Copyright © 2023 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Welcome to a monthly lecture where our goal is to share our knowledge you need for information about the Ascension and about the galaxy and the universe. We always say that you are galactic beings of light; this means that you are part of the galactic community. Today, I want to talk about how this galactic unity functions and the communication methods which are used, and I want to also explore the other approximately 5,000 planets that have higher life forms in this galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy.
One question that I have asked and maybe you have also wondered is how other advanced civilizations communicate with the Earth. In fact, how do other star systems and advanced planets even know that the Earth exists and that there are higher life forms on the Earth?
Frankly, the Earth as a planet is normal and not really unusual in terms of size, distance or its position in the solar system. In fact, the Sun is a totally normal star. There is nothing that striking about the star that you know as the Sun. For example, the Sun is not abnormally large. But rather, we would describe it as a relatively normal size star in this section of the galaxy. That means that if an extraterrestrial, extrasolar, extradimensional being was looking for life forms throughout the galaxy, then when they came across the Earth and the solar system, they would notice nothing striking about it. It is possible that they would notice that this planet is blue from the water, of course. But there are other factors that must come into play, and I want to explore those other factors.
I refer to the technique known as “telepathic scanning” of the galaxy. This is a method that advanced civilizations use to connect with other planets that may have life forms anywhere in the galaxy. This means that advanced beings like the Adam race, the Adam species, has a signature electromagnetic transmission or a signature electromagnetic emission that those with advanced telepathic abilities can identify through their telepathic scanning and through their meditations.
Furthermore, the Earth is a living spirit, known as Gaia. Gaia also emits an electromagnetic signature, indicating that she is holding, preserving and hosting advanced life forms on her planet. And those of advanced civilizations in other parts of the galaxy have the ability to telepathically scan planets in order to receive the special electromagnetic signature that indicates life forms or higher life forms are existing.
There are approximately 200 billion suns in the Milky Way Galaxy, and that means that to scan in a normal way through telescopes or X-ray telescopes or other third-dimensional astronomical devices, then it still would require an enormous effort that most civilizations would not be able to achieve in a lifetime. Now I know that right now, for example, there exists the “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” known as SETI. And this program is using special satellite X-ray devices to scan the skies for identifying extraterrestrial life. But looking for life in a galaxy is like looking for a needle in a haystack because there are so many stars and so many planetary systems. A search would require, in some cases, thousands of years to identify.
A more advanced and higher planet can use this technique that I call telepathic scanning of planets and telepathic scanning of species, like the Adam species, who are giving off a particular frequency or particular electromagnetic frequency that can be identified as a higher life form. Other advanced beings have been visiting the Earth for centuries. This means that they have been using and have identified the existence of the life forms in the electromagnetic energy signature from the planet through the telepathic scanning methodology that I have just described, and they have been visiting the planet on and off for centuries, and there have been different extraterrestrial hybrid beings that have come to the Earth.
Advanced beings are careful because they do not want to interfere in the karma of a planet. Many of you are wishing for first contact, and you are wondering why the higher beings have not intervened on this planet and have not offered more direct assistance. There are good reasons why this is not done, even though they continue to visit. The idea is what I call “shared karma”. If they overly involve themselves in a third-dimensional planet, then they also become karmically involved in the planet. And in some cases, especially if they are of a higher dimension, they can be energetically brought down into the Third Dimension of that planet.
This has actually happened numerous times. There are multiple cases throughout the centuries, where higher beings have come into this planet. And in some cases, teams were sent out throughout the planet, and the teams interacted with Earth beings and became involved with Earth beings. In some cases, they fell in love with Earth beings and had an ongoing relationship. In other cases, they offered technological assistance. This especially has happened in several particular places in the Andes Mountains in South America, but it has happened in other places as well. There were extraterrestrial direct contacts at Stonehenge, for example. There were also extraterrestrial direct contacts at the Egyptian pyramids. In fact, the pyramids were built with consultations with beings from Sirius.
But this becomes problematic. Because of the nature of the karma, and the laws of karma, extraterrestrial beings cannot interfere and not assume or accrue karmic debt on the third-dimensional planet. Archangels and higher prophets, such as Sananda, can make interventions without incurring a karmic debt. A karma-free intervention requires a higher, advanced prophet. Remember the definition of a prophet is the ability to communicate with God directly, and the ability to communicate with God or the Creator Source is a high power. And if certain instructions are given to a prophet, then he or she would have that ability to make a planetary intervention, which would be free of a karmic debt. So, it is possible that karma-free intervention can be done.
But let me return to this idea of the telepathic scanning of planets because this implies directly that there is a network of energy fields that connect planets in the galaxy. This network I call an “etheric connection”. Advanced planets and advanced beings know how to access the interplanetary etheric energy fields.
This means that there is in the etheric network abilities that transcend the normal laws of third-dimensional radio and electromagnetic energy communication. Now, the basic laws of third-dimensional energy communication are based on the principles of electromagnetic radiation and radio waves. But there are extreme limitations to the radio waves when we are looking at galactic space. Even though the radio waves travel at the speed of light, the universe is so enormous that it would take 36 light years for a radio wave from Earth to reach Arcturus.
For example, Arcturus, which is a relatively close star to Earth, is approximately 36 light years away. So, if you had a communication ability and power to send an electromagnetic radio signal to Arcturus now, it would take 36 light years to reach us. And then if we were to communicate back to you using your third-dimensional radio technology, then it would take another 36 years to send an answer back to Earth. So that is 72 years, round trip, which is almost the life expectancy of a person on the Earth. And this would assume that you would have the ability to produce a strong enough radio signal to reach out to us.
You have to understand that there are interfering variables throughout the galaxy and even throughout the solar system. At the outside of the solar system, certain electromagnetic particles can diminish or attenuate radio signals as they are leaving the solar system. (Author’s note: Juliano is referring to the Oort Cloud, which is the area at the outer edge of our solar system.) So even if the signal reached the edge of the solar system, it may not have enough strength to travel outward or it could be slowed down or weakened in some way.
So, this is a problem in trying to use the normal electromagnetic radiation technology for intra-galactic communication. And I may add that scanning third-dimensional extraterrestrial radio waves is what is happening now in the SETI project or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Astronomers are using normal third-dimensional electromagnetic radiation listening devices to search for and identify extraterrestrial signals. Why would an advanced race in the galaxy use primitive technology, such as electromagnetic radiation transmissions and third-dimensional radio waves for communications? Advanced civilizations would not use such technologies. They would use other methods.
But I realize that the Earth does not have the advanced fifth-dimensional technology to use for intra-galactic communication. Other techniques or methods can be used. The most advanced and easiest technique is a telepathic, etheric communication.
Now, let me define what I mean by etheric, because etheric in this definition is identified with what I call thought forms, or thinking. In the galactic or cosmic Kabbalah, they say thought forms belong to the “world of thought”. Now, the world of thought operates on different principles than the third-dimensional physical world. You have heard me say numerous times that when we are traveling through corridors of light and working with you, that you are entering the special dimensional field corridor, where you are able to travel at the speed of thought. The speed of thought is faster than the speed of light.
In fact, I can’t even give you a good comparison. I could not even say it is 10 times faster or 100 times faster. And the reason is because thought waves have, when they travel through the etheric or thought world, extraordinary speeds that are instantaneous. That means where you direct your thought is where you will be in the world of thought. If you are in your etheric body, and you project and think you want to bilocate to the Moon, then you are there instantaneously, even though the Moon is 239,000 miles away from the Earth. And even if you are traveling at the speed of light, it would require a few seconds to get there. But in the bilocation, using the world of thought and etheric energy, you are there instantaneously. It is the same thing when you want to go to the Arcturian Temple on the Fifth Dimension. You can be there instantaneously through bilocation at the speed of thought.
We are talking also about interdimensional travel, which is even more advanced technology, and the majority of extraterrestrial visitation has come from and through interdimensional travel. In interdimensional travel and in the world of thought, you could project yourself, for example, to the Central Sun and think that I want to be in the Central Sun, and then you could be there instantaneously. Now, the Central Sun is approximately 26,000 light years away. That means that if you were traveling at the speed of light, it would take you 26,000 years to get there. But in the etheric world, using the thought forms and the thought techniques, you could be there instantaneously.
This is the level of technology that advanced beings in this galaxy are using, and this is technology that you are also being trained in to use. You can bilocate in your etheric body to any place in the galaxy, or even any place in the universe. The secret is that you have to have a destination in mind. And so if I said to you, let us bilocate to the Central Palace on the Central Sun, and I give you a location, then you can do that. But if you do not have a destination or you do not have the knowledge of where to go, then you cannot do this. This is one of the reasons why over the years we have been using the ideas of traveling to the destination of the Arcturian Crystal Lake.
The Arcturian Crystal Lake exists on Arcturus, and Arcturus is a fifth-dimensional planet, and the lake is on the Fifth Dimension. We have set up the Arcturian Crystal Lake specifically for you, the Arcturian Earth starseeds, to practice this bilocation using the power of thought, and you can travel at the speed of thought to that location. You need to practice how to work and travel at the speed of thought.
The other side of traveling at the speed of thought is “telepathic scanning”, where you have knowledge of different sections of the galaxy. And right now, for example, the Earth and the star systems that are being studied by the Hubble Telescope and other methods have become common knowledge and are available for your review. Now you have specific knowledge about where you can go. For example, you have a specific knowledge of the Pleiades. The Pleiades is a planet that is approximately 450 light years away. And you can go there in your telepathic bilocation.
Higher beings, such as the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians and the Andromedans, have the ability to scan planets throughout the galaxy for higher life forms. When they identify these planets, then they can visit them, and that is how they found the Earth, and that is how they found the existence of higher beings on this planet. And they began to visit. Some of the other beings that have been visiting are even coming from other galaxies. Some of these advanced beings visiting the Earth are extra-galactic. We also are talking about and using the term “extra-galactic”, or outside of the Milky Way Galaxy.
This leads me to the core themes that I wanted to review with you today, which is called the “Great Attractor Force”. This force is one of the great mysteries in this portion of the galaxy and in this portion of the universe. There are multiple galaxies nearby, and these multiple galaxies bond together as clusters, and then the galactic clusters bind together as super clusters. There are estimates about how many galaxies are in the super cluster of galaxies. It is just an unimaginable high number of galaxies that compose a super cluster. But for the purpose of this discussion, let us just say that there are thousands and thousands of galaxies in this section of the universe that are bound together in what is known as a “Super Super Cluster”.
Now, the reason why I refer to it as a Super Super cluster is because they all are moving together in the same direction, and that means that there is a force field of unimaginable size and power that is attracting the super cluster of galaxies from which the Milky Way Galaxy is a part, and this force, that is called the Great Attractor, is pulling all of these galaxies into one direction. This is why it is called the Great Attractor Force because it is an unimaginable force that is so powerful that it’s using its gravitational power and waves and is pulling thousands of galaxies into this point that is called the “Great Attractor Force Field Point”.
Now, what relevance does this have in our discussion about telepathic scanning? Well, the gravitational force being exerted is existing throughout every galaxy and touches every planet, every star system in the super cluster. This means that there is a universal force field connecting everything, and I describe this universal force as a network or a web. And higher advanced beings are able to interact with this gravitational web field that is the Great Attractor Force. They can use the energy from that force field to scan planets throughout the galaxy for life forms. This means that there is an interconnection web that links everything in the universe, and in particular, links everything in this section of the universe. When or if you, or any advanced being, learn how to access that web, then you too can do telepathic scanning of this galaxy or other galaxies and identify life forms in those areas.
This is interesting when we say and use the term “web”. Maybe you think of the World Wide Web, which, of course, has infinite possibilities for passing on knowledge and information. But let us talk about the galactic web. Let us just talk about the Great Attractor Force Field Web, which then has access far beyond the World Wide Web. And we are talking about the universal galactic perspective. At this higher level, advanced beings can use the force field energy to scan different sections of this galaxy or other galaxies to look for life forms.
We, the Arcturians, have used this technique and use these methodologies in our scanning of the Milky Way, and we have identified 5,000 advanced planets. The 5,000 advanced planets include the Earth, but there are many other planets that have life forms on them. Some planets are more advanced, and others are less advanced, than the Earth. Some planets that we have identified in these 5,000 planets have graduated, and have moved on into a higher dimension. That is, they have ascended. Some planets failed, and they were not able to graduate and actually self-destructed.
There exists what I call the Galactic Council. The Galactic Council is made up of Ascended Masters from advanced planets that have graduated into the Fifth Dimension. And this Galactic Council reviews different planets, such as the Earth, and makes assessments about the nature of the evolutionary outcome of the planetary situation. It makes predictions about whether or not this planet is going to advance or whether it is going to become blocked and die. In some cases, the Galactic Council does have authority to do interventions. These interventions can occur on multiple levels.
The primary idea of an intervention would be to stop the destruction of the planet. There was a beautiful science fiction movie many years ago in the 50s, where in the movie an extraterrestrial came to the Earth, saw that the Earth was going to destroy itself and then stopped the Earth rotating on its axis in order to deliver a message to the world. (Author’s note, the movie is The Day the Earth Stood Still, produced in 1951. It is a science fiction movie focused on a humanoid alien visiting Earth, accompanied by a powerful robot, who delivers an important message to the human race.) The extraterrestrial was able to make an intervention and change people’s minds into understanding the destructive cycle that mankind was moving through. This movie describes one type of positive extraterrestrial intervention.
Of course, there are other interventions on different levels. Normally, the beginning part of a planetary intervention eventually begins with telepathic communication from higher beings to an Earth person. These messages could include giving specific instructions on how to work with and make evolutionary changes. This method, which we are now using with this Arcturian group, can be effective, and it has the advantage of releasing the extraterrestrials from many karmic problems.
For example, you may be receiving Arcturian information and receiving our channelings, but you still have free will, and you are deciding whether to use the information we send you or not use it. You are making the determination on how to use this information that is coming through telepathic channeling. We are able to zone in on those who are sensitive and have previous lifetime experiences with extraterrestrial beings and with the Arcturians, and we are able to download specific instructions, information and ideas that can be used and that have been helpful for planetary evolution to higher life forms.
For example, our work with you about Homo omega is based on our studies of Galactic Anthropology. Galactic Anthropology is the study of cultures and practices of civilizations on other planets outside of the Earth. This is one of our main studies. We are students of Galactic Anthropology. We want to find out how civilizations in this stage of development that the Earth is can resolve their issues without destroying themselves. We see planets in categories and levels of development. We have identified Planetary Stage One, Planetary Stage Two and Planetary Stage Three of development. We know that the Earth is at the end of Planetary Stage One. Our study of Galactic Anthropology has indicated this.
We have visited, I would say, in the past years, at least 100 to 125 planets in this galaxy, that are exactly in the same stage of development as the Earth. What do these planets do? How do they resolve it? Do they always resolve it? I have defined this stage of development as a conflict between spirituality and technology. In Stage One, the planetary development scientists have developed the technology so advanced that they are capable of destroying themselves. We have seen examples of that already happening on the Earth, including in Atlantis and Lemuria, where there was highly advanced science. There were conflicts in these civilizations that lead to confrontation and the spiritual ego problems, which resulted in conflict and destruction of the civilization.
Sadly, self-destruction of planets is a common occurrence. We, the Arcturians, are working with planets to prevent self-destruction. We ask ourselves, what kind of intervention can we make to prevent a planet from going into self-destruction? And this is a big question now on the Earth, because the Earth is close to self-destruction, but the Earth is also close to a higher evolution at the same time. The outcome could go either way.
We’re on the Earth in the sixth mass extinction. We understand the dangers and threats of nuclear war between Russia and the West. These are real threats. We have seen these kinds of issues end up destroying the civilization and setting the civilization back or destroying the whole biosphere of a planet. We do not want to see that happen. As Galactic Anthropologists, we are working towards planetary interventions of the highest order, and which has the least karmic problems for us.
Now, we want to teach you more about this telepathic scanning. One of the ways that we are recommending this telepathic scanning is to use certain planetary healing techniques, including the Planetary Cities of Light Project. There are 5,000 planets that are in an advanced state like the Earth, and many of these planets have Planetary Cities of Light. We are developing Planetary Cities of Light now on the Earth, and this Planetary Cities of Light program is extremely popular, especially in South America, and with good reason.
The Planetary Cities of Light program offers a technique to accomplish several planetary healing goals. First, the Planetary Cities of Light program protects the area that you have identified as your City of Light. Secondly, in this program you are able to connect your City of Light to the Fifth Dimension, and to what I call the Galactic Web. That means that there are other Cities of Light in the galaxy that reach out and want to interact and connect with the Earth.
The idea of the Planetary Cities of Light is based on the concept of networking. The idea is that we want to encourage the sharing of energy from one City of Light to the next. We have had moderate success with this idea. There is resistance to this technique of sharing interactions through networking. But perhaps the people do not understand its value, or maybe they still have not seen the need.
The advanced part of the Planetary Cities of Light Project is to connect with the Sister Cities of Light in the galaxy. We have come up against several problems in dealing with this aspect of the program. The main problem has been difficulty identifying where these other Sister Cities of Light are in the galaxy.
It is difficult to find a Sister City of Light unless you have a specific galactic location in mind. You can use bilocation to etherically travel to a Sister City of Light. Remember, when I am talking about bilocation and a theory of travel, or thought travel, you have to have a destination in mind. It is difficult to scan the galaxy for higher life forms without specific knowledge of the location of star systems and solar systems within the Milky Way.
For example, I could say to you, I want you to scan the spiral ring of the north section of the galaxy. There are approximately 10,000 light years of star systems on the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way. My instructions to you would be to scan that area for planets that have advanced life forms and then report back to me in two weeks and let me know what you have discovered. Most people would come back with no discoveries, because of the limited knowledge available of those star systems existing in that location.
Connecting with Galactic Sister Cities of Light is an advanced technique. But we can help you, and there is a great advantage to connecting with the Sister Cities of Light. They are working with galactic evolution, galactic knowledge. Some of these Sister Cities of Light have achieved great evolutionary development. Reach out and send out the calling that you in your meditations, in your work, are open to receiving information from other Galactic Cities of Light, who want to help and who want to send energy to you.
Let us go into a brief meditation. Take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation, spiritual energy, and spiritual telepathic scanning abilities. Go deeper and deeper within yourself and open up your Crown Chakra and send out an etheric antenna of light. This etheric antenna of light is able to telepathically scan the galaxy using the gravitational energy field from the Great Attractor Force that is permeating all of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Use your etheric antenna. It has great power and energy. Send it up out into the solar system and outward into the galaxy now.
Your etheric antenna is going past Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, even though they do not consider Pluto a planet, we do, and send that antenna outside of the solar system. It is approximately one light year to the edge of the solar system. Send your communication or telepathic thought through your etheric antenna and send it outward in all directions. It is an omnidirectional antenna, and it can travel in multiple directions thousands of light years at a time, scanning for other planetary systems that have advanced life forms like the Earth. We will go into silence as you and I together scan, not only this section of the Milky Way Galaxy, but all parts of this galaxy. (Silence)
Your telepathic transmission through your etheric antenna can attract callings from other advanced civilizations in this galaxy. When you find such a signal, then you lock on to the communication. Other advanced civilizations throughout the galaxy are interested in connecting with you. Identify yourself as Gaia and an inhabitant of Gaia.
Gaia is able to communicate with all planets and advanced life forms in this galaxy. Gaia as a spirit has the ability to interact with the Central Sun and also has the ability to interact with other planetary systems and advanced life forms, because Gaia is an advanced planet, and as an advanced planet, she too can telepathically interact with other planets. Identify yourself again as an inhabitant of Gaia. Continue this meditation. (Silence)
Any Galactic City of Light that you connect with, ask them their name. Tell them that you are a starseed from planet Earth working with the Arcturians, and that you wish to interact with them. (Tones “Ohhh, ehhh, ehhh.”)
You may leave the antenna out there, scanning. Your etheric antenna is a scanner, and you have an etheric connection with that antenna as you withdraw back into your physical body on the Earth. Your antenna is now placed out in the galaxy, and especially in this section of the galaxy as it is scanning, and you are connected with it, and you will receive communications on an ongoing basis from other advanced planets in the galaxy. Maybe you are receiving it right now. Leave that scanning antenna out there; you will be very pleasantly surprised at your abilities, because there are many of these planetary systems of higher light that wish to interact. And eventually, we will expand to other galaxies that are part of the Great Attractor Force Field. For we are all connected in the universe; we are all connected with the Super Cluster of galaxies.
Now you may return to normal consciousness knowing that your etheric antenna is still out there and will continue to communicate with higher beings as it continues its job, and you remain open to its downloading information from other Cities of Light in the galaxy. You may open your eyes and return to normal consciousness, integrating all that I have explained to you in this lecture, ready to move on to higher starseed work.
I am Juliano. Good day.