January 4, 2020
The Momentous Year 2020
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. At this momentous year, 2020, we turn our attention specifically to the issues at hand in Australia, and to our observations of the event known as the sixth mass extinction. The sixth mass extinction has been discussed and observed recently by anthropologists. They have concluded, based on the analysis of a number of species and the habitats that are being destroyed, that you are in a period of mass extinction that is equivalent to the previous five mass extinctions that have occurred on this planet. The most well-known and popular mass extinction occurred approximately 65 million years ago when an asteroid of great size struck what is now near the Yucatan Peninsula, creating fires and dust in the atmosphere that led to the dying of forests, plant life, etc.
Because of the devastation to the plant life and to the ecosystems, the dinosaurs essentially became extinct. They were not able to thrive because there was no food. There was an approximately ten percent survival rate after that mass extinction. This means that there were some plants and animals that survived. Biologists and anthropologists have come to the conclusion that, because of this mass extinction, there were opportunities for other mammals, including humans, to evolve and to eventually become the dominant species on the planet. But this process took millions of years. If the mass extinctions of dinosaurs had not occurred, then the mammals, including Man, would not have had the opportunity to evolve and come into this period in the evolution of the Earth.
The most important factor is at this point that the humans, the Homo sapiens, are the dominant species on the planet. All life, whether it be in the oceans, in the Amazon jungles, or in any forest, all ecosystems now as well as every plant and animal on this Earth, are dependent on what humanity, what Homo sapiens does or does not do. And that means that all the power of survival, even during the sixth mass extinction, is dependent upon what humanity does.
There might even be some controversy among many groups, political groups and social groups, about whether or not we are experiencing a mass extinction. There is resistance or the denial of this event. Therefore, it is important to look at how to change the consciousness of the world and how to stop the mass extinction. That is correct; this mass extinction can still be stopped; it can still be altered. Based on the current situations and the current efforts that are being done as we speak, however, there is no indication that the actions the planet as a whole are taking will be sufficient to stop the mass extinction.
There are various predictions about how soon the mass extinction will be completed, and some of these predictions are related directly to climate change. I want to state from the beginning of this discussion that climate change is a major factor, but it is one factor, in the sixth mass extinction, and certainly, it is creating dramatic shifts throughout the planet. In some parts of the planet there have not been radical changes. Some parts of the planet, for example, have been colder instead of warmer, so instead of global warming, there are some areas that are experiencing cooling. Part of the denial of the mass extinction and global climate change is that in those places, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, there may not be as dramatic a shift in the global warming as in other parts of the planet. This in part leads to denial and resistance to believing that there really is a mass extinction.
From the standpoint of the Starseeds, there are several important spiritual and energetic points to observe. The psychic energy of a planet going through a mass extinction is tragic, depressing, and it also is traumatic. I could say that you, as Starseeds, are all very sensitive, and the energies of the mass extinction events do go into the Noosphere, do go into the psychic energy field of the planet, which means that you are picking up and receiving some of this energy, and it is affecting you as well as the energy field of the Earth. There has been a lot of discussion about the Earth and whether the Earth will survive. The Earth will survive this mass extinction; that means the Earth, as a planet, will not become extinct.
However, this mass extinction is different than the first five mass extinctions, and part of the reason is that there is now radiation contamination and nuclear energy waste and other poisons in the ecosystem which are quite devastating. That means there is a possibility of total collapses of biosystems. There are several predictions, for example, that if the situation continues as it is, that it is possible that the ocean life will collapse. And we, at least for the past six, seven years, have been discussing with you the dramatic and devastating effects of the Fukushima accident and the radiation contaminations that are being sent into the oceans from that accident.
If you want to talk about denial, then let us look at this event, because we have rated the Fukushima accident as an example of events related to the sixth mass extinction. We call this accident on the planetary event scale, a very high event. We rate numerically events that are contributing to the global destruction on a scale similar to the Richter Scale, that is on a one-to- ten basis. The Richter Scale is based on logarithmic values used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. An earthquake of 7.0 would be ten times stronger than a 6.0 earthquake. It is a complicated, mathematical logarithmic function. Nonetheless, the idea of the planetary event scale is using a similar scale. Thus a global event of 7.0 would be ten times worse than a global event rated as a 6.0.
We rate events that are occurring on a scale of one to ten, ten being the most dramatic and devastating. The Fukushima event is considered an 8.0 event. In other words, it has the potential for causing massive global destruction. The global destruction from this event is not happening immediately because of the slowness of the discharge into the ocean. The radiation that is being emitted has to get into the oceans and into the ocean currents and then travel around the world. Some of the ocean currents take two or three years to go around the whole planet, and some of them actually take longer than that. There are several ocean currents that are deep in the ocean that might even take 100 to 200 years to complete one cycle. The fact is that radiation is being released, and there is the factor of the diluting of the radiation, even though a large amount of radiation was emitted, it could be diluted over the waterways so that by the time it reaches say, the coastline of the United States, the measurement of the radiation could be greatly reduced.
However, the problem with Fukushima is that it is continuing to emit radiation. It is not a one-time event. That means that the initial release of radiation could be absorbed and not cause a lot of damage. However, unfortunately, radiation continues to be emitted at a very high rate and at a continuing rate. There is no foreseeable time when the radiation leakage will be stopped. In fact, as we are speaking, a lot of the water that has been used to cool the reactor, which by the way is still active, is being stored in tanks, and now, the Japanese government wants to release the irradiated water from those tanks back into the ocean. This is some of the most toxic water that has ever existed on this planet, and we can only speculate what harm this will do to ocean life around the world.
I am using the description of these events as an introduction to look at the Australian fires and the situation in the beloved country of Australia. These fires are also a planetary event. It is not just a local event to New South Wales or to Queensland or any other part of Australia, but it is an event of global significance. It is an event that is ongoing, and it is an event that is going to last for a while. There is no foreseeable end in a week or so. It is an event that will continue at least for the next 30 days, and there is a 50-50 chance that this event will continue, again longer than that. I hesitate to make predictions of how long because of concern for some of your reactions.
I want you to consider that this event is part of the whole scenario known as the sixth mass extinction. I have said earlier that Australia is like the “canary in a coal mine”. What is happening in Australia is a prelude to other events that will occur around the globe in this time period. Remember, 2020 is a pivotal year for shifting and change.
If you want to know what it looks like to be involved in a mass extinction event, then look at some of the fires that are going on, and then ask yourself: “How could the biosphere recover? How could the biosphere exist? How could life exist in such ferocious fires?” It is possible to recover, and I think there will, of course, be recovery, but these Australian fires also are a prelude of what could potentially happen in other parts of the planet. Equally important is the fact that this event is affecting the entire planet, but unfortunately, the entire planet is not responding. It is still viewed as an isolated event. It is not viewed as a global or planetary event.
There is no widespread acceptance of destructive planetary events related to the sixth mass extinction. People might not consider or believe that the Australian fires are a planetary event. I am going to explain to you why it is a planetary event, and why everyone on the planet should be concerned about what is happening now in Australia. I am going to explain to you also about some techniques that you, as a planetary healer, can use to help rebalance the situation.
But first, I want to talk about this concept of the Noosphere and the concept of the sixth mass extinction, because the Noosphere and the thought forms of the sixth mass extinction energy field is in the Noosphere. The Noosphere is in the Planetary Subconscious, which means that the Noosphere helps to program events. We as planetary healers and you as Arcturian Starseeds are using our highest consciousness and our highest energy to positively program the Noosphere. We are working with you to positively program the Noosphere for higher consciousness for the Omega Man/Woman, for Unity Consciousness and for the Ascension. But there are other negative programs now in the Noosphere. The Noosphere is not just responding to the starseeds, and as much as we want to encourage you to work with the Noosphere, you are not the only ones who are inputting into the Noosphere. Unfortunately, many of the people who are negatively influencing the Noosphere are doing it unconsciously.
The Earth has certain programs that are triggered by the negative actions now on the planet. That is right; there is a certain trigger that can set off a chain of destructive events throughout the Earth. When you see that, for example, the Amazon forests are burning, then you can realize that this event also is a trigger of mass extinction. Believe it or not, there is a causal or synchronistic relationship between the burnings in the Amazon jungle and what you are seeing now in Australia. Because of the Amazon fires, there are certain global wind patterns that have shifted.
Let’s look at the Theory of Chaos and the Butterfly Effect when we are looking at this situation. There are now blockages in certain Earth meridians. Many species are threatened. If a certain number of whales die off, this is another trigger for catastrophic global destructive events. There is also a trigger in terms of dolphins. When a certain number of dolphins perish, then this will also trigger an Earth event. Remember that we have periodically seen many dolphins committing mass suicide. Scientists are not able to understand what is wrong with these dolphins. Is there some kind of disease or are they mentally ill? Why are these dolphins acting this way? The answer is that the dolphins and the whales are very sensitive to the Noosphere and to the planetary input of the sixth mass extinction that is being triggered. This means that they are sensitized to the energy of the sixth mass extinction.
Clearly, the Earth knows how to act in a mass extinction. There have been five other mass extinctions, and the Earth has known how to survive and has known how to process the energy and has known how to re-institute and re-seed certain biospheres for successful living. The Earth has successfully recovered from the asteroid mass extinction event. There is now an activation energy field within the Noosphere, in the Spirit of the Earth, which says “We are now in a mass extinction event.” When that program of mass extinction is activated, certain situations, such as the fires in Australia, become intensified. The mass extinction program places locks that are put in place in ocean currents or locks that are put in place in wind patterns. This means that mass extinction planetary events can continue. This is, again, something that has to be addressed on a planetary basis.
The planet is reacting and playing out the program of the mass extinction, in part because of the destructive triggers that have occurred over the past years. I only mentioned two such events, the Fukushima nuclear accident and the Amazon fires. But there have been other events that have occurred over the past decades including aboveground and underground nuclear testing and the Hiroshima bomb, which ended World War II. Also, there was an event that was not widely known that occurred in Nevada in the early Sixties in which a high-megaton hydrogen bomb was exploded in the upper atmosphere, causing great shifts in the balance that is necessary for biospheric health. There are other manmade destructive events that can be added to this list, which have contributed to blockages of and damage to Earth meridians.
I want you to understand that what is going on with Australian fires is not the “fault” of Australia. This is not necessarily a karmic payback for anything that Australia has done. Again, we have to have the global perspective on what is going on, and it is going to take a global perspective and a global intervention to stop these fires. The sooner we can convince the world that this is a global threat the better. The whole entire world must react. Then the fires can be extinguished and the winds can be calmed down. Part of the solution to this event is:
- Recognition that we are in the sixth mass extinction,
- Recognition that this event, the Australiana fires, is an aspect of a mass extinction event,
- Recognition that we must have a global consciousness and a global intervention in Australia to stop this.
An important point also is that what is happening in Australia may happen in other parts of the planet. This is a warning; I know that you like to use the term “wake-up-call”. I am concerned that there are many people on the planet who are not listening and who are not considering this a global event.
Now I want to turn to the concept of the Theory of Chaos and the Butterfly Effect. These are two terms that I think are extremely relevant to the situation at hand in Australia. The first thing is that, in the Theory of Chaos, there is the idea that things tend to disintegrate, and that there can be a movement towards chaos and disintegration. This is in contradiction to when people say ‘energy is neither created nor destroyed.’ In essence, in the Theory of Chaos, on a planetary basis, there are certain levels of destructive elements that occur. When it reaches a certain point, and maybe we can call that the “breaking point”, then unusual, unpredictable patterns emerge that lead to chaotic situations.
Certainly, the fires in Australia were not predicted, and I would consider it an unpredictable event, but this also goes back to the second theoretical point, which is the Butterfly Effect. This is part of the Chaos Theory, and it says that once a situation on a planet reaches a certain level of degradation, certain unpredictable events are triggered. For example, the Amazon is being destroyed, and that event will have unforeseen dramatic effects on the planet.
According to Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect, events of seeming insignificance can cause major disruptions anywhere on the planet. It may be hard for people to accept the Butterfly Effect theory. Changes in global wind currents could be caused by the destruction of Amazon jungle. Remember, the Amazon forest is considered to be the “lungs of the planet”. Think about that for a moment, what does it mean, “the lungs of the planet?” Lungs have the ability to breathe, the ability to exhale, the ability to inhale. Now this has all been shifted and changed. Therefore, there reaches a breaking point that even a butterfly that is moving say in a northeastern direction, suddenly shifts and goes in a southeastern direction. That seemingly insignificant event can help to trigger disasters of unknown proportion throughout the planet.
In the Butterfly Effect, seemingly random events occur. There is no way to predict it, and they may not seem to be related. Nobody, up to this point, would ever relate the fires in the Amazon jungle to the fires in Australia. They do not seem related. In the Theory of Chaos and in the theory of the Butterfly Effect then, insignificant events could trigger catastrophes. This Butterfly Effect should be considered when analyzing the cause of the fires of Australia. There now exists the potential in 2020 for other types of catastrophic planetary events. There is the possibility of the increasing of catastrophic events in other parts of the planet.
I want to talk about the healing, and I want to talk about the rebalancing of this situation. There are great discussions about the ocean and wind patterns that are coming from India and Indonesia. The rains that are supposed to come to Australia are falling on Indonesia. There have been great floods in Indonesia. They have too much water, and there needs to be a reversal of the ocean currents and the wind patterns so that the shift in the rains that normally would and should come to Australia begins to shift.
This leads us to a discussion about Biorelativity, because in Biorelativity, we want to lessen the intensity of events. That means we have to acknowledge there are forces that have been set in motion, and that need to be played out. For example, if we look at a volcano, then we see that there is an energy force that needs to be released. In terms of planetary healers, we want to moderate the release of energy. We do not want the full-blown, planet-ending eruption. For example, Yellowstone National Park in the western part of the United States has a huge supervolcano. If that supervolcano erupts, it could potentially destroy the entire western part of the United States. We would say that there is a tremendous energy field there, and it needs to be released in moderation so that it does not explode and destroy the western part of the United States. We recognize that there are energy forces on the planet that need to be released. This is an active planet.
Advanced planets are able to control all of these types of planetary events. I know there are people who are saying you cannot control Nature, and you cannot tell the Earth, for example, to stop a volcanic eruption. Mankind cannot control the planet. But, mankind is now affecting and controlling the planet in a negative way. Mankind is causing this mass extinction, and the mass extinction is affecting the biosphere. The energy and thought fields of mass extinction are affecting wind currents and ocean currents.
My point is that on a fifth-dimensional planet, the people who are doing the Biorelativity have the wisdom to use interventions in the proper way. They have the wisdom to take into consideration how to meditate, and how to ask the Earth, in the proper way, to rebalance itself so that there is an equal amount of rain on all parts of the planet. That means equal parts of rain for Indonesia and Australia, without breaking or trying to overly control the planet. That means that in the Biorelativity, we do not ask that all the rain stop in one place, but that there be a rebalancing and an evenness. I am going to have Chief White Eagle lead a Biorelativity meditation for Australia. We can go over some of the healing techniques I am discussing here.
Rest assured that there are interventions for Australia, but they have to be on a global platform. We recommend that a global meditative intervention be used, because the more we can get people from all over the world to meditate and work with us, then the stronger the input into the Noosphere will be. There is the possibility of reprogramming the Noosphere. We can say the affirmation that we do not want the sixth mass extinction. We do not want to see all the forests destroyed, and we do not want to see the oceans die. Mankind does have the ability to repair the planet.
We are working with Starseeds to repair the Earth. A new thought program can also be downloaded into the Noosphere, but it has to be done in a strong way with the greatest thought power. This is why we have continually emphasized the Group of Forty needs 1600 Starseeds meditating on the Noosphere, meditating on the Biorelativity, meditating on the planetary repair changes that need to occur.
I am going to ask Chief White Eagle to speak with you now and lead a meditation. I am also going to lead a second meditation for Biorelativity planetary healing. I turn you over now to Chief White Eagle.
Heya hoa hey, heya ho. Greetings, I am the Chief White Eagle. We, the Group of Forty and the Native Ascended Masters, are gathered here today to talk to Mother Earth, to work with the Noosphere and to bring our spiritual powers together in a way to rebalance the energies in Australia, and also to rebalance the energies that are known as the sixth mass extinction.
Mother Earth, Father Sky, we ask for a great blessing of peace and balance for our dear Australia. We ask from the bottom of our hearts, from our highest Crown Chakras, from the highest Arcan Power, to minimize the winds, to bring needed rains to all areas that are suffering, and to help repair the weather pattern that is creating this disruption so that it more favorably helps to extinguish all fires in the continent of Australia. Heya ho, heya ho. Mother Earth, we recognize the great abuse that has been placed upon you, particularly the devastations in the Amazon, particularly the radiation releases throughout the oceans, and the many other Earth meridians that have been blockaded. But we know, Mother Earth, that you have the power to help repair the weather patterns so that there is a rebalancing and a clearing of all smoke, all ash, and all disruptions caused by strong winds. We know it is within your power. We, the Group of Forty, and our Australian Starseed friends are gathered here today to ask for this intervention as soon as possible.
We create a gigantic Medicine Wheel of light over Australia, and we center that Medicine Wheel over the etheric crystal in Grose Valley near Sidney. We call on the Ancient Grandmother/Grandfather Spirits, and ask for their help, too, in rebalancing and saving the lands, and stopping these horrendous fires.
Let the etheric Arcturian crystal in Grose Valley rise up. We feel that and the Ancient Grandmother/Grandfather Spirits are with us. We open our hearts and call on Mother Earth for the repair and the rebalancing, and I call on Juliano and the Ascended Masters to bring down the healing and repair energy immediately for Australia. We will go into mediation now, as all of these forces interact to re-shift the energies for the highest good for Australia. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Heya ho, heya ho, heya ho. Let the shift in the rain patterns from the area of Indonesia re-align for the highest good of all, so that they bring the rains back to Australia, now. Heya ho. Let the winds calm down. And we say to you, Mother Earth, that we will work for raising the consciousness of all of Australia and all of the globe. This is not an external, single event, but it is part of a global pattern. Let those in power on the Earth realize the global crisis that planet Earth is now in. Heya ho. Heya ho. Visualize this Medicine Wheel over Grose Valley. Envision it now over all of Australia where all the fires are – New South Wales, Queensland and Sydney. There can be a repair of the Earth. Wherever this etheric Medicine Wheel is, then let the repair begin. Heya ho, heya ho. I will leave this etheric Medicine Wheel over Grose Valley. It expands and contracts over any part of Australia that needs the repair.
For our final work today, we want to download new affirmations into the Noosphere. We, as planetary healers, are working to repair this energy that is creating the sixth mass extinction. The Earth does not have to respond to that thought field of mass extinction. We will help to create a more positive, expansive and healing thought field for all of life on the Earth, for our beloved Blue Jewel. I am the Chief White Eagle. All my words are sacred. Ho!
This is Juliano. Know that the healing will come to Australia, and know that the consciousness of planetary balance and healing will prevail. In advanced Biorelativity, we work with the global consciousness and the entire planet. The ultimate solution is to rebalance all of Earth, to rebalance all the meridians, and to work for global healing. The most important paths and lessons from these fires is that this situation is a global problem, not just a problem with Australia. We must, in our meditations of advanced Biorelativity, work with all of the planet to rebalance her in all ways that we can imagine, including all meridians, for we are in a position now where one butterfly changing directions can affect the whole planet. The opposite is also true, even though you are a small group, your influence and power can shift many different levels on this planet. And so it shall be.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty