exercise. Travel now at the speed of light to my fifth-dimensional Arcturian Crystal Lake. (Tones “Ta ta ta.”)
Experience the joy of traveling through the corridor. You arrive at the top of the Arcturian Crystal Lake. There is a dome above that lake, and you are now in a special etheric form. So you can go through the dome, and you see below 1600 fifth-dimensional bodies meditating together, and you will be happy to know that your fifth-dimensional body is there also. Align yourself now with the fifth-dimensional body that is yours. Go to a place six feet above that body and now enter it in perfect alignment. You are now entering your fifth-dimensional body. It feels lighter; it feels healthier. It feels expansive. You have psychic powers in your fifth-dimensional body that you never could have in your third-dimensional body.
You are totally in your fifth-dimensional body now on the Arcturian Crystal Lake, vibrating at a great spiritual speed with higher thought waves. You look at the center of the lake, and you can see the Mother Crystal in the lake beginning to rise. It is such a powerful crystal; there is nothing like it on Earth. The crystal rises higher. It is now 20 feet out of the water, and there is a rotating light like a lighthouse beam, and it is going around in a circle, and each revolution passes you. A powerful beam of spiritual fifth-dimensional energy is immediately sent to you, and you receive it through your Third Eye. You feel this repeating as the lighthouse beam-like light on top of the etheric crystal continues to rotate. The Mother Crystal is continuing to rise higher. At the same time as you are experiencing this light in this crystal, I, Juliano, am also raising the etheric crystals at Mt. Fuji, at Bodensee and at Lake Moraine, representing the energies of Universal Cosmic Light, the Divine Wisdom and Divine Understanding and Knowledge. Those three etheric crystals at Mt. Fuji, Lake Moraine and Bodensee are all raised and interconnected with the Mother Crystal now.
(Tones “Oh, oh, oh.”) Psychic powers from this Mother Crystal are being received by you, and on my command, you are able to bilocate to any one of the three crystals that I call out. You will be able to personally experience the energy that I will describe as Universal Cosmic Light around Mt. Fuji, Japan. Bilocate there now. We are above Mt. Fuji and above that etheric crystal. We feel the ancient energies, the power of Lemuria, the power of Atlantis, the power of the higher Central Light that is the basis for ancient powerful Earth civilizations. We feel the power of the new crystal Central Sun Light being downloaded into the Earth through Mt. Fuji, an energy that is going to contribute to a strong spiritual foundation for the Earth as she goes into Stage 2 of planetary development.
We think and create a thought form and field that allows you to go and bilocate now to Bodensee, Lake Constance. Bodensee is on the German-Swiss-Austrian border. This is a powerful crystal that contains Divine Wisdom. We call on this Divine Wisdom to be downloaded into the Earth so that it can be transmitted to world leaders who will be able to integrate it and use it for making the proper, wise decisions for the good of humanity and the planet. Feel the connection from Cosmic Energy and Mt. Fuji to Divine Wisdom at the Bodensee. The etheric crystal at Bodensee is rising now.
You and I together are now traveling through bilocation to Lake Moraine, in the Western Rocky Mountains of Canada. This energy field is active and is going to help to manifest the teachings of wisdom into knowledge and understanding. Wisdom needs to be integrated with knowledge, action and understanding.
We activate that energy at Lake Moraine, and visualize now, these three etheric crystals – Mt. Fuji, Bodensee and Lake Moraine – connecting with a powerful transmission-like energy field. You are bilocating simultaneously to all three etheric crystals – Mt. Fuji, Bodensee and Lake Moraine. These three etheric crystals are correspondingly raised and receiving your input and receiving the input from the Mother Crystal at the Arcturian Crystal Lake.
I want you to hold that imagery and that thought pattern as we go into meditation now for several minutes. See the interaction from Mt. Fuji to Bodensee to Lake Moraine. See the interaction of Cosmic Energy going to Divine Wisdom, to Divine Understanding and Knowledge, and hold and contribute to the thought patterns in this meditation. We will go into silence now for two minutes. (Silence)
We need you to help hold this energy and group it into the Earth. You, the Arcturian starseeds on Earth, are in a special position to work with this energy in these etheric crystals. You are in an incarnation on the Third Dimension, and you have a unique access point to this energy. The three etheric crystals are interacting with each other. You have helped to set off an interactive wave and pattern of great strength. We call this connection of the three crystals a triad. The three vessels, three crystals, are connecting with the power of the Mother Crystal, energizing each of these three etheric crystals. I, Juliano, download the crystals back into the Earth. Mt. Fuji crystal goes back into the mountain. Bodensee crystal goes back into the lake, and the Lake Moraine crystal goes back into the mountain and lake. The energy is being downloaded and contained and held as a foundational support for Cosmic Light, Divine Wisdom and Divine Understanding and Knowledge. (Tones “Oh, oh, oh.”)
We are now fully back into the Arcturian Crystal Lake in your fifth-dimensional body. The three etheric crystals that we have worked with as a triad are now downloaded into the Earth in their respective places, and you continue to receive spiritual activation into your Third Eye from the rotating lighthouse beam of light. The Mother Crystal returns back into the water. You are glowing in the light and energy that you have been working with. Prepare now to leave your fifth-dimensional body. Go upwards out of your fifth-dimensional Crown Chakra through the top of the Crystal Lake dome, and travel through the corridor from which you came, directly back to your physical body on Earth. At the speed of thought (Tones “Ta ta ta.”) you arrive at a place six feet above your physical body. Your etheric body is quite expanded. It is very large.
You are going to have to contract your etheric body in order to reenter your third-dimensional body. So make the necessary adjustments, contract, and reenter now in perfect alignment into your physical body, carrying with you the Divine Cosmic Light, Divine Wisdom and Divine Understanding from the etheric crystals that we have been working with. Use that energy for your development as a fifth-dimensional being of light known as Homo omega, which is the next evolutionary stage. It is a stage in which the deciding characteristic is fifth-dimensional consciousness and how to use fifth-dimensional consciousness for the betterment of humanity and for your personal healing on all levels. Take three more breaths as you prepare to reenter the third-dimensional state from which you came. You will feel lighter, wiser and more energized on all levels. Blessings to you all, starseeds. I am Juliano. Good day.