July 6, 2024 Group of Forty Lecture
Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings! This is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The theme for this lecture is time. This is a theme that we have explored in other lectures, and it is an important theme for our purposes, which include personal healing and planetary healing. We need to look at the many different levels of time. Needless to say, this is a deep subject that has significant meaning both for the planet and for your development and ascension.
One of our favorite discussions is the future Self. I want to look at that subject again. The future Self and the here and now Self are one of the paradoxes in the philosophies of the New Age, which seems to emphasize the here and now. The here and now Self is a goal in meditation and is important in working for your enlightenment and even your ascension. You might be surprised then to hear the Arcturian perspective on being in the present.
From our perspective it is the future Self that becomes the basis for accelerating and activating positive change. The reason is because, in the present, you are perfect; you are what you are, and when you are in the here and now, then you do not seek change. The problem though is, what if you are in a concentration camp, or what if you are in a circumstance of severe Earth changes that are destroying your home or destroying your community, and you are in extreme despair? You might find that focusing on the present is not really desirable and is not really healing.
This becomes even more meaningful when you look at diseases. One of the frequent questions that I get in my travels around the Earth is: “Can I still ascend if I have a disease, if I have arthritis, or if I am in a wheelchair, or if I have a neurological disease; will this prevent me from ascending?” And the answer is: “No.” It will not prevent you from ascending. You can ascend even from a condition that is causing you great distress and would be classified as a disease. The key again is using the future Self to activate change.
When I speak of the future Self, I am talking about your Self in the future time. For the future Self, we can choose a time a month in advance, a year in advance, two years in advance, or even the Self in another lifetime on another planet. The ability to work with the future Self is one of the keys for personal healing and one of the keys for planetary healing. Now, this is a paradox, because you are striving to be present in the now. And then at the same time, we are talking about the healing that you and or the planet may need, and that healed part of your Self will occur in the future.
To help you understand our view on healing, I would like to also explain the importance of the various experiences of time. I would like to explain that the ability to experience different time energies is an important factor in your mental health. We do not recommend that you become rigid in your time experiences. We have future time, past time, present time. We also have compressed time and accelerated time. We have circular time and we have dream time. We have the time that we experience when we are in a state of joy and pleasure. And then there is a different experience of time when there is pain and suffering. This is an explanation of relative time. I know that Einstein speaks of the Theory of Relativity in relation to space and time. But I am also speaking of time being relative based on the pleasure or pain that an experience on the Third Dimension has for you.
Now I want to speak of another type of time, which is called a “future psychic intervention change”. This is an experience that some of you have had. Imagine that you are going to a psychic, and in the office of the psychic, you obviously want to know about future events. You want to know about the time in the future. The psychic says: “Well, I see that you are going to have an accident in your car in three days.” The psychic has the ability to go into the future time for you. Now, you could also go into the future time by yourself. I am going to put you in an exercise or explain an exercise in which you can go into the future time. But in going to the psychic, you are asking them to go into the future for you to see what is in the future. They report to you that they see an event that looks like an accident, and you could be harmed in the accident. What is interesting is that when you leave the psychic with that awareness and information, you go home and you decide to cancel the trip. You were going to drive to another state to visit somebody, but after the psychic’s prediction, you make the decision to stay home, and you therefore do not have an accident.
So here, we have a peek into the future time, and this example explains how you could change a future time event. And that is what I am calling a psychic future intervention. But the key is that you have control of that future event, because you can make the decision not to go.
It becomes much more complicated when we are talking about planetary events. What you might want to ask is when is this heatwave going to end, or when is there going to be peace on the planet? We can make predictions about End Time events. A problem emerges, because when a prophet looks into the future Earth events, that prophet does not have control over the many different countries or many different leaders. Predicting world events is not like a person going to a psychic, because that person who goes to a psyche has control of where he goes or if he goes anywhere. A prophet who can look into the future is faced with the multiple players in the Earth drama.
Prophecy is an important psychic function, and prophecy includes the ability to see into the future. Prophecy is also the ability to receive messages from higher sources. Now in ancient sacred texts, such as the Bible, the prophets were mostly focused on receiving messages from the divine source. Receiving messages from higher sources was the key characteristic or ability of the prophet. The prediction of the future events was not their emphasis.
In the modern world, when we speak of a prophet, we are more focused on the ability of that person to predict with accuracy, a future event. The emphasis probably should be more on the ancient view, which is that the prophet should be able to receive messages and connect with divine source.
I want to also speak about time and the past, because when we have talked about time, we have looked at the present and the future. But what about the past? It is exciting to talk about traveling in the future, especially if you want to make a prophetic prediction of a future event. There are some scientists who believe that time travel in the future is possible, but that the travel in the past is not. Why would you want to go back into the past? Well, I have an important perspective on the past. It is important to look at the past, too. We want to have flexibility in your experience of time, and part of flexibility in time is being able to experience the past, present and future.
There is an important function and factor in the past, and I call this skill the ability to scan the past. You can scan the past. What are you looking for? You are looking for karmic etheric attachments from the past. The main reason why the studying of the past and traveling back is important is because you want to observe and clear etheric karmic attachments from the past. These etheric karmic attachments are visible to the prophet, and they are visible to the time traveler and to psychics.
Karmic attachments from the past are an actual etheric energy, just like you would see attachments from somebody in the present lifetime on another person. These are aura attachments. Etheric attachments from the past control or try to control events and seek to maintain negative outcomes. This means that one of the ways to do planetary healing, and healing on a personal basis, is to seek to release past karmic attachments. You can seek release from your personal past attachments from other people, or help release attachments that other countries have with each other.
Right now you are witnessing past karmic attachment problems in at least two wars that are now occurring. One is in the Ukraine-Russia war, and the other in the Israeli-Gaza war. Those current events were controlled and strongly influenced by past karmic etheric attachments that go back a hundred years, and in some cases go back a thousand years, and in some cases even go back 2,000 years. In order for a healing to occur, these past karmic attachments need to be released.
The past karmic attachments are also connected to reincarnation. When there are past attachments, souls reincarnate to complete or fulfill negative karmic energies that were established in an earlier past time, based on revenge and other lower emotions. It is a complicated subject. And I bring this subject up because I want you to understand that it is important to know about the past. It is important to understand history. It is important to do clearings of karmic attachments so that they do not play out in the negative way in the here and now.
Negative karmic attachments also occur on a personal basis. Etheric attachments from other lifetimes can cause one problems in this lifetime. The goal and the healing is to release the attachments, and to release the energy tied up in this. Releasing negative attachments from previous lifetimes offers great healing possibilities in this lifetime. This is hard work to do such releases. The information that I am presenting to you today, and the perspective that I am presenting may influence you and accelerate you in your personal and planetary healing work.
I receive many questions from starseeds, such as, why am I having this negative experience now? Or why is this country attacking that other country? Or why are we seeing so much destruction on the planet? Part of the answer to these questions is that these negative events come from an accumulation of past history and from an accumulation of negative attachments.
There are other descriptions of time that I want to list. We have folding space and time, and we have accelerated time. We have time in hyperspace, and we have time in the Fifth Dimension, which is different than time in the Third Dimension. We have galactic time, and we have time based on where you are in the galaxy. We have time based on where you are on a planetary basis. Your Earth time experience is based on a year which is 365.25 days, which is the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun. If you were in another planetary system, you could experience a year as 800 days, and that would be based on the length of time of that planet orbiting its sun.
There are extraterrestrial higher dimensional beings who live for a thousand years in Earth time. In fact, when they come to the Earth, their time experience shifts. I could explain it this way: I could be in the Fifth Dimension on Arcturus, and I could have a lifetime of a thousand years if I compared it to the Earth time. Now, if I choose to come to the Earth, and then I visibly manifest myself on the Earth, my body is suddenly going to shift, and I am going to change the molecular structure of my body by being in the Third Dimension, and suddenly, I am going to shorten my life. I am going to have a time shift.
Now, a body time shift is a significant factor, because one of the things people also ask is why do these other high dimensional beings not come to the Earth and manifest? If you have a lifetime on a higher dimensional planet, would you shorten your lifetime by manifesting on the Earth? Because if you manifest on the Earth, you have to conform to certain laws of gravitation and certain laws of time that would not apply to you when you are in a higher dimensional realm.
Now, there are Ascended Masters who have overcome this time problem. That means that they could manifest on the Earth, but not be confronted with the time issues that I explained. They are in a higher state and can transcend these time factors. But they can only do this because they are not 100 percent physically manifesting here. The best way I could describe that is that, if you would see them, you may be able to put your hand through their physical body, because they have a specific physical appearance, but they are not totally third-dimensional. And therefore, they are able to create a balance between the two dimensional experiences.
Now dream time is a good example that is comparable to folding space and time. Time is related to space and to a movement of a body, such as a planetary body or a moon. In the folding of the space and time, there is a transcendence of this body movement. In dream time, you could experience events that may take five years on the Earth in a normal third-dimensional consciousness. You could experience five years of events in three minutes in a dream. I know that sounds fantastic and unbelievable, but you do that every night. Again, one of the keys to personal healing is the ability to have the flexibility to have multiple experiences of time.
I will speak of time in relationship to hyperspace. Hyperspace is located between dimensions. One of the big problems in traveling throughout the galaxy is its great distances. It is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light in the Third Dimension. But if you find a way to transcend this third-dimensional reality, then you can travel faster than the speed of light. Hyperspace is that special place between dimensions where “no time” exists.
Time in hyperspace is similar to time in the dream world. In the dream world, time does not exist the way you would experience it in the third-dimensional reality. In hyperspace, you use your thoughts to travel in between the dimensions, which means, then, that hyperspace traveling parallels the Third Dimension. You can travel through hyperspace, using your thought patterns. Then, when you arrive, you leave the hyperspace and re-enter the Third Dimension. You may have traveled light years or even thousands of light years throughout the galaxy. Being in hyperspace is an experience that transcends time.
Now let us meditate together on traveling through time. Traveling through time is really natural. You do it in your dreamtime all the time. You travel in the future time, and you travel in the past time. And you even travel in the present time. The exercise that I want to work with you today is called the “circular time travel meditation”. The reason why I call it the circular time travel meditation is that we are focusing on traveling in a circular motion, as opposed to traveling in a linear motion. This is based on the idea that time is not linear, but time is circular. That means that the past, present and future are really on a circular connection; they are not on a linear time connection.
In the meditation exercise, you will, with your etheric body, travel with me to the North Pole. We will use this unique time travel method. You will etherically travel clockwise from the North Pole around the whole planet, and back to the North Pole again clockwise. This method will allow you to go into the future. If you travel counterclockwise, then you are going into the past. Now you have to bring yourself etherically to a point above the North Pole, approximately 100 kilometers or 60 miles above the North Pole. So, it is important when you do the meditation to visualize that we are starting at that point.
And for this exercise, let us start in a simple way and go one year into the future, based from your home where you are right now. Let us take a look at what is happening to your home a year in the future. As I describe this exercise, I will also say that we can use the same principle for the past. Say, for example, you want it to go back into your past, and your past was in the state of Ohio. In the past, you were living, for example, in Cleveland, and you wanted to go back and visit an event that happened in your past when you were 10 years old. You would visualize Cleveland, and then use that as your starting point, and you would do the circular time travel meditation from there.
Now, there is one other point before we begin the exercise, and that is a procedure I call time calibration. Calibration in time travel means how much time (in days, weeks, months or years) does one cycle forward from the North Pole clockwise count. One cycle could equal to one day, one month, or even one year. How do you determine how you will calibrate the cycles? The answer is you first make a decision about how far into the future you want to go. Let us say you wanted to go one year in the future. I would recommend that you calibrate the traveling around the Earth so that the one circle around the Earth or one cycle equals one week forward in the future. That means that you would need to visualize going around the earth 52 times if you wanted to go one year into the future.
It might be too difficult for you to count 52 times. Tell yourself you are going to circle around the Earth clockwise 52 times, and command your Subconscious to do that for you. Close your eyes and allow yourself to do that. In summary, you can time travel in the future using the circular method, starting the visualization exercise at the place you want to see one year from today.
Take three deep breaths. Go into a state of spiritual relaxation. You feel deeply connected to your spiritual and psychic powers. You feel connected to your soul and all higher energies in expanded consciousness. You are truly a being of light; you are a starseed. I, Juliano, send a corridor of light down to each of you, and connect that corridor of light to a point 60 miles above the North Pole, where I am sitting in a circle of light above the North Pole, and I am inviting you to join me. Command your spirit body to rise up through your Crown Chakra into the corridor of light that I have sent, and travel now to the circle of light 60 miles above the North Pole where I am sitting, waiting for you. We are sitting together in this beautiful circle of light.
Now, let us begin. We are going to travel forward into the future so that you can visit yourself and your home one year from today. So together we will all be holding hands in one big, huge circle, and let us begin traveling clockwise around the Earth 52 times. (Tones “Oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta ta.”) Travel now at the quantum speed 52 times around the Earth towards the future; you are going forward in the future. (Tones “Oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta ta.”) We are traveling clockwise around the Earth in future time, and you have now arrived at this point one year from today. We are sitting together in the same circle of light from which we started, but the only difference is we are a year into the future. The corridor of light through which you came is still there, but you are in the future.
Travel down the corridor of light and go and see yourself in the future one year from today. Look at your home, look at you, look at your animals, look at anything you wish about your future Self. You may even interact and talk to your future Self. We will go into silent meditation as you engage in this powerful spiritual future time event. We will be in silence for several minutes. (Silence and meditation for several minutes)
As you are looking into the future, also focus on positive healings, positive resolutions of either health problems or business problems that need to be healed. See yourself in this future time next year as having healed yourself on many different levels. (Tones “Ohhh, ohhh.”)
Prepare now to return back to your present Self, today. You have gathered a great deal of energies, and you have learned a great deal about yourself and your future. Most important, you have established your comfort and your flexibility in future time travel. Enter the corridor that I had sent down, and travel now from one year in the future, through the corridor back up to the North Pole now. And we meet in the same circle from which we came. We are holding hands again, and we are going to begin our travel counterclockwise back into the present because we are going to go backward in time from the future to the present. Now we must travel 52 times counterclockwise around the Earth. Begin now, as we will be traveling at quantum speed. (Tones “Oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta ta oh ta ta ta.”)
You travel now counterclockwise 52 times, and you are back in the circle of light of the present time above the North Pole. You have gathered and interacted with some powerful energies and light from your future Self. You have now stopped the counterclockwise motion. We are together in the circle. Find the corridor again and travel at the speed of thought back into your physical body in your home on the Earth, bringing with you all of the information, all of the visions from the future. There might be certain things that you have learned that are key and important that will help you to make decisions for your future.
I talked about the psychic intervention of the future. The psychic gave information about a possible accident; then a person made a decision not to travel. But this psychic intervention also works in a positive way. If you see for your future that you were going to have a great business opportunity in another area, then you are going to bring back a lot of wealth into your home. Now you would be open to traveling knowing that that future positive business event was based on a travel possibility. Bring all the information and energies and experiences from your trip in the future as you return back to your physical body. Re-enter in perfect alignment as you return from the experience of the future Self.
Let us take a moment to integrate this energy. We will be in silence for one more minute as you integrate the experience. (Silence)
(Tones “Ooohhh.”) Your experience is completed. And remember, you have gotten information that will help you make decisions for your highest interest for your future.
In conclusion, I want to mention that we use the same approach when we go into the past. When we travel into the past, we do focus on the healings, and we focus on the removal of the karmic attachments that are causing current problems. There are many causes of karmic attachments, including an argument or disagreement with somebody on a personal basis, an injury or any kind of insult. You can go back and remove the etheric karmic attachment, so that when you come back, you do not have to be obligated in any way for having a karmic debt, or any kind of karmic interaction because of something that happened in the past.
This same approach and exercise can be done on a country basis. It does take a lot more people to work together to heal a country from karmic debt. We can work with a large number of inhabitants of a country and travel back in time and seek to remove the karmic debt, because there is no reason to continue to act out negative energies. All it does is perpetuate more karma and slow down evolution. The last thing we need now on this planet is to slow down the evolutionary cycle. We want to speed up the evolutionary cycle and not slow it down. The karmic attachments and etheric karmic energies can slow down the evolution of a person and a country. On the other hand, the releasing of the attachment and the removal of the attachments speed up the evolution.
Gather all these thoughts and energies. We have been working together in this advanced expanded state. May you integrate this at the highest level to accelerate and improve your own personal spiritual development and evolution, both for yourself and for the planet. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Good day.