The Nature of the Dimensions
Copyright © 2022 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel
P. O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture and meditation, I want to look at the nature of the dimensions, and in particular, I will talk about the interactions of the dimensions, including the interaction with the Fourth Dimension and the interaction with the Fifth Dimension. There is a dimensional fabric that separates each dimension. In mystical texts, this fabric is often referred to as a veil. The mystics with their meditations and other spiritual techniques often seek to raise the veil so that they can interact and see the other dimensions.
One of the interesting observations in the story of Adam and Eve is that Adam and Eve were on the Fifth Dimension. And they did not seem to have any awareness of the Third Dimension or any interest in the Third Dimension. The truth is that the dimensions interact, that is, the Fourth Dimension is continually interacting with the Third Dimension, and sometimes the Third Dimension is responding and interacting with the Fourth Dimension.
When it comes to the Fifth Dimension, then we have a totally different situation because the veil between the Third and Fifth Dimension is a lot thicker and more difficult to penetrate than the Third and Fourth Dimension. However, there are certain codes or keys that will allow Third Dimension people to experience the Fifth Dimension. One of these codes or perhaps we can call it passwords into experiencing the Fifth Dimension, is the experience of love, or the vibration of love.
The Fifth Dimension is more calibrated for higher spiritual frequencies. I often compare the frequencies for entering the Fifth Dimension to trying to enter Shangri-La. Shangri-La is a fifth-dimensional community that was in existence on the Earth. It existed somewhere near Tibet and the Himalayan Mountains. Those people who looked for Shangri-La were not able to enter unless they were at a certain spiritual light frequency or a Spiritual Light Quotient. In fact, if somebody of a lower spiritual vibration found the entry to Shangri-La, they would not be able to enter, and also, they would not even be able to find the entrance. This is an example of how coded and protected the Fifth Dimension is from the Third Dimension.
Let me explain the interaction between the Fourth and the Third Dimensions. This certainly is one of the major factors, that is, the interaction of the Third and Fourth, that you are now experiencing on the Earth. I divide up the Fourth Dimension into three layers: I call the fourth-dimensional layers the lower, the middle and the higher layer. The higher layer Fourth Dimension is a very spiritual energy place. There are many Ascended Masters living and working there, and some of the highest spiritual work is accomplished in the higher fourth-dimensional world. There have been beautiful descriptions of the Fourth Dimension and mostly that is the upper fourth-dimensional world. Sometimes they use the word “heaven”, where you see and experience old and beloved relatives, beloved pets and beloved Ascended Masters with whom you have studied or been close to during your third-dimensional existence.
The upper Fourth Dimension has many gateways to the Fifth Dimension. There are a lot of similarities, but the main difference between the upper Fourth Dimension and the Fifth Dimension is this: The Fourth Dimension at all levels – lower, middle and higher – still are what I call incarnational Earth zones. When you are residing in the third-dimensional incarnation zone, then when you die, you incarnate again on the Earth. You go back and meet with your life-between-life guides and teachers on the Fourth Dimension, and your karmic lessons are evaluated. Then you return to the Earth in a new incarnation. This means that being on the Fourth Dimension indicates that you still have an incarnational process and experience to be had on the Third Dimension.
When I speak of ascension, I always talk about the Fifth Dimension, and I explain that on the Fifth Dimension, you are free of any further Earth incarnations. In fact, you have graduated from the Earth. Sananda/Jesus gave a lecture about going to the Fifth Dimension, and he used the phrase “Do not look back.” What did he mean by that phrase? What he meant was that at the moment of ascension, you have the opportunity to enter into the Fifth Dimension. You have to demonstrate complete detachment from the Earth. That means that you do not have time to worry about what is going to happen to this person or this friend or this family member. You do not have time to worry about who is going to take over your job or who is going to watch over your house. When the moment comes for entry into the Fifth Dimension, you do not look back. This is a good description and summary of detachment, and it is important to explain more about detachment.
One way to understand attachment and the dimensions is to look at the lower Fourth Dimension. Some people have described the lower Fourth Dimension as hell, and I could say that on the lower Fourth Dimension, there are many dark spirits. Some are called ghosts, but there are others that are of lower vibration that you do not have names for, but you probably have seen pictures of these lower beings. There is a fabric making up the dimensions. I call it the dimensional fabric between the Third Dimension and the lower Fourth Dimension, and this dimensional fabric can be separated, fractured, pierced or damaged.
You cannot see, with normal consciousness and normal vision, the veil between the Third Dimension and the lower Fourth Dimension. However, this fabric is comparable to subatomic particles. You cannot see subatomic particles, but they are there, and they hold the physical world together, because the veil, then, is similar to subatomic energy. It is a fragile veil. The veil has been compromised numerous times in the 20th century, and in the 21st century. When these veils or fabric are separated, then you might be able to go into the lower Fourth Dimension, but also the lower fourth-dimensional beings can enter into the Third Dimension. That is a big problem when the lower fourth-dimensional beings enter the Third Dimension.
Many lower fourth-dimensional beings have lost their way. Many are lost spirits, and they are often filled with thoughts of revenge and violence and disruption. You even have a name for these lower fourth-dimensional beings. They are often called “devil” or “devil-like”. Since they are lost, that is, they cannot find their way into the higher realms of the Fourth Dimension, then they are frantic; they are desperate. They are looking for food or energy for survival. I know that sounds funny. Why would a fourth-dimensional being look for food, but food in the lower Fourth Dimension is energy, and these lower fourth-dimensional beings are parasitic. That means that the lower spirits can find the separate holes or tears in the third-dimensional fabric, come through those holes and attach themselves to certain people or beings.
There are rules and regulations about how they do attach. Some of them are well known, others are not well known. For example, being in a state of alcoholism or an alcoholic stupor or blackout, would be an example of somebody who was very vulnerable to spirit attachment. Being on some of the other strange street drugs could lead to vulnerability for spirit attachments.
Lower fourth-dimensional beings know how to take advantage of the rips or tears in the fabric, and they know how to find weaknesses in people’s auras, and they know how to attach to them and parasitically suck energy. And also, they try to dominate and control people. This phenomenon explains some of the school shootings that occur in the United States and throughout the world, but also, partly explains the wars that are going on, because many of the lower dimensional beings are victims of war, that died prematurely or may have died a horrible death and have been unable to go to the higher realms.
Think about it for a moment. If you were in a war and you died a horrible death, would you want to come back to the Earth and take out your anger? Would you want to take out your anger through revenge? When these lower beings can dominate you, then they parasitically see you as energy food, and they could live and thrive and maintain the consciousness through attaching themselves to a person. This phenomena of attaching to vulnerable persons on the Earth is being played out now in Ukraine-Russian war.
But here is something about karma that I want to explain when it comes to the dimensions. Actions that you have on the Third Dimension have karmic meaning and karmic repercussions. Negative actions of murder, revenge or other bad actions do carry a karmic responsibility and a karmic burden. That karmic burden carries with you when you die and go back into the Fourth Dimension, and if it is a heavy karmic burden, then you could potentially be on the lower Fourth Dimension. Karma has great implications for you. It is important to behave and have a proper attitude when you are in the Third Dimension.
Jesus/Sananda said to turn the other cheek, and people and theologians have interpreted this as a commitment to non-violence. Certainly, that is a wonderful interpretation, but I know that some have said that this is really not doable if somebody is trying to hurt you. Then how can you just turn the other cheek if that means that they would continue to hurt you? That is not exactly what Sananda’s message means.
If somebody is hurting you, then if you decide to hurt them, if you decide to take revenge on them, then you are setting up a continuation of the karmic cycle. This means that, in order to break the cycle, you need to turn the other cheek. You do not need to engage in revenge, and you do not engage in trying to harm the other person. If somebody is trying to hurt you physically, then you have the right to protect yourself. But after you protect yourself, then turning the other cheek means that you do not seek to punish the other person. The reason that you do not want to personally punish the other person is because, if you do, then it will create a karmic repercussion for you in your next lifetime. (Author’s note: If the person trying to harm you is breaking the law, then that person could still be punished by the state and federal authorities.)
Your goal is to graduate from the Earth. In order to graduate from the Earth, you have to be free of all karmic burdens. Today, in our meditations and work, I want to give you a special affirmation that will free you of any karmic debts to people who have hurt you or that you have hurt (Author’s note: We are primarily talking about emotional hurt now.), because if you have hurt people, then they may want to come back and harm you, and you do want that attachment either. There are two types of attachments: One is where you have hurt somebody, and then they want to come back and harm you. Or the second type is that they have hurt you, and you want to be free of that. So, you need to turn the other cheek so that you are not karmically involved. This is the epitome of detachment.
Let us think for a moment about the great polarizations that are occurring around this planet, and I am talking about the political, economic and sociological polarizations. You know how many different people and politicians are taking positions, and I am sure that you also feel strongly on one side or the other about the current world situation. If I were living on this planet, I would be angry at those people who are destroying the environment, for example, or I would be angry at those people who are doing genocide. The point is, though, that you want to be free so you do not engage in any type of behavior or thought forms that will attach your energy to theirs in a future incarnation. That is what real detachment means.
It is difficult. I am not describing this as if it is easy. You know, you are not in kindergarten. You are right on the brink of graduation from the Earth. And this is a subject with complex emotions. But you are ready to learn; you are ready to proceed. Because you do not want to go back into the Third Dimension, you do not want to be involved in the anger as bad as what is happening now.
For example, in Ukraine, it may look like one side in Ukraine is winning; it may look like another side is losing. But these leaders will have a great karmic debt. So what are they really gaining? I mean, maybe even if Russia wins the war, the karmic debt that they are incurring is going to follow them for hundreds of lifetimes.
I use the example of Putin. Maybe he would be successful in destroying Ukraine and killing many people. But the karmic debt that is upon his soul now is a terrible burden that will be comparable to a hell for him. In a future lifetime, he will be involved in an opposite situation where he is the leader of a country that has been dominated and destroyed by a more powerful country, and then he will have to experience what it is like to be on the other side.
But then think about all the people that have been killed and all the hospitals that have been destroyed, and Putin would have to have an experience like that, being in a hospital that was destroyed. So there is no winner; there is no victor in war. You might say, “Well, what am I saying then? Does that mean the opposite? The Ukrainian people must turn the cheek aside and let them be dominated and destroyed?” No, that is not the answer either. As I said, there is a spiritual law which allows self-defense. In this situation, in the worst situation, self-defense alone may not be able to stop the aggressor.
We have to make a distinction between the karma of a country and your individual karma. So, each country follows karmic laws as you follow in your individual spiritual journey. I like to use the example of Israel that is karmically as a group connected to the land in the Middle East. That karmic connection has been passed on for thousands of years. Israel experienced the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem (Author’s note: this destruction occurred in 586 B.C.) and the destruction of the second temple (Author’s note: 70 A.D. by the Romans). The memories of those destructions are remembered on a special day each year. Within the Collective Conscious of the Jewish people, there is the memory of the destruction and the desire to reestablish the sacred temple.
I can go to each country in the world and point to similar group karmic memories. I can go to the Native American peoples, and you will find a similar karmic destiny, karmic history, that is very deep within the people. So, this again gives you evidence that there is a collective karma among groups of people. The fulfillment and the neutralization of country karma is also complicated. But there are rectifications; there are ways of neutralizing karma as a country.
On a personal basis, you have the choice of whether or not you want to tie in your personal soul journey with the karmic journey of the country you came from. And I can even go further than that, and say that you have the choice of whether or not you want to be karmically involved with the Earth, and the history of the Earth, and the history and what is occurring now and what has gone on in the past. We can even go one step further and talk about galactic karma. At some point, in your soul journey, you may decide that you are going to release your karma to your country. Or to say it another way, you can release yourself from the country karma and even the Earth karma. That is going to be a personal choice.
I wanted to work with you in meditation on this affirmation. First, state your name, and say, “I hereby release, and forgive all people who have hurt me in this lifetime or in other lifetimes.” Secondly, state, “I hereby release karmically anyone who has hurt me in this lifetime or has hurt me in a past lifetime.”
As you think about these affirmations, then you might have a visual image come in front of you of those people. I would like for you to close your eyes, take three breaths, and go into a deeper state of spiritual connection with your Higher Self. See in front of your Third Eye a wide screen. It looks like a computer display screen. This computer display screen is directly in front of your Third Eye, and it is connected to all your subconscious and unconscious memories from this lifetime and from other lifetimes.
Say these affirmations again, and then will go into silence. And then I would like you to look at the screen and see who it is that has hurt you in this lifetime. As you see their image, say to them, “I forgive you.” That is all you are saying, and say that you are releasing them from any karmic entanglement.
Visualize the white screen in front of your Third Eye again. Say again, “I hereby release and forgive all people that have hurt me in this lifetime and in any past lifetimes.” See those people on the screen and repeat those words. We will go into silence. (Silence)
“I hereby release and forgive all people who have hurt me in this lifetime or in the past lifetime.” (Silence) You are releasing your karmic connection to them; you are releasing it now. This is helping you to prepare for your ascension. Next, say, “I ask for forgiveness and to be released towards anyone whom I have hurt in this lifetime or in my past lifetimes. I hereby ask for forgiveness and to be released karmically from anyone who has hurt me in this lifetime or anyone who I have hurt in this lifetime, or whom I have hurt in other lifetimes.” Let us go into silence. (Silence)
Now to complete this process, I, Juliano, send down a corridor of light over each of your rooms. This corridor of light is now connected to the fifth-dimensional temple, known as Tomar’s Temple. Allow your Spirit Body to rise up out of the physical body and travel into the corridor of light at the speed of thought, and travel at the speed of thought through this corridor.
You are now traveling through the Fourth Dimension. As you travel through the Fourth Dimension, you can see many of the lower beings, but they cannot even touch you at all. You are going way too fast, and they cannot pierce my corridor of light. (Tones “Ta, ta, ta.”) You arrive on Arcturus, at the opening garden of Tomar’s Temple. Tomar will now speak to you. I turn this part of the lecture over to Tomar.
Greetings, greetings, fellow starseeds. I am Tomar. I welcome you to my temple which is offering soul purification. Juliano has prepared you for this soul purification energy experience. Walk up the steps of the temple; walk inside my entranceway, and you see this beautiful white interior with white pillars of light holding up a dome-like structure. In the center is the special soul purification bath. It is a small little pond, but it is not water. It is a special substance that does not exist on the Earth. It is a soul purification liquid. Enter into the center and come in around this little pond of soul purification liquid. We are going to go into the pond, and as you go into the pond, we are going to purify and release all karmic connections to those you have hurt and those that have hurt you. This will help to release you from the need to reincarnate onto the Earth again. I know that it is your desire to graduate and move on to the Fifth Dimension.
You are in your Light Body, Spirit Body. Come down into the center of the room and enter this pond of spiritual purification liquid. That is right; it is a cleansing like you have never experienced on the Earth. You are cleansing your soul from karma, based on whether you have hurt somebody, or somebody has hurt you in this lifetime or in past lifetimes. We will go back into silence as you experience the purification. (Silence)
Very good. It is wonderful to be in this purification liquid. Step out of the liquefied pond, and each of your auras has brightened considerably. You no longer are burdened by these karmic ties that you have carried with you for so long. You are becoming free. We are around the pond feeling joyful and high spirited, and we must begin the journey back home. But know that you now understand why Jesus said turn the other cheek
. We step back and begin leaving the temple. You look down at the water, and it does look dense and filled with lower light, but I and my other friends will be dispersing this energy in the most helpful way. You do not have to worry because we are removing this. You walk out of the temple, and there you meet Juliano again. I am always here waiting for you in my temple. I am eager to do this beautiful work with you. Here is Juliano. Good day.
My friends, you all look so different. Think about how wonderful it is to be free of Earth entanglements karmically. Take my hand, and then follow the path back into the corridor of light, and travel now back to your physical body at the speed of thought. You are in the corridor of light now. You begin the journey back to the Earth body. (Tones “Ta, ta, ta.”) You arrive six feet above your physical body, and now you enter in perfect alignment, and also with a new energy of purification. Enter now back into the physical body. You are integrating these teachings.
You have a greater understanding of the fabric of the dimensions. From the Third Dimension you can access the Fifth Dimension. And the fifth-dimensional veil is open on the Third Dimension to those who are in higher consciousness. The Fourth Dimension is open to people through the dream world, through shamanistic practices, through other ceremonies. The Fifth Dimension is also open through sacred work, sacred ceremonies, and sacred places and sacred times.
The Fifth Dimension is interacting with the Third Dimension. The interaction of the Fifth Dimension with the Third Dimension is increasing. We are interested in accelerating your connection to the Fifth Dimension. Call on the Arcturians and other higher guides to help you connect with the fifth-dimensional light.
The Fifth Dimension is like a sphere, and the Third Dimension is like a sphere, and these two spheres are going to intersect. They are already closer to each other than they have ever been. With this intersection, you are able to receive and interact with fifth-dimensional energies. The fabric of the Fifth Dimension is not torn, like the fabric of the Third Dimension and the Fourth. The fifth-dimensional fabric is like the energy of Shangri-La, requiring you to be in your higher light frequencies in order to interact and enter.
Entry into the Fifth Dimension requires you to be filled with love. It requires you to remove all hatred and polarizations. Entry into the Fifth Dimension requires acceptance of the unity of all that there is. It requires the unity of your soul because you are and will experience soul unification on your fifth-dimensional journey. (Tones “Oh.”) Let the light of the Creator Almighty fill your spiritual presence now. El Shaddai Chai. Ley Olam va ed. (Hebrew phrase) Connect with the living Creator Almighty forever and ever. You can unite with that energy. I am Juliano. Good day.