September 2, 2017
Spiritual Calibration
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
We are all well aware of the dramatic and rapid changes that are occurring on this planet. Perhaps it is difficult for everyone to integrate and assimilate the many different changes that seem to be occurring in rapid order. These changes are part of the Earth changes and include reactive energies from the sixth planetary extinction that you are experiencing. This is an evolutionary crisis of the Homo Sapiens. The Earth is attempting to re-balance herself, and you are now seeing the reaction to these planetary changes, and also, cosmic changes. One of the main points in Biorelativity is that the Earth possesses a feedback loop system which presents an opportunity for self-regulation. I have described this selfregulation process as the ability to seek a homeostasis or balance. Homeostasis is seen in biological science and in even one-cell amoebas in which the amoeba is always seeking a balance.
I look at the Earth as a living, spiritual being even though it is a materialistic planet, and one point I would like to emphasize is that the feedback loop system includes humanity. You might think of the feedback loop system in terms of Earth is now reacting to weather changes or to blockages in her meridians, or even Earth is now reacting to asteroids or comets coming near her. The Earth is also acutely aware of what humanity is doing. Humanity’s actions must be included in the Earth’s feedback loop system, and Earth is very aware of the fact that there are seven, eight or even nine billion people on her surface, and that the activities, including the destructions of habitat as well as the building of sacred places, all are filtered through the Earth’s feedback loop system. This is why we initiated Biorelativity many years ago, because we knew that Biorelativity is a process in which humanity can participate in. Humanity is not a “victim” of the Earth’s reactions or adjustments, but rather, humanity is a participant. Earth notices and even reacts to what humanity is doing.
Of course, we are all aware of the areas of flooding, including in India, Pakistan and in Bangladesh, and certainly attention has also been focused on the Houston area and the Gulf, as dramatic changes in weather patterns are occurring in which unprecedented amounts of moisture are coming to specific areas. In this case, the specific area we are talking about is the eastern Texas and also Louisiana and Alabama coastlines. How are we to understand these kinds of changes, and what, if any, lessons can be gleaned from these horrific storms?
There are several major events in the Gulf that we need to remember. One of them was the oil leakages from the pipeline which was less than 10 years ago. Perhaps it is but a memory to some of you, but it is a significant event in the history of the habitat and the biosphere energy field of the Gulf. And also, there is what is called the “dead zone” around the Gulf, beginning where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Why would that fact be of any significance? Everything is connected. There are no accidents, and the storm in particular in Texas (Editor’s Note: Hurricane Harvey), has not occurred out of isolation, but as a reaction in an attempt by the Earth to cleanse and to balance herself. One of the aspects of Biorelativity focuses just on this observation that the Earth attempts to re-balance herself.
But the Earth’s attempts at re-balancing may not be to the liking of humanity. Who in their right mind would like to have 50 inches of rain in their city? That is not a successful outcome, but if you look at this from a higher perspective, especially in consideration of the “dead zone”, then there might possibly be some sense of what is happening to the Earth and what will continue to happen to the Earth and to the oceans, because the oceans are in danger of dying. The Gulf of Mexico is in danger of dying, and the Spirit of the Earth, Gaia, does not want this.
Let me speak more specifically about what it means to have a dead zone in an ocean or in the Gulf. A dead zone is where there is no oxygenated water. All oxygen in the water is depleted, and when there is no oxygen, then no life can exist. Why would there be a depletion of oxygen in an ocean or in the Gulf? In particular, when we look at the Mississippi River, we see that there is a tremendous amount of farming occurring along the Mississippi River. We all know that the farmers are using high ratios of fertilizer in the soil. But not all the fertilizer stays in the soil. Some of it is washed off the top of the soil and goes into the Mississippi River. This includes high rates of nitrogen and other very strange chemicals and pesticides that are freely used in the production of agriculture in America, and certainly, in other countries as well. The Mississippi River is filled with these fertilizers and chemicals, and they are all discharged into the Gulf of Mexico, where they contribute to the creation of the dead zones in the water.
The Gulf of Mexico has been in a crisis, especially since a major oil pipeline blew out (Author’s Note: The Deepwater Horizon or BP blowout, which occurred in April 2010) and has struggled to recover its balance and its energy and its meridian flow since that accident. The recovery has not been a dramatic success. The discharge of fertilizers and the dead zones created by the deep oil spills has led to the decline of the life force energy in the Gulf. Of course, this is not being reported in the normal media. But we now have a large dead zone around the area of the discharge of the Mississippi River where the fertilized water is entering the Gulf, depleting and killing all life forms, amoebas, etc., in the Gulf. The death zones are becoming larger and larger areas along the shores of the Gulf from this fertilization discharge. How is the Earth to react?
Remember the Earth is aware of everything that is going on around her surface, and the Gulf of Mexico has played an important role in the biosphere. Some of the ocean currents from different parts of the Atlantic Ocean come through the Gulf and travel up through Europe and other parts. Major currents pass through the Gulf and may take three to four years to complete their cycle around this planet. I could tell you that, from our perspective, this hurricane is in part the Earth’s reaction to the dire situation in the Gulf and in the oceans. There is a great deal of energy and attempts by the Earth to re-balance herself. Some of the re-balancing can occur through distributions of different currents and waterways. But remember, the Earth’s attempts at doing this are not always viewed for humanity’s good.
As a result of Hurricane Harvey, a second environmental disaster was created through the toxicity and distribution of the toxicity by the rains and flooding. A new “dead zone” may be created. When the Earth reacts, what are we to learn? We are to learn that one event cannot be viewed in isolation, but that it is a series of events and reactions. The Earth and humanity are still in Stage 1 of planetary development, which means that the Earth has sometimes very dramatic and primitive reactions to the imbalances.
The Earth does not have a gigantic repertoire of reactions to these imbalances. Some of the imbalances are even more dramatic than what we’ve described. I realize that the dead zones in the Gulf are pretty dramatic, but please try to consider that these currents that go around the planet are of huge significance and are lasting for long periods of time. This is one of the reasons why we had also spoken in a serious way about Fukushima, because we saw that the picture of the overall danger was not just to Japan, but the fact that these radiation patterns were placed into ocean patterns that would travel around the world. These ocean patterns even go down to Australia, down through the California coastline, down to the Mexican coastline and even down through South America.
We have been doing spiritual Biorelativity planetary healings to filter the radiation, but it becomes more difficult to do such techniques when there are dead zones in the ocean. There are dead zones not just in the Gulf, but there are dead zones in many parts of the oceans around this planet. Therefore, when there are dead zones, filtering is not the choice for healing that part because there is nothing to filter since everything is dead. In the Fukushima radiation problem, you could focus on filtering the radiation and working to assimilate around the ocean areas in Japan. But when there are dead zones, it becomes even more difficult. The idea of the dead zones throughout the oceans is still a well-kept secret.
Many of you have wondered why some of the whales or dolphins in the oceans have been committing suicide. One of the reasons is because of these dead zones. When the whales or dolphins swim into these dead zones, then it can be extremely disorienting to their nervous systems. This then creates erratic thought patterns which are difficult for them to re-balance. I’m glad to hear that there have been some sanctuaries in different parts of this planet, and we certainly want to support the Ocean Reserves of Light Project (Author’s Note: A special Group of Forty project for establishing sanctuaries around the planet) to the highest level because these are eventually going to become important in keeping the oceans alive.
Now I want to move to another important subject which is called “calibration”, and this includes personal and planetary calibration. Calibration refers to the alignment of energies from the higher sources. Those energies need to be calibrated or modified in a way so that the lower energies on Earth can accept and process the energy that is being given. In a simple way, we can talk about higher light and higher spiritual energy. We can even compare higher spiritual light to higher electricity. In order for electricity to be useful, transformers must be in place to step down the higher voltage so that it can be processed and used safely inside your homes. Your homes cannot handle 5,000 volts of electricity. It has to be transformed or downsized or re-calibrated so that your homes can process the electrical power.
This is the same phenomena when we are talking about spiritual light and spiritual and planetary energy. Your personal ability to receive light and energy is a key factor in this process. The inability to calibrate or receive light that is very high can result in confusion and even disorientation. In some cases people could even be overcome and perhaps faint or lose consciousness. It is important then to look at how your ability to receive energy is doing, and it’s also important for the Masters, including the Arcturians, to calibrate the energy that comes down to you so that you will be able to process and use it. It does not make any sense to send a higher beam of light to a group of people who cannot process and use it.
One of the discussions that are occurring in the fifth-dimensional realm is that the Earth needs an intense and higher spiritual light. But can this light be received on Earth? There is a need for a tremendous awakening and this tremendous downloading of energy so that there can be a mass transformation on this planet. At the same time, we recognize that there is not an overriding ability among humanity to receive this higher light. Among the seven to eight billion or eight and a half billion people on this planet, we still find that there is a small minority of Starseeds. We estimate that there are two or three million Starseeds on the Earth right now. That number is increasing. It is still a small percentage of the total population. Of course, it’s the quality of those Starseeds and the ability of those people to process light that is most important. It is better in our opinion to have 1,600 highly talented Starseeds (40 groups of 40) that are resonant with the higher energies. It is better to have 1,600 solid Lightworkers working together who can work to download energy than to have 5,000 who are scattered and unable to really focus on downloading and spreading spiritual energy around this planet.
There is a history of this concept of calibration and how to use higher energy. There is a history on this planet on what is known as the Messiah Energy, the Messiah Light. From our standpoint, the Messiah Light is like a healing light that will bring a new balance and a New Earth to humanity. Throughout the history of the western religions at least, there has been much discussion about the Messianic Light, and one general conclusion was that there needs to be an overwhelming commitment of a group of people who were “sin free” and could calibrate and receive this Messianic Light. Because remember, the Messianic Light is a transformative light, and it is a light that is above cause and effect. It is a light that is above karma. It is a light that can instantly remove many karmic blocks. Many of the karmic involvements and dramas that you are seeing now seem endless and without any apparent solution.
Think for a moment about how difficult it would be and what kind of technology would be necessary to separate radiation from water. Now there was Dr. Emoto (Author’s Note: Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The True Power of Water) who had downloaded light from the Ascended Masters and learned how to cleanse and clear and purify water. His teachings were extremely well received, but he was not capable of mass producing his techniques. To purify all the water on the world would require a huge downloading of energy and light which at this point has not been available. To be globally successful would mean to be able to provide a method which can overcome the huge crisis that exists in the water systems and the oceans, in the gulfs, in the seas and the rivers of this planet. But that was an attempt at that.
Religious prophets believe that there was a necessity to create a readiness to receive and process Messianic Light. In the Kabbalistic literature rabbis talked about the 36 special men who are keeping and holding the light of the planet together. These are hidden men. (Author’s Note: They are referred to as the “Lamed Vovniks”. Lamed Vov are the Hebrew letters representing the number 36. The word vovniks sounds like the word beatniks, except with the “vov” sound.) They were special wise and spiritual people who could hold and process sufficient light to keep this planet together. But now we’re in a period of time where 36 are not enough people to hold the planetary energy together. This is why we began to talk to you about 1,600 special people who would have the powers to begin to process and receive and calibrate fifth-dimensional light on the Earth.
The Earth is a spiritual planet. This may be a surprising statement to you, given the incredible evilness that you are now seeing on this planet. Many destructive forces are being unleashed on the Earth. Destructive forces are being unleashed by governments also. We are particularly concerned about the effect of the political crisis with North Korea and the overwhelming possibility of possible nuclear destruction on this planet that has never been seen in modern times.
There have been mass destructions on the Earth in earlier points in history. Some mass destructions in earlier periods were accompanied by mass extinctions. I do like to point out that now, at this time in the Earth’s history, you are experiencing the sixth mass extinction. There were five other mass extinctions, including the most famous one in geological history, which was the mass extinction of the dinosaur, caused when a meteor hit the Yucatan Peninsula in what is now modern day Mexico. That was a cosmic event, and this also underscores the fact that the Earth is interacting with the Cosmos.
As a side light, I do like to point out to you that an asteroid has been reported near the Earth even yesterday as we are speaking. (Author’s Note: Asteroid Florence, one of the largest Near Earth Asteroids, safely passed by the Earth on September 1, 2017, 4.4 million miles away. This lecture was given on September 2nd.) The asteroid was within four and a half million miles of the Earth, and it’s a fairly large asteroid that did miss the Earth. But it does point out again that there are many cosmic factors going on around this planet. There is no systematic attempt by this planet to deal with the dangers of cosmic energies that are coming to this planet. I think ignoring or failing to act against cosmic events striking a planet is part of what I call Stage 1 of planetary development, because in Stage 1 planetary development, you are a “victim” or reacting to cosmic events. In Stage 2 of planetary development, you are beginning to react, control and respond to cosmic events to ensure the safety of the planet. The Earth is still very far away from such a response to dangerous asteroids and is also far away from what is known as the second stage of planetary development.
The Earth is a spiritual planet, and one of my observations and proof of this fact is the tremendous amount of spiritual work and exploration that has occurred here. I know that there are many differences in the religions, and in fact it’s dangerous at times to speak about religious views. Different religious views are often the sources of wars and conflicts. These conflicts often start with the different interpretations in the texts and of who the Messiah is and who has the right to speak to God and who has the final truth. But let’s put all of these aside for a moment and say that the proliferation of so many different religions is an example of the spiritual light and freedom that exists on this planet. Many of the religions have offered unique perspectives that are creative and insightful. The Earth is a free will zone and one of the reasons why the Ascended Masters and other higher dimensional beings are interested in the Earth is because of the unique perspective and freedom that is here. Living on the Earth gives you opportunities for spiritual awakenings that are unique to the Earth. This may be surprising to you, especially when I pointed out to you that there are many other planets in the galaxy and some of the planets have achieved high spiritual and technological wisdom. Yet there is something unique about The Blue Jewel, and there is something unique about being here.
Look at some of the different, insightful prophetic messages coming from spiritual masters on the Earth. Some of them, for example, describe the Tree of Life, or reincarnation, the Messiah, the Great Tao, and higher dimensional beings that are visiting the third dimension. I am just mentioning a few. Certainly the mystical revelations that have occurred throughout the recent history of this planet are astounding. In a very short time in the history of the Homo sapiens in the past three, maybe four thousand years, there have been amazing mystical revelations that have occurred on the Earth. There are amazing mystical revelations and mystical insights into the nature of reality and consciousness that are occurring now right as we are speaking. Yes, people in the future will look back at this time and say that the Earth has gone through this terrible period of potential self-destruction. It will be noted in future generations that the Earth almost destroyed herself and almost destroyed the biosphere. But also, they will look back and say that over the past three thousand years, and even in this period in the 21st century, there was very high prophecy occurring at this time.
Now let us look again at this process of spiritual calibration. Higher, more intense spiritual energy needs to be brought down to the Earth. There is still not a strong enough basis and foundation to receive and process this energy on the Earth. And I’ve often used the words “spiritual resonance”. There has to be a spiritual resonant frequency in which both sides, the higher and the lower energy, are comfortable in meeting and working together.
One of the main unresolved issue conflicts within spiritual groups on the Earth has been the fear of loss of individuality. In many cases, the history of spiritual groups on this planet has been filled with a great deal of danger and uproar. For example, spiritually minded people, especially in Europe, are often hesitant to join any kind of spiritual group in part because of their political history of group energy during the 1930s and 1940s. The misuse of group energy for spiritual reasons has also occurred throughout the Middle Ages, the Roman times, the Greek times, etc. There is a history on this planet, a fear of working together as a group or turning over your light or your support and energy to a group. One of the factors is the fear of loss of individuality to a group leader who may misuse his or her power. There could be a hesitancy now to spiritually unite globally. Each individual religious culture and historical experience could be lost in a merging.
I compare this to merging with the ocean and the Cosmic Ocean. Imagine that you have one drop of water. Think of the individual person symbolically being one drop of water. When that drop of water becomes part of the ocean, then that individual drop loses its identity because it’s merging with the greater ocean. The drop of water feels the overwhelming presence and energy of the ocean and a great feeling of enlightenment and joy occurs. For the drop of water, it is not really a loss when it merges with the ocean, but rather it is a gain. But from the small mind perspective, the drop of water had lost the individuality because it has merged with the ocean. Giving up individuality through merging is one of the fears of joining into Unity Consciousness. One of the great blocks in Unity Consciousness is the fear of losing individuality. But there is a solution, and part of the solution has to do with what I call the “Overself”, or the “Oversoul”.
There are many different levels of the Self. The levels of Self include the multidimensional Self. You are a multidimensional being existing on different levels. The most obvious level of multidimensional experience comes in your dreamtime where you have a quite evolved and active life. And I think every one of you would acknowledge that your dream life is on a different dimension. But it’s much harder to consider that you are having another lifetime on a starship. Some of you have even received information that you are commanders on a starship, or that you are living on another planet. Part of the reason for the difficulty in accepting your multidimensional Self is that you are living in a linear time concept on the Earth. This makes it difficult for your mind to process multidimensional experiences. In the linear time you could agree and accept that in the nighttime you partly are living in the dreamtime. In the daytime you know that you are living on the Earth time, and that is acceptable to your mind. But when we are talking about the multidimensional Self, we are also talking about future Self, past Self, and Selves that are in interdimensional space. This level of multidimensional experience can become quite confusing, at least from this, the Earth’s, linear perspective.
There are different levels of the Self, including the Lower, the Middle and the Higher Self. The Higher Self is able to grasp and work with these multidimensional concepts and connect with this energy of the Oversoul or the Overself. The Oversoul knows how to connect with the Cosmic Ocean. I will use the analogy of the drop of water again. The drop of water knows how to exist as a drop, and it knows the joys of being a drop. The drop of water has had experiences being on plants or traveling around the world as a drop, falling from the sky, etc. But the drop also has the ability of higher connection to the ocean. We can call this aspect of the drop of water (this sounds comical) the “Overdrop”. The Overdrop is the higher part of the drop which knows that it is part of this great Cosmic Ocean.
So it is with you. You have this Overself, which is far above the mundane or the materialistic parts of you. It has the ability of expanded consciousness. There have been great moments of mystical revelation on this planet which have come through expanded consciousness. Mystics have gotten in touch with their Oversoul and their Cosmic Self. This Oversoul part of you is able to experience Cosmic Energy and Unity Consciousness. It can also be described as a Cosmic Unity Consciousness. It’s almost indescribable.
Now let us return again to the concept of spiritual calibration, which is the ability to bring the energy down in a way that it can be received. One of the key aspects in spiritual calibration of energy for humanity is to work with humanity’s belief systems. In ancient times higher dimensional beings had fairly regular visitations with humanity. These have been recorded even in biblical texts. One of the more famous biblical encounters was with Ezekiel, for example, but there were also examples of encounters with higher dimensional beings in the Aztec world. The Aztec interacted with Quetzalcoatl, a higher dimensional being who served as a spirit guide for a large part of the Aztec population. Even though there were star being interactions, the people in these earlier times had limited conceptions of other planets, other dimensions, the galaxy or other star systems. They did not have the belief system or scientific knowledge to process this larger universe. They often called these experiences with other dimensional beings as “meeting the gods”. Their belief system was such that higher dimensional beings from other planets were gods. How else could they describe it? They could not say that these higher beings were coming from another planet in Arcturus.
So now the belief system of humanity has been re-calibrated, and there is now in your modern society an understanding of other dimensions and an understanding of other parts of the galaxy. You can corroborate the visitations; you can corroborate what it is to have a first contact. You can understand that higher beings do come from other dimensions. You have a belief system now that can process and interact with other dimensional beings in a reasonable way. But you all know that there are people on this planet that cannot accept higher dimensional beings. There are people who are not calibrated properly to use this kind of interaction. It might be unimaginable for some people of a closed mind to believe that Jesus/Sananda has been on other planets. It is unimaginable for us to believe that Earth is the only planet that has life in this galaxy. The Earth is not the center of this galaxy or this universe. Yes, it is true that the Earth is special. Yes, it is true that the Earth has unique energies. There are higher masters and teachers that are now working with humanity.
In essence, we can speak of the “Christ Light”, and we can say that Sananda/Jesus is carrying the Christ Light. One of the teachings from Lord Maitreya is that there is a hierarchy of higher dimensional beings that are working around this galaxy. Some of these higher dimensional beings are contained and working in the Galactic Council, for example. We come back to the importance of the belief system. Starseeds on this planet can accept the first contact, and starseeds have an ability to interact with higher beings. Galactic Consciousness will be opened up for humanity. Humanity will open up to the Oversoul. Great teachings have already been brought forth in the past 2,000-3,000 years to this planet. Now it is time to unite the energies of these mystical teachings and revelations with the Galactic Spirituality. When you open up to Galactic Spirituality, then you will then open up to Galactic Technology. You will open up to the greater mind, to the expanded consciousness. We all know there is such a great need for expanded consciousness on this planet at this time.
I, Juliano, send you my love and blessings. A special blessing to those people who are suffering now from the dramatic Earth changes that you see in Texas and Mumbai and Pakistan and Bangladesh. Let the Omega Light shine on everyone’s consciousness. You are Starseeds, and you are here to hold this higher light, to calibrate it. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.) Receive now, to the best of your calibrated skills, the higher light that you need and can assimilate. We will go into meditation now in silence.
And remember, in calibration you receive the light you need, and you receive and process the lessons to the best of your ability. You are only given lessons that you can ultimately handle. Yes, it’s true that you are pushed at times, but in working with the calibrated energy, know that you are processing and dealing with all of these things, and that you have the inner resources to deal successfully with conflicts and challenges, even at this time of planetary crisis. Let’s refer again to both planetary and personal spiritual calibration. We have the task of raising the spiritual energy of the planet as well as raising each of your personal spiritual energies.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty