June 5, 2021
The Arcturian Stargate – Its Role and Function in Your Ascension
Copyright © 2021 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, we will look again at the Arcturian Stargate and talk about its function and role in your ascension, and also, we will be providing new information and ways in which you can use the stargate now during your time on the Earth. The revelation of the Arcturian Stargate represents a sign of the advancement of Starseeds on this planet.
It is true that there is much polarization and lower energies and problems on so many different levels of the biosphere and in the day-to-day operation throughout the world. I am pleased to say that there is also a higher spiritual light frequency that is emanating from the Earth. I am pleased to say that there are spiritual advancements that have been made. It is only because of these advancements, and it is only because there are more Starseeds awakening that we have made the decision to present and to introduce and to give more information about the Starseeds and your relationship to the stargate.
The revelation and the opening of the stargate was first given through Edgar Cayce’s readings in the 1930s, and in those readings we announced our presence to this planet and the role that we are playing in the development of higher spiritual development. The existence of the stargate is one of our main missions and is one of the main tools that we are using to help you in your development.
The Arcturian Stargate represents a special resting place and transitional place for your soul journey, and when you get ready to leave this planet, whether it be through your ascension or through the death experience, you will have the opportunity to come directly to the stargate. We offer you training for aura work, such as the Cosmic Egg and shimmering, and we offer you training in bilocation, which includes placing your Spirit Body aura in the fifth-dimensional places that we consider sacred for you.
The point of transition that is either through ascension or through your passing is a critical moment in your soul journey. It is true that many people now lose consciousness at critical times of transitions. It is well-known among the mystical traditions that awareness and consciousness at moments of transition are important and provide a boost to the person’s soul journeying. The awareness that you now have of the stargate has been downloaded into your subconscious. Therefore, at these transitional possible moments, such as before the Ascension, you will be in a state in which you will remember, and you will choose to seek out the stargate.
I am concerned because, sometimes, when people are in transitions, they do not know where to go or what do to. There could be moments during transitions when one is confused, and it is certainly easy to fall into patterns of the lower Fourth Dimension when one is confused. I have made you aware that there are lower, fourth-dimensional beings that are parasitic. They look for wandering or confused souls or vulnerable souls, and gladly attach to them in order to suck out their life force energy. This can be a danger for you, and it is of concern.
We have thought this out very carefully because we want to bring you to the stargate safely. For that purpose, we have set up corridors and the Ladders of Ascension. The Ladders of Ascension and special corridors are linked to the stargate. Also, you can practice going to the stargate by creating your individual corridor, which also helps you to connect to the stargate. This is why I emphasize the imprinting of the journey to the stargate into your subconscious.
The subconscious is a major force in your life. You train yourself to do certain things, and then you react in the appropriate way. I like to use this model when I talk about the stargate. When you are at that moment of transition, it will be an immediate subconscious reaction that will send you through a corridor directly to the stargate. I will be leading you in a special meditation in this lecture that will help to solidify that focus on your subconscious. This will enable you to directly travel there at the appropriate moment of your transition.
What is a stargate, and how many stargates are there in this galaxy? There are two stargates in the Milky Way Galaxy, but the Galactic Council is also considering creating other stargates in the galaxy. This section of the galaxy where you live has one stargate, and that is the one that we, the Arcturians, are in charge of. This stargate is also connected with and has angelic presence. One of the main angelic hosts that helps in the stargate is Archangel Metatron. He guards the entrance to the stargate with his hosts, which include the Cherubim.
In order to come to the stargate and pass through the doorway, you must have achieved a certain spiritual light frequency in your aura. Your spiritual light frequency is like a key or password that allows you to pass through the doorway of the stargate. The stargate is calibrated to accept your higher spiritual aura frequency. Your aura must be likewise calibrated for the stargate’s frequency. That means, then, that your aura must be in resonance with the frequency at the entranceway of the stargate.
You can then enter with the appropriate spiritual light quotient and spiritual light frequency. You are Starseeds. You understand and are working with achieving the frequencies that are required to enter the stargate, and therefore you can successfully calibrate your aura for entrance.
I speak about the stargate as a prelude to a permanent entrance into the Fifth Dimension. Some of the questions that continually come up about the Ascension are: “Will I have to go through the Fourth Dimension, and how can I go directly to the Fifth Dimension? Am I complete with all my soul lessons, and am I worthy to go into the stargate?” Worthy is another term that relates to the terms of frequencies and calibration. Is your frequency calibrated at the right level so that you are able to enter the stargate?
There is only one stargate in this section of the galaxy. I know that there have been other discussions by some channels indicating that there are several stargates on the Earth. The Arcturian Stargate is the entrance point for the Fifth Dimension and is especially set up for the Arcturian Starseeds. You can also use the Ladders of Ascension to enter the Arcturian Stargate. You can use the special Arcturian etheric crystal area in Brazil known as the Serra da Bocaina. We have set up a special corridor of light into the stargate, and each etheric crystal that we have downloaded can be correlated and linked to the stargate.
The Arcturian Stargate is a place where your soul is nurtured. It is a place that you enter in order to process your soul development and make decisions about where you are going on your soul journeying. When you cross through the entranceway of the stargate, you end all incarnational links with the Earth, which means that you do not need to reincarnate again on the Earth.
I need to explain this in some more depth. If you die, and your soul travels into the Fourth Dimension, you still have threads that link you to the Earth’s incarnational process or, in some cases, to other third-dimensional planets in the galaxy. These threads or coils stay on your soul; therefore, you go through a process around the Earth which links you and requires you to reincarnate again, on the Earth or another third-dimensional planet in the galaxy. When you go into the stargate, that thread is cut, and you are no longer required to go back into the Earth’s incarnational cycle.
When you cross into the entranceway and the doorway of the stargate, you have cut those Earth threads, and you can continue to go through the stargate. This is one of the reasons why in our meditations, we do not allow you to go through the stargate doorway, because your entrance in meditations would prematurely end your Earth incarnation cycle. You can come up to the stargate, but we do not want you to practice even going through the doorway because then you do cut your threads to the Third Dimension. If you were going to do this in a meditation though, that means that your physical body would die on the Earth. You might say, well, that is fine. But it is not good because:
- This would be a karmic interference on our part,
- You still have certain lessons and reasons for being on the Earth. To end your Earth incarnation prematurely by going through the stargate, you cut off chances for further soul lessons on Earth. Our mission and goal is focusing on soul development and raising of the spiritual consciousness.
And so the teachings of and the practicing of working with the stargate represents a large part of our mission. The Starseeds have agreed to work with us in promoting the soul growth and soul evolution on this planet. It would not be in your highest interest if you came through the stargate in a meditation, and then did not return to your physical body. The time of coming to the stargate through the Ascension is close. Because the Ascension is close, we want to reintroduce the teachings of the stargate, and also the practice of the meditations of the stargate. Once you pass through the doorway through the ascension process, and the threads are severed, that means that you are free from the Earth’s obligations. Once you go through the stargate, you may decide that you want to return to the Earth. That is possible, but you would not return as an incarnated being, but you could return as an ascended teacher or as an Ascended Master.
There are places for nurturing the soul on the stargate. There are places where we offer training classes, healing experiences and soul integrations (regaining lost parts of your soul). The Arcturian Stargate is not just a transitional place, but it is also a healing place. Many of you understand and accept how traumatic it has been to be on the Earth; therefore, there is a certain necessary recovery time from an Earth incarnation. There certainly is a certain rehabilitation time. We on the stargate have special gardens, temples and healers to work with you. It is fair to say that you will need that because of the traumatic events and the traumatic circumstances of this particular Earth incarnation. I want to emphasize that this Earth incarnation is, and will continue to be, traumatic for many of you. Part of the reason is because you are sensitive and empathic and have the unique ability of global empathy. Global empathy can be defined as an awareness of the planet as a whole, and the Spirit of the planet, and the pain and suffering that the planet is experiencing.
There have been discussions among the Starseeds of moods and feelings of depression and pain and suffering. You are empathic; you are sensitive, and you can feel much of the Earth energy. This planet is going through a traumatic experience, and you have, through your sensitivity as a Starseed, the ability to feel that trauma. It is affecting you, and you are doing a great job in processing and working with these feelings, but it is still affecting you dramatically. Because of this trauma, there will be some required time for rehabilitation, restoration of the soul, and going through any other releases from your experiences.
A well-known part of the Arcturian Stargate is what I refer to as the “train station platforms”. I use the analogy of the train station because it is a familiar symbolic description. If you have been in a modern train station in Europe, you would note that you can travel to many different cities and many different countries from one of the many train stations. For example, you can go to Gate 1 that might be going to France; Gate 2 might be going to Austria; Gate 3 may be going to northern Germany. Use your imagination. There are choices to make.
Let us continue to use this analogy for the Arcturian Stargate and the train station. Let us say that there is one track that is going to the Pleiades and another track that is going to the moon- planet, Alano. Another track is going to the star system Sirius on the Fifth Dimension, and there is another track that is going to Antares. There is even a train track going to the Central Sun. There are numerous other planets that you may not know the names of now, but they also represent choices that you can make. Now, because you have completed and cut the threads from the Earth, you can make a choice of where you are going to go throughout the galaxy. These choices I have given you are all fifth-dimensional planetary systems.
The Arcturian Stargate is in the Fifth Dimension, but it is also an interdimensional stargate, which means it has corridors and connections to the Third Dimension. People can access our stargate from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension. After you have gone through the doorway, and you are on the platform, then you have choices before you. I know many of you want to go back to your home planet, for example. That would be an excellent way for rehabilitation and restoration of soul energy if necessary.
Each planet has its own system of guides and Ascended Masters. You are now working with your Ascended Masters and guides and teachers on the Third Dimension. Many of the Ascended Masters and teachers are also higher interdimensional, higher dimensional masters like myself, Juliano, or Ptaah, or Sananda, and we belong to the Galactic Council. The council oversees the life development and spiritual life development, and they can designate other Galactic Masters to work with Starseeds on the Earth.
We could say that, conservatively, there might be 20 to 30 guides and teachers now that are around the planet Earth that are in coordination with us and with other masters. Sometimes this has been referred to by other channels as the Ashtar Command, which really refers to a group of Ascended Masters intergalactically, and Earth teachers and guides that are devoted to assisting in the transformation and elevation of all Earth spirits into the Fifth Dimension.
If I say there are 30 guides and teachers approximately for the Earth, that would be one estimate for one planet. Now imagine that there are 5,000 planetary systems that have higher life forms in the galaxy. Imagine that each planet, then, has 30 Ascended Masters, guides, and teachers around the planet, just like there are on Earth. Some of them could be the same guides and teachers that are working with you. Remember that the fifth-dimensional Ascended Masters and guides and teachers can transcend space and time, and they are multidimensional.
It is hard for you to imagine being multidimensional. We have offered you exercises, and you do that well in conceiving and practicing multidimensional presence exercises. For you, it certainly is a great accomplishment to be in two dimensions at the same time, the Fifth Dimension and the Third Dimension. We offer those exercises, especially when we are working with sending you to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. We want you to continue to practice being in the multidimensional presence where you are in one meditation. You can inhabit your fifth-dimensional body, at the same time, still inhabiting your third-dimensional body on the Earth. We sometimes suggest that you use percentages where you would say, for example, that 40 percent of your presence would be in the Arcturian Crystal Lake, and then 60 percent of your presence could be on the Earth. You could change those percentages during your practice.
Multidimensionality from your standpoint is being in two places at the same time. The Ascended Masters who are functioning as teachers throughout the galaxy may be able to have 10 or 15 multidimensional aspects, awarenesses, and presences at the same time throughout the galaxy. This is one of the reasons why Sananda is so highly looked upon, because he has the multidimensional abilities to be on numerous planets simultaneously, well over, for example, 100 planets at the same time. Each presence would be, from your perspective, in full awareness. Of course, to be able to do this, requires a dramatically higher spiritual light frequency. Since each planet may have 30 guides and teachers, and there are 5,000 planets with higher life forms in the galaxy, then we are easily talking about 15,000 or more spirit guides in our galaxy. Some of these spirit guides are masters at the level of the teachings of Sananda.
Many of the spirit guides, at least from these different planets, are at the stargate. Earlier in this lecture, I gave the analogy of having different train tracks in a station. Imagine that you could take one train track to the Pleiades and another train track to Antares. At the entranceway to the train track would be an Ascended Master and guide or teacher from that planet or that system. You would have the opportunity to process and talk to that guide and teacher about you going there, and how it will affect you if going to that planet would be the most advantageous and highest good for you. You can ask the question there: “Would it be better for you to go back to your home planet or would it be better for you to go to the moon-planet Alano?” It is a higher evolutionary development on your part to be able to choose where you go and when you go there.
In the normal incarnational, third-dimensional process, you have to follow certain laws and rules. You do have an opportunity to consult with some guides and teachers, but basically, you are following the karmic Earth laws. Karmic laws are cause and effect, and that means that you have to incarnate in another lifetime if you have not completed your Earth work. You have to go through the incarnational cycle and process; you cannot opt out of it. You can, for example, go to sleep between incarnations, or you can withdraw for a long period of time between incarnations, and that is permissible, but it does not free you from completing the incarnational cycle. For some people, withdrawal seems to be an option, especially if you have had a traumatic life on Earth, especially if you do not have the choices like you now have in going to the stargate.
When you are on the stargate, then you are in a higher evolutionary state where you have choices of where you can go. You have choices on which fifth-dimensional planet you go to, and you have choices on which guides and teachers you want to work with. And I emphasize that being on the stargate is a higher evolutionary step in your development.
One of the special characteristics of Homo Omega, which is the next stage of development of Homo sapiens, is the ability to go to the stargate and to work with and choose your next place of incarnation. It is also important for you to understand that there are Homo-sapiens-like inhabitants living in the Fifth Dimension, but there are also different species there as well. We consider ourselves somewhat like Homo sapiens. We have a different physical component; we do not have a digestive system, for example. Our physical structure is much smaller than yours. We are able to live on different nutrient energies, and we do not require large amounts of food like you do. We cannot say that we are “Homo sapiens” because we are Arcturian.
You could choose to return to or come into Arcturus and live an incarnation on Arcturus in an Arcturian body. You can choose to come back to the Pleiades. The Pleiadians are in the same configuration as you are, that is, they are Homo sapiens. I actually like to use the word “Adam Species”, the species of Adam. You can come back with the Pleiadians and live in the Adam species configuration. On the stargate, it is also possible to go to other galaxies besides the Milky Way Galaxy. There is a special station in which you can choose to go to the Andromeda Galaxy, for example.
There is a frequency calibration or a frequency resonance that must be matched in order to go to another galaxy. There are barriers; there are frequency calibrations for each planet, but there are also frequency calibrations for each dimension that you are entering. Finally, there are frequency calibrations for other galaxies. You have to go through a process to recalibrate yourself to enter another galaxy like the Andromeda Galaxy. When we are using the concept of frequency calibration, then we can use these ideas to describe how your frequency must exist in order to enter the stargate.
Essentially, to enter the stargate is comparable to being able to come into the Fifth Dimension. That means that you must have attained a certain emotional balance and harmony. You must be able to give up certain ego attachments. You must be able, to the best of your ability, to be non-judgmental, and you must have an open heart. There are certain other required characteristics. I do not like to list them all because when I do that, then people often say: “Oh, I will never be able to achieve that, and I am not going to be worthy enough to enter into the stargate, and I am certainly not worthy enough to enter into the Fifth Dimension.”
We are also talking about the calibration of “grace”, and that intention and continued work towards these higher, fifth-dimensional concepts count towards your ability to enter the stargate. If you had no previous knowledge or understanding, then you would not be able to accelerate yourself and advance towards the stargate. It is just like if you had no previous understanding of incarnations, then how are we going to work with you to talk about going to incarnate on the planet? That does not even fit into your mental belief system. This also leads to the concepts of belief systems and mental concepts. Belief systems and mental concepts are important parts of your spiritual light quotient frequency development. That is why we are introducing these ideas, and we are asking you to think about them.
There is even a special corridor link to another universe, but most of you are not ready to even consider that track. I just want to explain that there are some levels of fifth-dimensional, multidimensional incarnations that only are in thought. In these realms, there is not any “physical incarnation”. The word “incarnation” can be used on the Fifth Dimension. When you think of yourself as coming to the Fifth Dimension, then I think it is useful and correct to think that you are going to be inhabiting a fifth-dimensional body. When you are using a fifth-dimensional body, then you have the abilities to create and formulate your appearance, based on information and appearances of, according to your view, when you were on the Earth. You could choose your appearance based on when you were the youngest, most handsome or most beautiful and the wisest.
It would be difficult for you to imagine being in an “incarnation” without any inhabited physical form. This is just the level that some of these higher Andromedans and Blue people exist on. They are in a thought form that does not have an actual body. You can imagine then that will require a certain amount of training and preparation mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to be on that kind of level.
However, on the stargate, you are accelerating at a tremendously higher speed, and even the concepts that I am now explaining to you would be more easily grasped, more easily accepted, and more easily integrated there. And that is why I call the Arcturian Stargate a place of nourishment because you will have the opportunity for advanced soul healing and restoration and integration. Anything that you are not able to complete on the Third Dimension will easily be explained and completed on the Fifth Dimension. We then view the teaching of the stargate and the awareness of the teaching of the stargate to the Starseeds as a sign of spiritual advancement. You will be able to use and interact with this stargate experience.
I now want to lead you on a special meditation that will take you to the stargate corridor, sometimes I call this the “Arcturian Vestibule”. The stargate is not just a wall that you go through because there are three entrance points and gardens. Let us go into a brief meditation. Take three deep breaths. Become aware of your spiritual harmony and balance. Become aware of your Spirit. Your Spirit can gently rise now out of your physical body with the Astral Cord still attached and will continue to be attached to you throughout this exercise.
I, Juliano, create a special corridor of light from the entranceway of the stargate to each of you who are listening to reading these words now. The corridor of light is now connected to the room where you are staying. This is an Arcturian Stargate corridor of light, uniquely set up for you. I, in my multidimensional state, come down to your personal corridor and meet you in your room. We greet each other, and you take my hand, and we travel through this beautiful corridor directly to the entranceway of the stargate. We travel now, through the stargate corridor. (Tones “Ta, ta, ta.”)
We travel together at the speed of thought, and we arrive at the beautiful garden at the entranceway of the stargate. And it is a magnificent sight, for the stargate seems to be in suspended animation in the galaxy. You can see stars all around. You feel like you are in outer space, but you are protected, for there is a shield of light around the whole stargate and the garden where we are.
You arrive with me into the garden, and you find a comfortable bench to sit on, and I have invited 100 Ascended Masters from around the galaxy to join me now with you. These are Ascended Masters from all different planets, all possible places that you may visit, that you may decide to go to upon your ascension. Such a beautiful sight. Over 100 Galactic Ascended Masters are gathered in the garden, and telepathically now, connect with the Ascended Master that you feel most in resonance with. Connect telepathically and invite them to be with you on your bench. Invite the Ascended Master to connect with you that would represent the planet that you want to go to once you reach the stargate. And that Ascended Master, male or female, is now sitting next to you on the bench.
You are now having an interaction and a conversation, but not a conversation of words; it is just a conversation of exchanges of thoughts and energy and ideas. We will go into meditation as you interact with the Ascended Master from the planet of your choice that you telepathically invited. We will go into meditation and silence. (Silence)
You are receiving a tremendous amount of information, energy, and love, in a direct form. It is really beyond words. Continue to meditate. You are now integrating all of this interaction so that you will be able to bring back all that you need from this beautiful communication. This is a wonderful opportunity to interact with the spirit guide from the planet that you are going to choose when you ascend and travel through the stargate. Prepare now to leave the Ascended Master that you met with. The Master is rising up, embracing you, reminding you that he or she will be with you. You can call on them at any time. The Galactic Planetary Ascended Master leaves to say goodbye. And now, you rise up from the bench, and we together, walk over to the corridor that is aligned with your own house, and we enter together your corridor and travel at the speed of thought back home to your house. (Chants “Ta, ta, ta.”)
You re-enter your physical body in perfect alignment, fully activated and integrating this connection and contact with the highest integrity and collaboration. You take three more breaths, and you return to your normal state of consciousness, fully awake, fully integrated, and much more solidly connected to the Arcturian Stargate. I send you my blessings from the Arcturian Stargate. This is Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty