No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
In this lecture, I want to look more closely at the concept known as the “multidimensional Self”. It is difficult in the linear mind, and the mind of cause and effect, to understand the multidimensional Self. Basically, in your mindset on the Third Dimension, you see things in a linear fashion. This means there is a past; there is a present, and there is a future, and this timeline is on a straight line. I know that you can conceive or think of your future Self, for example. But even when you think of your future Self, you see it on this linear line that is in front of the present Self.
The multidimensional Self can be defined as a Self, existing on several different dimensions at the same time, or simultaneously. This means that, when you experience the multidimensional Self, or the consciousness of the multidimensional Self, you can be here and conscious of your Self on the Third Dimension and, at the same time, you can be conscious of your Self on the Fifth Dimension. In some cases, it is also possible to be on the fourth dimension at the same time as being on the Third Dimension.
I want to emphasize that experiencing the multidimensional Self can be done from a higher, expanded state of consciousness. I also want to emphasize that experiencing the multidimensional Self is a sign of higher evolution, and in the future of humanity, especially when we are talking about the Omega Man/Woman, we can say that these more evolved beings such as the Omega Man/Woman have multidimensional consciousness. This means that not everyone is advanced enough to experience or to participate in multidimensional consciousness. It does require what is known in Kaballah as the “big mind” or the “expanded mind”. You would not be able to experience multidimensional consciousness with the small mind, or the contracted mind.
How is this possible that one can exist or have life on two different dimensions at the same time? To begin to understand this, we must transcend linear time. I know that many of you have heard my earlier lectures on time being circular instead of linear. So, we also have co-linear time and circular time. “Co-linear” means that there are two timelines that are parallel to each other. You can imagine this looking like a railroad track progressing on a long road. Co-linear is a possible useful concept in trying to understand the multidimensional Self.
I also want to use the example of dreaming as a way of understanding how it is possible to have a Self in two different dimensions while you are here in the Third Dimension. In your dreaming, you are confined to a certain time period called the sleep state. You may be asleep for seven to eight hours, but in reality, you are only dreaming when you are in a deep state of sleep. Sometimes this is referred to as the “Rapid Eye Movement consciousness”. It has been observed that when you are in this deeper sleep state known as Rapid Eye Movement, you are inhabiting your dream body. This dream state is a good example of multidimensional experience or presence.
While dreaming, you are in your physical body; you are on the Third Dimension, but at the same time, you are inhabiting your dream body. It so happens that the dream body changes. You have the wonderful ability of shaping your dream body into any form that you wish. You can conceptualize or make yourself young when you were nineteen or twenty years old. You can even choose different bodies, different forms of people that you know and who could represent you in the dream.
The fact is that when you are dreaming; you are in multidimensional consciousness; you are in a state of being in two dimensions at the same time. The difference is that we divide these states from sleep state to waking consciousness. Many people are able to enter the sleep state or the dream state from waking consciousness in fantasy, or daydreaming. Some people call this state “waking-dreaming”. In this state you nod, or briefly nap for maybe a minute or two, or even five minutes. You immediately go into the altered state of consciousness, and then you begin to experience multidimensional dream consciousness. The dream state then, and the dreaming experience, provide us with a good foundation for understanding the multidimensional experience.
Our work, that is, the work of the Arcturians, is focused on expanding your consciousness and preparing you for the Ascension. We are encouraging all Starseeds to practice multidimensional consciousness through exercises. You can practice multidimensional consciousness by consciously projecting your astral body into the Fifth Dimension. In this this practice, we have offered you certain sacred places on the Fifth Dimension to project yourself to your fifth-dimensional body. It is important for you to have the most powerful experience and protection when you travel into your multidimensional Self or when you are experiencing multidimensional experiences. Thus, we have set up the Arcturian Crystal Lake, and we have set up Tomar’s temple. We have also set up special healing chambers on our starship Athena for you.
Many Starseeds are already deeply experienced in multidimensional work. Some of you report that, when you are able to have glimpses of your other multidimensional states, then you see yourself as a commander on a starship, or a doctor or a healer or some high, planetary healer on another planet, or even in another galaxy. Sometimes I refer to the awareness of the experiences on other realms as the “bleeding between dimensions”. There is a safeguard which puts up a curtain between the basic reality that you are in, which is the Third Dimension, and any multidimensional reality that you may be experiencing, such as the fourth or Fifth Dimension. At times that curtain allows a bleed-over which means that you can have awareness of what you are doing in the other, multidimensional life. This is for the most part a positive experience and a desired experience for Starseeds. If you are not mentally stable, or you do not have the proper belief systems or understandings of the nature of multidimensional lives, then you might find the “bleeding between dimensions” experience quite upsetting. You might think that you are going crazy, if you have detailed experiences with multidimensional events.
I want to put in an addition here about this “bleeding between dimensions” experience. There is a phenomenon known as abductions and abductees, and this includes people being abducted or taken onto starships, and they report the experience with great accuracy. The question always arises of whether or not these people are fantasizing or if there is a group delusion. In other cases, they may report specific examples of interactions with other beings. Every abductee case has an aspect of multidimensional consciousness and multidimensional experience. If you were in a room and somebody was abducted, you might still see a corridor or a portal opened by fourth-dimensional beings, which allows the multidimensional Self to be captured or abducted and brought into another realm on their starships. Abductees may report that they are physically taken, and in truth, from their experience, they are physically taken because the doorway has been opened up for the multidimensional Self.
I would like to emphasize the importance of protecting the multidimensional Self. I want to emphasize that there are certain safeguards that everyone can practice in order to ensure that your space, which includes the portals that are potentially around you, are protected. The simplest way is to visualize a golden corridor of light around you when you are sleeping, and visualize that this corridor cannot be penetrated by other, lower beings. I feel that it is important for everyone who is a Starseed and is working towards their ascension that they practice protecting their multidimensional Self, and they practice sending their consciousness protective energy for their fifth-dimensional body. I am not encouraging people to practice the multidimensional experience in the fourth dimension. There are certain examples and circumstances when it is useful to practice being multidimensional in your fourth-dimensional body, but for the most part, I believe that you and I are working together for your ascension, therefore you do not need to practice going into the fourth dimension.
You often go into the fourth dimension in your dream state. Many of the events that you see and experience in your dreaming are part of the Collective Unconscious which is in the fourth dimension. At the same time, on rare occasions, you may have higher experiences in your dream state which can be compared to going into the fifth-dimensional consciousness. You can create and shape your fifth-dimensional body the same way that you can create your dream body. Most of you will choose a younger form of yourself for your fifth-dimensional body. You will choose a time in your history on Earth when you think you were more beautiful or more handsome, and that is fine. You will want to choose a body form of yourself when you were at your best. But you can still choose an older form when you are perhaps wiser and more advanced. It does not necessarily have to be a younger body.
I want to compare the concept of lucid dreaming to working with and practicing the multidimensional experience. I will first define lucid dreaming: Lucid dreaming is a concept in which you are aware while you are dreaming that you are dreaming. That awareness in the dream state is called lucid dreaming. This is something that was recently discovered and described within the last fifty years in modern psychology. Also this state of lucid dreaming is described quite vividly in the Carlos Castenada books, including “The Teachings of Don Juan” series. The lucid dreaming, then, is a desirable state of consciousness. Why? Because if you are aware in your dream state that you are dreaming, then you can control and direct your experiences. In the Carlos Castenada series, it was desirable for the shamanistic trainee to have lucid dreaming and while he was in the dream, he could do different things like fly, jump off cliffs and do other major shamanistic exercises that he would not be able to do in normal consciousness.
How does one practice and attain the state of lucid consciousness and lucid dreaming and how is this exercise of lucid dreaming related to the multidimensional consciousness and exercise that we are now talking about? The simplest way of practicing lucid dreaming is to meditate right before you go to sleep and give yourself instructions. In the Carlos Castenada’s series, the shaman gives him an anchoring technique. He gave himself a hand signal before he went to sleep, and he told himself that when he would see his hand moving a certain way in the dream, then he would get into the consciousness called lucid dreaming. A simple description would be holding all five fingers with your palms facing you in front of your Third Eye. Practice seeing your hand in that position during waking consciousness. Next, tell your Subconscious this: “When I am in the dream state, and I see my hand in front of my Third Eye, I will enter the state of consciousness called lucid dreaming.” You could practice or meditate holding your hand in front of your Third Eye and stating that affirmation. Then when you are in the dream state and you see your hand in that positon, you would go into lucid dreaming.
When you are doing lucid dreaming, try and do different things, such as flying, becoming psychic, or healing parts of yourself. There are things that you can do in the multidimensional dream state that you could not do in normal consciousness. In the dream state you have psychic powers that are unavailable to you in the normal consciousness.
Each one of you has a fifth-dimensional body on the Fifth Dimension, just like you have the dream body when you go into the dream state. You may not be practicing entering your higher-dimensional body in the fifth-dimensional/multidimensional state. You can practice it. Just like you have that exercise I told you, which is the exercise of looking at your hands, so you can set up anchoring to get into the state of fifth-dimensional/multidimensional consciousness. I, Juliano, have worked with you to anchor in that state of fifth-dimensional consciousness using tones and sounds. When you hear a certain tone or sound, then it can trigger you to go into a higher state of consciousness which will give you the opportunity to go into fifth-dimensional experience and enter your fifth-dimensional body. This would be similar to holding your hand out in waking consciousness to help you practice going into lucid dreaming while in the dream state.
Now we can practice going into the fifth-dimensional state when you are hearing these tones and sounds. Some of the tones and sounds sound like this: (Tones “Ohhhhh.”). This tone gives you the instructions and anchoring to travel interdimensionally through corridors of light to a fifth-dimensional state, and then there you can enter your fifth-dimensional body.
Let us have you create, have you shape, your fifth-dimensional body. We can do this now before you go there, and I want you to think and visualize a state, a form of your fifth-dimensional body. If you want, you can choose yourself when you were 25 or 30 years old. Maybe that’s the time when you possibly were the most handsome or the most beautiful. You can choose yourself at any time.
Visualize this body in front of you, and we will call this your etheric double. Now project that body to the Arcturian Crystal Temple Lake by traveling through the Arcturian blue corridor of light around you. You are traveling at the speed of thought through this Arcturian blue corridor. (Tones) As you travel through the corridor, you come to the Arcturian Crystal Lake on the Fifth Dimension and amazingly, the fifth-dimensional form that you created on the Third Dimension is already there on the Fifth Dimension. And you, in your fifth-dimensional body, are sitting in a cross-legged, perhaps yoga/meditation-like position around my Crystal Lake. Find your multidimensional body and travel over it, and then download or enter that existing fifth-dimensional body with your astral double body now. (Tones) You are now in your fifth-dimensional body in the fifth-dimensional Crystal Lake, and at the same time, you are in your third-dimensional body back on the Earth. This is multidimensional experience.
You can have other multidimensional experiences besides here, on the Arcturian Crystal Lake. Remember, I am giving you these instructions so you can practice being in the multidimensional Self. At the time of ascension, I think it would be helpful to you to astrally travel and enter your fifth-dimensional Self here on the Crystal Lake, because from here you will be able to go to many different places on the Fifth Dimension. You will be able to travel to Arcturus, or you can go to the Pleiades. You can travel to different galaxies. When you are comfortable visiting your fifth-dimensional body, then you are already ahead of the game.
But I want to point out this ascension technique called “bilocation”. This refers to being able to inhabit and exist in two different bodies at the same time. It is even possible for a being that is highly evolved to be in two bodies on the Third Dimension at the same time. There are similarities between bilocation and the multidimensional Self, and the similarity is this: You have control over how much awareness you have in each bilocated state. So, for example, right now you are in your multidimensional state on Arcturus, and you may be 100 percent consciousness here in the Crystal Lake, or 99 percent here and 1 percent back on the Earth. Another possibility is that you can be 80 percent in Arcturus in the Crystal Lake, and 20 percent in the Earth body. You can control or practice the amount of percentages of awareness of consciousness that you are in.
Let us go back into the dream state again. In lucid dreaming you can raise the percentage of your consciousness in the dream state. That is exactly what I want to do with you in the Fifth Dimension and in your multidimensional Self. I want to help you to raise your consciousness in the fifth-dimensional body, so that ultimately, you would be 75 percent in your fifth-dimensional body and only 25 percent in your physical body. That means that you can do more things in your fifth-dimensional body that you were not able to do before.
What kind of things you could do? You could do healings; you could be psychic; you could travel to other realms. You may want to travel to the seventh dimension, or maybe you want to visit another planet. Once you become comfortable in this state of multidimensional awareness, then, just like in the dream state, your psychic abilities go way up. There are many wonderful places to visit on the Fifth Dimension. In some cases, instead of projecting yourself to the Arcturian Crystal Lake, you might project yourself to Ashtar’s starship, or you might project yourself to your home planet.
I just have one note of caution for you. There are a lot of fourth-dimensional, extraterrestrial beings floating around the Earth. Some of these beings have bad intentions. I do not recommend that you practice multidimensional Self by going to one of these lower being’s ships. We already know and see those stories of the abductees and the pain and suffering that they have experienced, and how it mentally unbalances them. When you go to the fifth-dimensional Arcturian Crystal Lake, you will not become unbalanced; rather you will become more present and you will receive more information and more help in your current life. Now that is not the case if you are abducted and brought to a fourth-dimensional spaceship against your will by an extraterrestrial that is not of the higher light. Even if you want to travel to other starships on the Fifth Dimension, I personally recommend that you come to the Arcturian Crystal Lake first, and then from there, you can project yourself to other fifth-dimensional places.
Let us practice this again. You are in your fifth-dimensional body; you have left the Earth; your Earth body is well protected. There is a corridor of light around you and around your home. You thought projected yourself and astrally traveled with your etheric body to your fifth-dimensional body on the Arcturian Crystal Lake. You are now in your fifth-dimensional body. You are at least 40 percent aware in the Arcturian Crystal Lake fifth-dimensional body, and 60 percent in the Earth body. Try and make it 50 percent / 50 percent for each body to the best of your ability. (Tones) You are 50 percent in your Earth body, and now you are 50 percent in your fifth-dimensional body on the Arcturian Crystal Lake. You are sitting comfortably in your fifth-dimensional body. You can become as tall as you want, as slender as you want, as beautiful as you want to be. You can have the long hair you wish to have; you can sparkle your Third Eye. Most important, you have high psychic powers in your fifth-dimensional body. You can thought project yourself to other places on the Fifth Dimension.
Let us then ask: Where do you want to go? Do you want to go to Arcturus? Do you want to go to the Pleiades? Do you want to go to my starship Athena? Do you want to go to the Andromedan Galaxy? Do you want to go the Stargate? Now you can thought project yourself to these places from the Arcturian Crystal Lake. You do not need the corridor like you do going from the third to the Fifth Dimension because you are already in the Fifth Dimension on the Arcturian Crystal Lake. You are already are in a sacred space. Maybe you wish to come closer to the Creator. Maybe you wish to visit Sananda.
Let us go into meditation again, and we will do this second multidimensional exercise. You can astrally travel anywhere you wish to go. I am helping and guarding you at all times. We will go into silence. (Silence)
I hope you are enjoying your powers of traveling. Some of you have come to my starship Athena and others have come into the healing chambers of Helio-Ah. I see that some of you have come to my home planet Alano and others have come to Tomar’s temple on Arcturus. Please bring yourself back now to the Arcturian Crystal Lake and to your fifth-dimensional body here on the lake where we all began. Just command yourself to return. Now you have expanded consciousness. You have all your chakras open. You are truly in the fifth-dimensional state.
I want to talk about cohabitation. Positive cohabitation from the Earth perspective is when a higher being, such as Sananda or an Archangel, comes into your aura and resides with you. There are several advantages to this experience. A higher being can raise your thought vibration, which enables one to do things that maybe one could not do in a normal state of consciousness.
There is a concept in cohabitation where you, as a third-dimensional being, can cohabitate with a higher being from the Fifth Dimension. Remember, in the conventional, positive cohabitational state, we think of the higher beings coming down, living with you in the Third Dimension. In this state of consciousness that I am now describing, you can bilocate and astral travel and cohabitate with the higher beings on their dimension.
Now there is a great example of this from the teachings of Jesus/Sananda. One of the great teachings that he offers humanity is that you can come and cohabitate with him on the Fifth Dimension. His energy is big enough and his heart is open enough that he can accept all people who want to go and be in the higher dimension with him. He can accommodate your energy so that he will allow you to be in that state with him. Maybe we could call this experience “reverse cohabitation”.
You can cohabitate with me, Juliano. You can also cohabitate with Helio-Ah as well as other higher beings. It is a two-way street, and in some ways it may be easier and more desirable for you to go up into the higher realms. You have both options available. When you thought project or bilocate to the Fifth Dimension as you are now, you can also cohabitate with any fifth-dimensional being that is willing and open to being with you. That could be Sananda, Ptaah, or other fifth-dimensional Ascended Masters. There are great advantages to reverse cohabitation.
In this part of the exercise, you can cohabitate with another master. While already in the fifth-dimensional state on the Crystal Lake, choose an Ascended Master that you want to cohabitate with now and send out the request and see if they are accepting your request. Upon receiving a positive invitation, astral project your fifth-dimensional body to their presence. We will go into silence while you do this. (Silence)
Enjoy the reverse positive cohabitation. When you return to your Earth body, you can ask the Ascended Master also to cohabitate with you when you return to the Third Dimension. I ask you now to return back to your fifth-dimensional body in the Crystal Lake. You are leaving the positive cohabitation experience you have had with your Ascended Master of your choice, and you are back in the Arcturian Crystal Lake. It is time to leave the lake and your fifth-dimensional body, and return to your Earth body. Follow my lead, go through the corridor above me; follow the corridor and travel at the speed of light back to your third-dimensional body. (Tones) Go six feet above your Earth body. Command your astral body to be in perfect alignment with your physical body, and at the count of three, re-enter your physical body in perfect alignment. One, two, three. You are now in your third-dimensional body, but you have brought back with you a much higher light. Let all this light, healing and knowledge and technique and practices of multidimensionality integrate into your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. You can now practice lucid, multidimensional travel. And so it shall be. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty