August 5,2017
The Intersection of the Higher and Lower Dimensions
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
Today I will look at the higher dimensions and the lower dimensions. I will also speak to you about the intersection of the dimensions, and I will compare the intersection of the dimensions with the coming eclipse of the Sun (Author’s Note: Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017). You designate the dimensions in a numerical, ascending order, that is, there is the Third Dimension and then you go to the Fifth Dimension. The implication is that the Fifth Dimension is better and is higher than the Third Dimension. Interestingly, there are starseeds who are living on the Fifth Dimension and choose, for a variety of reasons, to come down to the Third Dimension.
I can say that the Third Dimension is interacting with the Fifth Dimension, and concurrently, the Fifth Dimension is interacting with the Third Dimension. This means what the guides and teachers are doing on the Fifth Dimension does influence and affect the Third Dimension, and it also means that what you are doing on the Third Dimension does interact with and affect the Fifth Dimension. It is not a oneway street, but it is an interacting energy. It is important for you to understand this interaction because the world is not static, and the relationship between the dimensions is also not static, but it is an energetic force field that continually updates both sides.
I have been interested in how the Kabbalah speaks of the Fifth Dimension. Instead of using the numerical designation that you might use, they simply call the Fifth Dimension “the world to come”. The Hebrew designation is “Olam Habah”, the world to come. The next world, the higher world, can be described as a place of beauty, peace and contentment. Of course, this is how you view the Fifth Dimension, and I might say that your view is an accurate description.
Why would somebody from the Fifth Dimension want to descend and go into the Third Dimension? To answer that question I want to refer to the Biblical story of Adam. It is clear that the Garden of Eden is a fifth-dimensional garden, and it is clear that Adam and Eve were living in the fifth-dimensional garden. What perhaps is not so clear is that it became necessary for them to leave the Fifth Dimension and to live in a third-dimensional world. I like to use the metaphor of a fish in a bowl. The fish is living in a bowl and believes that that is the total universe. The fish has no idea that anything exists outside of the bowl. Everything that is going on in that bowl is taking care of its needs, including food and changing of water. But if that fish were to leave the bowl, then that fish would understand many new things outside of that environment. In reality, the only way to understand and appreciate how perfect that bowl is, focuses on being able to go out of that bowl. As you go out of that bowl, there is an entire new level of consciousness; there is an entire new level of being, and there is an entire new perspective on reality. If I use this metaphor, then you can understand that there was a learning reason for Adam and Eve to leave the fifthdimensional bowl they were in. Naturally, when you’re living in such a beautiful place, you would not want to leave. You would not want to even explore other worlds because you would be totally satisfied.
However, as part of the learning experience of the Soul, it was deemed necessary by the Creator that Adam and Eve were to leave this garden. In order to leave this garden, they had to be tricked because it was clear that they would not want to give up the peace and the beauty that they had. At the same time, their curiosity about what it would be like outside of the bowl or the garden was raised to a very high point. This curiosity allowed them to being tricked and to leave that bowl known as the Garden of Eden, or “Gan Eden”, as it is spoken in Hebrew.
Many of you as starseeds have been in the Fifth Dimension already. This may come as a surprise to you. You had a need to get the perspective of what it’s like to live outside the bowl. There is an important reason why the Third Dimension is so important. Now on the Third Dimension there is so much interest in fifthdimensional work and in fifth-dimensional beings. At the same time some fifthdimensional beings are interested in exploring and coming to the Third Dimension. This interest leads us into a deep level of galactic spirituality and Arcturian spirituality. I also believe that it relates to much of the Earth’s spirituality as well.
The fact is that the Creator is hidden. This means that there is no way to directly experience the Creator. There is no way to directly know the Creator. Also, there’s no way to describe the Creator in your logical mind. One of the strongest methods of learning about the Creator is through the Creation and the workings of the Creation. This explains in part the scientists’ and astronomers’ interest in the Big Bang and in the study of the beginning of the universe. The study of the beginning of the Creation is really a study in the working of the mind of the Creator.
The Third Dimension was the newest and last part of this Creation that has been created. This Third Dimension is “the newer part of the universe or the multi-verse”. This is the last part of the dimensional Creation that has been formulated and developed. This is like saying: “Look, the Creator has made a new dimension.” We are interested in learning about this new dimension even though we are in a higher dimension. It is of great interest for fifth-dimensional beings to learn more, andtherefore, many of us want to come to the Third Dimension and experience it.
There are at least two important reasons why beings on the Fifth Dimension would want to come to the Third Dimension. The first reason is because this is “the latest and newest dimensional development in the creative dynamics of the multiverse”. The Third Dimension offers unique opportunities in studying and in learning how to understand the mind of the Creator and to be closer to the Creator. Secondly, there are special portals and special corridors and other unique opportunities on the Third Dimension that offer great study, and in general, help to understand the multiverse. The multi-verse, by the way, is a scientific term that describes more than one universe. Universe is one – “uni” – verse – or one world, which encompasses all the galaxies and the billions and billions of stars and moons and planets. The multiverse is a term that describes the existence of many universes, and therefore the designation of the multi-universe instead of the universe.
This is not the only universe, however. This is one of the universes that contains the Third Dimension. The Third Dimension offers something to each Soul that is unique, because like the fish coming out of the bowl, you who are in the Fifth Dimension are coming out of this special beautiful garden, this beautiful fifthdimensional bowl, into the world of the Third Dimension. Of course, with your experience as a fifth-dimensional being, you definitely have an advantage over those who are on the third-dimensional reality only.
I want to also explain that not everyone understands the Fifth Dimension, and only a few have been on the Fifth Dimension before. There are many beings that have incarnated on the Earth that have never been on the Fifth Dimension. There are many beings on the Earth that are newer Souls that have never been on other planets or other dimensions. It is a unique and advanced state to come from the Fifth Dimension to the Third Dimension.
“Traps”, that have occurred over the many millennia when fifth-dimensional beings from the Pleiades or even Arcturus or Andromeda, or the Sirians or the Antarians, have sent students to the Earth, to experience the Third Dimension. While these students were in the Third Dimension, they became karmically involved with people. In some cases they fell in love with one of the Earthlings, or in other cases they made mistakes and overly involved themselves in some of the problems and tried to repair the planet. By doing so, they broke certain karmic rules and became “trapped” in third-dimensional karmic cycles. This means that they began to reincarnate into the Earth.
I have personally taught and trained many of my fifth-dimensional students on how to participate in the Earth, what some of the dangers are in being on the Third Dimension, and how to avoid some of the pitfalls. I have always explained that there are going to be some very attractive energy fields on the Third Dimension which will overwhelm a person. We all know of the beauty of the Third Dimension. We all know of the excitement and of the high energy that is possible on this Third Dimension. One of the main components of leaving the Fifth Dimension and coming to the Third Dimension is the experience of being cut off from the Unity Consciousness. On the Third Dimension you lose the sense of eternalness of the Soul. You also lose the sense of understanding and feeling the unification of “All There Is”, because the Third Dimension is basically a dimension of duality.
Now I want to turn to the most relevant and important topic which is the intersection of the dimensions. We have established in our discussion that there is ongoing interaction both from the third to the fifth and from the fifth to the Third Dimension. I know that some of you may be surprised to learn that the third can affect the Fifth Dimension.
Let us now look at this dynamic and magnificent opportunity coming to this planet, which I have called the intersection of the dimensions. This is a period of time in which the third and Fifth Dimensions are going to intersect. Think of the analogy or image of two large spheres that intersect dimensionally and geometrically at a top corner of each sphere. This means that one part of the fifth-dimensional sphere comes into the existence of the third-dimensional sphere, but at the same time, the third-dimensional sphere is intersecting with the Fifth Dimension so the energies are cohabitating. A part of the Third Dimension is in the fifth and a part of the fifth is in the third.
This also means that this intersection functions as any intersection does, especially those that are in the Earth. That means you can go forward and travel through the intersection. If I could use the analogy of a metaphor of the intersection again, I ask you to visualize one of your super freeways or Autobahns or Autopistas. When you come to the intersection, there are cars going left and right. There might even be stop signs. But the most important part of the intersection is that you can travel right through it. What a great opportunity, because the intersection allows clear passage from one area to the next. When you come to the intersection, sometimes there are signs that say “slow down” or “be careful”.
When you approach an intersection, you would want to pay special attention, and also remember, this is a two-way intersection. There are also people coming from the Fifth Dimension to the Third Dimension. Primarily, you and I both are most interested in your travelling through the intersection so that you could ascend and go into the Fifth Dimension. Did you know that also, at this intersection, higher fifth-dimensional beings will be allowed to come down into the Third Dimension with special powers and special energy? This means that there will be a greater opportunity for higher, fifth-dimensional energy to be downloaded into the Third Dimension. This also means that the higher masters will have special access to come into third-dimensional areas to do repairs, upliftments and interactions with the starseeds and with other higher spiritual beings. What an exciting time! What an exciting opportunity! And right now, we are on the brink of this intersection!
I want to point out that many of the galactic brothers and sisters throughout this galaxy feel interest for the Earth at this time because of the intersection of the dimensions, which is an event similar to the solar eclipse. This coming solar eclipse (August 21, 2017) in part represents a reset allowing a greater participation and opening in the intersection of the dimensions. It is clear historically that people will travel throughout the planet to different locations in order to view a solar eclipse. There is much new, scientific evidence that can be obtained at an eclipse. The scientific observation of a solar eclipse approximately after World War I proved one of Einstein’s theories. During that solar eclipse they were able to prove Einstein’s main hypothesis about the bending of space and time through certain measurements that could only be made during a solar eclipse. Likewise, there are only certain discoveries, certain measurements that galactically can be made only when there is an intersection of the dimensions.
One great opportunity and great road that occurs at the intersection of the dimensions is the Ascension. It takes a special spiritual energy and light to be able to ascend. Why? Physiologically, the Ascension requires that you transform the physical structure of your cells, including your nervous system, your hormonal system, your mental system and your emotional system into a light body form. This means that a dramatic, intense and high vibration must be used. Such a vibration is presently beyond your personal abilities. At this point you do not have the ability to generate the high spiritual frequency necessary to move your body into the light body form by yourself. You need a boost, an extra energy, and the intersection of the dimensions means that a special frequency boost of light is going to enter the Third Dimension. Without this boost, without this extra frequency of light, you would not be able to self-generate the energy necessary for your ascension.
Let’s compare the light of the Fifth Dimension to sunlight. The Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth, yet sunlight still is strong enough and bright enough to illuminate the planet and provide all the energy necessary for photosynthesis and all life forms in the biosphere. New technology is being developed to use the sunlight for creating electricity directly. This newer technology uses solar panels, which absorb and convert the sunlight into useable electrical voltage for operating many of your machines, computers, etc. But you have to have this special technology of the solar panels to use this sunlight. I may add that too much sunlight can also be destructive if you’re not protected. For example, there are certain parts on the planet which are high desert areas where the sunlight is extremely debilitating. You would have to cover yourself, or you would have to have some kind of a shelter, to prevent damage to yourself.
Now let’s take this analogy and think about spiritual energy. There is going to be a huge influx very soon of higher spiritual energy into this planet, and this is going to occur at the intersection of the dimensions. But in order to use that spiritual energy, you need a spiritual technology to process it, just like you need solar panels to process the sunlight to make it useful. You need spiritual resources, spiritual technology to process and use this highly charged Ascension Light. Our lectures and training are really focused on helping you to be vessels that can receive this light and use this light to transform yourself into your light body at a moment’s notice. When you are in your light body, you can direct yourself out of this body and out of this dimension into the Fifth Dimension.
What are the spiritual technologies for the Ascension? There is the technology of bilocation, which is the ability to section off parts of your spiritual essence or astral/etheric body and send it to another location. This is perhaps one of the most profound and important technologies that is necessary for using the energy for your ascension when the intersection of the dimensions occurs. In bilocation, energetically, you have to visualize your etheric body, and then you have to project that etheric body outside of your physical body. Some people have called the etheric body the astral body. Bilocation then can be compared to astral projection. It is reported that the astral body is attached to your body by the astral cord. In bilocation you have to place as much of your own essence as possible into that etheric/astral body.
For training purposes I have designated, for example, different percentages of your consciousness that can be projected into your astral body. For example, you can say 2% of your consciousness is in your astral body and 98% of your consciousness is in your physical body. I gave lectures and descriptions about Jesus/Sananda on the cross, and I explained that he was only in a very small percentage in his physical body, and he had already thought projected or bilocated to his light body and to another safer location. He had bilocated more of his essence, like 90% or more, into a second body. The practice of this astral projection, or also bilocation, is important in preparation for using this spiritual energy that is coming to you. You want to have the ability to place as much as possible, a highest percentage of yourself as possible, into that astral projection.
In order to help you practice this bilocation, we, the Arcturians, have provided the Crystal Temple or the Crystal Lake for your use and training. The Crystal Lake is a fifth-dimensional lake that was provided by the Arcturians for the Earth’s starseeds like yourself. This lake has enough room around the shore for 1,600 light bodies. We have allowed and helped to create spaces and places for your own astral body to project itself to a fifth-dimensional location. Part of your fifth-dimensional body and fifth-dimensional Self can permanently reside around this lake. You could even visualize yourself as an astral projection living and residing around this fifthdimensional lake called the Crystal Temple or the Crystal Lake. I have helped to provide this permanent place so that you could practice sending your light body to your fifth-dimensional light body. This is one type of bilocation. There are other types of bilocation where you could bilocate into different places on the planet. For example, you could be here in your office or home, and then you could be in another city. I want you to practice how to bilocate into a place on the Fifth Dimension.
One of the interesting points about an intersection is that there could be other beings, and even other energies of a lower nature at the intersection. It is not just the starseeds that know about the intersection. It is possible that lower beings could try and attach themselves onto some people coming through the intersection. One could even say that there might even be road blocks. A dimensional intersection has similarities to the intersections in your highways. There could be accidents at the intersection. There could other beings driving that are not at the highest level. We are helping with Sananda to oversee the intersection of the dimensions. We acknowledge that the intersection could also allow lower light from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension. We here in the Fifth Dimension have to be prepared to absorb and to process that potentially lower energy. And I want to be clear that when we confront lower energy at the intersection, then we process it, and we will return it back to the Earth in a purified form.
What could happen to the Earth at this high energy exchange point of the intersection of the dimensions? One prediction is Armageddon, that the energy from the intersection is so intense that not everyone can really process it. This high energy could create an imbalance and people may act irrationally. Let us return to the example of sunlight. If the sunlight is too hot, then you could become sun damaged unless you took proper precautions. Similarly, a downpouring of high spiritual light can create problems and confusion and chaos among people who are not able to assimilate such energy. Therefore, when we say that an Armageddon to occur is possible, that’s a way to describe where people become more unbalanced, and leaders could make unwise decisions that could lead to a worldwide war. If you have too much energy, even though it’s light energy and fifth-dimensional energy, you still can become unbalanced. Spiritual energy has to be pro-rated, and it has to be digested and filtered in a way that you can deal with it.
There are many people who are not spiritually minded on this Earth. They, too, are being exposed to this intersection of the dimensions. Spiritual streams of energy at the intersection of the dimensions can also produce possible chaos and unbalance among people who have lower vibrations. So one possible outcome of the intersection of the dimensions is it could produce more chaos for some people. But, another potential outcome is a wonderful Ascension. For those beings like yourself, who are prepared to interact with the Fifth Dimension and travel and bilocate to the Fifth Dimension, there could be a mass influx of enlightenment. Again I point out that many masters and teachers are also going to travel from the Fifth Dimension into the Third Dimension during this intersection.
How long will the intersection last and how can we predict it? When is it going to happen? The exact time of the intersection in terms of length has been estimated between 20 and 30 minutes. This may seem to be a short period of time, but the Ascended Masters have to take into consideration how much energy the Earth can tolerate. If the intersection lasted too long of a time, then there could be actual destruction in parts of the planet in the planetary systems. I do see several turning points or opportunities for this intersection. One potential point is in October of this year (2017); there is another point in 2019 and in 2021.
What if you experienced the intersection and decided to return to the Earth? There is also a possibility you might experience this wonderful upliftment, this wonderful feeling of enlightenment during the intersection. At this upliftment you might come towards a desire for a new level of service for the Earth. Remember some of you are fifth-dimensional beings who came to the Third Dimension. You came here for several reasons: one was for the “scientific observational process” and the second was to fulfill your desire for service to the Earth. There must be people who can receive spiritual energy, and there must be people here on Earth who know how to use it and direct it. One of the most key components of the intersection of the dimensions is the focusing and downloading of the spiritual light and energy into its proper places. There are places in which you can experience the intersection of the dimensions more easily, such as in the Ladders of Ascension, the sacred spots around the planet and in the areas of the Arcturian etheric crystals. It takes a core of people to direct and download this higher fifth-dimensional energy that is coming to the Earth. And this is why I say that the Ascended Masters themselves will participate in this intersection.
This participation is also part of what you know as the “First Contact”. This First Contact we are discussing is contact with the higher fifth-dimensional beings. The Ascended Masters can help direct and interpret the usage of the spiritual energy and of the spiritual forces. The Earth does not have a strong enough spiritual leadership to direct and use this intersection energy to the highest benefit. We speak of the coming down of the Ascended Masters and the First Contact because we are speaking of fifth-dimensional beings who are part of this spiritual intervention. They are a necessary part of this spiritual intervention. They are representing that part of the intersection of the dimensions in which they are helping to provide this stairway, the pathway for higher dimensional beings to come to the Earth.
I want you to visualize now, please, that the two dimensional spheres have intersected, the fifth and the third. A great stairway of light is opening up. As the stairway opens up, higher fifth-dimensional masters descend. They include masters from the Pleiades and the Arcturians. They appear on this planet bringing with them accelerated corridors to help each of you assimilate this new light. This is the Light of Ascension, and it is also a light for repairing the Earth. This is the light of the intersection of the dimensions. This light is paving the way for more open and direct communication between the third and the Fifth Dimensions. (Tones OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHH, and other tones.) The doorway is opening and most important, the interaction of the two energy forces from the fifth and from the third begins. Let us go into meditation now as we see that point.
Visualize yourself at that intersection point. You are there at the intersection. You can thought project yourself to that point. You will have the power to accelerate your third-dimensional body so that it goes into its fifth-dimensional form, allowing you to bilocate, thought project. Remember our important exercises of shimmering your aura. In shimmering you are raising the vibration of your aura. You are raising the vibration of the outer pulse of the aura which is a key component in being able to shift into the Fifth Dimension. Shimmer through the dimensional intersection corridor. (Chants tatatatatatatatata.) You can experience the highest pulsing of your aura in preparation for being transformed through the intersection. At that point of the intersection your aura will begin to vibrate at an extremely high speed. Your frequency is being raised; your frequency is responding sympathetically to the higher light coming in. As that frequency shift occurs, all of those powers, such as bilocation and thought projection, will be increased to your highest potential and beyond! And I, Juliano, and the rest of my Arcturian team will be there also at the intersection to help and encourage you.
This is Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty