Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I will look at the characteristics and requirements for the path of ascension. There is a protocol which you can follow that will allow you to complete this path of ascension, allowing you at the proper time, to transmute your physical body into your fifth-dimensional body. This will allow you to go into the Fifth Dimension. These four aspects of the path are simple and basic. I know that there is much discussion about complex energies and different levels of dimensions, and I know that there also are different energies that can be perceived. Perhaps, as you listen to this lecture, you might be surprised at the simplicity of what I am going to offer you.
As a way of introduction, I want to say that the goal of the path of ascension is not to be able to become more psychic, or to see more colors, to see orbs or to engage in a variety of extrasensory exercises. These extrasensory attributes are certainly enjoyable and often come as a side advantage or side gift to your spiritual development and your spiritual evolution. However, do not be confused and think that you must become more psychic in order to ascend. Do not be confused to think that you must be able to see spirit guides in order to ascend. Do not think that you have to able to teleport yourself energetically in order to ascend. These and other of the psychic gifts are fun and are definitely, potentially, signs of higher evolution. Throughout the history of the path of ascension on this planet, there have been various experiences by teachers and prophets. Those people who attained these higher psychic gifts did not necessarily ascend. In some cases, the psychic gifts that I am talking about were a divergence, or were a blockage or a digression from the work that I am going to describe on the path of ascension. There are four aspects of the path of ascension which I am going to work with you today, and I will also be assisted by Vywamus and Archangel Michael.
The first task and path is to understand your personal and planetary mission. The second task is working in service to humanity and to the planet overall. The third task is raising your spiritual light quotient, and the fourth is seeking Grace. Each one of these aspects has an important role and function in your ascension path. They may not be glorious; they may not be psychedelic. But it is clear that in order to ascend and to follow the path of ascension, you must do a lot of hard work. Some of the work is very Third Dimensional. I am often struck by those who are working on the seventh and eighth dimensions, which are wonderful and very attractive. These are higher etheric dimensions. But in thinking about working on these higher dimensions, please do not neglect your work on the Third Dimension. We do not want you to be diverted to those higher realms without doing your work here. There are still third-dimensional tasks and services and work and Grace to understand and incorporate into your path of ascension. These four elements are important third-dimensional work. I now turn the next part of this lecture over to Vywamus. I am Juliano.
Greetings, my fellow spiritual seekers on the path of ascension! My name is Vywamus. I am a soul psychologist. I see the personal mission and the planetary mission as part of your soul development, your soul history. I see both of these aspects as important. Here is an important perspective: it is no accident that you incarnated on this planet at this time during these circumstances. Your soul chose this time, this place, and even your family. There are no accidents in coming to the Earth, and your coming here is not a random event. When I am saying this is not a random event, I am suggesting to you that the circumstances on this planet, including the conflicts and polarizations, are no accident. It is a long sum of a series of events. Some of these events have even occurred on other planets, and the drama, and the unfoldment has been brought into the current situation on the Earth.
You have to realize that the soul has a different perspective than you when you are in your ego consciousness. Ego consciousness can be defined as related to the animal consciousness which is focused on survival and also on a narrow perception of the environment that sustains the biosphere. In some sense, I can say that the ego is self-centered and focused primarily on its own survival. In the midst of this energy you came to this planet for personal lessons, and your soul knew that there were specific opportunities in this lifetime to resolve some of the important lessons that your soul needs, because your soul is focused on evolution, and your soul is focused on the graduation from the planet and from the incarnation cycle on this planet. In order to graduate though, you have to complete your soul lessons. What are the soul lessons? Some of the soul lessons are obvious, such as learning to love oneself and others and in other cases to learn how to escape or to avoid abusive relationships. Other soul lessons include gaining self-esteem and loving yourself. These are all personal soul lessons. Some of the soul lessons on a personal basis can involve helping another soul mate who is also on this planet.
Each one of you comes from soul families. These are small soul groups that you are a part of. In most cases, the entire soul group does not incarnate together. There are maybe one or two people from the soul group who come together on a planet. There are also branches on the soul tree. You may not be on exactly the same leaf of the tree of your soul family, but you could be on the same branch or the same limb. You incarnated here on the Earth knowing that you are going to come in contact and work more closely with your soul group. I use the term “group” loosely to include people on the same branch, but not necessarily the twin flame. The twin flame is a popular concept, and in general, the twin flames do not incarnate together. Most often one of the twin flames is on a different dimension or different realm, and when one twin flame on the Earth returns, then they bring back information and energy to help both. When you meet others from your soul group, then it helps to invigorate and helps to accelerate your personal lessons. Therefore, it is highly desirable to meet, interact and work together with your soul group.
When I speak of the personal missions from the soul perspective, I am talking about these individual issues that you might refer to as personal development. Personal development is a rather recent concept that has its roots in the Western thought as opposed to Eastern thought. In personal development, there is an awareness of yourself as a unique person who has individual challenges and problems that can hinder one’s development and growth. These blocks need to be resolved. Sometimes, the problems include physical illness or physical disability or limitations on one’s movement. A simple example would be helpful. It could be that a soul incarnated and was very physical and in its current life on Earth become involved in football or soccer. However, to continue in that sport may not be the best thing for that person’s soul development, as the soul would recognize that the focus on fortune and fame and the materialistic body would not bring higher soul lessons to resolution. Therefore there could be an injury, which sometimes is referred to as a “career ending injury”, which would indicate that the person would no longer be able to engage in that type of activity. From the soul perspective, this would be helpful because then it would force the person into learning another career. This new career can help that person focus on other spiritual issues besides the physical energy of winning in the sports.
Now let us look at the planetary mission. Your soul is advanced; I assure you of that. You would not be reading or listening to this lecture, unless your soul was advanced. The planetary mission is coming from the Higher Self. Your Higher Self recognizes that there is an overwhelming process of evolution in the galaxy and in the universe, and that planetary groups and soul groups have an evolutionary process. In fact, there is an overall purpose to the evolution of this planet. There are specific energies that are only available on this planet. These special energies have been described as “free will”. Why would there need to be free will? Overall, the free will is responsible for a lot of the destruction, blockages and contaminations that you are now seeing on this planet. But it is deemed by the Creator that the free will of a planet provides an opportunity for the development of such spiritual opportunities as the Ascension.
Another spiritual opportunity that develops from free will is what Archangel Michael refers to as evolution of the “B’nai Elokim”. The B’nai Elokim are called the sons and daughters of the Elokim, (Authors note: the letter k has been substituted for the letter h for respect for this sacred name – it is a name for God or Gods) and sometimes I refer to the B’nai Elokim as prophets, saviors and messiahs. The B’nai Elokim are planetary overseers and have extraordinary powers of planetary intervention and of salvation. Salvation is defined as the ability to lift up a soul into a higher dimension. The development and education necessary to become a B’nai Elokim is only available in a free will, third-dimensional planet. I can say that your experiences and work in this third-dimensional realm are contributing to your overall education, development and evolution for becoming a B’nai Elokim, the sons and daughters of the Elokim. Therefore, many of you, when you graduate from this planet, will have the opportunity to go to other planets that are equal to or even in lesser stages of their development than what the Earth is now experiencing. Your experiences here, on the Earth, will be valuable for your role as a B’nai Elokim in the role of a prophet or Ascended Master on that planet.
But your planetary mission goes even beyond the concepts and work of the B’nai Elokim. Your mission is also involved in helping to balance and heal and to bring this planet into a higher balance. I know there is a lot of disappointment and despair at times, especially when you see how out of control many aspects of the biosphere and the planetary development are. Do not let the despair overwhelm you. Some of you have been involved in other civilizations on other planets. Some of you have even been on the Earth at other times where there has been a similar experience, where the forces of darkness and self-centeredness seemed to overcome the workings of a planet. During those darker times you may have felt despair and gave in and decided not to continue. Part of your mission on a planetary basis now is not to give in to the despair. You must now maintain the proper thought field that will contribute to the successful evolution and to the successful healing of this planet. Planetary healing involves understanding planetary evolution, and therefore, learning to gain a higher perspective. One of the missions for you in personal and planetary work is to gain a higher planetary perspective. You are learning that everything from a lower perspective does not make sense. Everything that is occurring on this planet is not logical from this third-dimensional, more contracted perspective. There are so many unanswered questions about why things are happening the way they are and why there is so much destruction and pain occurring and why there are so many people suffering.
The next area we are going to talk about is service, and I am going to turn that section of the lecture over to Kuthumi. This is Vywamus. Good day.
Greetings, I am Kuthumi, also known in my previous lifetime as St. Francis of Assisi. My mission as an Ascended Master focuses on teaching the importance of service to all of those who are seeking their ascension. As Juliano said, there are many aspects of psychic abilities and psychic powers that are exciting, fascinating and very gratifying. When I speak of doing basic service to humanity as part of your personal mission, then some of the people are not as excited or as enthusiastic. Maybe you do not see how doing basic service to those in need can lead you on your ascension path. Let me begin this part of the lecture by telling you a simple observation: the Earth, especially now, has more opportunities for service to humanity and to the planet than at any other time in recent history. The dangers of the global conflicts are real. The damage and the harm that is being done to the environment are real. The needs of people being helped are also real, and there is a powerful energy that comes to you through service.
In the earlier texts of the Western religious groups, and I am referring specifically to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, there is great emphasis on service. This emphasis is sometimes described as service to God, and the recommendation for doing service is in the form of commandments. These commandments for service have been summarized in one simple statement: Treat your neighbor as yourself; love thy neighbor as thyself; do onto others as you would do to yourself or to your family.” This is the core of service.
Remember, we are talking about service as one of the four core principles of the ascension path. Maybe service does not seem as glamorous, but I assure you that service has the highest potential for accelerating, resolving karma, and for putting you in the most advantages position for your ascension. In fact, of all of these four aspects that are being discussed today, service may be the most important one, especially when I tell you that, now on Earth, this is the time of greatest need for service.
How are you to do your service? Opportunities for service come to your sphere of influence. Each one of you has a specific group of people that you can help. Each one of you has specific opportunities to reach out to certain groups in your neighborhood, city or country. These opportunities for service may seem like they are random, but they are coming to you. Sometimes they seem to come out of nowhere. For example, someone may ask you to give a talk to a group. In other cases, your devotion to service may involve seeking out opportunities to help others.
There are people who go on missions to be of service and who specifically travel to other countries. It is a spiritual law of evolution in the galaxy that higher beings are always in service – service to the Creator and service to the evolution of a planet and service to the evolution of the spiritual family and the galactic family. Service is universal, no matter which dimension you are on, you are still involved and still participating in service. Perhaps as you are going to the higher dimensions, you are more joyful and more spirited because you understand the value of service. Also you are better trained and more focused in your ability to be of service. Each of you has unique skills, and also each of you has unique opportunities in the service that is available to you and that you are capable of doing. It is worthy to repeat again that this planet has so many opportunities for service.
People ask me: “Why, Kuthumi, do so many souls want to come to the Earth? This Earth is filled with conflict and polarizations.” The answer is that the souls from a higher level know of the value of service and how doing service helps one’s soul evolution. But you are not necessarily doing the service for the soul evolution, but you are doing service for the love of assistance, for the love of help. A by-product of doing service is burning off karma. As much as I love each one of you, I still have to say that you individually have karma left over, because if you did not have any karma, you would not be on this planet. There are still opportunities and lessons and service to do. In the teaching of ascension, we, the Ascended Masters, say that you have the unique opportunity now to accelerate your karma through doing service. Accelerating your karma means that lessons that may take four or five or six lifetimes can now be learned and processed in one lifetime or even in one third of a lifetime or one half of a lifetime.
You may be experiencing many difficulties now, because you have accepted accelerated karma. You have accepted that you want to learn as many lessons as possible in this lifetime so that you can ascend. This means that on a soul level, you have accepted accelerated lessons and accelerated karma. At times, these karmic lessons may seem overwhelming. These karmic lessons may seem too much for you to accept and to resolve. I know that these at times difficult soul lessons contribute to the despair and disappointment that you may be feeling. But think about this: you want to ascend; you want to be free of the Earth incarnational cycle. You have unique opportunities now in the midst of such a conflicted planet, in the midst of such polarizations. You have many great opportunities to resolve karmas that may seem unresolvable in other lifetimes.
The good news is that you are going to be able to take advantage of some high help and assistance. Also, your problem may seem insurmountable; however, if you are able to continue in service, this burns off karma, and it will make the resolution of these insurmountable problems workable. You can seek out to do service, and problems that are seemingly unsolvable will become solvable because of the good energy and the higher, spiritual cooperation you will be receiving. There are unique opportunities for service on this planet, and you have unique opportunities on a personal and planetary level. Take advantage of them. Take advantage of your love for humanity and of your love for planet Earth, and follow the commandment of “do unto others as you would want done to yourself.” I am Kuthumi. I now turn you over to Archangel Michael. Good day!
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael. I would like to talk about Grace, and when I talk about Grace, you may be surprised also to learn that Grace is one of the four paths of ascension. Let me define Grace, and I will have to approach it from several different aspects. The first aspect is that Grace is asking for a suspension of karmic difficulties in the face of what you are perceiving as insurmountable energy. You may have a problem that you have been trying to resolve and you have been unsuccessful. You may have difficulties either in your physical, mental or emotional or even spiritual life that are so complex that there does not seem to be any hope of resolution. This may be leading you to becoming full of despair and discouragement. I want to add that the resolution of your problems is not because of lack of trying on your part. For a variety of reasons, some of them are karmic; you might be in a position where you are not able to resolve what this problem is bringing to you. And I know that there are even times when people want to leave their body and give up.
This is in reality part of the process of karmic resolution. Also, this is a great opening into the discussion of Grace because in Grace, you are saying something like this: “O Creator or Ascended Masters or guides and teachers, I have tried to the best of my ability, and I do not seem to be making progress. Grant me Grace so that I may pass through this smoothly and successfully without harm to myself or my family.” In a sense, the Grace is like a reward; it is like suspension of karmic punishment. For example, there is this concept of pardoning somebody who has done something wrong when they are in jail; then you issue a pardon by saying I am giving you Grace. You can be relieved and you can be released from your punishment.
What requirements do you have to exhibit in order to be worthy of Grace, in order to earn the Grace? This is an important, good question. The first and most important aspect to earn Grace is sincerity and devotion to your path and clarity. Clarity means that you see that this problem really is insurmountable to you and that you need a relief; you need a gift of suspension. In some cases, it is even helpful to say that suspending this karmic difficulty will allow you to be of greater service. Now I have heard people call this “bargaining” in the world of psychology. That is, you can say to the Creator: “If you will relieve me of this illness, then I will be of more service to the divine cause.” This is a legitimate approach if you are sincere. You do not want to make that offer to Spirit unless you mean it sincerely. If this burden is lifted, then you will do more divine service. Remember you must follow through on your agreement to be of more service. That is why I say the most important ingredient is sincerity.
There are several great spirit guides available to you that help with seeking Grace. One, of course, is Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Quan Yin and Jesus/Sananda.
There is a beautiful concept in the teachings of the Kabbalah on this path of asking for Grace, and this teaching has been carried down into the Christian tradition. This concept can be summarized as saying that one surrenders to the higher power; that is, not my will but Thy will. The karma that is unsurmountable energetically turns into a surrender to the higher path to Thy will. And by surrendering you are engaging in a higher spiritual energy that will allow the Grace to transpire in your personal life. I am Archangel Michael. I return you now to Juliano. Good day.
Greetings, I am Juliano. Now I return to the fourth and equally important task of the ascension path, which is raising your “Spiritual Light Quotient”, or raising your “Spiritual Light Energy” or raising your spiritual vibration. This is the path that I think is the most fun for you. This is the part of the path which is the most publicized and offers many rewards. It does require a certain, basic understanding that this third-dimensional universe is a vibrational energy field. Everything is vibrating; everything is on a frequency. On the path of ascension, we understand that the Third Dimension is a contracted, lower frequency. If you want to go up into the higher realms, you have to raise your frequency vibration. We understand this specifically that your aura, your energy field, needs to vibrate at a higher level, at a higher vibration.
How do you do that? There are several different exercises and methods within this great path, which includes going to sacred places, experiencing the sacred energy at those places, working in sacred times, calling on guides and teachers to cohabitate with you, engaging in prayer and engaging in meditations. You can also continue to create sacred fields which we, the Arcturians, have called “Planetary Cities of Light”. You can work with etheric crystals, and you can also thought project yourself to the Fifth Dimension, which can include going to the Arcturian Crystal Lake, or the Crystal Temple.
There are many different methods to raising the spiritual light energy field. We need to look at the Earth situation from a realistic standpoint. There are many parts of this planet that are now engaged in lower energy, and these lower vibrational activities are having a direct destructive result on planet Earth. As you raise your frequency, then you will raise your vibrational energy. I am sure that it is painful for you to see these lower energies being played out on the Earth. But you must protect yourself; you must insulate your energy field from the lower energies. As you insulate your energy field and hold the higher spiritual light vibration, then you must also find ways of networking with other spiritual groups and friends. Find other spiritual people who want to work together to create a higher network of vibrational energy healing for the ascension path. This will help strengthen the “vibrational thought field” for the Ascension.
The thought pattern can be meditated upon in the Arcturian Virtual Temple. I know you are doing great Virtual Temple work now. For those of you who do not know, the Virtual Temple is an etheric temple downloaded onto the Earth from Arcturus which has the ability to accelerate thought power. We are talking about exciting concepts of using fifth-dimensional technology to accelerate and amplify your thoughts. You can use this thought technology and download it into the Earth’s dynamic thought field source known as the Noosphere. One of the most important aspects of improving the thought field for the Ascension and the thought field for planetary balance and healing is connecting and networking with other starseeds, and holding that network. Visualize a thought field and a higher vibrational energy field connecting, literally connecting as an energetic grid around this planet. See that grid materializing as an energy force.
Think about the Planetary Cities of Light. There is a thought field of protection around the Cities of Light so that those of lower vibration cannot penetrate and do lower work. Creating a thought field can help to raise a higher, spiritual vibration for the planet. This kind of thought field and network can be referred to as a thought grid. Yes, we use the grid lines; yes, we use the meridians as holding that thought field energy. We visualize the Earth as the spiritual being that she is. Monitor and raise your spiritual vibration to the highest level possible. Use techniques including some of the Native American methods, such as Medicine Wheels. A Medicine Wheel is a type of thought field. We want you to raise the Spiritual Light Quotient of the planet. We want you to raise the Spiritual Light Quotient of your city, and also raise your Spiritual Light Quotient. You can raise your Spiritual Light Quotient by studying and engaging in teaching, learning, reading and having peak spiritual experiences. Seek out the higher light at all times it is available. In conclusion let me say that now we are at the cusp of the Intersection of the Dimensions. This intersection offers more light and more energy to raise your Spiritual Light Quotient and the spiritual, vibrational energy field of all seekers of light. It is a great opportunity to be on this third-dimensional planet now. The polarizations are strong, but the spiritual light is also strong, and choose the path of higher, spiritual vibration and enjoy the new teachings and quantum energy and higher dimensional work from all of the dimensions, including from the eighth, the ninth. Enjoy all that; receive all that. Receiving light from all higher dimensions is an important part of the spiritual, vibrational upliftment that is occurring and will continue to grow.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty