April 4, 2020
The Coronavirus: A Crisis for Humanity
Copyright © 2020 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Is this a planetary crisis that we are experiencing, or is this a crisis for humanity? The answer is that this is a crisis for humanity. In certain instances, the Earth is receiving a rest during this crisis. You have been observant, and you know that there are examples in which pollution has been lessened. There are not as many cars that are running, and there are certain aspects overall on the planet that show that the Earth is getting a rest. This is not the solution to the biospheric crisis, but it does emphasize that the crisis belongs to humanity.
The Earth and its relationship to humanity have already been in a crisis, and will continue to be in a crisis, until a repair begins. There has not been an effort to repair the relationship between humanity and the Earth, and there has certainly not been any major movement that has been successful to this date in creating repair. Hopefully, there will emerge a successful movement to initiate a planetary-wide repair of this biosphere.
In this lecture, we are going to look specifically at how the Arcturians can help and assist in the current humanity’s crisis. It is true that this coronavirus, Covid-19, is a crisis for humanity, and in some aspects this virus emerges out of the sixth mass extinction. This means it is not just because of what happened in China at a marketplace that is the cause of the problem. There are multitudes of causes from this virus. One aspect of vulnerability emerged in China. But if it were not in China, then there would have emerged a dangerous virus in another part of the planet.
Let us use the perspective of the evolution of humanity, and the evolution of the species known as Homo sapiens. I often compare the situation now to an earlier situation, perhaps 500 or 300,000 years ago, when Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon species were living together. More scientific and archeological evidence is emerging that the two species, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, existed side-by-side and interacted with each other. In some cases, there was even interbreeding between the two species. This is documented because there are DNA remnants of the Neanderthal in many of the human DNA now on the planet, and this demonstrates conclusively that there was interbreeding. However, why did the Cro-Magnon Man prevail, and the Neanderthal fall away? Was it simply interbreeding, or was there a particular reason why the Cro-Magnon survived?
There was an adaptation in a crisis; there was a necessary change, a flexibility in the species. The concept of crisis has been redefined as an opportunity for change. That means that the species changes when there is a crisis. You and I can both agree that there is a crisis now, and that we both can agree that there needs to be a change now in order for humanity to survive, and that change is not going to be just in “social distancing”. Social distancing is a Band-Aid, and it is not a solution to this problem.
We look, of course, at the evolution of the species, and say that the Cro-Magnon had the flexibility and ability to adapt to circumstances that the Neanderthal did not. Also the Cro-Magnon did have a stronger immune system than the Neanderthal.
The idea of the viruses wiping out a species is not new. This has happened numerous other times on this planet, even during the past 500 years when the Spaniards and the Europeans came to the Americas. They brought with them smallpox and other diseases that literally wiped out millions of the Native Peoples throughout all of the Americas, including in South America. But from our perspective, we are focusing on the higher evolution of humanity. We have called this higher evolution for humanity, or next step, the Omega Man/Woman to differentiate it from the current Homo sapiens. One of the most prominent features of the Omega Man/Woman is higher consciousness, and the ability to interact with the Fifth Dimension. This includes the ability to bring down fifth-dimensional thoughts, ideas, knowledge, including scientific knowledge that is needed.
There is a scientific solution to the current coronavirus problem. Some would say that the solution lies in a vaccination, but I am saying that there are fifth-dimensional-oriented microbiologists who are capable of receiving the necessary information to stop the outbreak. One approach, of course, is the vaccination, but from a fifth-dimensional microbiology standpoint, a successful antidote to this problem could come in certain combinations of drug therapy, or discoveries of certain herbal medicines that would be effective in stopping the proliferation of the virus.
I am going to look at this virus problem through the spiritual, economic and ecological factors that are tied in to this crisis. I want to help you to project the proper techniques for your meditations and for creating a positive solution. The fourth factor to consider is also the aspect of Unity Consciousness, which is part of spirituality. So, we are looking at it from the economic, the biological, the spiritual and the political aspect. I have to add the fifth aspect, which would include the scientific view, because we have to consider the acceptance of science as an important factor in the development of higher consciousness. In summary, we have to look at the acceptance of the spiritual transformation that is necessary. We have to look at the acceptance of the economic transformation that must occur, and of course, this all goes into alignment with the political transformation. And we have to look at how science is accepted and integrated into consciousness.
I want to state that things will not go back to the way they were before this pandemic began. We are not going to return to the economic boom in some western countries that was occurring say three or four months ago. There were certain, powerful successes in segments of western society, but these successes will not be coming back.
Let us look at meditations and how to work with this new energy. I want to state from the beginning that the meditations I am going to recommend do not try to recapture what was. This is important because the previous equilibrium, or balance, that did exist, was in part, the foundation leading to the destruction of the biosphere. Even though there were certain segments in certain countries and certain groups of people that were extremely successful, this does not mean that the solution is to go back to the way it was, and in fact, it is not even possible. Remember, we are talking about a crisis for humanity. The Earth is already in a crisis, and humanity has only entered a crisis with the start of this pandemic. Humanity must develop successful adaptation to the current crisis, and that adaptation must be a new movement towards evolution.
I want to speak about unity and Unity Consciousness, because one aspect of solving this crisis is asking this question: “What is it that all of humanity has to learn from the karmic standpoint?” I know that a crisis like this leads one to a new lesson or to a new way of doing. It is appropriate then to ask the question: “What is it that humanity has to learn?” One of the aspects that is important and necessary to learn is unity and Unity Consciousness. Unity and Unity Consciousness is a rather simple method to explain and to teach, but it is extremely difficult to implement. Case in point: even among the Starseeds, there is extreme difficulty in unity. There are perhaps, hundreds of strong, spiritual groups, and each have their own particular strength and perspective, yet it has been very rare to see a unity of the spiritual groups on this planet. In fact, this has been the history of this planet, which has been diversity and separation. That is the foundation of the Third Dimension.
There are numerous languages, numerous religious sects and perspectives. This is, in part, because of the free will on this planet, and the free will has led to diversity. But sometimes diversity gets overly used, and diversity can create its own problems, namely the inability to have unity. I see this even in the spiritual groups on the planet, but of course, we see this in the political and economic aspects as well. Even as we are speaking, there has not been a unified approach globally to the sixth mass extinction. There has not been a unified approach to solving this Covid-19 crisis, and there really is no unified approach to solve the pollution in the oceans, or the destruction of the habitats, including the forests. There has been talk of the need, but there has not been unity at all on solving the pollution problems facing the planet. This is going to change, and the only way humanity is going to solve this planetary crisis is through a global unity approach. It is not just the problem of the United States; it is not just a problem of Italy or Australia or Germany, but it is a global problem, and that means that there must be some type of unity.
It is always interesting how karma works, because karma at first usually tries to provide the least painful solution to a crisis. Then, if that least painful solution does not work, then we go to a little bit more painful lesson, and the painful lessons increase until the correction occurs. This is what is happening now. This virus has gotten humanity’s attention, but not to the point of unity or global unity yet. But, there will eventually be a global unity response, because that is the only way that this crisis will be solved, that is, through working together as a global unit.
There has been so much resistance to global unity, because of the previous histories of dominance and war and control issues. It is ingrained that you, as a species, would resist any type of unity because of the fear that global unity could lead to a global domination by an evil ruler. This has happened numerous times in the history of your planet. It is ingrained in the genetic structure that individual freedom must be preserved, and that global control could lead to loss of freedom and a decrease in the happiness. But now, the problem has to be looked at globally, as well as the repair of the environment. It is not just the Covid-19, but it is the environment that is in need of a unified approach.
The Arcturian approach, in the meditations, has been on the energy field, which includes your personal energy field. And I have reviewed at least four different exercises on improving your energy field, including shimmering, contracting your aura to expel negative energy, creating a resilient energy and placing your aura into the shape of the Cosmic Egg and finally using the image of the “Pac-Man” to expel pathogens entering your aura.
I want to also look at the energy field of the Earth. The correction that must be attained has to do with repairing the energy field on this planet. This virus did not come out of just one market in China, but that it is the result of other energy fields and distortions in energy fields on the Earth. I will now list some of those distortions of the energy fields that are allowing this pandemic to continue. There are holes in the Earth’s energy field, and there are energetic, electromagnetic imbalances in the Earth’s energy field. The Schumann Frequency, which is the frequency that the planet emits and measured in certain Hertz frequencies, has now been altered. There are electromagnetic distortions in the Earth’s electromagnetic energy field. In part this is due to the Sun and its recent solar calmness, which has created weakened electromagnetic energy fields around the Earth.
There have also been some cosmic forces that have been altered, in part because of different alignments with the Central Sun, and in part also because of the path that the solar system is taking, which is on an approximately 350-million-year journey around the center of the galaxy. These are things that you have no control over in general. That is how this solar system is going around the center of the galaxy. It is important to note that there are different sections of the path around the Sun that create problems. Remember, we often talked earlier about the Null Zone, which is a space in which electromagnetic energy is dramatically decreased. This would be a huge problem, because low electromagnetic energy fields create distortions, and these distortions can affect the satellites and even electronic devices on the Earth.
We are now working with our Ascended Masters team to prevent another, second global disastrous event. I said in November of 2019, that there were going to be two global events in 2020 that would be traumatic and would cause great changes. The first event is what you are now experiencing, the Covid-19 crisis. Imagine if there was a second event of equivalent crisis and equivalent danger as this. How could this planet experience and endure a second crisis in 2020? But it is possible. We would like to work with you and others to prevent the second global event. What could this second global event be? One possible second global event potential could be caused by further electromagnetic distortions. For example, a solar storm could send forth a corona mass ejection which would overload the electromagnetic force field around this planet.
Ironically, the electromagnetic energy field of the Earth has been weakened. One of the reasons why it is being weakened is because of the nuclear radiation and bombs that have been dropped during the past. The second thing is that time distortions exist in the Earth’s energy field, and these time distortions are not something that you can control at this point. There were military experiments done earlier that created this problem in the Earth’s energy field. I am referring specifically to the Montauk experiment and others like that in which there were attempts to time travel. These attempts were basically unsuccessful and created rifts in the Earth’s space-time continuum. When you go into the future and do time travel for the purpose of obtaining military technology to bring back to the Earth, then this would be considered a negative endeavor. That means that, if you do that, then you are going to bring back a negative karma onto the planet. The people who were doing these experiments with time travel realized that, and stopped these experiments because they realized that there was a great potential for creating harm on the planet.
The time distortions create a warped energy field on the Earth. The energy field of the Earth needs to be repaired from these distortions. Repairing time distortions leads to an important aspect of our planetary healing work, which is connecting positively with the future. Our meditations for planetary healing focus on the energy fields, and they also focus, in another way, on interacting with the future in a positive way.
Before I get into these exact meditations about the future, and how to do those meditations, I want to just speak briefly about the Ascension. Many have asked: “Does this coronavirus event indicate that we are closer to the Ascension?” And the answer is: “Yes.” It does indicate that we are closer to the Ascension. I know that there are many who want to ascend right now. This has always been the case. Certainly, in a time of great pain and suffering, which is now occurring on this planet and throughout humanity, it would be natural for you to want to ascend immediately. I have two responses to that. Number one is: As a Starseed and holder of spiritual light, you are needed more than ever on the Earth. But number two: There does come a point where Earth changes and Earth events create a chaos on a planet that is unbearable.
The Ascension Energy can affect many things. One aspect of the Ascension Energy includes the energy of planetary repair. On an individual basis, you would look at the Ascension Energy as a higher, focused light that would enable you to transform yourself and leave this dimension and go the Fifth Dimension. You would be correct in using that higher energy for your own personal ascension. The second aspect is that this light energy from the Ascension represents an energy of repair to the planet, so that the Ascension is a high boost of light and energy to the planet. That means that it is a high boost to the electromagnetic energy field of a planet. The Ascension Energy would stabilize the Schumann Frequency. It would stabilize and repair holes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, and it would bring stability to the planet. This is an important aspect of the Ascension that I have not talked about before, namely, that the Ascension Energy and interaction with the Fifth Dimension will bring a powerful healing energy, powerful repair to the Earth.
Maybe that is helpful when you think about leaving the Earth at the point of an ascension. Maybe that is helpful when you think about leaving the Earth at the first wave. Because you will not be abandoning the Earth, but rather at the Ascension, the Earth will simultaneously be receiving a huge repair. (Tones “Om”)
Let the aspects of the Ascension’s Light of repair come to the Earth now, and come to the biosphere and come to humanity’s immune systems to accelerate an improvement for a higher evolution. It is in that we see as the next stage of evolution for humanity. This new stage of humanity has a strengthened immune system. Let the Light of Ascension help to activate that change and that evolution. (Tones “Om”) Yes, the Ascension Light is closer, and you in your work are calibrating your spiritual frequency to successfully interact with this Ascension Light.
Let us look at the Arcturian meditations specifically designed for the healing of the planet and the healing of humanity’s immune system. This meditation is focused on what I call “future time”. Future time relates to what events will happen in the future of the Earth. On a personal basis, your Future Self has ascended to the Fifth Dimension. On an individual basis we know that the past, present and future are a circle, and they are interactive. Therefore, if they are interacting within the time circle, then you, in the present, can borrow and interact with your Future Self.
Helio-Ah has demonstrated this time circle exercise several times in her healing chambers. For example, in the exercise, you go to a point in the Future Self where you are already an Ascended Master, and where you are interacting totally in fifth-dimensional energy. Through special exercises, you can bring back the light, the knowledge, the balance and harmony of your Future Self, back into the present. Let us use that same technique in healing the Earth, and we will go forward in time and use the higher energy of the future Earth.
Let us go into the planetary healing auditorium on our starship. It is a large auditorium that is in my Starship Athena, and it holds approximately 1600 people in the auditorium, and it has two screens. On the left screen is the present Earth, and on the right side is the future Earth. I am going to ask you to do a thought travel exercise and meditation with me. Come to my starship and participate in the planetary auditorium using the present Earth and the future Earth.
Take three deep breaths. Experience yourself going into a deep state of relaxation, and higher thinking and higher consciousness. You are with your Higher Self now. Your psychic powers are strong. A corridor of light is coming down into your room, wherever you are. It is an attractive and golden light. Feel and allow your aura, your spirit body. Have your spirit leave your physical body and gently travel upwards, through your Crown Chakra into this Arcturian corridor, which is connected to my Starship Athena in the Fifth Dimension. Travel at the speed of thought through the corridor to my ship. (Tones “Ta ta ta”)
You come through the corridor, directly up into the doorway of my Starship Athena, a huge ship that is actually several miles in diameter. It is equivalent to a small city on the Earth. Come through the doorway and I, Juliano, greet you and lead you into the planetary healing auditorium. Find a seat and become comfortable. You are now in my special planetary healing auditorium, and in front of you are the two screens. The screen on the left is the Earth as it is now, in April of 2020, and the screen on the right is the Earth in April 2022, the time when all problems caused by this virus will be repaired. (Tones “Om”)
See projected the Blue Jewel (Arcturian name for the Earth) on the left screen as it is now. See the energy field of the Earth. You can see the imbalances of the Earth’s aura. You can see the holes. You can see the energies of the time distortions caused by failed time travel. You can see the effects of the radiation on the atmosphere. There are many things you can see on this Earth as it is in April of 2020.
I want you to pay attention to the following energy fields. See the energy fields of the spiritual aura of the Earth. See the energy fields of Unity Consciousness and politics, and the ecological energy fields. I want you to see all of those, and I want you to evaluate, for example, the energy of the ecology. Imagine that you are able to rate it. A five on a scale of one to five would be repair and balance and holographic interactions. The rating of number one would be total disregard for the environment. So, on a scale of one through five, look at the political, and in the same way at Unity Consciousness. Five would be the world working together, and one would be everybody is on their own. Economically, you see that five is everybody sharing in resources, and there is food for everyone, and money for everyone. One would be every man for himself. See these, and use them as meters to evaluate. We will go into silence as you evaluate and see the Earth on the left screen. (Silence)
We have to add the aspect of science. The number five would be in alignment with science, and the number one would be living in total ignorance of science. Now look to the right screen. This is the Earth in 2022. Now I know you are thinking: “Two more years, Juliano, we cannot take two more years of this!” It will not be a deep crisis for two more years, but it will take two years for all these problems from the coronavirus to resolve. Do not be too worried about the two years because there will be repairs going on all the time.
Now look at the Earth in April of 2022. When you look at the future, I want you to be as specific as you can. Do not think: “Ok, everything is great and balanced in the future.” It is nice to think like that, but remember I am saying we are not going to come back where we were. We will come back to a better, higher integration, and in future time travel and in future work, it is better to be as specific as possible. If you are working to see yourself in wealth, then you do not just see yourself with lots of money, but you see yourself in a new house with a new car, or other positive signs that you have the wealth that you want. That is what I want you to do now.
See the Earth in 2022. See the energy field of the Earth. See the holes repaired. See the aura sparkling, the time distortions repaired, the vibrations of the whole energy field of the Schumann Frequency in the proper balance. The electromagnetic energy field of the Earth is in balance; the planet and the biosphere are improving. See that the immune system of humanity has been strengthened. See that the economy has gone into a higher point. So moving on a scale now, instead of one, then it is improving to a three or four. The scientific knowledge is being accepted. Ignorance is being replaced by knowledge. There is new knowledge in microbiology and new knowledge of how to repair Man’s immunities. There is new knowledge of the relationship between the ecosystems and immunity. Humanity has decided to stop the dangerous use of pesticides, and plastics are no longer being thrown into the oceans. See that the oceans are getting better balance. See the Spiritual Light Quotient (SLQ) of the planet becoming higher; the Unity Consciousness is spreading and global working together is improving. See that the political leaders are becoming more spiritually minded, working together more, accepting the science not only of the microbiology and epidemiology, but also the science of Earth and planetary health of the biosphere. See all these things on the screen to the right of the Earth which is focused on 2022. We will go into silence as you picture this. (Silence)
Remember all aspects. Global unity has improved. The economy has improved. The understanding of science has improved. The spirituality has improved. The polarizations have begun to fade away, and there is more of a Unity Consciousness. This is all occurring and expressed in a healthier Earth in 2022, and a healthier humanity’s immune system. (Tones “Om”)
Now look up at the screen, and see both the Earth in the future in 2022, and the Earth as it is now in 2020. These two Earths are now merging. The screen on the right merges with the screen on the left – now. (Tones “Om”) Let the light of this merging create a healing balance – now – on planet Earth as we “borrow” the energy of the future Earth to the now Earth. All four or five aspects that I have explained, the economy, the polarization, the politics, the science, the spirituality, the Unity Consciousness, the ecology, are all going to a higher level through this unity and interaction of the future with the present. The interaction is holding; you are holding the light for this future Earth energy.
We are now going to leave the planetary healing theater, but you can return to it anytime during the next 24 hours. The door and the corridor are open. I welcome your participation. Now, stand up and leave the room, and we follow out the doorway of the planetary healing auditorium back through the doorway of the starship, down the corridor, traveling at the speed of thought back to your room. (Tones “Ta ta ta”) Return above your room, look down on your physical body, and prepare to re-enter your body in perfect alignment, knowing of the great healing and repair that is coming. You have helped to accelerate this Earth healing. At the count of three, re-enter your body. One, two, three, re-enter now. Enter into the body feeling a sense of excitement knowing that you are participating in the repair of the Earth, and the repair of humanity, and the evolution of humanity to the next stage of the Omega Light. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty