October 2, 2021
Galactic Anthropology
Copyright © 2021 David K. Miller All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | [email protected]
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The theme for today’s lesson is on personal healing. I feel that anyone who is on the Earth at this time has a need for healing. The reason is because of the many crises that are now happening simultaneously on the planet. We have the sixth mass extinction. We have the climate crisis. We have the pandemic. We have polarizations, duality, economic problems, and social problems – all of which are in an atmosphere of crisis. You knew that when you came to the Earth at this time that you would be living in a planetary crisis.
Your sensitivity as a Starseed means that you are profoundly affected by the energy of all of these crises. And it is for this reason that I say anyone, no matter how evolved or how advanced they are, still has a need for personal healing. How could it be otherwise? Because think about all the pain and suffering that is occurring now on this planet, and think about how you, as sensitive Starseeds, are affected by this traumatic energy. In some cases, Starseeds experience a feeling of low energy and depression without a focus on why you might be feeling this way. But when we start to peel back the onion and look deeper, then we can say that your sensitivity is interacting and picking up with this dramatic unbalanced energy on this planet now.
Imagine what it would be like to live on a planet that was in a higher stage (we call the next higher level Stage II) of planetary evolution. That would be a planet that had overcome duality and polarizations, a planet that was not destroying its own biosphere, a planet that had Unity Consciousness and a higher spiritual focus. These are traits that you can easily imagine when you want to incarnate to a different planetary situation. You will consider this when you review your life and are considering returning to another incarnation, either on the Earth or on other planetary systems, either in the Third Dimension or the Fifth Dimension. You can purposely choose a more evolved planet. Being on a more evolved planet in a future lifetime could contribute more greatly to your soul evolution.
Why did you choose to come to the Earth at this time? There are advantages for your soul evolution by coming to a planet that is experiencing multiple crises. Let us look at the nature of the Third Dimension and the nature of soul evolution and service. It is true that when there is choice, there is free will on a planet. Then you have greater opportunities for soul progress. The other point is that, even though there are multiple planetary crises now happening at the same time, this is also a time of unprecedented spiritual openness. The knowledge and the opportunities for spiritual interaction and experiences on the Earth are high. I know that there are dark places on this planet, and there are many conflicts where spirituality is low. But think for a moment how you have had many opportunities for spiritual expansion and learning new spiritual tools. For many of you, this is the most productive lifetime that you have had, and that includes the ability to incorporate and to obtain new spiritual guidance and spiritual information.
The other important characteristic about this time is the opportunities for service to others. When you are able to provide service to others, you gain great soul growth. Providing service to others is a unique and productive way of resolving karma. I think that we will all agree that there are many opportunities for providing service on this planet at this time. You can choose many different avenues because there is such a great need for help and service. One of the reasons why you have decided to come to this planet at this time during this crisis has to do with the opportunities for service.
There is another factor that has to do with the soul retrieval and soul integration, and also a concept that I call “resolving soul trauma”. There are opportunities and there are techniques now on this planet that will enable you to resolve many issues in your soul growth, issues that could not easily be resolved in other times. Remember, there was a time period called the “Dark Ages” or the Middle Ages where there was low spiritual energy. There was not much spiritual development going on, at least in Europe. There was less energy for enlightenment and enlightened thinking. If you were living at that time, you would have had a very basic life, and you would have had limited opportunities for soul growth or soul expansion.
There needs to be a certain atmosphere, a certain energy, in a country that allows for more expansive soul integration. Just simply look at the arrival of December 22, 2012, and you can readily see that there are new galactic spiritual energies that are available on this planet that were not available 50 or 100 years ago. The new tools for soul growth that are now available include past-life integration, soul retrieval, and gathering of soul fragments from other lifetimes.
Each lifetime on the Earth gives a person an opportunity to unify and integrate his soul. I would like to use the example of the pie as a metaphor for understanding your soul. Think about the center of the pie being in a small circle, and think or imagine there are 50 slices of pie in the entire dish, and each slice represents a personal lifetime. Each piece of the pie is touching the center of the pie dish, which means that each lifetime has connections to the center of the soul, even though each of the lifetimes could be different. You could be a warrior in one lifetime. You could be a monk in another lifetime. You could be a ballet dancer in another lifetime, but hopefully, if there is soul integration, then there is an integrative aspect where you are beginning to understand who your soul is and who you are. I often refer to your true soul nature.
But not everyone has the perspective of looking at the soul from that higher view, that is, the view of the center of the pie. The soul center is touching each of the lifetimes. If there is a low awareness and lack of Spiritual Light Quotient in a lifetime, then that person will never reach the perspective of experiencing the center of the pie. They will not be able to integrate who they are and who they have been in these other lifetimes.
Yet it is integration that is a key to your soul progress. Now, in this lifetime, you have the opportunities, and you have the spiritual technology to integrate your soul history to see if there are fragments of your Soul Self that have not been brought back into the center. Soul retrieval is a description of that process, and this is why I commend those of you who are doing past-life therapy, soul regression therapy, and looking for those parts of your soul that either were lost or fragmented or broken off. It is possible now, with the healing technologies available, to retrieve those soul aspects that need to be brought back.
Soul retrieval has been compared, for example, to the Inner Child work from modern psychology. Many of you have done Inner Child work where you will retrieve, or work with and heal, parts of yourself that were damaged or traumatized from your childhood. We can use that same analogy for the soul. You could have parts of Self from past lifetimes that need to be healed, and now in this lifetime, with this new spiritual technology, you can go back and work on and heal those parts of your soul from past- life traumas. This is a great advantage for being here now on this planet.
Is the soul perfect? And if the soul is perfect, then why does the soul need to be healed? That is a good question, and the answer is that the soul has layers, or the soul has parts. Very simply, the parts of the soul can be divided into the lower, middle, and upper parts of the soul. The upper parts of the soul are perfect. The upper parts of the soul are connected to the divine. But it is the lower parts of the soul that are evolving. It is the lower parts of the soul that bring you into the Third Dimension. It is the lower parts of the soul that carry imprints from other lifetimes which represent unresolved aspects of the soul. The middle part of the soul, which is also on the Earth, also is growing and evolving. The lower and middle aspects of the soul need to be perfected, and the higher aspects of the soul are in perfection.
Let us return, then, to the healing of the Self and the soul. We look at the ascension work as offering one the ability to do personal healing. We look at the ascension work as part of the process that you need to go through to better yourself and to complete your soul lessons. You need to focus your efforts on healings. You can resolve the energy that you are picking up on this planet now, and at the same time, you can look at and identify any soul lessons that you now need to learn. I know that you want to accelerate your soul growth. I know that you want to heal as quickly as possible. Many of the ways of healing that we are recommending deal with the aura and your personal energy field.
We recommend that you begin your healing by working with your energy field, because your energy field is the representation of your spiritual body. We see that each of you has four bodies. You have your spiritual body, your mental body, your physical body, and your emotional body. Evaluate each of these bodies and make an assessment about what needs to be resolved. Each of these bodies has a particular path and has a particular blockage or density. You came into this incarnation to work on the patterns and the imbalances in each of these four bodies. In addition, you have accumulated some imbalances in these bodies by just being here on the Earth at this time.
In dealing with your four bodies, I want to discuss the concepts in the Tree of Life known as judgment and compassion. Judgment is equal to evaluation. Judgment is setting things right, but judgment is also criticism and is also morally making decisions about what is right and what is wrong. It is extremely hard to transcend judgment, and I know at this time, especially in this planetary crisis, it is even more difficult to transcend judgment. Everyone has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong with the planet. Everyone has an evaluation of who is contributing more to the unrest and to the destruction of the biosphere.
One solution to your healing is to release your judgment. But the judgment, especially at this time of planetary crises, needs to be balanced with compassion. It is said that this planet was created with this polarization and with the duality, and now the judgment is coming to this planet in a rather harsh way. You are seeing this in the storms and in volcanoes and in the changes of the weather patterns. The idea of the compassion would be that you have empathy for the suffering, that if possible, you would even have empathy for those who are contributing to this disaster.
But how could you have empathy for those who are contributing to the destruction of planet Earth? I would see that as quite a challenge. But I would also say that evaluating the circumstances that are now occurring, using judgment and compassion, could help you personally to heal. The reason is because, if you get locked into judging, then you become karmically involved, and you become attached. Therefore, the idea of compassion does give you some relief from the harshness of judgment.
The Omega Man/Woman is able to balance judgment with compassion. The Omega Man/Woman then uses that judgment and compassion in a way that does not tie them karmically to further lifetimes on the Earth. You do not want to return to the Earth. You want to ascend. You want to find the path of healing and unity that will allow you to detach without karmic involvement.
Let us look at this word “detachment”, because detachment does not mean that you give up caring for what is happening, but rather detachment means that you are removing yourself from karmic involvement. That is a real spiritual accomplishment.
Let us look more closely at the concept that I call “soul trauma”. Soul trauma is a wound that affects your soul due to a harsh experience, e.g., being in the Holocaust or being in a genocide experience or being in a nuclear explosion or nuclear war creates a lasting trauma for the soul that carries on into future lifetimes. This means that your future soul could be affected by the trauma that is occurring in your present lifetime.
One of the ideas is that you have the healing powers now to resolve and heal soul trauma from this lifetime and from previous lifetimes. I know that you have accumulated trauma already from this lifetime, and you probably have soul traumas from other lifetimes. Now remember that the soul on the higher level is perfect and is not affected, but the lower and middle aspects of your soul are affected. In fact, the lower soul as an energetic body receives imprints and carries the soul imprints from this lifetime and previous lifetimes into future incarnations.
As I’m talking about soul trauma, I want you to also understand that soul purity and soul goodness also can be imprinted from one lifetime to the next. I do not want you to think that it is only the bad things that get passed on from lifetime to lifetime, but there are also good things. The fact that you have higher knowledge and a high Spiritual Light Quotient is an example of positive imprints manifesting from other lifetimes on other planets. This means that the goodness and the accomplishments of your soul evolution also are imprinted and can be passed on to future lifetimes.
I want to give examples, then, of the four bodies, and how I recommend that you approach the healing of these bodies. I will look first at the mental body. The mental body contains the beliefs, ideas, about yourself and about the galaxy and the universe and also about the planet, and about the purpose of life. The healing in the mental body comes from correct thinking. You must seek out the truth.
For example, what is your belief system about ascension? Is ascension only for those few, or is it for everyone? Do you believe you have to belong to a certain group in order to ascend? The belief system you may have held in another lifetime could have been restricted. You might have been in a group in a past lifetime which was teaching you that only those who followed a certain path and followed a certain prophet would ascend and would be able to graduate from the Earth. But now in this lifetime you are seeing that ascension is not a restrictive path; it is open to everyone. You do not have to belong to or follow one particular person or one particular religion to have access to the Ascension.
The mental body and the belief system you hold are being balanced by your learning from your experiences in this lifetime. The mental body also contains information and beliefs about yourself; therefore the mental body has a close relationship with the emotional body. There are particular affirmations and healing beliefs that will help you to evolve more rapidly. For example, you could say: “All thoughts and matters that are not for my highest good and soul evolution are hereby released.” Or another healing affirmation is that: “I am hereby releasing all anger and resentment that I have towards other people.” There are many different types of healing thoughts, and I want to continue to offer you purification thinking for the healing of your mental body.Let us look at the healing of the emotional body. The healing of the emotional body is often tied into relationships and is connected to your own self-love. It has been said that there are really only two emotions on this planet, love, and fear, and fear is defined in this model as being concerned about not being loved. This planet certainly has a lot of negative emotions containing fear. How do you heal your emotional body? The answer has to do with love. The answer has to do with exploring the ability to love. It sounds so simple and everyone will unanimously agree. If you are dominated by your Lower Self, then that part of your Self wants fame and fortune and control and domination, and those traits can be counterproductive for love. Because love, on the emotional basis, implies acceptance of all that there is, and acceptance of who you are and who everyone else is.
The healing of the emotional body, then, involves your relationships and the love to yourself and how you are expressing that love. If you hate yourself, then the healing involves asking yourself this question: What parts of myself can I love? You might find that part of your soul lesson is to learn how to overcome your self-hatred. Then, to begin a personal healing, you have to find those parts of yourself that you love.
Love of others is also difficult, and there are times when you have to keep distance from others. There are times when the emotional body is vulnerable to others who are unbalanced. Your job is to protect yourself. You still can have compassion for those who are near you and are unbalanced. Your job is to both love yourself and protect yourself. You need to understand that different people are at different levels of soul development. You may be awakened, and you may be at a higher level, but others around you may still be asleep or still may be dense. There are more enlightened people on this planet now than at any other time in this civilization, but you would not know it because those who are enlightened do not have the power to control the planet.
The next level of healing is on the physical level. You may be suffering from certain physical ailments. Sometimes these ailments are carryovers from other lifetimes. Edgar Cayce once pointed out in his writings that those who are critical of disabled people could come back into a next lifetime being disabled so that they understand what is happening from that side. Or, one could be critical of gay people, and then in the next lifetime, they could come back being gay so they would understand the problems and challenges that those people experience.
You see, the physical body is manifesting lessons. That is why love and acceptance of Self and others are so healing. You might find yourself particularly judgmental towards one group. Work on that; try to release the judgment that you might have because if you do not, you could be setting up the karmic influences that would bring you back in their position in another lifetime. Your goal is to graduate and free yourself from the Earth. Your goal is not to create more karma. You do not want to come back in another lifetime like those whom you are judging. You still can be compassionate. Try, to the best of your ability, to suspend judgment towards others and to the best of your ability, have compassion.
Let us look at the spiritual body and healing. The spiritual body is most often contained in the energy field, and the spiritual body is that aspect of your Self energetically that is relating to the spirit world. The spirit world is the highest world, and the spirit world has the powers over all of the three bodies. We are giving you several different tools to work with the spirit body, including vibrating and shimmering exercises for the aura. Another spiritual healing technique is transferring your aura to our Arcturian temple or Crystal Lake where you can do certain upgrades to your energy system. The spiritual body is also strengthened by love. The spiritual body is also influenced by the emotional body. In fact, all four of the bodies interact, and a deficit in one of the bodies can affect the other bodies.
One of the mistakes that seekers of light have often made is to neglect the emotional body. The thinking is that, if you are at a high spiritual level, you do not need to work on the emotional body. That is not correct. A deficient emotional body can disrupt and bring down the spirit body.
For the last part of this session, I am going to turn it over to Tomar, and he is going to lead you on an exercise for healing. This is Juliano. Good day.
(Chants “Tomar, Tomar.”) Greetings, I am Tomar. I am talking to you from my spiritual temple known as “Tomar’s Temple”, and I specialize in this temple work for creating spiritual purity. One way of healing the Earth body, including the physical, mental and emotional, is to heal the spirit body. The purified spirit body has the power to download healing light to the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
I will lead you in this journey through a meditation. Take three breaths and connect to the corridor of light above you and know that this corridor is magnetically aligned with your spirit body. Allow your spirit body to rise out of your physical body and into the corridor of light that I have set up for you. The corridor is magnetically aligned and charged so that your spirit body is energized. Allow your spirit body to enter the corridor, and travel at the speed of thought to my fifth-dimensional temple known as Tomar’s Purification Temple. (Tones “Ohhh.”) This purification temple is on the Fifth Dimension on Arcturus, and it is specially set up to heal, to balance souls who are now living in the Third Dimension.
You are now in the garden in front of the temple, and you come up the stairs and enter my temple of soul purification. As you come into the temple, you see in the center, a beautiful small pond that contains this pure white crystal. It is a crystal of purity. I want you to come close to this white crystal. Come down the temple, and sit approximately 30 feet away from this extraordinary white crystal. And as you are sitting comfortably, I am increasing the purification and white light energy being emitted from the crystal. The white light is purifying your soul and spirit that has just come to us from the Earth. Do not think of any event; do not have any thought; do not think of any illness. Just receive this soul white light from this crystal and let the extraordinary white light purify you as needed. We will go into silence and meditation. (Silence)
The white light from the crystal is being accelerated and amplified now to Level II of purification. (Silence) The white light from the crystal is being amplified to Level III, giving you a great reserve of healing light that you can bring back to your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, and will give you a new balance. I bring up the purification light to Level IV. (Tones “Ohhh.”) You are receiving Level IV white light purification of your spirit. This is the level that would allow you to ascend. (Tones “Ohh.”) You are at Level IV of white light soul purification. You have great powers of emotional balance, and you have great powers of mental balance, of correct thinking. You have great powers of physical healing for whatever ailment you might have in your third-dimensional body. Enjoy and feel this great purity of your spirit.
Now you are ready to leave and return to your Earth body with this great spirit healing light that will simultaneously help you with your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Leave the place in front of the crystal and now go back to the doorway, knowing you can return to my healing temple at any time in the future. You walk out the door into the garden. You see the entranceway of the corridor. You are magnetically aligned with the corridor. You enter the corridor filled with joy and purity. At the speed of thought, you travel down the corridor to your room where you started. You are now six feet above your physical body, and you are carrying huge spiritual white healing light. You are going to download all this white healing light into your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. So, before you re-enter, download this white light from your spirit that you carried with you, into your emotional, physical, and mental bodies. The white light is healing them.
Now, align yourself and re-enter the physical body in perfect alignment, bringing down an even higher purity and healing for yourself. You are filled with white healing light. Know that this white healing light will also provide love, balance, harmony, acceptance, and this will help to activate in the coming days more healing experiences that you may need.
I send you my light and love. This is Tomar. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
[email protected]