Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
I often receive the question: “What about the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Dimensions?” It is true that there are higher dimensions above the Fifth, and some of these higher dimensions are attractive, and you would definitely enjoy being on those other realms. But I have to explain to you that the Fifth Dimension also carries with it a fifth-dimensional body. You are used to having incarnations in a body whether it be in a dream body, a third-dimensional body, a fourth-dimensional body, or now a fifth-dimensional body.
Some of the higher realms above the Fifth Dimension do not require a body as you know it, and on those realms above the Fifth Dimension you wind up existing more in the world of thought forms. This has, of course, advantages and allows you to have greater flexibility and freedom in your travels throughout the universe. But it does require that you have achieved a certain level of soul expertise and advancement. I think that you have enough work before you to graduate from the Earth and work towards transforming into your fifth-dimensional body. That means I do not recommend focusing on the Sixth Dimension or the Seventh Dimension at this time during your Earth journey.
But what is necessary and what are the blockages that could hold you back from ascending and from going into the fifth-dimensional realm? Today I want to look at this concept of aura impurities as it relates to blockages to your ascension. I sometimes refer to this as “aura plaque”. Now, you have heard the word plaque before, especially if you are talking about your circulatory system or your heart where there could be plaque buildup. In the science of the aura, plaque is referred to as impurities that have accumulated on the aura body. These impurities can be found on the four different bodies: the spirit body, the physical body, the mental body and the emotional body.
Each one of these bodies is represented as a separate part of your aura. It is even possible to holographically divide them, and you could look at four different aura bodies and study how they are vibrating and whether or not there are blockages in the bodies. In most cases, when we look at the aura, or study other people’s auras, you may not see them divided the way that I have just explained. Usually you will see one unified aura field. You have to use a special visual technique to see the aura in the four layers or bodies.
How does one get plaque in the aura, and how does one develop this plaque, and is this plaque like a substance that you would find inside a blood vessel? Well, I would say that aura plaque is a configuration of dense energy. Aura plaque can be defined as a configuration of dense energy that is of a lower vibration that blocks or inhibits the aura from vibrating at a higher speed.
There is a vibrational speed of your aura that is characteristic of higher spiritual states. You may already know this from my earlier descriptions of the Cosmic Egg and the concept of shimmering, because in shimmering we are actively working to increase the pulsing of your aura. When the aura reaches a certain pulsation speed, then the psychic powers and abilities of the person dramatically increase. And with this increase in the pulsing of the aura and the addition of the Ascension Light, one could integrate and achieve a full body ascension into the Fifth Dimension.
Full body ascension means that you are bringing your emotional body, your physical body, your spiritual body and your mental body to the Fifth Dimension. The fifth-dimensional transformation that occurs is totally indescribable, because there is no Earth experience that I could compare it to. The moment of ascension is when your Earth body is transmuted or transformed into another state that allows you to go into the Fifth Dimension.
One analogy I found that may metaphorically describe this experience is the concept of boiling water. Think for a moment about putting a pot filled with water on your stove, and then the water in the pot starts boiling, and after a given period of time the water turns to steam and appears to evaporate. The water has gone into another state that is called steam.
Let us use that analogy for ascension. The heat is comparable to spiritual energy which increases the vibrational speed of your aura, and as the vibrational speed of your aura increases, then your aura acts like heat turning water into steam. The spiritual energy will allow you to change into another form. In the analogy of the boiling water, the steam goes upwards in the room and seemingly disappears. In the ascension experience, the spiritual energy from the Ascension Light transforms you into this other state in which you can leave this dimension and go into the other dimension, the Fifth Dimension. Your transformed physical body can rise upwards and leave the Third Dimension.
As I describe this state, it becomes apparent that you need to practice and work as much as possible in increasing the speed of your aura and cleansing your aura. Therefore, when I am talking to you about plaque on the aura, or impurities on the aura, then you would want to remove any aura plaque to the best of your ability. You would also want to remove any impurities that could be inhibiting or impeding your ability to vibrate at a higher speed.
I do not want you to feel guilty about having impurities or having plaque on your aura. The very nature of the Third Dimension presents an overwhelming challenge to even the brightest and most shining starseed. No matter how hard you try to avoid densities, you are going to be faced with energy blocks, electromagnetic energies, polarizations, and other energetic intrusions that that will accumulate as impurities on your aura. I do not expect that your aura will be plaque free.
Another analogy that we can use to describe the aura impurities is going to the dentist to have plaque removed from your teeth. Sometimes you have to go to the dentist every six months; sometimes you have to go every year. And in extreme cases, you may have to go every three months to remove the plaque that builds up through calcification on your teeth. Using this analogy we can say that your aura also needs to be cleaned periodically from impurities and plaque.
Well, let us talk about how to remove that calcification and impurities from the aura. I am equating impurities with the plaque, because the result of impurities and plaque are both creating blockages. Another result of the plaque is that there is an impingement of vibrational speed.
Here is a list of ways that you can remove plaque and impurities from your aura so that you can vibrate at the highest speed. The first, and perhaps most powerful, way of cleansing the aura is what I call “returning to Divine Light”. You can return to Divine Light by meditating on the Divine. Returning to the Divine Light is also known as returning to the Creator Light. I use the word “return”. I think “return” is an important concept for you to understand, because you have been with the Divine Light before you came into this lifetime. Every one of you in previous lifetimes and previous soul experiences has been united with the Divine Light. When you came down into this third-dimensional world, you were separated from that experience.
The Third Dimension is the world of separation. It is the world of polarization. It is the world of Yin and Yang. This is the world of good and bad and the world of duality. But the Divine World is a world of unity. You left that world of unity, but you will “return” to it soon.
In the story of Adam and Eve one learns that they started out in Divine Unity. They were in Divine Unity in the Garden of Eden, and they left, or were forced to leave. This story represents the history of Man and explains how humanity entered the Third Dimension.
In summary, the first way of removing impurities and plaque is to return to Divine Light. How does one achieve that? Well, one does that first through expressing the desire to return. One can express that desire through prayer and meditation. Prayers can include affirmations, such as “I am working now to return to Divine Light and Divine Unity.” To enhance this return experience, you can use sacred energies and objects to accelerate the purification and the removal of the plaque experience. You can use crystals, a Medicine Wheel, and you can also go to a sacred place on the planet. For example, you can go to one of the 12 Arcturian etheric crystals sites to remove impurities.
Additionally one can go to the many other sacred areas that are on the planet, such as Stonehenge, Bell Rock in Sedona, and many other beautiful places that are well known. Going to the sacred places and to the beauty of nature helps you to accelerate and discharge plaque from your aura and remove impurities, especially when you go there with the intention of a cleansing. I refer to this experience of aura cleaning as “resetting the aura”. Resetting the aura means that you are recharging it, and you are realigning it. Rebooting the aura is another way to describe it. The rebooting of your aura helps to remove the plaque.
Earth religions have a history of developing soul purification rituals for the removal of the impurities in the aura. This includes, for example, such concepts as baptism, going into water to purify oneself, going into a special bath in the purification, which in Kabbalah is known as going into a “mikvah”. If you are lucky enough to be near a source of continuous pure water, the mikvah is another way of helping you to purify your soul and remove impurities and plaque. This is a well-known method that has been used for centuries.
I realize that everybody is not near water, and some places, such as swimming pools, do not count as a purification type of setting. So, what is one to do, if one wants to use the water method for purification? Well, most people have showers, and if you go into a shower with the intention of cleansing your aura and removing impurities, and you stay under that shower for two to three minutes, holding the sacred energy, holding the intention of purifying your aura and removing impurities, then you can find yourself successfully able to reset, rebalance and purify your energy field. Showering is something that is available to almost everyone, and so I encourage you to use this method if you do not have access nearby to the running water of a stream or other types of pure water sources.
Let us look further at other ways of purification. One of the issues that especially plagues third-dimensional vitality and spiritual growth is emotional blocks. One of the Ascended Masters said that there are only two emotions that people come to learn on the Earth, fear and love, and all the rest is commentary. I thought that was an interesting description. Fear often is related to the feeling of separation from the divine and separation from the unity of the Divine Spirit. And from that experience of fear comes many of the other lower vibrations, such as hatred and jealousy. But these emotions are often problematic, because they are lower vibrations, and the lower vibrations create emotional energies that can clog your aura and make it difficult to vibrate spiritually at the highest speeds.
So how are you to release these lower emotions that you may have, because you do not want to carry these emotional blocks with you to the next higher realm. And in fact, the emotional blocks themselves may prevent you from going to the next realm because they are going to slow down the speed of your aura. You need the higher aura speed to ascend.
Well, there is a method to dealing with this emotional problem. I am happy to report that modern psychology has developed many techniques to help release emotional blocks. Soul psychologists and Ascended Masters really have made tremendous progress in helping people overcome emotional blocks. The progress in spiritual psychology has advanced in the past 50 years. I do not know if everyone takes advantage of these new methodologies, but there have been fantastic discoveries of new treatment techniques.
Some of the techniques that were discovered have been around for centuries. For example, if you have hurt somebody, then you apologize and ask for forgiveness. That does sound rather simple, yet it can have great benefit to a person emotionally. You do not want to have anyone projecting the anger onto you, and you do not want to hold on to anger or hatred for other people.
Now, it can happen that emotional blockages are of such long term that one of the parties has died. For example, you may have had a long-term conflict with your mother, and then your mother died. Thus it would be impossible to have a face to face healing encounter with her. Hopefully there was going to be a reconciliation emotionally. But now, with the death of one of the parties, that may not be possible. Vywamus, a soul psychologist, once commented that the death of a parent indeed was tragic, and also meant that you as the child of that parent would never get their approval because they have now left the world. You may have wanted their approval forever, but you know now, once they died, you would never be able to get it.
Some of the ancient Kabbalah masters would try to solve this problem by going to the gravesites of the people that they wanted to reconcile with and talk to them. In modern psychology, there are techniques where you have imaginary conversations with the party that has caused you harm, or that you have caused harm, even if they are now deceased. The point is that there are many interesting techniques to overcome conflicting emotional problems with people in your life. Part of the emotional release and healing can occur through such techniques as asking for forgiveness or requesting a conversation in which you work to heal a relationship.
The emotional work that you still may have to do in this incarnation is important, and you should pay attention to it. One of the mistakes that spiritual seekers make in their ascension work is to overlook the emotional body and to overlook their emotional problems. For whatever reason, they think that they could bypass that emotional conflict or emotional baggage. But that is not the proper way. This “emotional baggage” that you may be carrying can slow down your spiritual vibration and limit your ability to be at the highest optimal speed when a higher vibration is necessary for your ascension.
There exists “spiritual impurities” which are related to the darker forces. I want to talk briefly about the darker forces, and the concept of the devil, because I know that that is an important concept, especially now when you see so much evil that is occurring on the planet. I know that, rationally, there does not seem to be an easy explanation for the level of evilness that is now occurring on this planet. In fact, I can say that the amount of evilness that is occurring on this planet is phenomenal. I have visited many other planets in this galaxy, and there have been some pretty outrageous violent incidents, and in some cases, I have even witnessed planets blowing themselves up, and hundreds of thousands of people were destroyed. So the Earth is not unique in having evilness. Free will allows many acts to occur on the Third Dimension, many of which are evil.
From our perspective, the concepts of the devil and the concepts of the dark energy are what I call “thought constellations”, and these thought constellations have a power. This means that there does not have to be a physical existence of the devil. If enough people put their thought energy into that archetypal image, then it creates a living energy field. This thought energy field (called the devil) interacts with other people thinking about it or sending vibrations to it.
You want to be free of such negative archetypes. You do not want to hold onto or interact with them. When we think about this darker energy influencing the Earth today, then I can identify some of darker forces like the Grey people, or the Lizard people. There are negative beings from other realms that are coming into the Third Dimension, and some of them have very strong negative thought forms.
I compare these archetypal images of the devil also to the concept of the gods in the ancient world. As you know, in the ancient world, they had many gods. The Romans and the Greeks had Mars and Jupiter and Venus, for example. They worshipped these gods individually. We now know that there were no real living gods with those names. These ancient gods were based on a thought constellation that came from archetypal energy. These ancient people seriously believed in these gods and contributed thought form energies to them. The gods became alive and interactive.
The solution to the darker forces is to follow the Divine Light, the Unity Light, the higher light. Do not participate in any way in the dark light or the dark energies. It has been said that each of us, especially as you are manifesting on the Third Dimension, has the inclination towards the Light and the inclination towards the darkness. Because you are duality, you are coming into this planet experiencing polarization and duality. You are not 100 percent Light. Strive to be with the highest percentage of Light possible and try to correct and heal those parts of yourself that may be in the dark or maybe have inclinations towards darkness. Your intention for healing and your work of working towards the light will help to heal your aura and remove impurities.
The repeating of sacred sounds is also important for purification of the soul and of the aura. Toning, chanting, using crystals, crystal bowls, chimes, music and other heightened sound vibrations have a magnificent healing ability to cleanse the aura and to reset the aura. We find that the sacred languages, whether it be in ancient Hebrew language or a Native American, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or Tibetan language, or even the galactic languages, have sound vibrations that can release the impurities. We also have this beautiful concept from Tomar and Tomar’s Arcturian Temple for soul purification.
What you experienced in your Lower Self and Middle Self in this incarnation does make an imprint on the soul. It is not like you die, and everything that has happened here is meaningless. Everything that is happening here on the Third Dimension is recorded. You know about the Akashic Records. Everything that occurs here on Earth is recorded in the Akashic Records.
With the Akashic Records you have access to great soul memory. In fact, sometimes the experiences from one lifetime are attached to your next lifetime through soul imprints. When you incarnate in another lifetime, you can bring those same problems or also same gifts from one lifetime with you into the next. An example would be somebody like a child prodigy, who is able write compositions when they were young, such as Mozart. He carried with him the soul imprints of musical knowledge from other lifetimes. There is no way that a five-year-old or seven-year-old could start writing concertos without having access to his soul imprints from a previous lifetime. There is carryover from lifetime to lifetime.
You want your soul to be as pure as you can when you leave the Earth. In Tomar’s Arcturian exercises you take off your coat when you enter the temple. Your coat is symbolic of your physical body. Taking off the coat is viewed as removing your body from your soul. With the coat of your body off, then you can go into his sacred temple where your soul can be purified. Tomar has special crystalline light, crystalline energies in his temple that assist you in cleansing and removing these impurities or toxicity. Impurities gather on your soul on the Third Dimension. The toxicity and the impurities on the Third Dimension are increasing, which means that you would need to do soul purification exercises more often.
In this meditation exercise, I am going to lead you through some sacred sounds and exercises that will help you in the soul purification and removal of the plaque. I want you also to be comfortable in setting aside your physical attachments to the body, and to the best of your ability, follow my guidance and try to experience yourself as a soul light in your energy body or your aura.
Take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation. Feel attachments or impurities on your aura loosening up in your energy field for they soon will be discharged. Become aware of your aura and command your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg, and become aware of the pulsing speed of your aura. Become aware of your aura and its vibration and determine if it is abrupt, rhythmic, or following a pattern, or if it is jagged.
Observe the speed of pulsing of your aura and see the lining around the aura in a solid blue line, representing and exhibiting the pulsing speed of your aura. We are going to raise the vibrational speed of your aura, no matter what impurities or attachments you have. At this moment, you can still raise the speed because your mind has the power to command and direct your aura.
Vibrate your aura to these sounds and pulse your aura. (Tones “Ta ta ta…..”) Visualize your emotional body as an energy layer. Visualize your physical body as an energy layer in your aura. Next, visualize your spiritual body as an energy layer. Finally, visualize your mental body as an energy layer. All four bodies are now going to vibrate together. (Tones “Ta ta ta…..”)
Now look at your emotional body. Identify any emotional issues, such as fear, hatred, jealousy or whatever other lower emotions are in the emotional body. We are going to vibrate the emotional body now. Separate that layer of emotional body and it is now going to be vibrating. (Tones “Ta ta ta…”) Say these words twice: “I choose love over fear. I choose love over fear.” (Tones “Ta ta ta…”) Go to the spiritual body and see the spiritual body as a separate layer and say this twice: “I choose unity over duality and polarization. I choose unity over duality and polarization.” (Tones “Ta ta ta…”) Let us go to the mental body and say: “I choose fifth-dimensional light over third-dimensional light or third-dimensional energy. I choose fifth-dimensional light over third-dimensional light or energy.” (Tones “Ta ta ta…”)
Now, look at the aura, which is a representation of the physical body, and say: “I accept the Divine Healing Light into my fifth-dimensional body now. I accept the Divine Healing Light into my fifth-dimensional body now.” (Tones “Ta ta ta…”) At the count of three, I will clap my hands, and you will say these words: “I am resetting my aura in alignment with the affirmations I have just expressed.” One, two, three. (Claps; “Whoosh!”). Your aura is reset. Let us go into meditation now, allowing all four bodies to integrate these concepts and new energies. We will be in silence. (Silence)
All of these divine thoughts are helping to purify the four bodies and purify your soul, and removing all impurities and plaque that may have become unnecessarily bonded to your aura. Before we leave the state of higher consciousness, make the affirmation that you are ready to make amends or corrections to any imperfections in yourself. Also make the affirmation that you are willing to correct any harm you may have done to others in this lifetime or in other lifetimes due to these imperfections. These corrections and affirmations will help you to continue to purify your aura. I am going to use the word “Amen” in a toning sound to seal the work that we have done today. (Tones “Amen.”). And so it shall be. You may now return to normal consciousness. Now open your eyes and feel yourself totally alert in alignment with all four of your bodies, rejuvenated and connected to your mission of ascension to the Fifth Dimension. I am Juliano. Good day.