July 1, 2017
The Reset Concept and First Contact
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
I want to look at the concept called the “reset” and how that concept applies to the current situation on planet Earth. To understand what it means to reset we must look at the computer world and electronic devices. If there is a malfunction in the operating system of the computer in the computer world, then there are errors, and in severe cases, the device will not function properly. In other cases, there are errors in the functioning and certain attributes will no longer work. One of the methods of fixing a computer or a device which contains a computer focuses on the technique called “resetting”. In the reset, certain parameters are temporarily or even permanently erased. The device can be shut down and started over again, but it is started over again in a new way. By being in a new way I mean, for example, that some memories that were stored in the computer may be erased, and also, certain settings are also returned to what is known as the “default” position.
When you are operating computers or electronic devices, you often tailor the functioning of the device to suit your own personal needs. Some of you certainly use this tailoring when you are operating your computer. For example, you might have certain screen savers or certain short cuts that you use in your computer that are suited to your operating style. When the reset is initiated, then all of the personalized settings are erased or removed, and the program or the computer is started brand new, going back to what is referred to as the “default or factory settings”. There are some other principles in reset that I want to look at before we compare the necessity of resetting some of the programs on the Earth’s operating system.
The first component of resetting is erasing personal settings and memories in the computer that are tailored just for your needs. When you consider resetting the device, then that means that there was a serious error, and that the device was not functioning properly. It also means that, as you are going through the reset process, during that time the machine or the device will not function at all. This technique of resetting also involves a second step that is called “rebooting”. In rebooting, the device restarts itself, but during that process of rebooting, the device is essentially useless. You cannot use any functions that you need during rebooting or resetting. Rebooting does not return the device to factory settings, but rather it only clears the computer’s temporary memory by restarting itself so that it can operate more efficiently. The main difference is that when the resetting is completed, the device is both re-started and everything is returned to “factory installation settings”.
A resetting or rebooting does not always solve every problem. In fact, to successfully reset your device means that hopefully the machine will be repaired, but there also is no guarantee, and there are situations when the rebooting does not solve the problem. There are situation when the reset is not able to solve the errors that are causing the device to malfunction.
Now that I have given you this brief introduction to a reset and rebooting from the computer/electronic world, let me take this discussion to the level of the planet Earth. This concept of the resetting and rebooting has some metaphorical value. There is a program that runs Mother Earth and the Third Dimension. These programs run every aspect of the systems that are in place in this planet. These programs are individualized for the economies for the countries on the planet, the geopolitical activities, the weather patterns, and certainly what you call climate change and global warming. The programs of geology include oversight of the earthquakes and volcanic activity, the winds, the air currents, the ocean currents, etc. Each one of these complex systems has a program. And each one of these systems and programs is interfacing with one huge program which is called “Planet Earth”.
We, the Arcturians, look at the whole system of the Earth and all its components, and we see how these systems interact. We see that some of the systems are breaking down and collapsing. There are malfunctions in many systems around the planet. At this point in the development of the planet Earth and its evolution, there is consideration given by the Ascended Masters and by the Arcturians and by Sananda to implement a reset on planet Earth. This reset would certainly clear many of the malfunctions. Remember that a reset is an experience in which the energies and functions of the device are temporarily suspended. The functions have to be suspended so that the device can go through its rebooting in order to go into a new implementation of its systems.
A reset can create some hardships for the planet. The reset should be considered for a planet only when there is immediate danger and very serious possibilities of self-destruction. The Earth is now in that situation where a reset can be considered. There are several different methods that are involved in a reset of the Earth. We, the Arcturians, have been involved in other resets on planets when these planets got into serious difficulties. One method that is widely considered and has been widely discussed for a reset includes the concept known as “first contact”. First contact is an experience in which other beings that are outside of this solar system and main planet make initial contact with the planet and with humans. Why would a first contact be considered a reset, and how would first contact have a positive effect in reprogramming so many of these different systems?
Before I explore those subjects, I would like to take a moment to meditate together with you about first contact because I know that this is an important subject, and that many of you who are listening to this or reading this already have many desires to be part of the first contact. You have many strong motivations to witness it. Many of you are writing about it and waiting for first contact and wonder how it can be effective in bringing the planet into a new balance. Believe me, a first contact is a planetary reset. Let us spend a moment in meditation and meditate on these words of “first contact” and what they mean to you. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Now a first contact has many implications for each system on Earth, but in particular first contact has a reset for the following systems and values on the planet: the geopolitical structure of the planet, the overall environment on the planet, which includes the possibility of receiving new technologies for repairing the environment. For you who are Arcturian Starseeds, a first contact would not be a shocking experience. In fact most of you are expecting the first contact soon. Yes, you are very impatient that the first contact has not occurred yet. A first contact is a planetary-wide experience that is seen and witnessed overwhelmingly by everyone who is capable of observing news through the media.
How will the first contact affect the religious views and systems? First, your religious systems are all based on Earth centrism, which is based on the belief that the Earth is the center of the universe. Earlier philosophers and astronomers had the misconception that the stars rotated around the Earth, and because of that their ways of thinking of the universe were greatly misshaped. There have been times in the history of this planet where astronomers tried to present a more scientific view of the universe. For example, Galileo tried to explain that the Earth was not the center of the universe. That view was against the religious belief systems of the time. Galileo was punished severely for his scientific “heresy”.
Think about the concept of first contact. One immediate question has to be whether other prophets and messiahs from other planets have visited the Earth and other planets in the galaxy. The second is what effect does the power of the beings that make first contact have to influence the planet. We love your Star Trek movies and the rule of “no interference”, which is often explored and explained in great detail. The idea is that first contact should only carefully be initiated because such a contact could negatively and karmically affect the evolution of that culture. That culture could be influenced by the external civilization that made first contact. The interaction could include a cultural and technological influence transferred by those who made the first contact. A major technological effect could occur when it is shown that it is possible to travel through space and overcome the space-time barrier.
Two major systems will be affected by the first contact. The religious system, which is based on the belief that higher life is Earth-centered, and then the idea of the space/time travel technology. Just the awareness that other higher forms of technologies exist would influence the planet. The third idea of first contact is that such a contact must have the permission of the Higher Masters guarding this planet. It should be shown that first contact would be for the benefit and greater good of the overall systems of this planet. A first contact of such global proportion must be allowed. Permission must be granted by the Ascended Masters who oversee this planet. A method and a protocol for effecting a positive influence on the problems on this planet must be enforced and agreed upon. A first contact has to be set up in a way that will positively benefit the planetary systems. Those systems include, again, the economic systems, the environmental systems, the geopolitical systems, the geological systems, the weather patterns, the oceans and the climate. The expectation is the first contact would provide assistance to this planet in solving some of these overwhelming complex problems.
We have often talked to you about the radiation problems and the radiation leakages that have permeated so many different parts of the Earth. This planet does not have the technology to remove the radiation from the waters and from the land. At one time, we had talked about a fungus-like or bacteria-like life form that would be able to “eat” or dissolve radiation. But this requires a highly advanced development in evolution in the species of bacteria and the viruses that can live off of radiation. There are primitive experiments now occurring on Earth that look at and even had some modest success in using the bacterial approach to overcome radiation. Currently there is no mass technology to do it on a global scale. It could be done in a small setting, and I’m talking about in a laboratory or in some type of confined pool. There could be some moderate success. It is a more advanced technology to do this on a mass scale over the many large areas on the planet.
I want to talk about first contact as a gradual experience as well as first contact being an immediate, shocking experience. Nothing is perfect in the universe, and it is nice to say that the Galactic Federation is operating on the “no interference” principle. The reality is that there have been intrusions from other planetary systems on the Earth. These intrusions are based on self-interest. When I’m talking about first contact now on planet Earth, I’m talking about a mass global interaction for the benefit of the planet. I’m not talking about a specific limited contact for self-interest.
There have been contacts by extraterrestrials throughout different cultures on the Earth. This is documented in the Bible. It is documented in mythology, and there is even archaeological evidence of contacts with other extraterrestrial beings. These archaeological contacts were demonstrated, for example, in the building of the Egyptian pyramids. It is known that the Sirian Empire from the star system Sirius was making contact with the Egyptians and supervised the building of the pyramids through their technology. Stonehenge and many other “sacred sites” around this planet also have had extraterrestrial influences. One method of learning about gradual first contact has come through the archaeology and the study of sacred sites on this planet with the awareness that certain building feats were done with extraterrestrial help.
There are people who continue to believe that there are ways of building these vast complex pyramids through manual physical labor alone and through strong sticks and stones and levers or levels. But I consider that idea an illusion for several reasons. The imagination and the technological powers of the earlier peoples in ancient Egypt, for example, were not developed enough to conceive of how vast weights could be moved with precision and built with precision. The Mayans and the Native Americans who lived on the North American continent, they never developed the technological expertise of the wheel. It just was not in their higher conception and it had to be brought to them. The technology of advanced building was an example of first contact. There also are descriptions of contacts through the early Mesopotamians. There is a great deal of information, explaining how the contacts were for the self-interest of extraterrestrials. They did not come here to bring peace, wisdom and advanced technology. They had their own agenda for gathering and using slaves and gathering certain minerals. However, there are other examples of higher beings that have come to this planet for spiritual guidance, and that was also considered a “first” contact.
Another part of first contact occurs in dreams, channelings, trances and other interdimensional experiences. Gradual contact encompasses the second level which also includes dreams, poetry and certain religious mystical experiences. There have been documented special experiences by prophets, such as going up on a mountain and talking to God, or seeing a flying object, such as Ezekiel, or ascending and going into another realm. These are all examples of higher consciousness and altered states of consciousness being used for making a contact with other dimensional beings. I call this a gradual contact because the information comes slowly in a state of altered consciousness. The information is discussed and slowly introduced to people. Thus, people have a chance to modify or adjust their belief systems in accordance with the new information and energy that they are receiving. This has been done throughout the ages, and in fact now, at this time on the Earth, there are more experiences like this. There are more experiences of people having these “contact experiences” in their dream life and in their trance work or in their channelings. This type of contact is what I call gradual first contact. It is true that there is a critical scientific body of knowledge which disputes these contacts. Doubters will often say that people have a psychotic delusion and psychotic hallucinations about these experiences.
Gradual first contacts from extraterrestrials do support the idea of free will. The gradual contacts support the idea of self-determination, which means that you might be exposed to information about other beings, and you might even receive new technology and ideas, but you still have your individual choice. You have the choice whether to continue to explore this kind of energy; you have the choice to continue to explore these new technologies and ideas. The first contact in the gradual way that I described does not take away your right of free will and self-determination, and it’s not considered “interference” in the planet. You have the right and the ability to co-exist and co-work with the energy.
Albert Einstein was communicating with higher beings, but he was able to use his own mind and his own discipline to develop from the ideas that were given to him. His work was a mutual and coordinated effort. And I’m sure that many of you on some level have an interaction that would be considered gradual contact.
Today, we are talking about first contact, which is a global first contact, on a global basis. We are not talking about segmental contacts by extraterrestrial beings for personal gain. We are not talking about gradual contacts through dreams or trance experiences or channeling or other religious, mystical experiences. Now we are talking about a global first contact. We are talking about why that global contact might be a necessary step in resetting the systems on this planet.
In earlier times, it was not possible to have a global first contact. In earlier times there was not the global network of the Internet. Global satellite television did not exist as well as inter- continental phone communications systems that you now have. Also, in earlier times you did not have planetary threatening technologies that were capable of eradicating entire systems and entire species in short periods of time. From this perspective now a first contact with higher beings, such as the Arcturians and the Pleiadians, could be seen as a reset. A global first contact could be seen as a way of immediately changing how this planet functions.
It is important to point out that any first contact would have to be done from a position of power by the extraterrestrial being, that is, that the governments on Earth would not have the power to harm in any way those higher beings from other dimensions that are making the first contact. Another requirement would be that a message would have to be created that would really affect people. A message from the first contact could really change the way people operate, and thus could help to reset the planet. A new basis for the operations of all of the man-made Earth systems is needed. A different basis for the economy, the world economy, is needed. There have already been many different interpretations and suggestions of how different economic systems based on first contact would evolve. You might be aware of different financial systems that could be used for the world economy. For example, the financial system called NESARA was based on a reset of the world economy so that wealth could be more equally distributed throughout the planet.
A planetary reset can be initiated from an extraterrestrial, positive first contact experience. A reset though has a period of rebooting where there is a time in which the systems may not function. There have even been discussions about this type of experience in your literature, in your mystical writings and in your science fiction. We talk about entering a null zone, for example, a time period where everything, including all of the electronics, becomes neutralized. A reset would neutralize many aspects of functioning on the Earth, including even the environmental systems. We are talking about a time where there would be a neutralization of global conflict, where one country would not be able to dominate or threaten another. There are even hints of a rebooting in the discussions and the sermons of Jesus/Sananda. Remember his famous expression “the meek shall inherit the Earth.” This is an example of a rebooting. This is an example where one can say that the normal operating system is not going to work anymore. Those who are gathering power through accumulation of wealth and money and who are raping the planet to get that money and wealth will not be able to be in power any longer. That’s what a reset does.
When Jesus/Sananda said “the meek shall inherit the Earth,” he could have been referring to those who are not of the selfish way and who are not trying to amass wealth for personal gain. The meek are those who are humble and want to save this planet and want to create a new balance and new system. From this perspective, the first contact is a revolutionary, planet changing event. It’s an event that neutralizes all existing systems temporarily so that a re-orientation of the principles of operation of all these systems can change. When this happens, there will be some discomfort. There will be resistance to a resetting, simply because those who have gathered power won’t be able to hold on to power unless they are going to comply with a new system. There will be a new way of managing the resources of the planet and a new way of dealing with the pollution. After the reset there will be a new way of dealing with global warming, and there will be a new way of seeking planetary unity, a new way of being in brother- and sisterhood.
I want to speak about first contact and the Messianic Energy. There is a lot of discussion about Messianic Energy, especially when you consider the need for a higher technology and a higher intervention energy that does not exist now on planet Earth. A higher energy source exists and can be utilized, but it does come with tremendous responsibility. The reason is that the higher energy and the higher technology can easily be misused. This has been one of the main hesitancies for withholding first contact to this planet. It is the belief of the higher beings that it would be very easy to misuse the technologies of the space-time continuum and the technologies of interdimensional space travel. One of the main reasons is that we know that your governments would use the interdimensional technology to transport their nuclear weapons into outer space and would bring forth mischief.
We have become concerned because lower extraterrestrial beings have had some contact with your governments and have offered some limited technologies as an enticement to be able to exert control over your world. This level of first contact is not of a higher order. When we, the Arcturians, engage in first contact, we never have a selfish motive. We are not interested in gaining the resources of the Earth for our own planets. Our goal is your spiritual development and evolution. Our goal is your planetary evolution and to help bring you through a new reset into a new planetary system.
When we talk about reset, there is also some basis of this in the Bible. Reset is called “The End Times”, or sometimes it is referred to as “the time of purification”. We do not want a reset where everything is totally wiped out. We do not want a reset in which you are brought back into a primitive state of being where there is no longer any higher technology and no Internet or global communications. That is a step backwards, and destruction of that communication technology would not be considered a good reset. Remember, in the concept of reset, after the rebooting, everything returns to a basic functioning that was originally established for that system. This system on the Earth was not intended to become clogged. This system was not set up to become contaminated with man-made chemicals and man-made pollutions and contaminations.
The reset information has to include the knowledge of planetary stages of evolution. We can show you pictures or movies of planets self-destructing. We have images of even Atlantis and the destruction that they have gone through. On the other hand, we can show you systems that successfully went through the positive stages of planetary development and went on to Planetary Stage 2. This stage means overcoming the tendency towards planetary self-destruction. By showing you the planets that did not succeed, we would hope that you as a planetary body would be shaken and choose a different path.
Let us meditate on first contact with higher Arcturians, higher Pleiadians and higher beings. Let us focus on a positive interaction to reset the systems on this planet in a way that is not overly damaging and that brings people into a new way of cooperation. Let us meditate together on this great moment of first contact which is spiritual and helps mankind to evolve to higher consciousness. We will go into silence. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Your spiritual energies and spiritual work are helping to attract a first contact. You are part of a preparation for this interaction. It is possible to reset all of the systems on this planet, and you can participate in the reset.
On a personal basis, there are systems and beliefs about yourself that also can be reset. Personal change is one of the most powerful aspects of this time of planetary change. Systems and beliefs on a planetary basis can be changed, but also systems and beliefs on a personal basis can also be changed. The following questions and beliefs can be positively changed, including: Who you are, what you think you are, what abilities you have, what talents you have and what kind of healings you can do. All of these beliefs about yourself can be reset in a positive way. In many ways, this can happen just by realizing and understanding the power you have to reset your system, your soul journey and your healing ability.
This is an exciting time to be on this planet, and I know that each of you have chosen specifically to incarnate here to participate in this healing process. I have compared this dramatic time of change on the planet to a solar eclipse. Here now on Earth you have an eclipse of energy; you have a reset, a first contact. It is a very exciting time to be on a planet which is on the eve of the first contact. I send my blessings to all of you Starseeds.
This is Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty