August 1, 2020
The Noosphere and Homo Omega
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | [email protected]
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | [email protected]
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Today, we will look at the important subject of the Noosphere, and we will be offering some further clarification of what it is and how to use it, and also, where is it? And also, we want to give you some good analogies and symbols, especially from the computer world, that will help you to better understand and learn how to use the Noosphere.
The Noosphere exists energetically in the aura or energy field of the Earth. It is an actual etheric energy field, and it is often called a thought field. You know that your aura contains thought fields. Thought fields are also of energy. Emotional fields are energy, and the moods that one experiences can be manifested energetically in the aura. You have to be able to see the aura in order to describe the different states of energetic difference between the thought and emotion.
The Noosphere is a collective thought field which also includes memories. I have compared it to the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records record every thought, every event that has happened in everyone’s life on this planet and on other planets. The Akashic Records are like a galactic library. If you know how to access the library, then you would be able to read and report on many different aspects of reincarnational experiences, other planetary wars, and even the birth of the galaxies or the birth of other planetary systems. The Akashic Records are comprehensive. The discussion of the Noosphere, then, must include this idea of the Akashic Records, but there is another aspect to this phenomenon. That aspect is that the Noosphere helps to create reality on a planet.
Now there is a controversial discussion in cosmology, and that controversy goes like this: Was there first manifestation and then consciousness, or did consciousness exist first, and then consciousness manifested reality? It is a very interesting subject. From our standpoint, we say that consciousness existed first, and then reality, or material reality, or the Third Dimension, was then manifested. It is not the other way around, that is to say, material manifestation does not lead to consciousness, but consciousness is first, and then materialism.
Now this idea supports the concept of the Noosphere, and it supports the idea that before any physical manifestation, there must be a thought. This is born out in the Kabbalah and in the Tree of Life, which divides reality into four worlds: 1) the “world of thought”, 2) the “world of feeling”, 3) the “world of manifestation or creation”, and 4) the “world of doing”, which is the fourth plane, and that is where we are. What is interesting about the four worlds concept is that thoughts are the highest level, and it is the thoughts that are closest to the godhead, or closest to the Creator.
This observation is important when we look at the Noosphere. The Noosphere contains the original consciousness and the thought program that was downloaded into the aura, or the energy field, of the Earth, which started the manifestation of this planet, and the manifestation of this reality and material presence. The Noosphere holds the original program that was downloaded by the Creator that came from the Central Sun that set in motion all that you now are witnessing on this planet.
There have been modifications, and there have been corruptions of the original program that was downloaded into the Noosphere. I can say that the original program is like a thought field. Part of the original program in the Noosphere is based on free will. This means that each person has the choice of what to do, that is, whether they should follow their evil impulse or their impulse towards good. Everyone also has the ability to change and influence the Noosphere. If you know how to influence the Noosphere correctly, then you can change the manifested reality.
Unfortunately, in the current situation on this planet, there is not awareness or expanded consciousness for the majority of the population, and therefore, there is not knowledge that the thoughts that people are using or thinking are influencing the Noosphere and affecting this reality. There are many examples of what I call “aberrant” or unconscious thinking that are influencing the outcome through the Noosphere. We can compare this part of the Noosphere to the Subconscious and to the Planetary Subconscious.
Let me speak first about the Personal Subconscious, and then I will talk about the Planetary Subconscious and how that relates to the Noosphere. When you look at your Personal Subconscious, I can say that its foundation is like a blank computer hard drive. Whatever you download into the hard drive will become part of the program and be manifested. There is a joke among computer geeks that says: “Garbage in, garbage out.” That is an accurate description of the Personal Subconscious, because the Personal Subconscious does not discriminate about what is downloaded. If you download a positive thought, the Subconscious will manifest that, but if you send in information in a negative way, the Subconscious still does not discriminate and will use the negative information you download towards attempting to manifest the thought form that you are using.
In the present reality, there are many people who do not have good thinking. They still are downloading negative thoughts into the collective Noosphere. I will give you one example. Let us look at the thought field that says: “This is the End Times. The planet is now in the end cycle, and there is going to be more upheaval, more volcanic eruptions, more earthquakes, more wars, more pandemics, and that the civilization as we know it is going to end. The events that you are now seeing are further evidence of the End Times phenomenon.” This idea has been written in many spiritual books and religious books, and it is used often by preachers and pastors. They warn people of their evil ways, and that catastrophe is falling on this planet.
There are many events now that seem to follow that scenario, and I acknowledge that we are in the sixth mass extinction, and that the biosphere is in danger of collapsing, and of course, we all know the inherent danger of this pandemic [COVID-19], which is part of the energy of the sixth mass extinction. However, if we continue to hold that thought form, then we contribute to the manifestation of further End Time events. There are newer thought forms, such as “This is a planetary crisis, and we are on the verge of the new, expanded consciousness.” That is a counter thought form. We can say that there is going to emerge a First Contact and a Messianic intervention from a higher dimensional being that is going to shift the consciousness, and bring the planet into a higher alignment and higher planetary healing. These are positive thought forms that need to be downloaded into the Noosphere, because we want to help manifest more healing thoughts.
The Personal Subconscious and the Planetary Subconscious do not make a distinction between good or bad thought forms that are downloaded. The Noosphere also contains what I call the “Collective Subconscious”. The Collective Subconscious has to be differentiated from the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious is below the Collective Subconscious, and by its very nature, the Collective Unconscious is not directly accessible. You, in conscious mind, can only work with and influence the Subconscious by your thoughts, by your affirmations, by your visualizations. There is a barrier between the Subconscious and the Unconscious. People can access the Unconscious and the Collective Unconscious through symbolism, poetry, dreams and artistic expression. The Collective Unconscious is only accessible, and is expressed, through these means. There are not, in a normal way, verbal expressions. In channeling and in mystical states, you can receive direct, symbolic expressions of the Collective Unconscious, and the Collective Unconscious is also part of the Noosphere.
In this lecture, we are only going to be working with the Collective Subconscious. Let us look at an example of how thoughts can manifest reality, and then let us see how this applies to the current situation on the Earth. One of the most important subjects for planetary healers is to understand the techniques of how thoughts can change reality. There is nothing that is more “Creator-like” than to understand and use techniques to change the Earth reality through thoughts.
I will use the example of building a table. There are several stages towards the creation of a table. The first stage is the thought about the need for a table. You have objects that you want to put on a table. You want to eat and put your food and plates on the table, so you have the idea or the thought of creating a table. The second stage is that you would create a diagram or a drawing of the table. You must decide if it should be round, square or rectangular. The table could have one leg in the center or it could have four legs. You must so draw a diagram of the table. The third stage of the creation of the table is that you then make a plan to build the table. That means that you have to get wood, nails and tools, such as a saw. Then finally, the fourth stage is that you build the table. In this fourth stage you are now manifesting a reality based on your thoughts. Your thoughts are now becoming a reality.
This is a simple example, but it has great benefit when you are trying to understand how to use the Noosphere’s collective thought field to manifest reality. For example, when using thoughts to create reality, you must think about where you are going to buy the wood. You must think about whether or not you have the tools to cut the wood correctly, whether you have nails or screws you could use. You must think about whether you have a place to build it, and also you must think about what resistances can interfere in your wanting to manifest this table. These stages are important to visualize when building a table, and also we must visualize stages in the manifesting of reality for higher Earth changes.
Some resistances could be the following: the local hardware or lumber store may not have the wood you need. You may not have the nails, or maybe your saw is broken and you need a new blade in your saw, or maybe you hurt your hand and you cannot use a hammer for a week or two. Maybe you do not have a room to build it, or maybe somebody in your neighborhood does not want you to have the table. There are many different resistances. This means that, when you are visualizing and thinking about the table, you must try to get as much detail as possible when you are working to manifest the table. You must think about going to the store and buying the materials. You must think about how you are going to carry the materials back to your house. You must think about where you are going to put the materials, how you are going to build it, and any problems you might have when you do go to build it.
This illustrates that visualizing as many details as possible is the most powerful way for thoughts to be effective in creating reality. You can also use affirmations to help manifest a new reality. They are very helpful, but the true power in influencing the Personal Subconscious is through visualizations. This is true also when interacting with the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious is pre-verbal. The use of verbal words, sentences, is a relatively new phenomenon in the evolution of human consciousness.
Also, in the Arcturian world, we communicate telepathically. When you communicate telepathically, sometimes you use words, and sometimes you only use visualizations or feelings. You can telepathically communicate feelings and visualizations. One of the hindrances to the effectiveness of working with the Noosphere is the tendency to totally rely only on verbal communication. When you work with the Noosphere, then you want to work with visualization as much as possible.
I want to also talk about the Collective Subconscious and influencing this reality with regard to the Earth. I said that the Noosphere is located in the aura of the Earth. This should not be surprising because you have a personal energy field that is like your own Noosphere, but you refer to it as the Personal Subconscious and Unconscious. The Earth is a living, planetary spirit, therefore, it does have an aura, and it does have an energy field that is composed of the Collective Subconscious and Unconscious. The Earth has collective, unconscious information that is connected with the galaxy.
The Earth is also holographic. Holographic means that it is interconnected with everything in this galaxy. The Earth contains access to the Akashic Record of the birth of the galaxy. The Earth contains Akashic information about all of the previous civilizations that have existed on this planet. Remember, the Akashic Records are part of the Noosphere. The Earth contains all records of extraterrestrial visitations to this planet. The Earth contains all records of nuclear bombs that have been detonated above the ground since 1945-46. Every single bomb has set off a gamma ray burst of energy and explosions and vibrations that are recorded in the Noosphere.
As a sidelight, I wanted to point out that the explosions of the nuclear bombs set off vibrational frequencies throughout the galaxy and was one of the main causes of the increase of extraterrestrial visitations to the Earth. The higher beings throughout this galaxy have extremely sensitive information and measurements and instruments that picked up the sound waves, the vibrational frequencies, and the gamma bursts that were released from the nuclear explosions. The higher dimensional beings realized at that point that it was necessary to do some protective healing work, and possible intervention on the Earth’s Noosphere and on the Earth’s system. Part of it was also out of self-protection. It was feared, and rightly so, that the Earth could bring, and export, that nuclear weaponry into the galaxy.
You might think how could that be? For example, Arcturus might be 36 light years away, which is a tremendous distance. There is no way that the Earth spaceships would ever be able to approach the speed of light and carry nuclear weapons. Remember, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, and we are talking about speeds now of humanity going 55,000 or 60,000 miles an hour, so of course, they are not even close to the speed of light. This does not take into consideration that humanity may be close to interdimensional travel. Once you have learned to travel interdimensionally through corridors, then you could bring the nuclear weaponry with you. The Ascended Masters have said that this will not be allowed.
In summary, the Noosphere, then, is the collective thought fields containing the Collective Subconscious, Unconscious, and other thought fields that can manifest into reality on the Earth. What then do you, as planetary healers and meditators, need to know to use the Noosphere? There are several rules for effective use of the Noosphere. The first rule is that those who are doing the meditation must use Arcan Power (Arcturian thought power) with the greatest clarity and thought power possible to download it into the Planetary Subconscious or the Planetary Noosphere. The second rule is that the effectiveness of the meditations is enhanced by doing them at sacred sites or using sacred aids such as crystals. Of course, using the Arcturian etheric crystals is another, powerful way, and this is one of the reasons why we have downloaded the etheric crystals, because the etheric crystals are interdimensional. That means that the etheric crystals can gain and help you access Arcan Power and thought strength that you could not normally get.
It is known that the more you can connect with fifth-dimensional energy, the stronger your thought power can be. Energetically, you can connect with the Central Sun and use the Iskalia Mirror, which is an etheric device that we placed over the North Pole that is like a satellite dish and energetic connector to Galactic Central Sun energy. Using the Iskalia Mirror is another technique of strengthening your thoughts. The third aspect of using the Noosphere for planetary meditations and manifestation has to do with the visualizations.
Let me use the example of planetary meditations and the Noosphere for the next evolutionary stage of humanity, which I have called Homo Omega. One effective meditation is to visualize what the Homo Omega as a manifested person looks like. Instead of saying, or affirming the Homo Omega is going to manifest on the Earth now, we can visualize a person that is the manifested form of the next evolutionary step. Fortunately, in the Collective Subconscious, and also in the Akashic Records and in everyone’s memory, is the image of Sananda/Jesus who can be representative of the Homo Omega person. This view of Sananda is irrespective of any religious views that you may have. It is not dependent upon any biblical descriptions that you have of Jesus, but rather this image of him is based on an archetypal image of a higher person.
And for Asian society, we have several fantastic images. We have the image of the Buddha. We could have the image of Mohammed. We could have the image of Moses. We could have the image of Lao Tse. We could have the image of the female, Quan Yin. We could have the image of the Buffalo Calf Woman, and we could have the image of El Morya. There are many archetypal images that represent the next stage of human evolution that I call the Homo Omega.
In using the Noosphere in meditations, you can use that image of one of those Ascended Masters, including Chief White Eagle and Spirit Fire. These are all fantastic images of the Homo Omega that can be used.
Let us get more technical. When I talked about the manifestation of the table, I said you have to have a drawing; you have to buy the parts. Let us use some of the details for the Homo Omega consciousness. We have to go deeper into the meditation and ask how is this consciousness going to appear. We could say that the Reticular Activating System will be open. This is located at the brain stem. In the shamanistic world it is also called the Assemblage Point. We can visualize that the next development stage of Homo Omega has an opened valve of the Reticular Activating System, or the Assemblage Point. The more detailed you can get with that opening, the better. It may mean, for example, you may be able to visualize a valve that is opening in the brain stem, or you may get even more specific. If you are into human biology, you can visualize the neurons that have a certain opening. The point is that, not only do you visualize that person or that image, but to the best of your ability, you do as much technical visualization as possible. This is really powerful.
Here is a good example of using one’s Subconscious for effective results. If you are going to be a runner in a race, you can use visualization. I know that many of the runners will visualize themselves crossing the finish line, and this is used as motivation and preparation for winning the race. Another meditation is to visualize that they are at the starting block, and when the gun goes off, they are racing first. They visualize that they have the best start, so they visualize themselves starting at a high speed. Throughout the race, they may do another visualization in terms of where they are in the middle of the race, and of course finally, they will have the visualization of the final second when they are crossing the finish line ahead of everyone else. In doing the visualizations, and using the Noosphere, the more detail you can provide, the quicker and more effective is the downloading and the manifestation of the image that you are using.
This would be a good time for you to hear about using our Noosphere, and why we have professional, full-time meditators. I use the word “professional” very loosely, because we do not have money on our planet, and we are not “hiring” people in the sense that you would. I have to use some of your terminology so you understand what I am trying to describe. We train our team to be full-time meditators. Part of their training is to have them use as much detail in their meditations as possible. Therefore, for your meditations on Earth, I recommend that, when visualizing the Homo Omega advanced human, that you can visualize in great detail the person having their Assemblage Point opened. You would have the Homo Omega man having a Third Eye open, the Crown Chakra open, and that their aura would be in the shape of a Cosmic Egg. The more detail that you can give, the quicker and more effective Homo Omega that is manifested.
We have our full-time meditators who we have trained to hold detailed images. On an even deeper level, we would have, and we would recommend, the meditators who are working on the level of visualizing DNA. Some of the meditations on Earth are sound oriented towards unlocking the Codes of Ascension. Unlocking the Codes of Ascension relates to the DNA. This means that meditations can be visualizations, and they could also be sound energy that goes down to the core DNA level. Everyone might not be able to work or meditate on that level. Each one of us has a certain strength and a certain mission on how to work on deeper levels, upper levels or lower levels. The point is that, to use the Noosphere for manifestation, you do need at least some people who are going visualize the DNA level. Your meditators need to visualize that this DNA in the Omega Man/Woman is altered for higher consciousness. This is an important and powerful technique.
Our full-time “professional” meditators are working together in groups, and one person will be assigned to meditate on the DNA. Another person will be assigned to meditate on the Crown Chakras. Another person will be assigned on what the person would look like when all this is put together.
I want to offer you one more important factor in working with the Noosphere. This new factor that I will describe has not been revealed yet, but as I speak about it, you will immediately understand how important it is, and this is an example of “hidden knowledge being revealed” at this time. The Earth, as a living, spiritual planet, also interacts with the Noosphere. This is, I believe, revolutionary, but it may sound so simple and obvious to you that you might say: “Juliano, this is nothing new.” But it is new, and I am going to explain why: because in the meditations, you have to take into consideration and use the energy of the Earth for helping to manifest a new species. Homo Omega and Homo sapiens are manifested on the Earth, and you and anything that is born or evolved comes from the Earth energies. It cannot evolve any other way. Being grounded on the Earth is a prerequisite for your ascension. You are Earth beings. You are not Moon beings; you are not Martians. You are Earth beings. To ascend and go into the higher realms, you do so from your position on the Earth. That is the strongest and most direct way.
The Earth energy will influence the emergence of the next evolutionary step, Homo Omega, but the Earth energies have become distorted and need assistance. The meridians on many places of the Earth are blocked. The biosphere is becoming distorted, and some places of the biosphere are dying.
You have chakras, just like other higher beings, and you have to work to open your chakras. The Earth has energy centers that are similar to the human chakras. These Earth chakras are energy centers. The existence of the 12 Arcturian etheric crystals is an example of energy centers that we have used to open direct communication and interaction with the Earth’s Noosphere.
There are many powerful energy points on the planet, such as at the North Pole, Jerusalem, Stonehenge and the Andes mountains. Some of these areas have meridians and energy centers that are blocked or are suffering. The manifestation of reality is affected by the Earth and the Earth’s energy field. That is a factor. So, you could have all of the correct techniques that I have described, using Arcan Energy, doing the details the best you can, and doing it at sacred times, sacred places, but you still have to use the interaction with Mother Earth for the manifestation.
The Earth is in a difficult position right now, but the beauty is that the Earth is a spiritual planet, and receives your love, interactions, thoughts. Humanity is the crown jewel of the Earth’s spirit. This means that humanity’s development is tied to the evolution of the Earth. I like to point out that there might be 200 billion stars, and there might be 400 billion planets or more in this galaxy, yet there are only 5,000 planets that have higher life forms like humanity. 5,000 out of the billions of planets! That means that the Earth is a special planet with higher energy and higher spiritual powers, and that means that the Earth must be taken into consideration when you do the meditation using the Noosphere.
The only solution to this planetary crisis is higher consciousness. The only solution to resolving the “End Times” events is through the emergence of a higher evolutionary being. Without higher evolutionary beings, there is no way that this Earth will solve this current crisis. Governments and the current leaders cannot solve the global crisis problem. There has to be the emergence of higher consciousness. What is different now than in other evolutionary times is that this evolution will happen in the existing beings. You would think, if you study Darwin and the laws of natural selection, that the evolutionary stage would occur as new people are born. Certainly the “Indigo Children”, or the Starseed children, will be born with this new consciousness. But this new Homo Omega evolutionary stage can appear with the existing species because many people have the DNA so that their codes can be unlocked. Homo Omega can occur in an existing person, now.
Let us conclude our time together by doing a meditation on Homo Omega. Visualize the emergence of Homo Omega and use either the image of the Christ, the Mohammed or Moses, or Lao Tse or the Buddha, or Quan Yin, or Spirit Fire, or Buffalo Calf Woman, whoever is in alignment now with you, and visualize this image now with you in front of your Third Eye. Then, give it as much Arcan Power as possible, and then I will give you more instructions afterwards. Let’s go into silence. (Silence)
As you have this image in front of your Third Eye, thought project this image into the Ring of Ascension, the fifth-dimensional halo around the Earth. The Ring of Ascension is part of the Noosphere now. Thought project that image of Homo Omega into the Ring of Ascension, and then that image will be downloaded into the Noosphere to the collective aura of the Earth for manifestation in the highest possible time. (Chants “Homo Omega, Homo Omega.”) The Homo Omega image is in the Noosphere, downloaded from the Ring of Ascension. For those of you who may be technologically, biologically, or neuro-biologically advanced, use your imagery to visualize the activation of those parts of the brain for expanded consciousness in the next Omega Man/Woman. (Chants “Homo Omega.”) New beings are emerging throughout the planet with this new, expanded consciousness. They will have open Assemblage Points and connections to the Fifth Dimension.
And so it shall be. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
[email protected]