February 1, 2020
The Momentous Year 2020
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
(Author’s Note: The Subtle Body consists of focal points called chakras. The Subtle Body has supernatural powers, including past-life connections. In many Eastern traditions, such as Indian mysticism and Buddhism, the Subtle Body consists of layers of human energy fields, including the astral body, the aura and the physical body. In modern mystical texts the Subtle Body is called the Divine Body, and its multidimensional higher powers are recognized, such as the ability to transmigrate, merge into a body of light, called one’s Light Body, and ascend. As you spiritually progress, you can gain better access and control of your Subtle Body).
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today we are going to talk about the Subtle Body and its relationship to your physical body and also its relationship to the aura. Generally, the aura refers, in our perspective, to the energy field of only the physical body. Therefore, the aura is mostly Third Dimensional, although of course, it does have connections to other energy fields, but predominantly, the aura is Third Dimensional. The Subtle Body includes the aura, but it goes beyond the Third Dimension and is able to do remarkable and amazing feats. Today, I am going to talk about the Subtle Body and some of its abilities.
I would like to introduce this subject though by talking about one particular ability of the Subtle Body which is to be able to reach out and find other life forms in the galaxy. I have heard, with amusement, how the current Earth astronomers are searching for extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrial communications, through the SETI [Editor’s Note: Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence] program. I am sure that you have seen these huge radio telescopes that are continuously working and scanning the skies for contact with higher intelligence. To this date, they have not found any such communications.
This has been compared to looking for a needle in a haystack because of the tremendous distances that are involved. One must also take into account the vastness of outer space and the extraordinary luck that one would need to coordinate the following factors: (1) the revolution of the Earth and the solar system, (2) the revolution of the stars and (3) the revolution of the galaxy. That might only leave an open window for a few brief seconds to allow a contact to be found. Of course, in trying to make a contact with another galactic civilization, the signal would have to have tremendous power and tremendous wattages. This would require a vast amount of energy to produce such power.
Then, the final problem is, of course, the distances. You know how extraordinarily vast the galaxy is. It has been estimated that the Earth in your solar system is approximately two-thirds of the way from the center of the galaxy, and that is 26,000 to 30,000 light years from the galactic center. That means that the radio signal would take 26,000 years to reach the center. We view this entire attempt of SETI as primitive. We have higher technologies that we use that are more accurate and easier to identify and find life throughout the galaxy. This methodology that we use employs the Subtle Body.
The Subtle Body can scan for life forms in a galaxy. We have the ability to enhance the operation and the implementation of the Subtle Body. I could say that the Subtle Body can work in coordination with certain advanced computer systems, and through this methodology, we have been able to identify at this point 5,000 advanced civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. This approach and method gives you a taste of the abilities of the Subtle Body because the Subtle Body can reach out across vast spaces, can go through different time-space dimensions and realms, and can even reach out into other galaxies.
In our exercises, we have the ability to travel at the speed of thought. That means that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light. In effect, the speed of thought and the use of the traveling of the Subtle Body at the speed of thought is immeasurable in Earth terminology. In some cases, traveling at the speed of thought would be instantaneous. That means that the Subtle Body, with the proper instructions and preparations, can even travel across the galaxy, or even to another galaxy, at this tremendous speed.
The Subtle Body has receptors on it, and when you program the Subtle Body, then you can activate special sensors on it which would identify and be useful in searching for extraterrestrial galactic civilizations. This is how we identify and search throughout this Milky Way Galaxy, and we have the advantage of experience, and we have the advantage of special computer-integrated systems that work together with the Subtle Body.
This discussion relates particularly to our mission, because our mission is to help the Earth and to help humanity on several levels. Level number one is to help prepare and consult with humanity and the Starseeds about the Ascension and what it means. The second part of our mission is to help activate and prepare the species known as the humans, or the Adam race, to evolve to higher planetary consciousness and higher realms, that is to say, to evolve to a higher species which we call the Omega Man/Woman. This would be a further adaptation and improvement of functioning over Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and other species that are in your family.
The Omega Man/Woman has the special feature of integrated Planetary Consciousness and the ability to interact with the Fifth Dimension, and also the ability to work with and integrate the Subtle Body into its functions. The energies of the Subtle Bodies of all civilizations in this galaxy interact with each other. This is an amazing observation, and this in part explains why we as higher dimensional extraterrestrial beings have a mission to work with and to interact with you. The Subtle Energy Fields of all living beings are part of the Unified Field of Galactic Consciousness. This means that, what happens at one civilization or at one planet, like the Earth, does affect and is recorded and is interacting with other energy fields in the galaxy. That means that what you do and how you deal with these polarizations, conflicts and life and death struggles of your biosphere will affect the Subtle Energy Field of other galactic beings. This is why the Galactic Council, which is composed of Galactic Ascended Masters, has taken an interest in the Earth. They have directed higher beings, such as the Arcturians and other Galactic Ascended Masters, to directly work with the Earth.
Your Earth-based actions and your energies have been picked up and received by those who are of higher consciousness and who have searched out and received your Subtle Energy Fields. Therefore, we use our energy and abilities to help motivate and to assist in your evolution, and this requires a lot of teaching and consultations. The past 100 years has seen an increase in Planetary Consciousness and an increase in Ascended Masters, guides and teachers who have been coming to the Earth and seeking to promote a higher consciousness and evolution.
The Subtle Body has amazing powers and these include psychic abilities as well as abilities involving interdimensional travel and reaching out and interacting with other Ascended Masters throughout the galaxy. I can say that at this time in 2020, there have never been as many contacts with higher dimensional beings on this planet as there are right now, and this includes contacts through channeling. It does include direct contact with extraterrestrial beings and, in other cases, it includes lower energy abductions by fourth-dimensional beings. There also is higher energy traveling, where people are voluntarily going on starships. This also includes the work that is going on in Dreamtime.
The Subtle Body is extremely active in Dreamtime, and there are some Starseeds who are working in special Dreamtime. The beauty of Dreamtime is that you have direct access to your Subtle Body without any other blocks. These blocks that are normally in existence in your third- dimensional body have been taught to you. You have been trained culturally to block out information and communication with the Subtle Body.
Lacking contact and information about your Subtle Body has harmed your civilization, because the modern times minimize your spiritual development and instead emphasize material gain and possessions. This lack of spiritual contact is one of the reasons why the Ascension is being introduced, because part of the teachings of the Ascension is to open up spiritual areas in our physical body, such as the Reticular Activating System, also called the Assemblage Point, and by doing that, you would have more direct interaction and more direct abilities to use and interact with the Subtle Body.
One of the techniques of using and taking advantage of the Subtle Body is the technique we call “identification with the Subtle Body”. It is a simple technique. Right now, you identify yourself with your physical body even though you might in your belief system realize that you are greater than your physical body. Culturally you are trained to maintain a strong identification of your existence with your physical body. This is one of the reasons why there is such a fear of death in the Western world, because the physical body is time limited and is subject to certain limitations. Over time the physical body will generally begin to decline so that it would leave you with a feeling of loss and also a feeling of fear. When you connect and identify with your Subtle Body, then you do not have these feelings. The Subtle Body is connected to your Soul. The Subtle Body has luminous strands of light, or etheric cables, that connect to the Source of All.
Your true nature is more in alignment with the Subtle Body than it is with the physical body, because your true nature consists of luminous light. If you ever are able to get into a higher state of perception, and you look at yourself or look at another person, you will not see their clothes; you will not see even their face as much as you will see them as luminous, electromagnetic beings of light. You will see that each person has deep connections to different realms. The Subtle Body is greater than the aura. The aura is included in the Subtle Body, but the Subtle Body surpasses the restricted energy field that would be identified as your physical aura. In fact, the aura would be considered the energy field around your physical body, and the Subtle Body would be considered your energy field that is infinite and eternal, and it has abilities far beyond what you even can imagine.
You do not normally identify with the Subtle Body. One way to work with the Subtle Body is through strengthening your identification with it. Interestingly, there are certain aspects of your third-dimensional experience that inhibit your identification with your Subtle Body and also, there are actually certain energy fields that can harm your Subtle Body. We have always been concerned about radiation, and we have been concerned about the nuclear energy contamination on the Earth, and there is a variety of reasons why. We are concerned about nuclear energy. The main reason is because radiation destroys the biosphere, but another reason is that the nuclear exposure to high amounts of radiation can affect the connection you have with the Subtle Body and can cause distortions in the Subtle Body Energy Field.
Remember, I said that the consciousness of a planet is communicated in the subtle energy fields throughout the galaxy, and that means that higher beings, such as the Galactic Council, can feel and hear and sense energy work and energy actions in the Subtle Energy Fields here on Earth. Radiation has the potential for being interdimensional. The effects of the energy field of radiation are not well understood on the Earth. Most scientists would have no idea what I am talking about on the Earth when I say that the radiation is interdimensional and can travel through the Subtle Energy Fields of a person and can communicate and can be transmitted throughout the galaxy.
This explains why the ascended guides and teachers working with the Earth have specifically setup protective energy fields so that this nuclear energy weaponry will not be allowed to be transmitted outside of your solar system. Maybe you have heard discussions like this many years ago when we were talking about the first atomic bomb that went off on this planet. The first atomic bomb used as a weapon was the bomb in Hiroshima. The Hiroshima bomb is minor compared to the hydrogen bombs that were later tested. Nonetheless, that first atomic bomb set off a wave in the Subtle Energy Fields of the Earth and was received throughout the galaxy. That may be hard for you to imagine or believe. How can it be that one small atomic bomb could set off a wave of energy which could be picked up in the Subtle Energy Fields outside of the Earth by higher beings far away from this planet? Remember, the nuclear energy and explosions have an interdimensional ability that can transcend what is the normal energy.
This dropping of the first nuclear bomb was the beginning of an acceleration of the Ascended Masters’ work with the Earth. We saw potential danger to the interference and to the damage that can be done, and it has been our mission, along with many other Ascended Masters, to protect and counsel as many people as possible about the harmful effects of radiation. I realize that there are lesser levels of radiation, such as being used for medical purposes. I am talking specifically about nuclear bomb radiation as the danger, including the meltdown of a nuclear reactor, which we have seen at Fukushima.
I have spoken, numerous times about Fukushima, and I want you to know, that this nuclear reactor meltdown accident in Fukushima is still the number one threat to the biosphere and to all life forms on the Earth. Here we are, maybe eight, nine years since the accident [Editor’s Note: March 11, 2011], and it is still issuing levels of radiation equal to the first year of the meltdown, and there is still no slowing down of this dangerous emission rate. There is some minor containment but not concretely solid enough to say that the leakages have been stopped or that the danger is past.
This radiation leakage is one source of possible harm to the Subtle Body. There are other traumas now occurring to the Earth’s biosphere on the Earth, including contaminations, and finally, interdimensional space-time distortions which can affect the Subtle Body.
Part of our other mission is to help you to purify and to re-assess and re-align your Subtle Body. We have the technology. We have the abilities and the exercises to help you purify your Subtle Body and to help you to cleanse it. Helio-Ah, my colleague and partner, has special healing chambers that help you with this work. We also have the special healing chambers in Tomar’s temple which can also do great purification on your Subtle Body.
What is the relationship between the Soul and the Subtle Body? The Subtle Body is directly connected to your Soul, and the connection again is through luminous cords and luminous cables. I like to use the word “cables”. There are energy fields that the Subtle Body is able to use and can communicate with through these cables. The Subtle Body has direct communication with the Soul. The Soul is above the Subtle Body, but also the Soul and the Subtle Body are highly interactive. You can imagine that if there is a distortion or damage to the Subtle Body, then the Soul can respond, and the Soul will seek out ways of repairing the Subtle Body. This means that the Subtle Body often needs to be repaired and purified. There are particular experiences on the Third Dimension which give you access to repairing the Subtle Body.
There are experiences on the Third Dimension which can harm the Subtle Body as we have described, but there also are experiences and opportunities to heal and repair the Subtle Body, and this is partly one of the reasons why you may have decided to come here at this time. I will be leading an exercise today with Helio-Ah to repair and to help heal your Subtle Body.
I want to also talk about the Subtle Body and ascension because the idea of ascension is that you use this alchemical, transformational process in which your physical body transforms into another energy field, and then that energy field is able to transfer you into another realm. Think for a moment, if you are totally identified with your Subtle Body, then you can “give up” your physical body with joy, and then you identify with the Subtle Body, and the Subtle Body then can easily enter higher dimensions and can transfer you to other realms and other dimensions. The teaching of the Ascension includes the advanced ability to work with subtle energy fields, and particularly to be able to identify with the Subtle Body.
(Tones) Take three deep breaths. Experience a state of relaxation in which you become aware of your energy field around the physical body, and feel the beautiful, joyful shape and energy field known as the Subtle Body that is above your aura, that is above the energy field even of the Cosmic Egg. Have your aura be in the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Having your aura in the shape of the Cosmic Egg prepares you for being in your Subtle Body.
It is important to say that the Subtle Body can also be called, in metaphysical terminology today, the “Light Body”. The Light Body is luminously bright. The Subtle Light Body is your true essence. You have only come down into this third-dimensional body as part of an experience, as part of a traveling on your soul journey. You are not totally who you are in this physical body. You are greater than this physical body. See and allow yourself to go upwards into your Subtle Light Body now. Some have even called this the “I Am Presence”. Again, it is above your aura. I will go into meditation time now as you experience this higher form of yourself, the true part of yourself. We will go into silence. (Silence)
You can say this affirmation: “I am my Light Body. I am my Subtle Energy Field Light Body.” Open up the antenna of your Light Body, which is at the Crown Chakra. Prepare yourself to receive communications from the Ascended Masters and other higher conscious beings around this galaxy. Space, time and distances are not meaningful like they are on the Third Dimension. There is an interconnectedness of higher beings in this galaxy. This has been expressed in our work with you on the Sister Cities, which is an important part of the Planetary Cities of Light project. In our original definition of Planetary Cities of Light, we said there are networks of Sister Cities of Light around the whole galaxy that can connect with the Earth Planetary Cities of Light. The Planetary Cities of Light and the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light project is setup to potentially connect with all other Star Cities and Star Ocean Cities of Light around the galaxy. For various reasons, we have not been able to totally implement this, but a time is coming where we will be able to improve our communications with the Sister Cities of Light around the galaxy.
Imagine for a moment, that there are Cities of Light around the galaxy that are sending out callings for Cities of Light that can be received and heard on the Earth, and that these callings are being received through the Subtle Body of Gaia. There are subtle bodies of planets, and there are even subtle bodies of cities. This calling to Star Cities of Light focuses on connecting links and networks with other Galactic Cities of Light. This is a great exercise, to be able to interact with Star Cities of Light on the Pleiades, Arcturus, Alano, on Antares, and on so many other places.
These other Galactic Sister Cities of Light have access to energy fields that may not be available to your Cities of Light this time, but it can energetically boost the Subtle Energy Field of your City of Light, or the Subtle Energy Field of your Ocean Reserve of Light, and even your own Subtle Energy Field. Think about how wonderful and expansive it is to be connected with the Subtle Energy Fields of other Star Cities of Light around the galaxy. Think what it means when we say that you are a Galactic Citizen, and you have Galactic Consciousness, and that you have abilities to interact with these other higher energy fields around the galaxy. (Tones) I now turn the next part of the lecture over to Helio-Ah. This is Juliano. Good day.
(Tones “Helio-Ah.”) Greetings, my Star Brothers and Star Sisters. I am connecting my Subtle Energy Body with yours. In the energy of the subtle fields, cohabitation is easy. Remember that these principles of contact, which sometimes are called “quantum contacts” or “quantum entanglements”, are more directly experienced when you are in your Subtle Body. This means that your interest in our work indicates that you have had previous contacts with the Arcturians. You have been led into this large Arcturian group to enhance and improve, with greater clarity, your Arcturian interactions and your Arcturian memories. I have a special healing chamber on our starship, and I am going to invite you today to visit with me. I want to help purify your Subtle Light Body Field and help it to return to a more pristine condition. Maybe you can call this “maintenance” on your Subtle Energy Field.
I send down a corridor of light to each of you, wherever you are on the planet. Feel that corridor of light over your room. It is a glorious golden energy field of protection and higher consciousness and higher light. Call on your Light Body; call on your Subtle Energy Field to bilocate and travel with me to my starship through this corridor. (Tones “Ta ta ta, oh….”)
Travel at the speed of thought in your Light Body, your Subtle Energy Body. Come into the entranceway of my starship. I am there, greeting you. We are in a huge circle of light together. Follow me as we move as a large group into this special blue room that is right to the left. It is called Helio-Ah’s Healing Chamber of Light.
You come into the room with me, and you immediately understand the purifying energy of this light and of this healing chamber. It is more powerful than a hyperbaric chamber, which is a chamber with a high level of oxygen. The energy in the healing chamber is more powerful than any healing that you have ever had, more powerful than any hallucinogenic drug you have ever had, including Ayahuasca. It is a light purification, especially aligned, attuned and calibrated for your Subtle Body. The light in the chamber is cleansing you. It is removing densities, doing healings on all levels of cells that may have been damaged from your experience on the Earth. It can heal all traumas that you might be carrying with you. Yes, this is a tremendous healing chamber of light. We will go into meditation as you experience this healing for your Subtle Energy Body.
You are transforming now directly into your Light Body. Your Subtle Body continues to remove any densities, any blocks, any contaminations, any distortions. You are totally in your Subtle Energy Field, and you are merging into your Light Body. (Tones “Oh….”) This is truly a soul healing experience. Now continue to feel this high energy cleansing/purification, and prepare yourself to return back to Earth and to return back to your physical body. Pay particular attention to your heart, and fill up your heart with this healing light, for it is said that the true Earth healing comes when the heart is also purified. (Tones “Oh….”)
We gather as a group and begin to leave my healing chamber, knowing that you can come back and return to this chamber at any time. We walk forward as a group, to the entranceway of our ship. There is a corridor, connecting to your home. Together we enter the corridor and travel through the corridor at the speed of thought. (Tones “Ta ta ta, oh….”)
You come back to your room, and you see your physical body and your aura. You are in your Light Body and in your Subtle Body. There are layers. You have your Light Body; then you have your aura, and then you have your physical body. Bring your Light Body in alignment with your aura. This purifying charge of energy that you have experienced in my healing chamber will now transfer into your aura, and then into your physical body now.
At the count of three, in perfect alignment, bring your Self down through your Subtle Energy Field, your Light Body, into your aura and then into your physical body, now. You are expanded. You will experience a feeling of joy and harmony that will last for the next 24 hours. Your abilities of receiving communication and information from higher beings and your psychic abilities have now doubled from where they were before we started this lecture.
My blessings to you and healing light. I am Helio-Ah. Good day!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty