Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The theme for our presentation today is Arcan Power. I want to define the Arcan Power and offer suggestions and exercises for increasing your Arcan Power. The Arcturians use our Arcan Power for helping to shape the reality of our lives, our culture and our society. Arcan Power is defined in our vocabulary as thought power, and I compare the Arcan Power to electromagnetic energy and, in particular, electricity. You, in the Earth science world, describe the power of a light bulb, for example, in terms of its wattage, and when a light bulb has more wattage, then it emits more light and illuminates larger areas.
In our Arcan Power description, we can compare the strength of a thought as we would describe the strength of the wattage of a light bulb. That means that if a thought has 10 Arcan Power, then it is going to illuminate more light, and it is going to illuminate more thought power than a thought that only has one Arcan unit. There are different techniques for increasing your Arcan Power, and it is our belief that a group of people, even though they might be small, can have a dramatic effect on reality, if they have high Arcan Power. If you take a comparable group or even a large group who has lower thought power, then their effect cannot even be compared to those who are demonstrating and experiencing higher thought, or Arcan Power.
There is a concept in the New Age world called spiritual power spots. For example, Sedona, Arizona, is considered a power spot. When you are in that city or in that area, it positively affects the electromagnetic energies of your thinking. This means that your Arcan thought power will be increased when you are in a power spot, such as in Sedona, Arizona. There are many power spots around the planet. Starseeds often will go to power spots because they intuitively know that the Arcan Power of their thoughts will be increased when they are in a power spot. When your Arcan thought power is increased, then what you think will be more effective and will be able to change or influence reality on many different levels.
What are these levels? We have the level of personal healing; we have the level of healing others, and we have the level of planetary healing. Finally, we have the level of ascension. Maybe this will not surprise you, but at the moment of ascension, you need to have the highest Arcan Power possible when you are a participant in ascension. That means that what you think and how you use your mind at that moment of ascension will have a dramatic influence on the success of your ascension process.
We offer many different exercises to increase the Arcan Power. I think it is important to emphasize that the Arcan thought power does influence these levels, that is, the personal, planetary and ascension levels. One of the important techniques is focusing on using your thinking with intention. Intention increases your Arcan thought power. If I were to send a healing light to you, then I also would have intent. My intention would be that I wanted to help you, and that I wanted to send you, in a loving way, healing energy. My intention, then, increases my Arcan Power.
There is also personal healing with words. An example would be described in the New Testament when Jesus was healing people by speaking, and he even was able to raise Lazarus from the dead by speaking. This is certainly another example of Arcan Power, and he was demonstrating intention as well as thought power, because we know that words carry huge thought power. Think for a moment if somebody is really critical of you, and how you might feel deflated because of their criticism. This is an example of the negative influence of words. Words are powerful.
It is necessary to use and speak words wisely, correctly, and with the right intention. This means that when all thought and intention are in alignment, then you will have the highest influence, whether that is for personal healing, or healing others, or planetary healing. Of course, the Arcan Power is multiplied in groups. Like-minded people and starseeds coming together can demonstrate phenomenal Arcan thought power. Our basic goal is to work together with 1600 starseeds. With the unity of thought, we believe that a huge change on this planet can be accomplished.
We, the Arcturians, are specialists in thinking and thought power. We are known throughout the galaxy by our thought training and teachings. Some of you have been to our training schools where we have demonstrated and taught the methods of Arcan thinking. And throughout the galaxy, different higher civilizations have sent students to our planet for training in the Arcan thought world.
You have heard me often say, when we are in the Arcturian corridor, you can travel at the speed of thought. This is another example of using Arcan Power. The speed of thought is the fastest speed in the universe. It is immeasurable and it is instantaneous. But it only works if you have the right intention, the right concentration, and have built up what I call a “spiritual reserve energy field and thought power”.
I know that you all are interested in space travel and time travel. The method of our space travel uses Arcan Power. We just do not get into the ship and then turn on all the instruments and engines and then let the machine or let the spacecraft do all the work. Perhaps that is what it is like on the Earth when you are going to outer space. You sit in the spaceship or the rocket and then let the rocket take you into space. It is the rocket that is traveling and bringing you to your destination. We unite our thinking with the space vehicle. We bring the space vehicle to a high speed, approaching the speed of light but not at the speed of light, and then at that higher speed, there is a threshold where our minds interact with our spaceship. At that special velocity threshold, what we think and how we think merges with the ship, and instantaneously we can travel to where we are thinking. Our mind merges with the ship. But it takes a tremendous Arcan Power and meditation to do this. That is why we are considered advanced in the galaxy, and that is why other civilizations and other higher beings come to our schools to learn from us. It is a combination of the advanced technology of the spacecraft and the advanced technology of our thinking.
What are some of the ways that you can increase your Arcan Power? I have already suggested one way is to go to power spots. When you go to power spots, your thought power immediately increases. I often tell people that when you go to a higher power source or power spot, be very careful what you think. Do not focus on negativity at all, because what you are thinking has a higher likelihood of occurring when you are in the state of Arcan thought. The opposite is also true though, that is, if you are thinking and focusing on positive outcomes, then when you are in the power spot, and use higher Arcan Power, then you will have a higher likelihood of your wishes and thoughts becoming fulfilled. Another technique for improving the Arcan Power is meditation. You can program crystals and use the crystals to elevate your Arcan Power.
You can also use Medicine Wheels to improve your Arcan Power. Some of you may not be able to go to power spots, and you might have limitations for traveling. This is why Chief White Eagle talked about creating a Medicine Wheel in your home area, because the Medicine Wheel has the power to increase your Arcan thinking. This has been well known among the Native American teachers. Going inside the Medicine Wheel and meditating will immediately raise your Arcan Power.
When I look at your aura and when I look at your energy field, and you are using Arcan thought power, I can see a difference in your energy field. I would see more light coming from your aura, and I would see a greater unity in the shape of your aura. It would more likely be in the shape of a Cosmic Egg. I would see a cohesiveness in your energy field that does not exist or is not possible when you are in normal thinking. So using meditation, using a Medicine Wheel, using power spots, using crystals, are some examples of how you can increase the Arcan Power.
And of course, the other method to increase Arcan Power focuses on working together in groups. It so happens that the group energy, especially when you are in the Arcan thought process, affects others in the group who may be of lower consciousness, resulting in the raising of all of the group members’ Arcan thoughts together. One of the most effective ways of raising your Arcan thought power is through group meditation. That is why we started the Group of Forty, and that is why we are meeting with you as often as possible in groups, because group work has the ability to sharpen Arcan Power.
You must work on certain types of thoughts that promote cohesiveness and high spiritual development. We do not want thought patterns to be random. We want to focus on thoughts that promote stabilization and spirituality in our society. We choose, therefore, certain positive thoughts, and we train our planetary meditators to use these higher thoughts. Just like you have planetary healers on the Earth, we have planetary meditators working 24 hours a day on the thought powers that we are wanting to manifest on our fifth-dimensional planet. For example, we want to manifest the high spiritual Unity Consciousness in our society. We want to manifest love and harmony. We want to manifest closeness to the Creator. We want to manifest helping other civilizations in the galaxy. We focus on these affirmations with great Arcan Power during our meditations.
Our mission focuses on being of assistance to the Earth starseeds and the Arcturian starseeds on the Earth. It is our mission to help to awaken them and to awaken you, and to teach you about the Arcturian techniques that have helped to stabilize our planet, and which have helped to bring us into the Fifth Dimension. Clearly, in order to enter the Fifth Dimension, you have to be able to use Arcan thought power.
Now I realize that it takes practice to do Arcan thought practice. I have called many of the starseeds spiritual athletes, and I hope you take that as a compliment. A spiritual athlete like a physical athlete is in training. A marathon runner is in training. You would not expect a marathon runner to be able to run a long race without practice. Marathon runners have to build up to long distances. It takes training, concentration, devotion, intention – all of the things that also apply to developing to the practice of Arcan thought power. Now, if we take this analogy and apply it to being a spiritual athlete, then you would want to find exercises and practices to increase your thinking and Arcan Power. You would want to create experiences and training that would elevate your ability to engage in Arcan thought experiences.
I want to also compare the concept of Arcan Power to what is known in modern mystical psychology as the peak experience. The peak experience is a term described by an American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, in the 1950s and early ‘60s. He said that people had various powerful, transformative life experiences. Sometimes, they were near-death experiences; sometimes it happened at the birth of a child, or the death of someone. These transformational experiences were called “peak experiences”. Sometimes a peak experience would happen spontaneously, while watching a beautiful sunset. There are various different events that could activate a peak experience.
When that peak experience happens, people would report clearer thinking and higher thought power. They reported clarity in their missions and purpose on the Earth. Clarity of thinking in a peak experience includes receiving answers to many of the life questions that one may be struggling with in normal consciousness. These questions include, why am I here? What is my mission? What do I have to do to complete my work for the Ascension? Also answers to relationship issues were received during the peak experiences.
When experiencing a peak experience, you have also the power of Arcan thinking. Arcan thinking includes the ability to have the sharpest and clearest thinking possible, which means that you can look at a problem and have answers that you would not have in a normal state of consciousness. You might wonder why you have to go through a problem, and you might feel really confused. But when you are using Arcan thoughts, you can apply this power to your self-growth and self-understanding.
You need to find methods to create this higher consciousness, this state of higher consciousness which is called peak experiences, because we know in the peak experiences, you have the Arcan Power to solve personal problems and to be a planetary healer. We will look for, then, certain affirmations that you can work on. We will look for certain thought patterns that would be of the highest value. We can also offer you certain thought patterns for your personal development. For example, the thought that would help to increase your Arcan Power and apply it to yourself might be: “Amplify all thoughts related to my Earth mission and soul journey. Make those thoughts conscious now in the highest light.” If you work on that thought, and focus on that several times for several minutes every day, you would be surprised how much new information and answers can come to you.
We want to use this Arcan Power for the planetary healing, and we are facing a monumental task to heal the Earth. The reasons why we are facing the monumental task are varied. Certainly the number of the global population is very high, well over 8 billion on this planet. Secondly, there is a planetary crisis going on which fosters lower energies of fear and anxiety.
There is an emotional component to Arcan Power. Fear and anxiety strip away Arcan Power. Fear and anxiety lessen the thinking ability. You still can have some Arcan Energy when you have fear and anxiety. But it is preferable if you can place that fear or anxiety aside. One method is to acknowledge you have this fear and anxiety, and you then work to just step aside or put the anxiety aside for this moment. You can tell yourself then that when this moment passes, and when you return, then you will attend to your fears again. Tell yourself that now you are engaged in Arcan thought power, and you need your full attention. This goes back to using concentration and focus. The higher and more focused you are, then the higher your Arcan Power will be.
(Tones “Ohohoh.”) Let us do a group practice together for increasing your Arcan Power Take three breaths, and say these words: “I am elevating now my Arcan thinking power.” Repeat this affirmation: “I am now elevating my Arcan thinking power.” Go into a deep state of spiritual relaxation. At the same time, experience your mind and your thoughts lighting up like a Christmas tree. Your mind is full of energetic thought power. As you go into this state of higher thought power, focus on your Third Eye. The Third Eye is one of the most powerful portals for projecting thought. The higher your Arcan Power is, the stronger you can project your thoughts through your Third Eye.
Take your right hand and put the palm in a position three to four inches in front of your Third Eye. Your palm is now in front of your Third Eye. Send an Arcan thought of high power into the palm of your hand as it is in front of your Third Eye. Focus on your Third Eye and send a thought of warmth, of power, of spirit into the palm of your hand. Feel warmth on the palm of your hand. Move your hand back and forth three to four inches in front of your Third Eye. Now move it four inches to six inches, back and forth. Immediately, your thought power is so strong that you can no longer be three inches from your Third Eye. The power of your thoughts pushes your palm six inches from your Third Eye because your thought power has gotten stronger.
(Tones “Ohohoh.”) Now take your right hand and begin to make small circles counterclockwise around your Third Eye. There is a cone of energy in front of the Third Eye, which is called the Third Eye chakra. Now spin that cone. Bring it in into alignment. Spin it in an asymmetrical balanced way. Put your hand down now. Your chakra is spinning and Arcan thought power is emanating from your Third Eye. Now, with your eyes still closed, become aware of the wall in your room, and project with great Arcan Power your thought through your Third Eye towards the wall. Your Third Eye is spinning, and it is being filled with great energy. Send the thought of Arcan Power through your Third Eye to the wall and see what that feels like.
You are sending Arcan thoughts through your Third Eye. Now perhaps, you want to strengthen an affirmation about yourself. Project on the wall a screen. Visualize a screen on that wall, and we will create an affirmation on that screen, such as: “All information about my mission on this planet will become clear to me now.” See those words in bright red letters written on the white screen on the wall, and use your Third Eye and the Arcan thought power of your Third Eye, and send that thought energy to that affirmation. And the result will be that all of the letters will become fiery red. We will go into silence as you build up the power of Arcan energy on that affirmation. (Silence)
You are building up your Arcan energies, and the power of your thoughts are manifesting as red letters on each of the words of this affirmation. Now the screen with these powerful words and the Arcan Power you have instilled on the screen is now going to enter your Subconscious. See that screen being downloaded into your aura, into your Spirit Body, and into your Subconscious now, with great power. Your affirmation is now downloaded into your Subconscious, where it will manifest in the best and most helpful way for your soul development. We will meditate one minute while the Subconscious processes this download. (Silence)
Now let us use the Arcan skills to visualize your ascension. In the Ascension, you want to be able to accelerate your aura speed, which means that you will first bring your aura into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Then you will begin to shimmer your aura. Next you want to bilocate, or begin to travel to the Fifth Dimension, and you want to have the thought of transmutation. Transmutation means that you take something in the Third Dimension, and you change it into another energy that transforms your third-dimensional essence into an energy that will allow you to go into the Fifth Dimension. This means that during the Ascension you will not die, but that you will be uplifted and transmuted into this form. This process requires a special Arcan thought power.
Here is another affirmation for you and your ascension: “I have the ability to transmute my third-dimensional energy field into a new form that will allow me to ascend.” (Tones “Ohohoh.”) See again a white screen on the wall in the room you are in, and using your Third Eye, project this affirmation: “I have the ability to transmute my third-dimensional body into a new form so that I can ascend.” Write those words on the white screen, and send your Arcan Power from your Third Eye into that affirmation so that you have bright red letters for each word. We will go into silence and meditate. (Silence)
You are emitting an Arcan thought field from your Third Eye onto the white screen with this affirmation, and the affirmation in your mind is becoming brighter, and there is a huge light energy field around your brain. Your Arcan thoughts are increasing more and more. (Tones “Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata Tata, Tata, Tata, Ohh.”). The Arcan Power of your thought is now manifested on the white screen and is visualized as red letters. Download now this entire affirmation into your Subconscious by just stating this command: “I download this affirmation now into my Subconscious.” We will be in silence as you do that. (Silence) It has been downloaded successfully in your Subconscious. You will have the ability to transmute yourself when the Ascension occurs.
Now we will look at planetary healing and group work. Never before in the history of this planet has there been global groups devoted to planetary healing. It is true that there have been certain monks and gurus – they are also called Lamas in the Tibetan areas – that knew of planetary healing techniques. They worked to hold the thought field for this planet. In fact, some of the greatest planetary thought field work has been done in the Himalayan mountain areas. Also, there have been great thought meditations for planetary stability by the Hopis, as they also know about the importance of holding the right thought pattern for this planet.
Now we are entering a chaotic period in the history of this planet. Fortunately, we have the ability to do global planetary healing, where starseeds from around the world can unite with their Arcan Power and project their healing powers onto the planet.
We, the Arcturians, are using holographic images in our planetary healing chamber, which is another method where we then can accelerate your thinking in our starship. The Earth starseeds are coming to our starship. Working through us helps to accelerate your Arcan Powers.
The beauty is that we have global opportunities to bring together a small but powerful group of people like you into a focused thought that goes into the planet and into the planet’s Noosphere. The Noosphere is similar to the Planetary Subconscious and Unconscious. Remember, the Subconscious is directly below consciousness and the Unconscious is not accessible, unless one uses extraordinary powers and techniques. But with focused planetary meditators, we can use our Arcan Power techniques to influence many different levels of the Earth.
The Planetary Cities of Light hold many power spots. I view the Planetary Cities of Light as power spots. Again, when you are in a power spot, you have higher Arcan Power. If you are meditating for planetary stability, and you are in a Planetary City of Light, then you are in a place that has higher Arcan Power, and you will be more effective in your planetary healing meditations.
What point and energy will shift this planet away from the crisis? The answer is when we get the Hundredth Monkey Effect, or when we get the core group of higher thinkers to instill the correct healing thought for the Earth. And one of the healing thoughts for the Earth is that the Earth is now ready to resolve Planetary Stage One, and evolve to Planetary Stage Two. The Earth is ready now for the emergence of Homo omega, the higher evolutionary species that comes after Homo sapiens. Homo omega has this Arcan thought power. Arcan Power is one of the core characteristics of Homo omega. In your meditations, focus on the two issues: the issue of the emergence of Homo omega and the transformation from Stage One to Stage Two of planetary development. At this time of the Intersection of the Dimensions, all Arcan thought powers are immediately raised. When you are working to have powerful thoughts, know that at this moment of the intersection, you will automatically get a bonus in your thinking power and an increase in your Arcan thought power. I send you my love and blessings from the starship Athena, and from the Ascended Masters that are around this planet, helping to protect it. I am Juliano. Good day.