May 2, 2020
The Relationship Between Consciousness, Thought, and Manifestation on the Third Dimension
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today, we will return to a very important subject, which is the relationship between consciousness, thought and manifestation on the Third Dimension. For this discussion, I will define consciousness as the ability to have self-observation. This ability, along with language, is only possessed by humans, the Adam species on this planet. There have been many attempts by psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and philosophers to define consciousness. And one psychologist interestingly said: “We all know what consciousness is, and when we are having it, but no one can really define it. ”
And one of the reasons why consciousness is so difficult to define and describe is that consciousness is not just the Third Dimension; it is interdimensional. Consciousness is extradimensional. That means that if you have the ability to dissect the brain, and look at different cells, neurons, dendrites and other aspects of the brain, you could not find consciousness. Consciousness needs the brain, but transcends the brain, which includes some interesting terminology, such as quantum consciousness, quantum healing and quantum entanglement.
There has been criticism of the mystical world which, I think, would include you the Starseeds, since you interact with the Fifth Dimension and the Arcturians. Terminology from modern physics is often used in an attempt to describe very difficult and hard to define mystical concepts. My answer to the criticism is simple: There is no readily available terminology besides what one finds in modern physics to help describe the functioning of consciousness. This is because the brain and consciousness transcend the Third Dimension. The closest terminology that is available seems to originate in modern physics and the discussion of the quantum world.
Modern physicists often do not like the fact that mystics are using terminology that was not meant for describing higher consciousness. I am always trying to point out that there needs to be a coming together of science and mysticism, science and philosophy, science and the Fifth Dimension. Those scientists who are not mystical may never be satisfied with using the terminology of physics with higher consciousness.
We, the Arcturians, are becoming more familiar with your language and your thought fields. We will try to find new words that may more directly describe how physics and higher consciousness interact. For example, when we are talking about interdimensional travel, we often say that thought travels at the fastest speed in the universe, faster than the speed of light. When you look at Einstein and the Theory of Relativity, you will find that one of the major discoveries was that “nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.” However, here we are, talking about thought, which is tremendously, immeasurably faster than the speed of light. How are you to reconcile those two observations? Is the thought some type of a particle that travels at this enormous speed? Why can we not see the thought in an atomic microscope, for example? This is information will be discovered at a later time.
Thought waves are actually a physical structure, but are very difficult to measure. Part of the reason why it is difficult to measure is that the electromagnetic energy of the thought is so small; there are no instruments available to measure them. There are measurements and abilities to measure basic thought waves which are classified as Alpha and Beta. But when we are talking about advanced thought patterns related to bilocation and thought projection and astrally traveling into the Fifth Dimension, these are higher thought waves that are far beyond the normal thought powers.
Where is all this discussion leading? It is leading to an answer for this question: “Can thoughts change the physical reality on the Earth?” Remember, many scientists, including quantum physicists, say that thoughts cannot change the physical reality. Most scientists are coming from what is called the “dualistic” world. In the dualistic world you have thoughts, and you have actions, and they are separate. Most spiritually advanced people know their thoughts can change physical reality, and therefore this fact is not controversy among the mystics,
I will present one example that is clear. Even the most rigid scientist will have to agree when I say that thoughts can change physical reality when it comes to the realm of mood and health. It has been shown that one’s attitudes, and what one says and thinks affects one’s mood and health. It has been shown that those people who have diseases such as cancer, and engage in a certain type of thinking that is positive, usually have a better outcome than those who remain pessimistic.
In fact, there is even a concept that has been discussed in the healing world in which doctors can put a “hex” or a “witch’s curse” on a patient. This is an example of negative thinking affecting a physical reality, that is, your health and survival. For example, if a doctor had discovered that a patient had cancer, and then either during the operation or afterwards, said to the patient: “Well, I have bad news for you. We discovered you have a cancer, and you will die in two months. So please prepare yourself and put your affairs in order.” Oftentimes, this is a death sentence. This “hex” can have a dramatic effect on a person. It is not unusual for the patient to die in three to four weeks, even though they were told they have two months to live.
On the other hand, some of the famous healers, such as Deepak Chopra, have discussed what is called quantum healing. Quantum healing is a term that was borrowed from quantum physics. In our definition, “quantum” is an energy that transcends the dualistic world of Third Dimension and interacts with the Fifth Dimension. “Quantum” is usually referred to in modern physics when we are talking about subatomic particles and how they behave, and the quantum world refers to the action of the subatomic particles.
Interestingly, human observation affects subatomic particles and how they behave. That means that if a human is observing experiments with subatomic particles, then that observation can affect and influence the trajectory, the spin, the motion or the locality of that particle. There are certain characteristics in the physical world that are affected by consciousness in the form of observation. Therefore, we use the word quantum because it implies that the behavior of particles is affected by conscious observation and what is normal expectations and logical. This is an expansion of the word “quantum”.
In some of the quantum healing experiments, especially, there were instances where the doctor would tell a sick patient that: “We have this new drug that was discovered from the Amazon jungle, and it has miraculous effects. I was able to find a six-month dosage, and I would like to try it with you, and we have reports that it cured many of the tumors.” The patient would take that medicine and their tumors would diminish. This is an example of quantum healing, because the healing process transcends logic and is affected by consciousness and expectations. What is remarkable is that the pill that was given to the patient could even be considered what is called a “placebo”, which means that it was a sugar pill, so to speak. In quantum healing, the doctor can set the patient up for powerful thinking, and thus have a dramatic and miraculous effect on curing the patient’s disease.
I would like to remind you that, when you are dealing with the COVID-19 virus, that your thinking and your uses of either certain medications or vitamins for protection are important and powerful. You also can experience a quantum healing and quantum protection from this virus. You can use aura shimmering exercises for protection and other aura techniques for protection of your energy field. The thoughts that you have are critical, and when you are around somebody who has the COVID-19 virus or any virus, then you could experience a weakening of your energy field, especially if you are around an area called a “hot spot”. It is a strange phenomenon that this virus has the ability to weaken a person’s energy field. The virus can only enter your energy field when your field is weakened. The energy of the virus tries to weaken your energy field first, and then it is able to enter if your energy field is weakened. That is why your thoughts and your strengthening of your energy field through the aura exercises are important. But even if by chance, one of the viruses got through, you still have the ability of quantum healing techniques which can help you remove or evict the virus from your aura.
I want to go to the subject of thinking and changing this physical reality. Much of our work as planetary healers is based on the planetary Noosphere and working with the energy of the evolution of humanity, which we call the Omega Man/Woman. It is a fair question to ask: “When we are working on thought fields, then is it possible that a thought can change a reality?” I want to explore that with you, and I am going to give you a formula, so please do not get too excited or scared, there will not be test on this. The formula is: A+F+I-R=O. “A” stands for the Arcan Power of the group. “F” equals the power of the Focus. “I” is the Intention. “R” is a measurement of the Resistance that exists on the Third Dimension to change. These energies added and then taking resistance into consideration equals “O”, which is the Outcome or probability of the outcome you are asking for to manifest. Basically, to have a successful outcome, you need a high, Arcan Thought Power.
High Arcan Thought Power is measured numerically. Intention is also measured numerically. 1000 would be the highest Arcan Power, and 1 or 0 would be the lowest Arcan Power. Arcan Power is the term used to measure the “wattage” of your thoughts. We have to understand that the effectiveness wattage of your thoughts has to take into consideration the resistance. Resistance has to deal with the thickness and density of this world, and it has to deal with the curtains that block belief and thoughts you might have that run counter to the power of your thoughts. We say that the Arcan Power is increased by the intention, and also it is increased by the focus. When you are working in groups, then the Arcan Thought Power is increased. When you are meditating intensely, the Arcan Power also increased. When you are at a sacred spot, or when you are at one of the 12 Arcturian etheric crystal areas, then your Arcan Power is increased. But then it is the focus that you are having at that moment, and I am going to say that you can have 50 people meditating, but if the 50 people are not focused, then it is not worth a lot.
You need to focus on a point, and when you are trying to change reality, you have to focus on, for example, moving the storm, blocking or mitigating the earthquake, attenuating the electromagnetic storm coming from the Sun’s coronal mass ejection, attenuating or lessening the strength of the radiation from Fukushima. These are examples of focus and intention. In planetary healing, intention means that there is a desire to do good, and there is a desire to create less harmful catastrophic outcomes on the Earth. . When you are working in Biorelativity, for example, you want to save people from a drought; you want to stop the fires from burning forests and people’s homes. This is intention, and I am also measuring intention on a scale of 1 to 10. So, we have the Arcan Power, plus the Focus, measuring that from 1 to 10, plus the Intention. In the formula A+F+I-R, “R”, or working with Resistance, is one of the key concepts in all of psychic healing work.
Believe it or not, there is a resistance to healing. There is a resistance to the Arcturian work and planetary healing. There is a resistance to cleaning the oceans, and there is a resistance to preserving the forests and the Biosphere. There are many reasons why there is resistance, but when you are taking into consideration all of these factors, the Arcan Energy, the focus, the intention can overcome the resistance. There is what you call “evilness” or “darkness” in this world, and there are people, and there are groups, and there is energy that wants everyone to fail, and they want the dark to win. This dark energy is coming from multiple sources. Some of it is coming from lower spirits such as ghosts and low entities, such as the Grays. There are many sources of the darkness.
Darkness is part of this duality, and the darkness does serve a function. What may that purpose be? This is a good, philosophical discussion, but I would just say that in a dualistic world, that dualism offers wonderful opportunities for soul growth. You have to have a choice between good and evil in order for soul growth to occur. Darkness, then, is often the source of resistance to the change. One of the mistakes the planetary healers and the Starseeds make is that they do not even consider how to deal with the resistance, or maybe even admit that there is resistance. I am asking you to evaluate the resistance. When you add this up, that is, A+F+I-R, you get the outcome which is based on the probability of a successful change occurring. This is where planetary healing borrows some of the thinking from the quantum world, which is dealing with probabilities. What type of change is likely to happen with your intervention? And how does that likelihood change when you introduce an observer?
Measuring probability is important when we are talking about predictions. The greatest prophet at this time could only tell you the probability of what can happen. I can tell you that there is a high probability that the Coronavirus, the COVID-19, crisis will end by 2022. I could tell you that there is an 85 percent probability that this will occur. What if I said: “Well, what about ending the Corona crisis in 2020?” I would say, well, there is a 30 percent, or less, probability that that would occur. But still, there is a lesser probability that the crisis could end at the end of 2020. Now I say what about the end of 2021? Then I would say to you that the probability of this crisis ending is at 60 percent, and every year it goes up. Remember that there still is a small probability it ends at the end of this year (2020). But what has to happen? The answer is that there has to be some spiritual changes on this planet for the virus crisis to end. That means that the thought and the spiritual energies can change the probability to a higher and a quicker outcome.
When I am talking about consciousness, I look specifically at the Earth, and the fact is that the Earth is a spiritual, or the Earth is a living, being. Is the Earth conscious? Does the Earth have some reactions? And the answer to both of these is “yes”. The Earth has consciousness, awareness of herself, and the Earth wants to maintain a certain homeostasis. Also, the Earth reacts, and there are outbursts. I can compare this to a child. When the child does not get its way, then it maybe has a tantrum. I think that that is a good example when trying to understand the Earth, because the Earth has tremendous power, but the Earth is also capable of tremendous tantrums. You might say: “Oh, Juliano, the Earth is an advanced planet because it is housing human life and Man life forms.” There is not a lot of planetary mentoring going on. It is only recently that the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Council have sent their messengers to work with the Earth, and it is only recently that we, with your help, started to interact with the Spirit of the Earth.
We must talk to the Earth, and we must speak to the Earth, and say things like: “No, do not throw this tantrum; do not have an earthquake in California; do not let the Ring of Fire erupt into new earthquake activities. Do not explode these volcanoes that are very close to eruption.” But the Earth could respond and say: “Why not?” Because the Earth does have a feeling of threat to its well-being. When your homeostasis is threatened, then you become stressful, and you may decide to act out as a way of self-protection. We have to work with the Earth, and we have to say things like: “No, it is not necessary to destroy this country. We are going to work to raise the Spiritual Light Quotient of the planet. We are going to help balance the energy so that it is not necessary to have an eruption.” The Earth will respond to higher thoughts. We, the planetary healers, have to respond in like kind, and say we are going to work with this energy. We are going to work so that the oceans are going to be cleaner. We are going to work so that the air is going to be cleaner.
Remember that the Earth has ways of responding. Many of you have already pointed out that one of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is that there is less pollution in the air. The Earth has many different ways of responding to these imbalances and to the sixth mass extinction energy now. From the Earth’s standpoint, the COVID-19 is a mild response. From humanity’s perspective, this is certainly not mild because of the grave harm and danger it has been doing. It is causing harm to many people and changing the political, economic and social systems in a dramatic way.
The Earth has ways of bringing back a homeostatic balance, and there is still what you call “time to change”. If humanity makes changes now, then the virus could retreat, if there is commitment towards balancing the planet. Unfortunately there is still tremendous resistance to take any responsibility for the current virus outbreak or any other future Earth problems that can erupt.
The Earth is conscious, and the final aspect I want to discuss is the idea of observation of the Earth and the deeds that are being done to the planet. This comes back to the discussion of how does thought change the physical reality on the Earth? Thought can change physical reality, and one of the qualities of thought changing activity is outside observation. The effect of outside observation on workers’ performance is known in the field of sociology as the “Hawthorne Effect”. (Author’s Note: It is a situation where an individual or group knows they are being observed, so they change their behavior accordingly.) In the Hawthorne Effect, researchers studied factory workers’ performance. They had two groups, and one group was trained and observed, and another group was trained, but they were not observed. The group that was observed had a higher level of performance, because the workers knew they were being observed and therefore improved their performance.
Observation changes energy. This is another phenomenon that exists in the quantum world, that is, the observation of the experiment changes the outcome of the experiment on a subatomic level. Observation also changes the outcome in the sociological world. Observation is a key ingredient. When we are doing planetary healing work, and we are trying to make the leap from the thoughts to changing the outcome, one of the factors for manifesting change is the observational process. Is anyone watching? If there are people polluting the waterways, and no one is watching, then that person or group who is doing that will not feel guilty and can get away with it. Just by observation then, there is recognition. There is the possibility of the deed being well-known and punishment could be a possibility.
Your observation skills as planetary healers can change the outcome. For example, visualize the Wuhan meat market where many people believe the virus began. If there were observers there monitoring activities for cleanliness, then a virus outbreak could be prevented. For example, when I say observing, I am saying that there could be people dressed up in white coats at the meat market. They could have some kind of pen and paper and observe what was going on. If observers were there, then you would immediately find that the outcome would be changed.
The effects of observations have tremendous ramifications for the planetary healing work. Observation could come from many different ways. It could even include remote observation from different areas of the world. It could be observation from people that are near the event, that are far enough away to be safe. I want to emphasize the power of observation. We are observing the Earth, and I want you, who are planetary healers, to use your powers to observe the Earth in your focus on Biorelativity.
One last point in how thinking can change reality. In the Kabbalah there are four worlds. Kabbalah is really based on galactic energies and galactic blueprints. There is the world of thought; there is the world of creation; there is the world of formation, and there is the world of doing. These are four worlds. Kabbalists know that the four worlds interact. They are not separate. The world of thought is not separate from the world of creation; the world of creation is not separate from the world of formation, and the world of formation is not separate from the world of doing. You may not see all of these four worlds interacting in your daily life. You may only be seeing the world of doing. The other three worlds of thinking, creating and forming affect the outcome.
A simple analogy would be if you wanted to build a table. You first will have the thought of the table; it came into your mind. You have to have the thought first, and then you would maybe draw a plan; that would be the world of creation. And then you drew the plans, and then add the measurements. You needed this 2×4 and this nail and this saw and everything else. And then you have to get all the parts together. You would have to go to the store and buy the wood, and then build it. But you could not do the world of doing, that is, the actual building of the table, until you had those other thoughts.
In your planetary meditations, begin to meditate and use visualizations of people doing things to help the environment. For example, visualize that people are protecting the Amazon jungle, and that people who are trying to illegally cut trees down are stopped. Visualize that there are groups of people that are cleaning the oceans. There was a wonderful example of a young Starseed who was developing a special boat to clean up plastics in the ocean. He had developed some new boat technology that was able to go into a specific area of the ocean to pick up plastic waste. It was a sophisticated net that was able to pick out the plastics. He would get tons of plastic out of a section of an ocean. It was quite amazing. In your meditations, meditate on cleaning the oceans, but also visualize people doing things like this young man was doing. Visualize that, at the meat markets in Wuhan, and in the meat markets in the United States, that there is somebody observing and that the workers are responding to the observations by using good work practices. Visualize that somebody is observing what is going on at Fukushima and that this observation is helping to clean up the reactor area.
Planetary healing meditations need to expand to include the visualizations in the thoughts. You might ask: “Does that mean that I have to do the activities in the visualization?” The answer is: “No.” “Do I have to do what I am visualizing?” No, you do not necessarily have to get a boat and go out with a net and pick up the plastic. You could just visualize other people doing this. Visualizations increase the focus of your work.
How do you deal with the resistance, though? I think that dealing with resistance is the most frustrating part of your work as a Starseed and a planetary healer. We are coming to the end of an era, an era that has been marked by male domination and misuse and also very high technology. Some very good things have happened during this era, but also the technology has led to over-destruction of the environment. We are faced with a world in which it does not appear the spiritual intervention is going to come from within the governmental systems. I can say the probability of world governments in unison changing towards planetary healing methods is low (under 20 percent). There are individual differences, such as in New Zealand, where you have a leader that is in tune with the planetary needs, but that leader is in a minority. We are entering a period of darkness now, where it is going to be more difficult for leaders to be strong enough to speak out for planetary healing.
The Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life provides a paradigm for planetary change. This Tree of Life is part of a galactic thought form. The Tree of Life is like the DNA of the galactic world. It is a model for transformation, and its codes can be used in meditation as a thought form to stimulate positive planetary changes. The Planetary Tree of Life over a country is the DNA code for change. According to the Tree of Life, if there is overuse of the resources, then a modified judgment of harshness may be necessary to bring the planet back into balance. The Tree of Life can promote a modified harshness, that is, the modified harshness is done with compassion. To be specific, let us say we want to visualize and say: “No, we do not want the volcanic eruption. No, we do not want the COVID-19 crisis to destroy 50 million people like the Spanish flu. Let us keep it to a minimum. ”There could be extremely harsh and tragic Earth responses to imbalances created by humanity. However, maybe a minimal intervention, a minimal crisis, will be enough to move people towards change that will help to promote saving the Biosphere.
Rebalancing the Earth according to the guidance of the Planetary Tree of Life can bring this planet back into a better, sustainable homeostasis. We could use the Tree of Life to help rebalance the oceans. We could use the Tree of Life to help rebalance the forests. Those who are creating dangerous destruction to the Biosphere then may have to be dealt with somewhat harshly. Let us hope that destroyers of the Biosphere will gain higher consciousness so that they do not have to be dealt with too harshly.
There is also channeled energy from in the Tree of Life, which we say: “Let a higher source from the galactic, undifferentiated light, come down for planetary healing. Let there be the energy of First Contact that moves people to rebalance the planet. Let there be the energy of the Messianic Light which opens up people’s hearts to the planet Earth. Let there be a strong, willful person emerge who will be able to convince the world to change some of their destructive habits towards the Earth.
There are many great visualizations that you can use for planetary healing. This projection and visualization of the Planetary Tree of Life into the consciousness of humanity can help to bring a new light and a new hope that the Earth can be rebalanced, the Biosphere can be rebalanced in a positive way, with the minimal amount of harshness. Let there be harmony in the judgment and the compassion towards the planet, and let those necessary changes happen in the least harmful way with the most compassion. When necessary, we must understand the harsh aspects of Earth changes with the knowledge that harshness can help to bring the Earth back into a positive new balance. (Tones “OH, OH.”) I see a time when the virus will be gone, and there will be greater health, and everyone’s immune system will be strengthened, and there will be a new awareness on keeping a safer environment.
I am Juliano. Good day!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty