February 3, 2024 Group of Forty Lecture
Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture I am introducing a new term called “Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap”. This term is used by the Arcturians and other galactic anthropologists who study planetary development throughout the galaxy. We have categorized planetary development into stages, and this includes a simplistic category of Stage One, Stage Two and Stage Three. Amazingly, the stages that planets like the Earth go through are similar throughout the galaxy. This is not a consolation for you, who are experiencing this planetary crisis on a personal and perhaps painful manner. But it seems that as the species Homo sapiens develops and gains in technological advancement, then that technological advancement leads to the possibility of more wars and more destruction, and eventually, a crisis on the planet occurs. This crisis can only be solved through a spiritual upliftment or a spiritual development. The required intervention of the spiritual energy leads to what I call a “Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap”.
A Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap appears to the outside observer as if it comes from nowhere because suddenly a whole new species with new attitudes and expansions in consciousness appears on the planet and begins to take control and lead a planet out of the crisis. But, when you look at the situation more closely, you will see that what looks spontaneous to the outside observer actually is a result of many inputs into planetary development through the planetary Noosphere. These inputs come from such sources as starseeds, first contact interventions, prophets, messiahs and generally groups of spiritually minded people who combine to form a unified consciousness on the planet, focusing on the raising of the evolutionary process.
Now let us look at the evolutionary process as we know it from the Earth’s scientific perspective. The generally accepted evolutionary theories are based on the Darwinian concepts of natural selection, which includes the idea that evolution is accelerated when the environment changes. Those parts of the species who can adapt are selected by nature to survive and eventually dominate, while the lesser species that were not able to achieve this adaptation die. Theoretically, that is a sound scientific explanation of evolution. Certainly, the Earth scientists and anthropologists have adhered to this theory in their studies.
But I am speaking about Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap (SEL) which follows different guidelines. We have the quantum factor in SEL, which is a factor that goes outside of the logic and the world of cause and effect. This is why we are using the word “spontaneous”, and that is why we are using the word “leap”. Because SEL is an evolutionary experience which bypasses one, two, or three generations of evolutionary change, and is leaping over them, advancing spontaneously much farther than one would think is scientifically possible.
Now I am happy to report that this concept of Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap also applies to you on a personal basis. I refer to it as Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap (PSEL). The process of a Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap is parallel in thinking to the planetary leap that I have just described. It also applies to your ascension path and your ascension work.
It is generally accepted that, in order to enter the Fifth Dimension, you have to be in a state close to enlightenment where you have completed and have finished most of your life lessons. In order to ascend you want to complete your incarnation journey on the Earth, and therefore, you will no longer need to reincarnate back onto the planet. You will be ready to graduate from the Earth’s incarnational cycle. We have examples of prophets in the mystical history on this planet that have completed their incarnational cycle, such as the Buddha or Sananda Jesus. They were able, through their enlightened state, to graduate from the Earth and move into the higher realms.
In your personal situation, you may already feel that you are not making enough progress to become enlightened in this incarnation. Maybe there are life lessons that you are not able to overcome. Or maybe you are feeling stuck with some of the karmic baggage that has been emerging in your life. I certainly think that there are a lot of difficult karmic lessons that are now being expressed on the Earth. This includes the many acts of violence and destruction that is occurring. The point is, that even though you are working hard towards your ascension, you may still have doubts that you will complete all of your life lessons and karma in enough time to ascend. Maybe you realistically understand that you are not going to complete all of your Earth’s lessons in this lifetime.
Time is short now to complete karmic lessons. This is such an overwhelming time of rapid change on this planet. There are so many negative events on the planet to deal with, and in addition, you are having many difficult personal lessons to integrate. You are being greatly affected by these planetary changes. You are empaths, which means that you are very sensitive. You feel the pain. You may even be overwhelmed by the destructions and anger and violence and chaos that are occurring in this world. These negative Earth events would easily make you lose your balance, lose your center. How would you be able to make the personal evolutionary leaps necessary so that you can put yourself onto the path of your ascension? Fortunately, there is an answer, and that answer lies in the receiving of the energy of grace.
Grace is a concept that is directly linked to your Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap. Based on your current evaluation of yourself, you may conservatively estimate that you need more lifetimes to complete all of the lessons you need to graduate from the Earth. Grace takes into consideration the burdens that you are feeling now, and your feelings of being overwhelmed. It is hard to be on this planet now, especially when you consider that this is a planet going through a mass extinction. The subtle energy field of the planet is reflective of the chaos energetically of an extinction event. So, you feel this. However, in the grace you are given the energy for a Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap, and that leap is accelerated through the energy of grace. That means that you are able to leap or go and advance two to three lifetimes, and move to that higher state where you are closer to a feeling of enlightenment, and you will be in better preparation for the Ascension.
There are paths and recommendations on how to attract that grace and how to use that grace for an evolutionary leap personally, and there are recommendations for how to use that grace for helping the planet go through the evolutionary leap. Today, I am going to ask Sananda to speak with you about grace and this evolutionary process, and then I will be leading you on a planetary healing meditation that can be used for helping to accelerate the planetary evolutionary leap that is just around the corner. We are close to a planetary evolutionary leap. So, I will turn the next part of this lecture over to Sananda, and then I will be returning to you afterwards. This is Juliano.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Sananda. I know you are seekers of the truth. I know that you are seekers of the spirit, and I know of your love for the study with the Ascended Masters. I am deeply involved in the Ascension, and I have committed myself to work with all starseeds who wish to enter the Fifth Dimension. I would say that the first requirement for using grace in this evolutionary leap is to focus on your desire to go into the Fifth Dimension. I would say more than anything else, your commitment to fifth-dimensional life, your commitment to devoting yourself with all of the energy possible in this lifetime to the Fifth Dimension, is a key requirement for this evolutionary leap.
The second requirement is what I call surrender. Now surrender has multiple meanings in your language. It is not surrender like you are in a battle and you have just lost, and as part of the peace agreement you surrender and turn over all your weapons. That is one definition of surrender from a military perspective. But, the surrender that I am talking about is accepting the higher Divine Power and surrendering to the higher power in this third-dimensional world. Recognize that there is a higher Divine Power, influencing and directing the spiritual life force on this planet and align yourself to that energy.
Align yourself to the ascension energies. Align yourself to the concept of the soul journey and its evolutionary process, and therefore, you will become more committed to your ascension. Become attached to the ascension work, and become attached to an Ascension Master. You can choose to attach to me, Sananda, and attach to me and my directions and my light. Then you will be able to experience more easily the Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap and evolve more quickly. By working with me directly, you will be able to graduate from the Earth school. You will be able to skip a grade or two, skip a lifetime or two, and leap into this higher state of consciousness.
The third part of working with grace is recognizing that grace is a gift, which offers you an opportunity to participate in a leap evolutionarily with your soul in this lifetime. Therefore, I ask you to accept this gift with gratitude. Feel my compassion for you and feel the compassion of the Divine. Feel and accept the Divine Love for you and the Divine Gift of grace with gratitude, which will result in that leap. What greater outcome or gift can you have in this lifetime than to be able to graduate from this planet and experience the evolutionary leap necessary to permit your soul to ascend?
You will experience ascension as a spontaneous leap. The final recommendation for accelerating this evolutionary process is your commitment to service, because the opportunities for helping others are so extensive now. Being on this planet at this time is offering you many wonderful opportunities to express your love to be of service. By demonstrating your desire to be of service, you simultaneously are opening yourself up to the Ascended Masters. Being of service will also help you leap in this evolutionary process. Take advantage of this opportunity now for being of service, and this will contribute to your Personal Evolutionary Leap that will bring you into the Fifth Dimension.
(Chants “Ooohhh.”) Take three deep breaths and sit comfortably in your room, and go into a state of spiritual relaxation in the room where you are. I, Sananda, with my multidimensional presence appear in your room, bringing my light and my energies to you. I am wearing a white robe with a golden halo of light around my shoulders and my head. You can see my Third Eye radiating. You receive the vibrational upliftment from my presence. And I want you to visualize a white screen in front of your Third Eye, and on that white screen write the affirmation: “I am ready to receive my Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap.” Repeat this affirmation: “I am ready to receive my Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap now.” Let us go into meditation and focus on these words. And I continue to vibrate with this golden halo of energy around you as you are receiving from me higher activating fifth-dimensional energy. We will be in silence. (Silence)
Repeat this affirmation again: “I am personally ready to receive this Personal Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap now.” (Chants “Ooohhh.”) And as you are in this state of meditation with my multidimensional presence, I place my hands above your Crown Chakra, and I send through your energy field higher energy that will help you to quantumly accelerate your activation for this grace energy. Receive this activation now, as we go back into silence for one more minute. (Silence)
Say this affirmation in your thoughts: “I accept this grace for my evolutionary process.” I could see already your energy fields are shifting as you accept this energy. You will be quickly experiencing an evolutionary leap in your consciousness, and in your overall spiritual development that will make you more ready for your ascension. I Am Sananda. I return you to Juliano. Good day.
Greetings, I am Juliano. I am glad that you have been open to the personal grace, and that you can integrate that energy into your evolutionary process. I am glad that you are open to looking at this Earth lifetime as a step in your evolutionary process, and that you are in a wonderful position to leap. An evolutionary leap includes an acceleration of your DNA, and it includes an acceleration of your consciousness.
Now, we want to apply the same concepts to the Homo sapiens and the evolutionary leap into Homo omega. You have heard me often say that the only true healing that can happen on this planet is when Homo omega (the next evolutionary species above Homo sapiens) emerges.
One of the positive influences in evolutionary leaps in planetary development lies with the starseeds and their work in setting up proper affirmations and meditations that are downloaded into the Noosphere. These planetary meditations can be done in conjunction with a galactic energy and galactic participation. The strength of the meditations is measured in Arcturian terms by what I call an Arcan influence, and what looks like a spontaneous occurrence in the evolution really is a result of numerous such meditations and a commitment by the starseeds to downloading these affirmations into the planetary Noosphere. In order to do such a planetary meditation with you today, I am going to invite you to come to the Gaia Planetary Healing Chamber with me on my Arcturian starship Athena.
We want to focus on giving the right affirmation in the right energy field, because this evolutionary process is tied directly to Gaia and the Spirit of Gaia. Evolution happens on the Earth with Gaia, and this planetary evolution is not separated or isolated from the Spirit of the Earth. I know that the greatest problem in the biosphere on this planet comes from people cutting off Gaia from their interactions with the environment. The withdrawal of humanity’s energy from nature has had disastrous effects on the biosphere and also on the spiritual development of the inhabitants.
But Gaia is a forgiving planetary spirit. And when you recognize, as you are today, that the evolutionary planetary step is going to occur with Gaia and her participation, then you will agree and understand that we must do the meditations and the affirmations with her. The Noosphere is part of the Planetary Logos. The Noosphere is part of Gaia, and the starseeds, like yourself, have this powerful ability to meditate and send her the proper message through the Noosphere.
Take three deep breaths now. I, Juliano, send down a corridor of light from my starship Athena to each of your rooms as you are listening to my words. Feel the corridor of light around you. This fifth-dimensional corridor originates from my starship Athena. As you go into a state of spiritual relaxation, you are going deeper into expanded consciousness. You experience an energy of spiritual activation and allow your spirit body to rise up out of your physical body, and travel with me now at the speed of thought through this corridor of light directly to my starship Athena. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta…. ”)
You arrive in a heightened, fifth-dimensional state of consciousness. You enter the hallway and walk down to the Gaia Planetary Healing Chamber, and you enter and sit down around the holographic image of the Earth. You see that there are at least 100 people there, including several Arcturian Masters, including Lord Arcturus and Helio-ah and Tomar. There are other Ascended Masters from the Earth that are joining us today in this meditation. We see the beautiful holographic image of the Earth, the Blue Jewel, as she is rotating. We see the rotating image of the Earth in her full beauty as the Blue Jewel, and at the top by the North Pole, a huge white screen appears
As you are sitting meditating, I am writing these words on that white screen above the North Pole: “Activate now the Planetary Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap.” I repeat: “Activate now the Planetary Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap.” See those brilliant words in red letters on the white screen, and let us meditate together for several minutes infusing the red letters in brilliance with soul energy. We will go into silence. (Silence)
As we are focusing on these powerful words, see the new image of Homo omega appearing on the white screen, representing the evolutionary leap that is going to occur on planet Earth. (Chants “Ooohhh.”) The evolutionary leap is going to come with the power to direct and lead this planet through the crisis, upward into the next higher planetary stage of development.
This powerful affirmation that we just focused on is on the screen. I, Juliano, take the holographic image that you have helped create on the screen with your thought powers. I will also add the image of Homo omega, and I am downloading the affirmation and the image now from my starship Athena into the Earth’s Noosphere. We are asking together that the Earth implement this Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap directly into the Homo sapiens’ DNA, and allow the new emergence of this highly evolved presence and being to emerge on the Earth. Let Homo omega begin the necessary movement towards a spiritual planetary intervention of the highest order.
Gaia has received the white screen with your thoughts, affirmation and this image of Homo omega. We have powerfully merged our energies towards this unified thought field for higher evolutionary manifestation. And so it shall be.
This is the process that other galactic planets like Earth used to spearhead the development and accelerate planetary development. This process allows an evolutionary leap over what I would consider slower and denser energy into a higher, more spiritual and productive evolution.
Let us prepare to return back to our physical bodies on the Earth. Continue to take deep breaths and absorb in your spirit body the energy and light that is present in this Gaia Planetary Healing Room. You, as receivers of light as starseeds, will be able to absorb and bring a high proportion of this light with you back to the Earth. Fill up your receptacle of spirituality with this light and energy. You stand up and begin to walk out of the room and into the hallway, carrying this beautiful higher light within your spirit body. I embrace each of you as you leave the room, and know that we await your return whenever you feel the need, and whenever you feel you want to work with this again.
A Spontaneous Evolutionary Leap means a meaningful coincidence, which looks on the outer surface like a random occurrence, but really, internally, was prepared for by starseeds like yourself by working with the Noosphere. Walk down the hallway, and you come to the portal or the corridor from which you came, and take leave of the ship and travel now through the corridor at the speed of thought back into the room from which you came. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta….”) You arrive, filled with expanded light, and you will bring a portion of this evolutionary leap energy into your own personal systems. It will be another boost to your spiritual evolution.
You are six feet above your physical body and enter now in perfect alignment, bringing with you this higher light and energy that you have been working with, and you have gathered and received. Download yourself now into perfect alignment, and feel, through what I call spiritual osmosis, this light and energy field within your third- dimensional body. You will be in a brief silence for one minute. (Silence)
Very good; you have integrated this light into your third-dimensional physical body. Now, the codes for this spiritual and evolutionary advancement have entered into your DNA codes. Let those codes of spiritual evolution be activated now within you and in your third-dimensional body of light. Prepare to return to your normal state of consciousness on the Earth. Of course, you will be feeling expanded. At the count of three, you will return fully to your body and open up your eyes. You will return to full body awareness. One, two, three. Open your eyes, and you are back in full awareness, alert and fully integrating this exercise and process that we have gone through today, including the work of Sananda and your acceptance of grace for your ascension process. I send you the light from Arcturus and from my starship Athena. I am always with you. Good day. I am Juliano.