No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Perhaps you have often wondered, who are you and what are you composed of, and where do you come from, and where are you going to go after this lifetime, and how are you going to get there? I think these questions can be better answered when you first understand your true nature. I am referring to your true nature as biomagnetic beings of light. Even those people who are not into higher consciousness, and may be considered of dense energy, are still biomagnetic beings. We also hear a great deal of discussion about the Taoist concept of Chi, and the Hindu concepts of Prana, and even the Japanese concepts of Qi when referring to the biomagnetic nature of humans. All of these are descriptions of biomagnetic life force energy that runs through you. This life force is considered to be everywhere in the cosmos. When we talk about Chi, there has been discussion that Chi is a mystical or magical energy that requires discipline and study and practice in order to feel that life force energy. The fact is that Chi is part of the biomagnetic energy field that you are already existing within.
Your Spirit is also biomagnetic. Your Spirit may not be measurable in the same biomagnetic state as your physical body. The Spirit is of a different vibrational biomagnetic substance and energy state than your physical body.
The discussion of the biomagnetic being implies that you have an electrical current within you. It is true that that electrical current can be described as Chi, Prana or Qi, but also your organs, including your heart, your brain, your thoughts, are all part of an electromagnetic field which includes the aura, the energy field. And the strength of your electromagnetic energy field is vital because it can repel lower energies, and it can attract higher energies. If you are around somebody who has a stronger magnetic energy field, they may be able to dominate or control you.
Your thoughts are also magnetic and are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Your thoughts are not only electromagnetic, but also your thoughts have powerful abilities that are interdimensional, or some call them “transdimensional”, which means that your thoughts can go above the Third Dimension. Your thought waves operate on electromagnetic frequencies that have abilities beyond the normal range of what I call “linear reality”. In fact, your mind is a complex electromagnetic organ. I would make a distinction between the mind and the brain. The brain is the physiological or biological part of your physical body, and the mind represents the transdimensional and interdimensional aspects of the brain’s functioning. It is important to understand and know these observations about your electromagnetic nature.
We need to look at the concept of coherence. Coherence means you are in resonance or on the same frequency and vibration of other dimensions and of other higher energies. Our work together is focusing on raising your consciousness and helping you to align yourself with the higher energies. In particular, we want you to be coherent with the Arcturian frequencies. We are sending, through various techniques, electromagnetic energy to you and to your planet.
Let us look at some properties of electromagnetic energy and see how they might apply to the human experience. There are certain rules of electromagnetic energy that have to do with plus and minus, positive and negative. I want to point out that this universe is a “dipole”. It is a polarized universe, based on Yin and Yang, positive and negative. There are multiverses or other universes. Some of the other universes in existence are “tripoles”. They have three energy states, which would include positive, negative, and then a third state unknown in our current universe. There is even a universe that has four electromagnetic states, or a “quadropole”. This is probably incomprehensible at this point, and we will not attempt to explore and explain the existence of a universe with other polarities. For our discussion, let us look at the two-pole universe of positive and negative. We can also call the two opposites “emptiness” and “fullness”.
In this universe, we understand that energy is transported along the electromagnetic spectrum. However, higher healing and thought energy is not measurable in today’s technologies. Nonetheless, this type of energy is also governed by the laws of physics and the laws of particle physics, which includes the laws of entanglement. The laws of entanglement in the electromagnetic energy spectrum follow the same laws as the laws of particle physics on the subatomic level. This means that when two spiritual thoughts and two spiritual beings have contact at any point in their existence, then they have a bond and that bond stays with them, no matter which part of the galaxy, which part of the universe they are living in. And this is why you, who are Arcturian Starseeds, feel connected to us and to our work, because you have, in other lifetimes, had an entanglement with us.
This word “entanglement” may have some odd connotations in your language because it implies that something is confused or entangled somehow in a negative way. I actually prefer the word “connectivity”, rather than “entanglement”, and I think it’s more understandable in a positive way to say, that when two biomagnetic, electromagnetic beings of light have a connection, they establish connectivity, and that connectivity is transdimensional. It will stay with you no matter where you are in the third-dimensional world and incarnating, where you are traveling on a soul journey.
You may feel that connectivity or entanglement when we talk about your home planet. Many of you have asked me in private work; ‘Where is my home planet?” You have a sense of connectivity to that home planet, and you have a desire to return to your home planet. This connectivity is a positive aspect of your electromagnetic energy field. It helps ensure that you can connect and work energetically with the Arcturians, and also with your guides and teachers from other planetary systems and other dimensions. You already have a connectivity with the Arcturians. We want to enhance and use that connectivity for our planetary healing work and for personal healing work.
In this lecture, I want to emphasize your personal healing as biomagnetic beings of light. I will present an exercise that is based on what I call the “Sitting Chair Technique”. Using this technique, you can enhance your alignment with our Arcturian system. By enhancing the alignment, you can more effectively bring down healing energy and bring down planetary and personal healing energy into your biomagnetic electrical energy field.
An Arcturian star system, and Arcturian guides and teachers inhabiting a place in the galaxy that is approximately 36 light years away, can send electromagnetic energy fields composed of healing light to you on Earth. We can transport the energy over this enormous distance. Remember, I said that this electromagnetic energy from the thought fields is transdimensional. Your brain and mind have abilities and functions that are far beyond the normal scientific understanding. Higher consciousness and higher thoughts are available to Arcturian Starseeds who have already developed a connectivity with us from other lifetimes.
Using the Sitting Chair Technique, we can enhance your connection to the Arcturians. This connection will help establish “coherence” with our thoughts. Our higher thoughts will be enhanced into your consciousness. The biomagnetic/electromagnetic coherent Arcturian energy field can be downloaded into your energy field. You can direct this higher energy to healing needed places in your body or to needed areas on the planet.
In the first part of this exercise, we are going to work on a personal healing. You will direct the healing light and healing energy that you receive from the Arcturians to places where you need it in your body. I know this is a time of great polarization on the Earth. This is a time of “dis-ease”. And I know that each of you may need healings for several reasons. For example, there could be intrusions into your electromagnetic energy field, or you could be dealing with aging issues. Finally, you may even be experiencing the unusual planetary imbalances caused by the distorted energy fields that are prominent around the Earth.
Take three breaths, please, and say these words to yourself: “I am a bio-electromagnetic being of light, and I am able to communicate bio-electromagnetically with all higher beings in this galaxy and beyond.” As a bio-electromagnetic being, you are able to project your electromagnetic energy. You are also able to bilocate your energy field through your thoughts.
Feel, and give permission for your Spirit Body to rise out of your Crown Chakra and, through your powers in transdimensional travel, project yourself into the Ring of Ascension, the fifth-dimensional halo around the Earth. Now, visualize a chair in the Ring of Ascension. This is your own personal chair. Thought project yourself and the chair to a place over the North Pole, which is considered the Crown Chakra of the Earth.
As you are sitting on the chair, align your Crown Chakra with the star Arcturus. This is your personal star. It is your star for higher consciousness. Allow the star Arcturus, which is 36 light years from the Earth, to come into direct alignment with your Crown Chakra. This enormous distance does not matter for we are working in the transdimensional world. Transdimensional means that you are able to work both, in this dimension and outside of this dimension. As you experience this alignment with Arcturus and your Crown Chakra, feel a corridor of light coming down into your Crown Chakra from my starship Athena and from the Arcturian star systems. You have this corridor over your Crown Chakra which will allow me to send specific healing frequencies into your energy field.
The light frequencies I will send are specifically designed to work with your electromagnetic aura and electromagnetic field. All disease in your body is based on blockages or intrusions. Disease has an electromagnetic basis in your aura. The disease can cause a density in the aura or misshape of the aura. An incoherent or non-resonant frequency in the aura can cause inability of an organ to vibrate at the right frequency. You would experience this as an illness. That affected organ could have a darker shape or color or an unusual mass on it.
As you are working with me in the chair, I want you, with your bilocation abilities, to scan your physical body on Earth and look for any distortions, disease, blockages. Bring those distortions into your awareness and, with your mind, prepare for that part that you have chosen, to receive higher Arcturian healing energy. This can also be considered like a healing surgical intervention. This light Arcturian healing energy is profound. Look at your personal body and identify which part of your body you want to work with.
Now bring your attention and consciousness back into the chair sitting over the North Pole, which is in alignment with the Arcturian energy. You are in alignment with the Arcturian corridor, and now, from Arcturus, we the Arcturians are sending down this pointed, brilliant blue light. This healing blue light has pinpoint accuracy. This light is able to do tremendous realignment of the electromagnetic field of your body, helping you to remove any blocks and removing any unnecessary masses, and doing a general healing.
This blue, brilliant light is coming down from Arcturus into your Crown Chakra, going through your entire body while you are sitting in the chair above the North Pole. As you are sitting on the chair, the healing light from Arcturus is coming out of your feet and is directed down to your physical body on the Earth. This blue light is now being downloaded into your physical body through your Crown Chakra on the Earth. We will go into meditation as you direct this healing light to wherever you need healing in your physical body. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Remember this light has the precision of a surgeon, and it can go into unique and small parts of your body with pinpoint accuracy. You can dissolve any unwanted parts, any abnormalities on any organ, clean up any cells, and even use this to repair your energy field where it may be needed. This includes sewing up holes in the aura, shifting colors from dark to light. Let me enhance this blue healing stream of light with these tones: “Yay hay healing light, Arcturian blue healing light.” Understand that this is also an electromagnetic healing light with quantum healing powers.
I will continue the lecture about biomagnetic/electromagnetic energy, and you can continue to work on your healing and listen to my further lecture. Continue to do the healing that you need, for we have a tremendous opportunity now to work together in this healing energy field. In fact, I know that you will all be able to continue to work with this blue healing light as you are listening with the other part of your mind to this information.
I talked about the electromagnetic/biomagnetic energy field, and I now want to talk about a subject that I introduced earlier this week which is called “the flash”. The flash is a sudden burst of energy that can be described as a spiritual, electromagnetic energy burst. In the cosmos and cosmology, there are bursts of light and energy continually occurring all over the galaxy and all throughout the universe. In fact, even your own Sun has bursts of light and energy. These are called solar flares, solar emissions, or coronal mass ejections. There are also electromagnetic discharges from supernovae. Some of the other bursts include gamma-ray bursts, which can be extremely harmful to all life forms.
The idea of bursts of energy is normal in the universe. In the spiritual world, we prefer to use the word “flash”, rather than burst, to describe a sudden eruption of spiritual light. A flash of spiritual energy can often be experienced personally as an insight. The term used to describe a burst of energy that leads to a new understanding is often called an “Aha” experience. Someone may say: “Aha, the light has come on. I can see; I can understand now.” That is part of a flash. That means there is an actual, literal downloading of electromagnetic energy which is stimulating certain parts of your mind that is giving you the new activation energy to understand something. Scientists and creative people, artists, poets, discoverers, use these phenomena to create new work and invent things. Inventors and artists seek out the flash experience. The flash experience can come after there is preparation, which can include meditation study, and seeking out higher energy at sacred places.
Let me continue my discussion of electromagnetic energy by saying that you, as electromagnetic beings, are tuned into a certain mode of power. You are all familiar with 110 Volts, or in some European or Australian and New Zealand areas, they use 220 Volts. The electrical system that your house is on has a certain voltage. If there is a higher voltage downloaded into the system, then that higher voltage load could blow out circuits in your house. Let’s use this metaphor to look at the concept of a flash of spiritual energy.
How can your existing circuitry handle the sudden increase of spiritual energy? Everybody may want a sudden increase of spiritual energy. Downloading higher spiritual energy is the basis of the Ascension. During the Ascension, there will be a sudden burst of electromagnetic frequency energy that will be produced by the intersection of two dimensions, the Fifth and the Third Dimensions. This intersection will create a burst of electromagnetic energy, and portions of that burst of electromagnetic energy can be downloaded into your system. This download will immediately raise the vibrational speed of your entire energy system, allowing you to transmute. Transmutation is a word describing an electromagnetic frequency change. In transmutation, you are taking your physical body that is on a certain frequency, and then with an input of higher frequencies that you have downloaded, you will be able to transmute yourself into another form, and that form will allow you to go into the higher dimension.
We still have the problem though of: “Can your circuitry in your physical body and in your aura hold the higher download of energy? How much spiritual voltage can your system hold?” This is why I have been teaching and giving you exercises for raising your frequency and raising the vibration of your aura. By practicing these Arcturian techniques, you are strengthening the internal circuitry of your biomagnetic/electromagnetic energy field which will enable your system to use and receive the higher biomagnetic/electromagnetic flash.
The flash will be a positive spiritual experience for those who are prepared. Those who are not prepared will not be able to use that energy, and in some cases, the flash may cause a period of disorientation to them, because the flash could overload their spiritual circuity and cause their systems to shut down and even become unbalanced. This underscores the importance of preparation.
Now we are in alignment with Arcturus. We are in alignment with my corridor of light that I am sending from our star system, and I want you to be in alignment, in coherence, with the Arcturian energy. We are higher, fifth-dimensional beings, and our main purpose is to help you raise your spiritual light quotient, raise your spiritual vibration, so that you can work on higher frequencies.
Return to the chair in your mind. Focus on your Crown Chakra as you are receiving the Arcturian frequency of light, and prepare to receive what I call a “low-level” flash energy into your Crown Chakra. It will still be a jolt, but it will be a positive experience. You will receive the flash from the Arcturian system into your Crown Chakra in the etheric chair over the North Pole. You will download that flash energy into your physical body. This will help you to enhance the healing that you have been doing in the beginning of this lecture.
Prepare to receive the flash of Arcturian Ascension Light, now! A flash of blue and white Arcturian Ascension Light comes into your Crown Chakra in the etheric, in a dramatic and sudden way, and you are beaming with this higher frequency of light over the North Pole as you are sitting in your etheric chair. This frequency of light is powerful, and it is emanating through your entire body, going down through your feet. Now this energy is being sent directly into your physical body down on the Earth. Feel that connection. (Tones)
A second flash happens now. A second light flash is coming through your Crown Chakra, in the etheric over the North Pole, down through your body and then through your feet and down into your physical body on Earth. Let this second flash enhance the healing powers that you are using on your physical body on Earth. Flash!
Your etheric Spirit Body has this connection with Arcturus by the corridor. You are able to process higher frequencies that normally would overload or blow your circuits, but now you can deal with and accept these powerful higher inputs. We are going to do one more download – Flash! Flash! Arcturian blue light comes down at the speed of thought into your Crown Chakra, through your whole energy system in the etheric above the Earth, out your feet and down, in direct line into your Earth physical body. The flash energy is received in your Crown Chakra and disbursed, and it is energizing your entire aura and activating all healing energies that are brought into your consciousness – now.
You are able to multitask. Continue to download this light and the healing powers. We are going to do another download for planetary healing. We will use the spiritual flash technique again, and download spiritual energy into the Noosphere of planet Earth. The techniques and principles that we are using and recommending for your personal auric healing and electromagnetic healing also apply to the Earth. The Earth is a biomagnetic/electromagnetic entity, and the Earth’s bio-electromagnetic energy is more obvious. For example, on Earth you have a North and a South Pole. Everybody knows that there is an electromagnetic energy charge all the time around this planet. There is an electromagnetic protective shield around this planet. This belt of electromagnetic energy is called the Van Allen Belt. The solar system is a bio-electromagnetic entity, and there is a protective belt around the aura of the solar system which is referred to as the Oort Cloud.
Now you are in coherence with the Arcturian planetary healing light frequencies, and we will be downloading the planetary healing light frequencies directly into the North Pole, and from that North Pole, the energy will go into the Noosphere and will be distributed around the planet. You can first download this healing light into the Noosphere, and then you can direct it to any place you would like on the planet. Now make room in your Crown Chakra for planetary healing frequencies, and say this affirmation: “I am allowing space in my Crown Chakra for receiving and transmitting planetary healing frequencies to Mother Earth.”
I, Juliano, am preparing with our Masters a special planetary healing energy that will come through each of you and go into the North Pole, transmitted to wherever it is needed. This is a frequency of coherence, of resonance, of joining the Planetary Galactic Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and of activating the highest evolutionary pathways on this planet now. Prepare to receive this new energy for the planet which is powerful. This energy may be ten times more powerful than your personal flash. We are going through different pathways. You have pathways in your systems that will allow this higher frequency discharge to go through you, for you are planetary healers; you are conduits for this higher planetary light and higher frequency. Let this frequency go into the North Pole.
We are calibrating this frequency now for planetary healing, Unity Consciousness and evolution. This is called the “Rainbow Download of Planetary Healing Arcturian Light”. It has five different frequencies of light, which include white, blue, orange, red and violet. Prepare your pathway for the planetary healing conduit of light in your energy field and direct it towards the North Pole, and receive now this flash – Flash! (Tones) This powerful flash of planetary healing light is going into the North Pole and is being distributed around the bio-electromagnetic energy field around the entire planet. A blue light is now filling the bio-electromagnetic energy field of the planet. Some may see this is as the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis. This is a huge electromagnetic input. It is through this type of healing electromagnetic energy field that this Earth will be healed. We are talking about bio-electromagnetic healing for planet Earth. Here comes the second flash into the Earth – Flash! (Tones) Direct this flash to wherever you are, in your country, in your city, wherever there is a bio-electromagnetic imbalance. We will go into silence. (Silence)
The bio-electromagnetic energy field of the planet Earth has received these higher inputs. Your work, diligence and coherence with the Arcturian Masters have helped you download this energy. Now we are going to prepare you to return to your body. Focus one more time on any last-minute healing light for you personally. Make one final request for the ability to minimize any distortions in your body. The download of energy into the Earth has been successful.
We are going to close the corridor that is connecting you to the Arcturians for now, and return from your chair over the North Pole, back into the Ring of Ascension, and from the Ring of Ascension, bilocate yourself back into your physical body in perfect alignment. And as you are back into your physical body, you feel a new energy and lightness. You feel a tingling around the entire body, for you are more aware of your personal electromagnetic energy field, especially as it is fully charged, activated, in balance and ready, at any moment, for your ascension.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty