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Greetings! I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, we will look at the planetary evolutionary process that is now occurring on the Earth and relate that process to the quantum intervention process in planetary healing. You see, there can be quantum energy intervention on a personal basis and on a planetary basis. We want to compare the two processes, that is, to see what similarities there are between the quantum intervention on a personal basis and the quantum intervention on a planetary basis. In fact, there are few, if any, discussions and explorations now by spiritual groups on the Earth dealing with a quantum intervention for planet Earth. I will lay the groundwork for this by first discussing the current situation on the Earth, and then go into a broader discussion of quantum energy, and then I will offer an example of how the quantum energy intervention applies to the personal health issues. And then we will look at the technology of the planetary quantum interventions. I know this will be a topic of great interest to all of you.
Let me summarize the current status of the planetary situation. We like to use the perspective of what we call stages of development of a planet. The first stage of planetary development is coming to an endpoint on the Earth. It is interesting to describe the stages of development of a planet. And in a sense, the end of the first stage is a major accomplishment for Gaia because the Spirit of the Earth has accomplished one of the major achievements in galactic planetary development, which is the evolution and placement of humanity, the human form, on her planet. Also Gaia has contributed greatly to allow and encourage the development of this complex biosphere that you are now enjoying. Believe me, this biosphere is unique, complex, and admirable in the galactic world, because there are not many planets in our galaxy that have been able to develop this complex biosphere that you are now living in.
Just for a moment, think about the multi-levels of species, including plants and animals, and the ocean life, the variety of trees and insects, and other species. It is certainly an amazing achievement for a planet. Gaia has helped to manifest a human form with expanded consciousness or the potential for expanded consciousness. This is also an achievement.
But you are observing the paradox and the conflicts that happened at the end of Stage 1. I have described this as the achievement of technology versus spiritual wisdom. This means that the inhabitants on the planet have developed their technology more rapidly than their spiritual wisdom. And I am referring specifically to the single species, the dominant species, humanity. Humanity has evolved technologically far more in advance than its spiritual wisdom and its spiritual abilities. This has led to a conflict because the technology has become used for negative, lower energy purposes, such as the military purposes, destruction of the environment and other habitats. Eventually this combination will lead to the total destruction of the biosphere itself. This destruction is part of the planetary crisis, in fact, a major part of the crisis, that is now happening on the Earth that you are observing.
This means that as things are continuing in this fashion, the total destruction of the biosphere is close to occurring, leading to the extinction crisis that we and others have described as the sixth mass extinction. Our assessment is that Earth is now in the middle of the mass extinction process. Now, even in the past six weeks, there has been an increase of danger on this Earth, specifically from wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation. The destructive forces are increasing. These destructive forces are manifested by weather imbalances that you are experiencing, such as heat waves, flooding, and eventually there will be an increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes. These are all signs of Earth imbalances. There is even a description of this by some doomsday prophets that have called this the End Times.
Now, let me speak about prophets, because the one solution to this type of planetary crisis is the emergence of prophets. In previous times, prophets have given instructions and guidance to the mass populations. The prophets were linked to the divine wisdom, the divine source, and were able to bring forth messages and energy that had a calming effect and a balancing effect on the population and on the governments. Sometimes the prophets’ words were listened to, but other times the prophets’ words were misinterpreted and aligned for political purposes that allowed one group to continue to dominate.
This leads to another point about planetary evolution, and that is the description of what I call epochs or eras, that also can be called cycles of energy. There is, for example, a 26,000-year cycle that is in alignment with the precession or the wobble of the Earth around its axis and around the zodiac constellations. Because of the wobble or precession, the planet Earth is moving or has moved into the Age of Aquarius. There are unusual signs of the epoch or the era that is now unfolding.
There are also other astrological energies that are manifesting now, particularly in the planet of Neptune and the dwarf planet Pluto, whose positions indicate upheaval and destruction of systems that have been in place for hundreds of years and, in some cases, thousands of years in civilizations. These planetary epochs or eras are often at points of tremendous shifts. You are now experiencing an epoch shift. This is being manifested because the old ways, the old systems, can’t hold the world together. There is a breakdown of institutions, both political and economic, and the monetary system. This breakdown is leading to further polarizations.
Maybe you do not see it from the perspective that we do. A planetary shift needs to occur, but sometimes when there is this kind of a shift, first comes more upheavals. You may think that the upheaval you are now witnessing is overwhelming. I am sure that it is when we compare this time of upheaval to “normal times”. This upheaval has already lead to the middle point of the sixth mass extinction, which means that there has been already lots of destruction in the biosphere and other systems. People generally may not equate the mass extinction with the other political, economic and geological systems that are now occurring. They are related to each other.
In planetary healing and quantum healing, one of the points is that we look at what is logical; we look at what statistically is a probable outcome of the events. This is not what I call rocket science. We could in most computer-generated thinking input the information about the conflicts and the lower energies of the leaders of the planet and predict an outcome. And unfortunately, when we do that, taking into consideration the lower vibrations of the leadership, the polarizations, the destructions, and add up the influences and likelihood of change in a new direction, then it looks like there will be continued upheaval, more suffering and a greater unbalance in the immediate future. This situation summarizes the end of Stage 1 of planetary development.
The solution to the planetary crisis has to be a spiritual awakening. Somehow there has to be a spiritual intervention. This will shift the attention away from the unfoldment of this seemingly unstoppable chain of negative events that is leading to this extinction process. The good news is that there are planetary healing technologies and quantum planetary techniques that can be called upon.
Now in other planetary examples, higher beings, such as the Arcturians or the Pleiadians, were asked to intervene directly in the planet. Such an intervention could occur through DNA manipulation or DNA activation. DNA activation is directly associated with higher evolutionary acceleration that would culminate in the Homo omega manifestation on the Earth. Homo omega is the next higher level of Man, humanity. Homo omega is one step above Homo sapiens and has spiritual energy and powers that would contribute immediately to a positive planetary solution.
Now, there are problems associated with higher dimensional or extraterrestrial intervention. One of the issues has to do with the complexity on the Earth. The Earth is quite a special planet. Other planets that have been in this stage of the development and conflict had a smaller population, and other planets had less diversity. By diversity, I am also including religious groups and racial groups. This is one of the beautiful things about the Earth is its diversity. The fact is that Earth is a freewill zone. This has allowed and has attracted many souls to come here and experience diversity, and it may, in fact, have been a contributing factor to why you chose to come to the Earth at this time.
Now, because of the diversity on Earth, a higher dimensional extraterrestrial intervention may be viewed as siding with one group against the other. So, this makes such an intervention complicated.
Another variation of planetary intervention is the development of spiritual groups. There is a movement towards only a small part of the Earth evolving. The entire Earth may not evolve. I could compare this to the situation in the Ice Age, for example, where many plants and animals became extinct, and many groups of humans perished. But there were small groups of humans who developed technologies, such as fire, and were able to survive. These small groups used this evolutionary knowledge of how to build homes and protect themselves from the cold. This allowed their small groups to survive.
So, during the Ice Ages, you had a situation in which large numbers on the planet perished. But there was a small enclave that held the energy together for future generations. This has happened before on the Earth. There is a view that this could occur again, and that maybe only small spiritual groups will continue to hold the energy together on the Earth. When I look at this, I think about some religious groups who have this idea of a small number of followers that would be able to ascend. Think of small enclaves of spiritual groups now on the Earth that are having a protective energy field around them. Small areas may continue to have the energy and the protection to survive if cataclysmic events occur in the End Times. This is a certainly possible scenario that could unfold.
Another scenario is large groups would still stay behind and struggle and be involved in the wars and other negative results of lower consciousness. These wars will not lead to any successful outcome. Smaller groups would maintain their protection and hold their spiritual focus. This scenario is one of several possible outcomes.
Now I want to look at the idea of a quantum intervention on both a personal and planetary basis. Let’s look at how these scenarios that I have just discussed, that is, the End Time events and the continued mass extinctions, could be avoided, and how there could be a transcendence of this towards a quantum planetary healing.
Let me talk first about quantum energy and quantum healing on a personal basis. . The concept of quantum energy and quantum changes originated from modern astrophysics that really was exploring the universe on a purely physical basis. In fact, the earlier astrophysics and scientists had no interest in spirituality. And even today, those who are involved in the quantum world do not want or feel that there should be an application of the quantum field to spiritual development. But it is not for them to decide who is to use the quantum energy field and how the quantum energy field is applicable to spirituality.
I am going to give you one simple example for working with quantum healing on a personal basis, because the quantum healing transcends logic and transcends the normal cause-and-effect world. An example that I am going to use has been described in several books by New Age authors, such as Deepak Chopra. In his example, there was a case of a man who had a terminal cancer. And then he was told by his doctor that they had just received a new medication or herbal supplement from the Amazon jungle that was having miraculous effects for curing cancer. The doctor told the patient that he was fortunate enough to obtain samples of this medicine, and that he was going to give it to the terminally ill patient. The terminally ill patient agreed to take the medicine, and after taking the medicine, all of the signs of the cancer went away, and the patient then was essentially 100 percent cured. Now this lasted for a while. The drug ran out, so to speak, and the patient could not continue to stay on the drug. But anyway, while the patient was on the drug, he had a miraculous quantum healing.
The reason why I say this is a miraculous and quantum healing was because the medicine given to the patient was a placebo. The medicine given to the patient did not really contain any special herbs that were found in the Amazon jungle, but rather, the doctor used his power of persuasion and magical thinking to convince the patient that this was a special opportunity, and in the patient’s mind, a “quantum” healing was activated which helped him to go into a positive place and work on healing himself.
I would call this an example of a quantum healing, because it was not logical and called on “magical thinking” to help cure the patient. How possibly could a placebo drug, which had no actual medicinal value, cure a patient? The doctor’s persuasion and giving of the medicine by an authority figure helped the patient enter the “quantum world“ of healing. Such a quantum healing has to do with higher dimensional expanded consciousness.
Now let us look at quantum healing from the planetary perspective. Is it possible that there could be a quantum healing effect on the planet? Because when I, Juliano, am working on quantum healing for the planet, I am not going to say to you, “This is a special drug that I discovered from the Amazon that I can give to Gaia.” But I can say that we, the starseeds, have access to powerful energies from the Central Sun for planetary healing. We also have access to powerful healing crystal energies from the crystal in the Arcturian Crystal Lake.
We do have a healing technology that we can apply that has a quantum influence on the Earth. Let us look at how we could have a quantum influence on the Earth and what a quantum influence or healing of Gaia would look like. First of all, we know that Gaia is a planetary spirit and that Gaia is a living planet. Secondly, we know that Gaia is unbalanced right now. I hesitate to use the word sick, but the model of Chinese medicine can be applied to a planet, namely, the idea of meridians being blocked, and the idea that energy fields are stopped, and energy flows are backed up. Healing on a personal level comes when the Chi Energy force is opened up. Using this model, I could say to you that the opening up of Earth meridians is what is needed now on the Earth. There are Earth meridians that have energy flows which are blocked. These blockages cause Gaia to respond in a harsh way. By harsh I mean that Gaia’s response is often not in a way that is in a balance for humanity.
Imagine that you are trying to shake off a blockage in your system, and you are shaking your arm to unblock it. Using that model, I could say that Gaia is trying to unblock meridians through shaking and other harsher reactions. There are many areas where rivers are blocked with dams. There are areas where there is nuclear waste negatively influencing sacred areas, and there are other outcomes of severe neglect and lack of respect to the Spirit of the Earth that is harming her. Because of that, Gaia’s ability to hold this complex balance is diminished. And what you are seeing now is imbalance.
The model that I am using, then, is that, we as planetary healers, we as fifth-dimensional healers for the planet can announce to Gaia that we have quantum planetary healing energies. We have a quantum healing intervention that we are working on and preparing to assist in a healing method for the planet. We have a healing for Gaia that will give Gaia the strength and energy to hold this balance for the biosphere and for humanity, because right now, without a quantum intervention, Gaia is going to continue these imbalances. And what you are seeing now in this year 2024 is still just the beginning of a series of imbalances that are going to be devastating. We do not want to see that continue. We want to see, and we want to work towards a quantum intervention.
This quantum intervention has several strong requirements. For example, there has to be a large number of people who are able to meditate together, and there has to be a sacred energy that is activated. There has to an Earth ceremony in which Gaia is being communicated with directly. I compare this Earth ceremony to the personal healing. In the personal healing, the doctor explains to the patient that there is this miraculous drug from the Amazon. So, in the quantum healing ceremony for the planet, we want to say to Gaia: “Here is this miraculous healing using the Central Sun light combined with the Arcturian energies. We are working with 1600 starseeds around the planet who are all meditating, using the special ceremonies, such as Medicine Wheel activations, to heal you.”
We together are sending Gaia special healing quantum powers that will allow her to restore the balance that is needed that will hold together these weather patterns, for example. These patterns will be more in alignment with a healthy biosphere instead of having Earth creating fires, hurricanes and flooding events.
Let us begin with a special meditation calling on the quantum healing powers to be downloaded into Gaia, and let us work together to set a framework, a foundation, for a quantum healing intervention on the planet. The quantum healing intervention is going to be on a multi-level. It would be on the level of affecting the physical, which includes the weather patterns in the physical structure, but it also would occur on the Noospheric level where an acceleration in evolution would occur coming forth with a higher species and other aspects. We will call on the planetary evolutionary process to accelerate Earth’s entry into Planetary Stage 2 of development. Because that is the goal; we want to see Earth go into Planetary Stage 2 of development.
Take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation. I, Juliano, send a corridor of light down to each of your rooms who are listening to or reading my words and know that each of you as planetary healers has a special light field around your aura. A corridor of light is now around your room and feel your spirit body rising up through your Crown Chakra and travel now at the speed of thought through my Arcturian corridor to the starship Athena. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.”) You arrive at my starship; you walk down the hallway and enter the special Gaia Planetary Healing Room that we have been preparing for your entry today. Sit around the holographic image of the Earth and together let us use this meditation affirmation and let us communicate to Gaia.
In this Gaia Planetary Healing Room, we have special powers to communicate to Gaia and she listens to us. Let us go into a meditation in the Planetary Healing Chamber and build up your Arcan thought powers. I, Juliano, am gathering quantum healing frequencies of light from the Central Sun. I am downloading it and sending it into your aura, your energy field, to be integrated and used in your planetary healing work. Go into meditation now for several minutes and receive this accelerated quantum healing energy that I am bringing down to each of you from the Central Sun. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Now I am bringing down the special frequency of quantum healing light to the Planetary Healing Room and to you, which is called Omega Light. Omega Light is a derivative of quantum healing light. Receive this higher frequency of Omega Light. (Chants “Oh… Omega Oh Omega Light.”) A special frequency of higher quantum light known as Omega Light is now being downloaded into the Gaia Planetary Healing Chamber and into your aura and into your energy field. Receive now this frequency of the Omega Light. Now we are sitting in this beautiful circle around the holographic image of Gaia, and we are going to join our thoughts together and create this beautiful energy of light and love for beloved Gaia, and we will speak to her.
We say: “Gaia we are sending you this quantum healing energy and Omega Light now that will help you to hold a new balance for the entire planet.” I ask that the starseeds hold that thought and hold that communication for one minute. (Chants “Omega Light, quantum healing light to the Spirit of Gaia now.”)
Now, you are going to carry this quantum healing energy and this Omega Light with you back to Earth where you will be called upon to use this energy to send it again to Gaia in the coming days and weeks. She will need your support, and she will need this energy on a continual basis for at least seven more days. So, gather this Omega Light with you, this quantum healing light, and stand up and walk out of the Gaia Healing Chamber. You are glowing in your aura energy field. Walk down the hallway. You are already holding great healing planetary light. Enter the corridor from which you came and travel now at the speed of thought back to your house. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.”) You arrive six feet above your physical body, and you have this powerful Omega energy and quantum healing light for the planet with you.
There is a portion of quantum healing and Omega Light for yourself that you may use for any personal healing. At the count of three receive this Omega and quantum light for yourself. One, two, three, now. That light and energy is downloaded into your physical Earth body now. Direct the quantum healing light to your own body and at whatever level. Direct that quantum healing light and Omega Light into your life on Earth, so that all circumstances that may be affecting you in an unbalanced way become rectified and harmonized now. (Chants “Omega Light, Omega Light, Omega Light.”) You may open your eyes; return to normal consciousness and know that you are carrying the special planetary energy that will help you to communicate with Gaia. This energy will protect areas that you are focused on in your life in which you feel a need for this extra boost, and also you will have this quantum healing light within you for planetary healing. Gaia is open to you, and she will listen to you, just like the patient is listening to the doctor who is giving special instructions to the patient for a new medicine. Now we have Gaia’s attention, and she is listening carefully to your words. I am Juliano. Good day.