Copyright © 2023 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I want to look at the Ascension and the relationship of the Ascension with the Intersection of the Dimensions. We are approaching March 15th, which is the end of the period of the Intersection of the Dimensions. One of the groundwork tools and tasks for the intersection is to evaluate how well each of you is able to receive and hold fifth-dimensional energy. You may want to consider that this is in part a practice for the Ascension itself. The ending of the intersection on March 15th does not mean that the connections to the Fifth Dimension that you are developing go away. The opposite is true. The connections that you have been working with, and the fifth-dimensional energies that you have been holding, will carry through after the Intersection of the Dimensions is over. The Ascension is a dynamic and bigger version of this smaller Intersection of the Dimensions.
The Ascended Masters need to evaluate how well you are holding and working with the intersection and the fifth-dimensional energies that are being downloaded. Do you find yourself during this time period more compassionate? Are you able to transcend the polarizations that are occurring on this planet? Are you able to be nonjudgmental, and most importantly, is your focus on the higher perspective that the Fifth Dimension offers? Are you able to distance yourself from the drama that is occurring now on this planet? Have you found during the intersection, that you can more, and with greater concentration, practice the Ascension exercises that we have proposed on several occasions? Those exercises include shimmering and also acceleration of the aura to a point where you transmute your Spirit Body into a form that allows you to go on into the Fifth Dimension. Have you been able to purify yourselves of negativity, and have you embraced the unification with the unity energies that are so important for the planet and the planetary ascension?
I want to look at ascension from the galactic perspective. We, the Arcturians, have interacted and assisted several other planets in the ascension process, and we have studied ascension on a galactic and historical basis. We concluded that there are two types of planetary ascension, or two types of situations that are relevant in evaluating and working with the planet for ascension. The first is that the planet is engaged in Unity Consciousness and has unified globally. The second type of planet is where the planet has not been able to achieve global unity and continues down a path of chaos, polarization and self-destruction.
In my travels throughout the galaxy, I have made the following observations: Most of the planets that have ascended had smaller populations than the Earth’s population, which is now approaching eight billion people. The Earth has multiple religious and spiritual positions. The Earth has multiple languages and multiple races. This, on the one hand, is an important and exciting possibility for incarnated souls coming to the Earth. This allows for the many choices – choices which include different religions, different spiritual practices, different countries and different languages. But multiple religions and languages and cultures can create divisions and polarizations. This makes it more difficult for a planet like Earth to achieve a global unity. Global unity is a very important and desirable trait for a planetary ascension. A planet cannot, as an entire planet, ascend when there is chaos and polarization and conflict.
I have discussed with you the Ascension of a planet in the Pleiades called Era. Era was in a crisis due to a major technological flaw in their Time-Space-warp energy field. This was caused by a spaceship accident, and the damage that was created on Era was not repairable. The Ascended Masters intervened and allowed the entire planet to ascend. But this was an easy decision because the entire planet was unified. Era had a much smaller population. In fact, all of the other planets that have ascended in this galaxy have had smaller populations than the Earth. I am speaking, for example, of five million, ten million people. At the most, I have visited planets that have had 100 million. This smaller population has many advantages for global unification. The Earth’s ascension is affected by its large population, the planetary polarizations and the multiple language and religious differences.
Several years ago, we asked the elders on the Council of Elders to do an evaluation, and make a decision based on their evaluation, on whether the Earth was ready as a planet for ascension. When I say the Earth, I mean the entire Earth. I know that many of you are committed to staying here until the whole planet ascends. However, based on our observations, and how the Intersection of the Dimensions has been received and worked with, and based also on the polarizations and the numerous conflicts that are raging on this planet, I and the Ascended Masters that work with the Earth concluded that the Earth is not ready for a planetary ascension. How can we ascend an entire planet that has so many wars? And how can we look at the planet like Earth, that has so much hatred and conflict and polarizations, and bring the entire planet into the Fifth Dimension?
But the good news is that parts of the Earth could ascend. And let me explain this by this example. It is generally accepted that there will only be a small percentage of people who ascend on the first wave. For example, one number that has been discussed by the Ascended Masters is 300,000 starseeds would be able to ascend on the first wave. There are other figures that have come across our observations, including the number 144,000, and even the number of one or two million. But even the higher number is such a small percentage of the eight billion people on this planet. It does not even come close to one percent. 300,000 people could ascend, and this is an acceptable number. It still is a high number given that the qualifications for an ascension include achieving a high Spiritual Light Quotient
So it is possible that 300,000 people can ascend out of a total of eight billion. Looking at this number, we can say that there is a percentage of the Earth geographically that can also ascend. This is something that I know many of you have been questioning over the years. How could the “entire” planet ascend when there is so much death, destruction and polarization? The answer is that there are parts of the planet that can ascend.
What would that look like? To answer that question, let me point out that the Earth is a multidimensional planet. You are also multidimensional. This means that you have a fifth-dimensional body that is already in existence on the higher planes. One of our exercises for the Ascension is to practice visiting or inhabiting your fifth-dimensional body and bilocating to a place on the Fifth Dimension where you can experience that energy. You can practice entering and being in your fifth-dimensional body. When you are in your fifth-dimensional body, then you have the perspective of the Fifth Dimension. You will experience fifth-dimensional emotions. You will have the fifth-dimensional wisdom. You will have the fifth-dimensional visual perceptions, and you will have the expanded consciousness on the Fifth Dimension.
The Earth also has a fifth-dimensional body, and parts of this Earth are capable of ascending. This is one of the main goals in the Planetary Cities of Light Project and in the Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light Project. We ask and we prepare individual areas throughout the globe, and we activate these areas with fifth-dimensional energies, and we work with the peoples in these areas. These Planetary Cities of Light, then, are using and raising their spiritual light energy field, and these areas can ascend to the fifth-dimensional Earth at the time of ascension. There are other sacred spots on the Earth besides the Planetary Cities of Light that also can ascend.
I realize that everyone cannot live in a city of light, and therefore, the question that you may be thinking is what about people who do not have cities of light nearby and are alone? Remember, we have also provided you with the Ladders of Ascension, and the Ladders of Ascension are another important tool for your moment of ascension when you are ready, and you have received the calling to go into the Fifth Dimension. If you are in a Planetary City of Light, then it is possible that the whole Planetary City of Light can, as a large group or large area, ascend. This will be an ascension of the “activated, fifth-dimensional energies of that Planetary City of Light”. The physical place and the geography of that Planetary City of Light, and the structures and the buildings would remain. The upliftment would include the fifth-dimensional higher vibrational frequencies that have been elevated and nurtured by the Planetary Cities of Light members.
In the individual cases, you will be able to thought project or bilocate to a Ladder of Ascension, and then you go up the Ladder of Ascension to the Fifth Dimension. In addition, we have also established the Ring of Ascension. The Ring of Ascension is a fifth-dimensional, interactive halo around the Earth. It’s only perceived by lightworkers and starseeds. But this Ring of Ascension has many purposes. One of the purposes is to make it easier for you, the starseeds, to interact with the higher beings, including the Ascended Masters. At the time of the Ascension you can bilocate into the Ring of Ascension. The Ring of Ascension will be more interactive with you at the time of ascension.
The Ring of Ascension is comparable to a Ladder of Ascension, in that if you so choose at the moment of ascension, then you can bilocate yourself up to the Ring of Ascension. Maybe you do not have a Planetary City of Light nearby. Maybe it is too complicated for you to remember where the Ladders of Ascension are. Maybe you do not feel connected to the different areas that we have designated as Ladders of Ascension. You can always bilocate to the Ring of Ascension at the time of ascension. There will be many Ascended Masters that are there and will assist you in going up to the Fifth Dimension.
This Intersection of the Dimensions, then, can be viewed as a practice run for the big ascension, and it can be viewed as a way of evaluating you, and how you are adapting and how you are progressing in your ascension work. You do not have to be perfect. You do not have to be a prophet. You do not have to be 100 percent elevated in your spiritual work. It is your intention, devotion and practice that counts. One of the goals of the Intersection of the Dimensions is to help evaluate how you are able to receive and work with the fifth-dimensional energy that has been downloaded and that is more available. I am hoping that you are using this opportunity to become stronger as a spiritual athlete. This is one of my favorite terms when I describe you as a spiritual athlete. It takes a great deal of spiritual exercise and practice to ascend. It is hard work.
You have to work for your ascension. I know that there is this concept of being “taken”. In that concept of ascension you do not have to do anything. But that is not how it is at all. The Ascension is where you are receiving and being activated by a higher frequency of light. You work to transmute your energy for the Ascension. You work to accelerate your aura, and you work to transform yourself into a beam of light that can go upward into the Fifth Dimension. Ascension is work and you are an active participant. This is one of the messages that I want to emphasize to you today, that you participate in your ascension.
Now, there are advantages to being on the planet Earth. I have described the complexities and the problems in being on a large planet that has numerous religions and peoples. The main advantage is that Earth is a freewill zone. You need this experience on this planet in this freewill zone. The freewill zone planets are complex and somewhat chaotic at times as you have seen. But the advantages of freewill zone planets are that you have opportunities to overcome predestination. There are numerous planets in this galaxy that are not freewill zones. That means that on these planets you experience choices, but what you choose is predestined, and thus you do not have free will.
It is true that on the Earth there are situations where you might feel like you do not have free will. For example, you might be born in a restrictive culture, or you may be economically deprived, or you might be living in a war zone where you do not have choices. But let me outline some important points about being in a freewill zone on a planet. You are free to think whatever you want, no matter where you are, no matter who is controlling you. You still have your choice of thought. Number two, you are free to believe whatever you want to. You have that, and thirdly, also you are free to expand your consciousness or contract your consciousness. These are important aspects, and you are free to pray or worship whomever you choose. This is important.
Now, at this point in the lecture, I want to focus on an ascension exercise. There are special energies for the Ascension that are now emanating from the Ring of Ascension and from the Intersection of the Dimensions. I want you to visualize, to the best of your ability, the fifth-dimensional Earth intersecting the third-dimensional Earth. And I, Juliano, with the help of the Ascended Masters, including Sananda, are sending down a special frequency for the Ascension to each of you. It is coming down through the intersection, and it is being beamed to all starseeds in the Group of Forty and other starseeds who are like-minded and reading this lecture. This is a special ascension frequency that is now available for you.
I ask that you take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation, and feel and visualize the Intersection of the Dimensions, and experience this powerful Ascension Light that is now being distributed to each of you through your Crown Chakra. (Tones “Ooohhh.”) We will go into meditation as you accelerate and download, to the best of your ability, as much of this Ascension Light as possible. We will go into silence. (Silence)
(Sings “Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai Tsevaoth.”) (“Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts.”) Feel the sacred space that we are working in now.
You have the spiritual ability to transmute your Earth energy field into a quantum healing form that will allow you to travel into the Fifth Dimension at the moment of ascension. Activate your aura, and let your aura shimmer. Direct your aura to shimmer and increase the frequency vibration of the aura. (Sings “Shimmer, shimmer.”) Feel the downloading of light from the Intersection of the Dimensions. There is a blue and white and golden frequency of light that is now coming down as a brilliant ray, going into each of your Crown Chakras now. This is called “Holy Light”, and let that light accelerate your aura. (Sings “Or Hakadosh, Or Hakadosh, Holy Ascension Light.”) Feel the rays of the Ascension Light that is now coming through. We will go back into silence as you experience this Ascension Light. (Silence)
Direct your bilocation ascension travel to the Arcturian Stargate. The Arcturian Stargate is a temple. It is a portal that provides a smooth entrance for you into the Fifth Dimension. I, Juliano, am providing a huge group portal of light from the Ring of Ascension that goes directly to the stargate. Bilocate yourself into the Ring of Ascension now. Feel the glorious energies from the Ascended Masters there. Feel the golden light in this halo. You are now in the Ring of Ascension and a doorway appears. It is a portal of golden light that is now connecting the Ring of Ascension to the Arcturian Stargate. I am with you. Let us travel together from this portal in the Ring of Ascension to the doorway of the Arcturian Stargate. (Tones “Ooohhh, Ooohhh.”)
You and I together appear at the entranceway of the Arcturian Stargate. You feel excitement, energy and the unity that comes with the higher spiritual energy field of the Arcturian Stargate. This Arcturian Stargate radiates fifth-dimensional light and energy. It radiates the light of the Ascended Masters, and it radiates the galactic energy field known as the Ascension Light. Come up to the garden right at the doorway and feel with great intensity this Ascension Energy field. Together we come up to the doorway. This is a beautiful doorway where the Angelic Hosts and Archangel Metatron are at the doorway, guarding the doorway, welcoming you and others who are coming. The Angelic Hosts are singing the praises to the higher light.
Archangel Metatron has a message he wishes to give to you. I will allow him to say a few words to you at this time.
Greetings, beloved starseeds, Bringers of the Dawn, Bringers of Light. I welcome you to the entranceway of the Arcturian Stargate. The stargate provides an entrance and doorway to the fifth-dimensional world. Some of you have waited for many incarnations on Earth to have this experience of ascension. Your Higher Selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, are eagerly awaiting you. This experience of ascension will be a reawakening to a unity of feeling and love that is so magnificent. Ascension is filled with love and joy, and it will make all of the suffering and hardships that you have experienced or are experiencing on the Earth seem insignificant in comparison to this great unification that you will have at the Ascension and as you pass through the Arcturian Stargate.
Forty and the Group of Forty represent a number of highest spiritual significance. You joined together with us creating a spiritual Group of Forty energy field that provides an upliftment. What do they say in space technology? The blast off is the hardest part, getting through the gravity of the Earth. Leaving the Earth and your third-dimensional life is the hardest part. The Ascended Masters are helping you to blast off from your third-dimensional densities, enabling you to enter these higher realms of light where you will feel more at home than ever before. You will feel unified with your soul group, and you will feel the transcendence of the expanded consciousness.
I will now say a prayer for this work. “O Lord and Master of all, Ribono-shel-Olam, Master of the Universe, I ask for a special blessing for all these starseeds today. May their path to the Ascension be easy and filled with great success, harmony and joy. May each feel the unity with the higher galactic spiritual energies. Master of the Universe, we send a special blessing to each of them on their difficult journey from the Third Dimension to the Fifth. But as they reach up higher and higher, the attractive force of this light will bring them closer to this wonderful realm of fifth-dimensional energy. (Tones “Ooohhh.”) Feel the energies of the peace and balance and unity represented by the simple word of Shalom, peace, perfection, unity. (Tones “Shalom, Aaahhh.”) We will go back into meditation as you experience this unity. (Silence)
(Tones “Shaaaloom.”) You have each set up a pathway to this stargate from the Ring of Ascension. You have used the energies of the Intersection of the Dimensions to create this beautiful path that will be available to you whenever you need it at your time of ascension. I return you now to Juliano. I am Archangel Metatron. Blessings, lightworkers.
I, Juliano, and the Arcturians feel close to you, and I appreciate your willingness to be a spiritual athlete and travel with us to our stargate. Coming to the stargate is a crowning achievement. We are servants of the Light. And our current service is to provide the stargate as a group portal for your entry and transformation into the Fifth Dimension. I am glad that you are more familiar with the stargate, and I am also glad how easily you have come with us today.
Travel back now through the portal and golden path that you have created with my help from the stargate back to the Ring of Ascension. Travel now at the speed of thought. Re-enter the Ring of Ascension, and you will experience the Ring of Ascension in a way that you have never felt it before. You will feel the light, the camaraderie and the love that the Ascended Masters are providing for each of you.
Travel and bilocate from the Ring of Ascension back to Earth into place six feet from your physical body in the room from which you left. Re-enter, bringing with you the Ascension Light and energy that we have been working with in these exercises. You bring that light, that frequency, back into your physical body as you reenter in perfect alignment. You take three deep breaths as you come back into full but expanded consciousness in the room from which you left. You are feeling wiser and more in harmony and at peace with your mission, your work and your ascension path. I love you all. I am Juliano. Good day.