November 2, 2024 Group of Forty Lecture
Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We want to continue our discussion about the technology of ascension. As you can guess, we are moving closer to the ascension point, and this means that the more you are able to practice, and the more you can understand, the easier and more effective will your ascension experience be. The ascension is a non-verbal experience, and you will understand more about what I mean as we delve into the sound technology in this lecture, because there are sacred sounds and sacred power words that are needed and are extremely useful in your ascension work.
First, I want to also point out that ascension is part of the Homo omega experience and the Homo omega evolutionary process. Homo omega is the next stage or step in the higher evolution of Homo sapiens. There are many requirements for ascension, but one in particular, that I wish to emphasize in this lecture, is that one must be in a state of expanded consciousness in order to experience the Ascension.
The Ascension is beyond verbal descriptions, and also it is part of the expanded consciousness experience, and Homo omega has the ability for fifth-dimensional consciousness. That means that you, who are working and studying the Ascension, are contributing to the evolution of Homo omega. You are contributing to your own evolution, but also collectively as an ascension group, you are contributing to a higher evolutionary experience for the species.
This spiritual group is called the Group of Forty. 40 was a power number in ancient biblical times, and the number 40 was used repeatedly in ancient texts as a symbol for transformation, change and renewal of the Self. Some of the examples of the power of the number 40 are found, for example, in the story of Noah and the flood, which lasted 40 days and 40 nights. Moses went up to Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights is another example. In the New Testament Jesus was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. The Israelite people were in the desert for 40 years, and they were transformed from a slave people to an ascended, expanded, highly evolved spiritual group.
So you have come into this Group of Forty because you are wanting transformation, and you are wanting renewal, and I know that you are also wanting to ascend, because ascension is the highest transformation that you could achieve on this planet. There are several examples, at least, of enlightened beings and higher evolved beings, such as Elijah and Jesus/Sananda, who did ascend from the Third Dimension and did demonstrate that ascension is possible in the human experience on this planet.
I want to tie that idea of expanded consciousness together with the theme of unlocking the Codes of Ascension within your mental body. There is actually a physical aspect of the unlocking of the Codes of Ascension. This has a lot of importance in our discussion of the state of affairs of the starseeds on the planet right now.
First, we understand that you have to unlock the Codes of Ascension. That means that the ascension experience will not automatically happen unless you unlock the Codes in your mental framework. There is actually a physical activation, and I am going to have Sananda and Archangel Michael work with you on that activation again. I know that you may have experienced the activations and the unlocking of the Codes before, but I also know that it is easy to go back into contracted consciousness, and when you go back into contracted consciousness, then the Codes of Ascension could become locked again.
It so happens that once you unlock the Codes of Ascension, then they can be more easily unlocked a second time. I like to emphasize the importance of practice, because the Ascension is not an experience where you just sit back and wait for it to happen. I know in the earlier discussions of the Ascension, 20 or 30 years ago, there were many starseeds who felt that they could just sit back and let the Ascension happen. But I compare this to a sportsman who is trying to run a marathon. He must practice, and he must build up his condition for the longer run. He must condition himself.
This analogy works very well when we are talking about preparation and practicing for the Ascension. Unlocking the Codes of Ascension involves using sacred sounds, sacred words and power words. The two sacred languages that contain the vibrational energy for ascension are ancient Hebrew and Sanskrit. However, there are also power words in other languages. You can hear and use power words in these two respective languages easily.
There is an interesting phenomenon, because words and phrases build up spiritual energy, and the use of certain power words may go back two, three, or four thousand years ago. For example, the word Merkabah is a power word, and in reality, the origin of that word is from ancient Egypt. That word was passed down to the ancient Israelite tribes and the mystics, who then transferred that Egyptian word and concept into their language. The ancient Egyptian pronunciation of that word is almost exactly the same.
Merkabah is an important word in the Ascension, because it represents a chariot that can travel to the Fifth Dimension. The chariot was the optimal mode of transportation in the ancient world. But symbolically and spiritually, the chariot, or the Merkavah, is also an etheric device that carries your etheric spiritual body to the higher dimensions. The word Merkabah or Merkavah (both pronunciations are acceptable) then carries the accumulated ancient traditional power that had been used by many ascension practitioners.
Even in ancient Egypt, they were practicing the Ascension in their pyramids. They had the correct idea. It was necessary for them to use power words, and also it was extremely helpful for the Egyptians to use the pyramid shape as a tool to accelerate the Merkavah experience. Your spirit body can be transported to the Fifth Dimension through the training exercises and sound vibrational toning that comes with the Merkavah practice.
When we are speaking of the Ascension, we are talking about the activation and the transformation and the acceleration of your spirit body. We want to point out that much of this frequency activation occurs through a sound vibration. Think for a moment about how some of the religious texts talk about Gabriel’s Horn that may be sounded at the moment of ascension, and that tells you the importance of the sound vibration, and it tells you the importance that you have to be receptive to the higher frequency power sounds.
Now you have heard me also talk in the galactic language. The reason why I would speak to you in galactic tongue or syllables is related to the toning qualities that those words carry. You may not know the meaning of the galactic words that I would be toning; however, your etheric body is receptive to the accelerated tones that come from the galactic language.
There are various ways to approach the sound vibration energy and how it unlocks the Codes of Ascension. The unlocking of the Codes of Ascension can be compared to a drawer that is locked, and then you have the key, and then you put the key in the drawer’s lock and unlock it. And so it is with the Codes of Ascension. When the ascension sound vibrations are integrated, then it is like a miracle and your mental body opens up spiritually.
Why is it that the Ascension Codes are locked in the first place? Well, there are many reasons. One reason is that entry into the Fifth Dimension is only possible for higher, expanded beings. Those of lower consciousness or lower light or lower vibration are not allowed to come into the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension is a place where there is no fear, where there is no paranoia, where there is no anxiety, where you are not going to be emotionally or physically hurt by anyone. There is unity and love.
There is no need for protection or defenses, as you find in the Third Dimension. I am sure that would be a great relief for you. We have to ensure that only those who are oriented towards unity and expansion can come, and so therefore, it would only be natural that the Codes of Ascension protect lower vibration beings from entering the higher realms.
The second reason also relates to the survival mechanism. Homo sapiens may be a million years old. There are related species to Homo sapiens that go back quite a long time, but it is only recently that there has been this higher consciousness ability in the species. And this means that in the time where Homo sapiens was living in the forest or living in the wilderness, it was not practical or useful for their survival to have expanded consciousness and to meditate or work on the Ascension. The ascension ability and study is a sign of a more advanced development in the species. To work on ascension when you are in danger of being attacked by wild animals would not be appropriate.
The coming together of civilizations and societies have brought protection and security that have allowed starseeds like yourself to meditate and open up to the higher consciousness and expanded consciousness, which are necessary tools for the ascension process.
I am going to give the next part of the lecture to Archangel Michael, who is going to work with you on some of these sounds, and this next part will be more experiential than didactic. This is Juliano.
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael, and yes, one of my specialties is the sacred toning of the power words, and we will work with several of them in this work. I think it is important to understand that the strongest power words are associated with the name of the Creator. The real sound of the Creator is a hidden name, so it is not readily known or even toned or expressed, but there are aspects of the Creator’s name that are what I call “stepped down”. Imagine a voltage from high electrical wires. It cannot come directly into your house, because the high voltage would blow your fuses out. There has to be a stepped down device (Author’s note: The stepped down device is called a transformer.) that allows, let us just say, 1,000 volts to come into your home as 220 volts. This example is a good analogy in dealing with higher spiritual light because you do not want to be overwhelmed with a light force that is more than what your etheric body can handle.
We are going to repeat one stepped down version of the Creator’s name that is associated with the unlocking of the Codes of Ascension within you. Remember that the first step in the ascension work is to receive. Open yourself and let the sounds and the energy of the toning go into your “drawer” in your mental body that is going to be unlocked. The Codes of Ascension will unlock. Now, what that means is that your ability to ascend becomes part of your conscious mind, and you will have control of your ascension.
Take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation, and also feel this as a state of expanded consciousness, and call on your internal spiritual receptors to become heightened and be able to pick up the higher vibrational energies that you are going to be exposed to in a brief time.
You are in a state of higher expanded consciousness. You are in a state of receptivity to higher light, and you are opening the internal drawer so that you can unlock the Codes of Ascension within you. Listen to the sounds. (Tones “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.” (Author’s note: Ancient Hebrew for “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts.) Let the vibrational energy change you.
You are part of the Group of Forty, and our goal is to change, to renew ourselves as spiritual beings of light open for the Ascension. We will say this phrase one more time and then go into meditation. (Tones “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.”) Let us go into silence now. (Silence)
You are in a heightened state of ascension consciousness. Now we are going to bring down the Merkavah, the divine chariot of fiery light. Visualize that you are in a pyramid of higher vibration. You can even bilocate into a pyramid that you know of, either in South America or in the Middle East. In Egypt, there are many pyramids, or you may even have a pyramid-like structure in your own meditation chamber. And maybe you have the luxury and the good fortune to be able to meditate in the pyramid, but you also can meditate using the energy of bilocation.
You are in the center of a pyramid now, of your choice. You are sitting around a circle. Visualize yourself sitting cross-legged in the center of a pyramid. The vibrational energies are magnificent. Suddenly, a fiery divine chariot of light appears in the pyramid, and this divine chariot of light comes down, and you are suddenly sitting on the chariot. The chariot is called the Merkavah, and we will work together as the Merkavah can bring you up into the higher realms, as you hear these words, which mean the divine chariot is going upwards to the Fifth Dimension. (Tones “Aliyah Merkavah, Aliyah Merkavah, Aliyah Merkavah.”) We will go into silence as you experience the upliftment, the raising of your Merkavah chariot, as it goes upwards into the higher realms. We will go back into silence. (Very short silence)
And please repeat in your mind, silently, “Aliyah Merkavah,” the Merkavah chariot goes upwards. (Silence)
“Aliyah Merkavah.” You feel your Merkavah vehicle being uplifted. You, in spirit body, are in the Merkavah vehicle, and as you hear the tones, you feel an upliftment, an acceleration, for the Merkavah can enter the Fifth Dimension. You will be able to enter a corridor, which is an entry portal, not in the Fifth Dimension, but it is a portal to the Fifth Dimension, and you will experience heightened spiritual relaxation and healing. “Aliyah, Merkavah.” You are uplifted, and you are protected in this beautiful, divine, etheric energy chariot of light called the Merkavah.
This Merkavah vehicle that you are now experiencing today in this exercise has been specifically crafted for you and your needs. Each Merkavah is vibrationally calibrated to the person who will be using it. Today you are interacting with the divine Merkavah that is calibrated just specifically for your needs and your frequency. (Tones: “Merkavah.”)
You may take the palm of your hand and touch your Third Eye and your Crown Chakra. First touch the Third Eye, then the Crown Chakra, and this will associate the Merkavah calibrated chariot to you. Know that at the appropriate time you only need to call on this personal chariot. You can call upon it by touching your Third Eye with your palm and your Crown Chakra with your palm and saying the word “Merkavah”, and you will immediately be in this calibrated Merkavah vehicle that will uplift you into the Fifth Dimension. (Tones “Aliyah Merkavah.”)
Now return from the chariot; return from the pyramid that you were in, and come back into a normal resting state of consciousness. You feel this upliftment, and you know that you can return and use this Merkavah that has been specifically calibrated for you whenever is necessary. Now I want to have Sananda talk with you also. This is Archangel Michael. Blessings in the Light of the Creator. Good day.
Greetings, I am Sananda. Well, there is a hidden secret in the mystical world, that is, the power of sound and the power of words can raise your spiritual vibration. There are power words that many of you are using, or will be using, to raise your vibrational frequency. I know, especially in this time of polarizations and densities, it may seem even more challenging to vibrate at a higher frequency. I would also say that you may even be concerned about protection. Archangel Michael was describing the divine chariot. This description points out that the divine chariot, the Merkavah, is a protective device as well. Not only does it lift you up to the higher realms, but it is protecting you also.
But let us look at your energy field, because the key to all of our ascension work is in your aura and the energy field that comprises the aura. And in a perfect world, a world where you are in the Garden of Eden, your aura can expand 20 to 30 feet. I know that, even today, you might feel if your aura is eight or nine inches, that is good compared to a contracted aura that may only be two or three inches. But can you imagine an aura that is expanded to 20 feet? You would need to be in a special spiritual environment to be able to experience that type of expansion.
An important ingredient to the ascension experience is having the right vibrational frequency in your aura. But given the densities and what can only be called negativities that are rampant on the planet right now, you would have to be concerned about the disharmonious energy that is also coming into your aura.
Now I want to describe a term called aura plaque. Now, plaque is a type of blocking substance that appears in arteries as you age, and I know that plaque also appears on your teeth. There is a concept or a state affecting your aura that I describe as a plaque, which is a thickened coat of dense energy that forms on the aura, and when this is formed on the aura, it slows down your vibration. You cannot vibrate or shimmer at the higher frequencies when you have this aura plaque weighing down your energy field. Certainly, there are ways of breaking up the plaque.
If you think about the sound of Archangel Gabriel’s Horn, then you would have an awakening sound that would immediately dispel the plaque around your aura. No matter how pure you are, you are going to still get aura plaque, just by the nature of being on the Third Dimension. When you are in the midst of other planetary crises, you can see that your aura plaque may become hardened. When it becomes hardened on the aura, then the vibration, the speed, which is so critical for the transformation, is more difficult.
The good news is that you can reset your aura, and by doing that you can remove the plaque. In fact, resetting your aura is something that you would want to do on a regular basis. Your dense, third-dimensional life makes it more likely that you will accumulate more aura plaque.
So visualize, as you close your eyes, your aura in a Cosmic Egg shape and become aware of its distance from your physical body. As you breathe deeper, the aura expands outward another two to three inches, four inches, eight inches, and then you say to yourself: “I am ready to release the aura plaque that is slowing down my vibrational energy field.” It is that simple, but it also needs to be done with love and power and intention. So I will be saying a few sounds, and then I will be clapping my hands. And then when I clap my hands, you will feel the release of the plaque on your aura. (Author’s note: Several sacred toning sounds are made now.)
Aura release plaque! Release now the aura plaque now! (Tones “Oh oh oh, ta ta ta ta ta.”) This sound, simple sound, is breaking up the plaque on your aura so it will fall away. Your plaque is floating away. It breaks up very easily, like little crystals are floating away, and your aura is filled with pure spirit, and you feel the lifting of the burden of this plaque.
I can cohabitate with each of you now, for I am multidimensional, and I can cohabitate with you now, helping you to increase the speed of your aura with my love for you, for the Ascension, for the Creator and for the higher evolution of the starseeds. (Tones “Ohhhh.”) Feel my energy field cohabitating with you now. We are in unity, and with this unity, I will be your helper in your ascension, for I am waiting for you, and I will be welcoming you. You will be in your fifth-dimensional light body. So return slowly now to normal consciousness. The plaque has been removed on your aura, and you are vibrating at a wonderful, freeing vibration, and you still feel my light and love in your energy field. I will be with you for the next hour, and I am happy to have this opportunity to work together with you today. I am Sananda. Good day.