September 12, 2020
The Effects of the Planetary Events on Your Energy Field
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! We want to look at your energy field and how your energy field is being affected by the current events on this planet, and also, I want to cover the important subject of the trauma that you and many others are experiencing in being on planet Earth during this time of great planetary crisis. Let us look at your energy field and how the energy field responds and is affected. We all will agree that this is a time of tremendous planetary crisis. You are sensitive Starseeds, and many of you are empaths, and that means that you are extremely sensitive to the pain and suffering that is occurring throughout the planet, and it appears as if these catastrophes and planetary crises are accelerating rather than diminishing.
How does this affect you personally? This is a traumatic experience for each of you, to be on this planet during this huge crisis. It is a paradox that, because of the crisis, there is this opportunity for change, and I observe this both on the Earth, and on other planetary systems that I have visited. The observation is that, during a crisis, change occurs in the evolutionary pattern. When everything is in balance and in homeostasis, there is no need for change, because there continues to be a balance and a harmony. From the Earth perspective, that means that the feedback loop system and the self-regulating system of the planet do not need to change.
But now we are in a situation where planet Earth (and we may also refer to the Spirit of Mother Earth as “Gaia”) is not able to keep up with the self-regulation process that is necessary to keep this planet in homeostasis or balance. The planet is not in a good balance right now. One would hope that the self-regulating systems of the planet would be able to keep the balance. This balance includes maintaining the proper temperatures, the proper composition of oxygen and nitrogen, the proper temperatures in the oceans, the proper level of radiation, and other hidden forces that are unknown to humanity. These hidden forces on a deeper level contribute to the necessary planetary self-regulation. I observe that the planetary self-regulation system is overburdened, and because of that, Mother Earth is struggling to hold the balance. I have heard the argument that the Earth will continue, and even though humanity is out of balance, the Earth is not threatened. Let me say that the Earth’s fate is intricately entwined in humanity. The Earth’s fate is intricately entwined in what humanity does.
When I looked at the current mass extinction event on the Earth, I concluded that humanity, Homo sapiens, is primarily responsible for this crisis, including the mass extinction. Humanity, Homo sapiens, is responsible for destroying many of the habitats and forests. Humanity is responsible for putting higher carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Humanity is responsible for placing plastics and other pollutants into the oceans. Humanity is responsible for downloading large amounts of radiation into the biosphere, radiation levels which are harmful to life. All life now is dependent on what humanity does. All of the life forms, all of the species, all of the plants and animals, and all of the ocean life are dependent on what mankind does.
This is the first time in the history of this planet that one species, that is, humanity, which is dominating this planet, is responsible for the total outcome of the planetary crisis. Up until this point, no one has suggested that the fate of the Earth is also dependent upon what humanity does. I am saying that this is the case, that not only are all life forms dependent upon humanity and what humanity does, but also the Earth herself is dependent now on what humanity does. From the galactic perspective, humanity is the crown jewel of this planet, Earth. The planet Earth, if we can talk about planetary desires and motivation, wants humanity to succeed. The Earth wants to thrive as a higher level planet, which includes having evolving humans on her. It is only as a higher level planet that humanity can work together with Earth to help Earth ascend.
The Earth is a living spirit. It is a living planet and it has characteristics of self-regulation, for example, which is an important attribute of life. The Earth wants to help humanity maintain the proper balance for life on all levels, in order to assure that plant and animal life can thrive. Our observation is that the Earth uses her self-regulating abilities to maintain this specific balance, but the self-regulating system is stressed. The self-regulating system cannot keep up with the rapid changes that are being caused by humanity. The Earth is trying to hold a certain temperature, and the Earth wants to maintain rain in dry areas and stop rain in overly wet areas. The planetary self-regulating system is complex and each part of the self-regulating system requires effort and energy to hold this delicate balance. The Earth, to use a human term, is stressed and cannot keep up.
You see the symptoms of the planetary crisis in many different levels, such as the forest fires raging on the West Coast of the United States, the frequent and strong storms that are coming through during the hurricane season around the entire planet, including in the southeastern portion of the United States and in Southeast Asia. The destruction of the forests in the Amazon is another symptom. The fires in the Amazon create a huge problem since the Amazon is responsible for 20 percent of all oxygen that is produced on the planet. Think for a moment what it means if the oxygen production levels of the Earth continue to decrease as they now are. All of these fires are degrading the oxygen content even more.
I conclude that, for you, the Starseeds, this is a traumatic time. It certainly is a traumatic time for many plants and animals as they are facing extinction, and believe it or not, humanity is also facing extinction. Since the plants and animals are at risk for extinction, then humanity is also at risk for becoming extinct. Humanity is affected by the destructions of the biosphere. Humanity is also part of this extinction process.
Unfortunately, this COVID-19 virus is also a symptom of mass extinction events. In mass extinction events, viruses develop that have the ability to wipe out large portions of the population. It is our observation that the COVID-19 crisis will not reach that level, even though it is considered a pandemic, and that the number of deaths will not be threatening to the entire species. I had predicted about eight months ago that the approximate number of deaths would approach two million worldwide, but that was an estimate based on how things were progressing in February or March of 2020. There are intervening variables. It is possible that the pandemic could get more out of control, but generally, by the end of 2021, the pandemic will be under control. That is still a long time. This pandemic can still be considered a symptom of mass extinction events that will directly affect humanity.
You as Starseeds, as Arcturian Group of Forty members, are experiencing this crisis and it is affecting you. It is a traumatic experience to be on this planet now. I know that when I talk about the Fifth Dimension, you are eager to go there. You are wondering what it would be like to be on a fifth-dimensional planet, which is not in the middle of a crisis, a planet that is not involved in mass extinctions, a planet that lives in balance with all aspects of the Planetary Logos in balance. Fifth-dimensional planets control disease outbreaks and viruses and control the weather patterns and the geological patterns. I know that each of you long to be on such a planet, to live in peace. Think how much easier it would be for your own spiritual development to live on a spiritually balanced fifth-dimensional planet.
Maybe you are not totally aware how much you are affected by this planetary crisis. I think it affects you on multiple levels, and many of these levels may be below your consciousness. I think it can affect your health. I think it can affect your mood. I know that some of you are suffering from what I would consider chronic or global depressive reaction. You may look around and think: “Well, everything in my life is going well. I feel relatively healthy, and I have completed many of the tasks at hand that are needed. Yet at the same time, I still feel depressed or slowed down.” This is a reaction to this global trauma. There is part of you that wants to shut down, and I do not blame you. Who would want to live in the middle of a planetary crisis that is now occurring, especially when you consider that it could potentially get worse. Right now I estimate you are only 40 percent through the planetary crisis. Let us say the Earth is a third of the way through the crisis. At this time, frankly, there is no global movement to repair or to stop this mass extinction, or to stop the out-of-balance greenhouse gases, or the out-of-balance destructions of the biosphere, including the forests. That means that this planetary imbalance is out of control.
My point today is to help you to deal with this trauma, and to help you to support yourself and your energy field. For example, the smoke and haze from the California and West Coast fires is affecting many of you. This smoke and haze is going around the planet, is traveling around the planet. There are also fires causing pollutions from other places around the globe, such as the Amazon. These fires, too, are creating smoke which is also going around the planet. In the same way, the radiation pollution from Fukushima is going around the planet. There are still harmful discharges from Chernobyl which happened 30 years ago or longer, and those effects are going around the planet. Oil spills that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico are still affecting the ocean currents.
I want to talk about healing, and I want to help you heal your energy field, and help you to heal the trauma, because it is still possible to be spiritually healthy during a planetary crisis. It is still possible to heal your soul, and of course, it is still possible to ascend at this time. The planetary process and the planetary crisis do not stop the Ascension; it actually makes the Ascension more necessary. It creates a greater pull on accelerating the spiritual download of higher energy from the Fifth Dimension into the Earth.
For a personal healing level, let us look at Helio-Ah’s healing chambers, and let us talk about the process of repairing your energy field, repairing your aura, during this time of crisis. Which part of you really ascends? Which part of you are you going to bring to the Fifth Dimension? I speak about the Ascension and the fact that the physical body as you see it and know it is not going to be ascending with you. Why would you want to bring your physical body with you? That body is only here to serve you in a certain capacity while you are on the Earth, but once you are done, you leave this body behind.
In the Ascension, this physical body is transmuted into a higher energy field. In order for that transmutation to occur, your aura must be at a certain vibration, and your aura must be pulsing at the right frequency in order to integrate this process of transmutation. The Ascension is an event in which an intersection between the Third and Fifth Dimension occurs. At that point of intersection, a special frequency of light is downloaded into the Third Dimension from the Fifth Dimension. This frequency of light can be received by those who are at the right frequency and are able to receive that right frequency into their systems. Therefore, we have the concept of preparation for the Ascension, which includes the process of aligning certain frequency sensitivities in order to receive the Ascension Energy.
It is clear that, in order to ascend, you must be tuned into the ascension frequencies. That tuning in can occur on many levels. It can include tuning in with your mental body, your emotional body, your spiritual body, and even your physical body. You only need to be tuned in with one of those bodies to have an effective transmutation. That means that, if you are mentally in alignment with this ascension work, then you will be able to download the fifth-dimensional frequencies to transmute. If you are spiritually and mentally aligned, so much the better, and if you are emotionally aligned, so much the better. But alignment also includes maintaining a purity in your energy field, a purity in your aura and an ability to have your aura vibrate at the highest level. Experiencing trauma and depression and sadness over the Earth events can actually slow down the pulsing of your aura. This would be considered a natural response. You, who are so sensitive, cannot avoid the traumatic reaction of being on this planet, and witnessing these global crises and catastrophic events to the biosphere.
I would like to call on my Arcturian colleague Helio-Ah to speak to you today about a healing and cleaning of your energy field in preparation for your ascension. This idea of purification and cleansing is always available, and it may be necessary for you to participate in these types of healings more often as the catastrophes, as the trauma, continues. There will be a greater burden on you and your energy field, and a greater need for you to do purification and cleansing energetic exercises. I now turn you over to Helio-Ah. This is Juliano.
(Chants “Helio-Ah, Helio-Ah.”) Greetings, I am Helio-Ah. I am the partner of Juliano, and Juliano and I work together with this Group of Forty project, working to help activate the Starseeds like yourself, and to provide information and directions for your ascension work. Today, I want to talk about the healing chambers, and lead you in a healing exercise. You have all heard me talk earlier about the healing chambers. If you have not, let me say briefly that the Arcturians have special healing chambers on our starship Athena in order to assist the Arcturian Starseeds and Group of Forty members who are working towards the Ascension. It is necessary to do a healing, even if you are at the highest spiritual vibration possible on the Earth. At the time of your ascension, there will be additional healing necessary. The densities on this planet and the energy burden from Earth changes are compounded by your extreme sensitivity.
I have prepared my healing chamber for you today, and I want to help you to purify, cleanse, and discharge some of this energy from the trauma of being on planet Earth now. It will require a short meditation exercise, and we will engage in the exercise of thought projection, in which you and I will work together to thought project your aura to my starship and to my healing chambers. Remember, you are not going to take your physical body with you when you ascend, and in this exercise, you do leave your physical body behind. You will discharge a lot of the traumatic energy strings that are attached to you, so that when you return to the physical body, you will be able to energize your physical structure also.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Feel the center of the room slowly begin to spin, giving you the impression that you are on a merry-go-round. This spinning in the room does not cause any dizziness. In fact, it helps to loosen the spirit body’s attachment to the physical body, because the cords of attachments are temporarily loosened. There is the main cord of attachment that is associated as the astral cord, usually in the center of your body, but there are other, minor sub-cords of attachment, and as you are spinning around the room, these sub-cords release. You will still maintain the main astral cord because you will return to your body.
Rise up in spirit from your physical body, and meet me in the corridor in front of your room. I, Helio-Ah, appear to each of you. I am multidimensional, so I can simultaneously greet each one of you. Take my hand, and at the speed of thought, let us travel through a corridor of light, especially set up for you, to our starship Athena, now. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta.” repeatedly and at various speeds.) You arrive at my starship Athena in your spirit body.
You have successfully thought projected yourself into my starship. Come with me; walk down this hallway, and we go into my special healing chamber. It is a large room, with a beautiful wall of light in the center of the room. Some may look at it and think it is like a kaleidoscope. It also has special features that are known in your world as a planetarium. This planetarium has reflective energy and provides a direct link to other star systems. It projects the current arrangement of stars from the perspective of the Earth on the ceiling. It is a combination of a kaleidoscope and a planetarium. It is creating a wonderful feeling of cosmic light and cosmic energy. (Chants “Oh, Oh.”)
You are in the room and have a seat in one of my beautiful chairs, and you feel comfortable and you feel free of the burdens of being on the Earth. I am going to bathe you in a special planetary light frequency that is going to cleanse and remove the effects of any trauma on your aura. (Chants “Oh, Oh.”) Discharge; release any attachments you have to the Earth drama and to the Earth crisis. Release any depression, release any sadness, release all emotional burdens that you may feel from the Earth experience, now, on all levels, even in the deep below conscious level, release now. Feel yourself as a spiritual, free spirit. That means you are not attached to the Earth, but you are a free spirit in the galaxy, free to travel interdimensionally, free to travel to other planetary systems, free to travel to the Fifth Dimension, free to graduate from the Earth and ascend. This is the power that you are being bathed in now from this light. We are going into meditation now, as you experience this cleansing and purification energy.
You are enjoying this experience, being bathed in this light. It is going into deep parts of your energy field, purifying you, releasing trauma energy threads that have attached in your aura. This healing room has a special power to absorb all releases like this, and remove them from you and your aura. Let us continue in our meditation. A further cleansing is now going to take place. I am sending down a second stream of golden light. The first light was discharging, and helping to release those traumatic threads from the Earth experience. Now, this is a new white and golden light coming down from the healing chamber ceiling. You can say it is more of a purification light. Receive that light now. (Chants “Oh, Oh, Oh.”) You have received this light energy now, and you are in a pure form of soul light. You are fully partaking in my, Helio-Ah’s, healing chamber.
Each one of you is sparkling. From here, you can look down on the Earth with a higher perspective. You can see from the higher perspective the great drama that is occurring on this planet, and you can see that each of you have a soul mission to fulfill, on the highest level. You will return to your Earth body, being refreshed, cleansed, and free from the side effects of the Earth crisis that you are witnessing. You will return with greater strength and fortitude energetically. The healing chamber is now going into the third level of light, which is a blue light. This light helps to hold and seal the purification experience that you have just had. Experience this blue light now, and feel this purification light sealing in the purity in your aura. (Chants “Oh, Oh.”) The sealing has been completed.
Now, we will return back to the Earth. Step out of your chair now, standing up, and follow me as we leave the healing chamber, saying goodbye to the kaleidoscope planetarium-like apparatus in the center of the room, knowing that you will be able to return to this healing chamber anytime in the future. Know that this healing chamber with this special planetarium light is linked to all the star systems in this galaxy. This is a planetarium that is not just related to the Earth, but it is related to the entire galaxy. Say goodbye to the room, follow me out of the healing chamber, and we come to the exit. The exit is connected to a corridor that will return you to your body on Earth. Take my hand, and step into the corridor, and we will travel at the speed of thought back to your room and back to your home. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta, ta.”) You travel through the corridor at the speed of thought and come above the room where you started. You will notice that your energy field is already more expanded, wider, fuller, than when you left.
To the best of your ability, align your energy field with your physical body, but do not go into the physical body yet. You will require a small contraction to go back into your physical body, because your aura is wider. Remember that, when you go back into your physical body, only a part of your aura goes into your physical body, which is called the central core. Part of your aura will still remain outside of the physical body. A healthy aura will extend 8 to 10 to 12 inches away from your physical body. Get ready to re-enter the physical body in perfect alignment now.
You are back into your physical body refreshed. Your aura is in a perfect shape of a Cosmic Egg, and your energy field is expanded almost 12 inches from your body. Your aura core is inside your body. You each have a glow of blue light that is helping to seal you and your energy field. Let us go back into meditation as you hold this light and energy. You have, and are, totally integrating this purity in your system. You each have greater resilience and a higher perspective energetically. You each have a greater ability to transmute yourself into higher spiritual frequencies when the Ascension Light comes. It has been a great pleasure for me to work with you. I return you to Juliano. This is your friend and healer, Helio-Ah. Good day.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are back, and I am grateful that you each had this opportunity to work with Helio-Ah, and to participate in this wonderful opportunity to release, discharge, the trauma that you are experiencing on the Earth. I want to emphasize that Helio-Ah talked about these threads of trauma that are actually energetic strings that are attached to your aura from the traumas you are experiencing, but now they have all been released. You are in a more balanced state, ready to continue your work and to hold the light that is so important now. Each of you are fulfilling a special place and doing your mission, and helping to connect with we, the Arcturians, so that we, too, can bring down our healing energy to planet Earth at this needed time. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty