November 6, 2021
Soul Development and Planetary Healing in Relationship to the Galaxy and to the Universe
Copyright © 2021 David K. Miller All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I want to discuss your soul development in relationship to the galaxy and to the universe. There are many different aspects to this universe, and we have now learned, through our research, that there are 10 other universes besides this universe. It is a lot of mind expansion to grasp the meanings of the universe and the multiverse. I am sure that you are working hard to grasp knowledge of this galaxy and the fact that there are multitudes of galaxies near the Earth in what is called the “Local Group”. (Author’s note: The Local Group or Local Cluster is a number of around 80 galaxies, forming a cluster together in our part of the universe, which includes our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and our sister galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy.) The Local Group of galaxies is all interacting with each other, and these galaxies are moving towards a mysterious point that is called “The Great Attractor”. (Author’s note: The Great Attractor is a gravitational power source 150,000 million lights years from the Earth in intergalactic space, which is pulling our galaxy and the Local Cluster towards it, hence the name Great Attractor), But that Great Attractor is bringing together, or attracting, approximately 40 to 80 galaxies to this point. It is unknown in the cosmology research why that is happening and what it means when all of them seem to come towards that center attractor force.
But let us go back to understanding your soul and where your soul evolves to. How is it your soul will incarnate in this part of the galaxy, and why does your soul come to the Earth, and where does the soul go when it leaves the Earth? Remember, you are just here on this journey on the Earth, and your soul has within its grasp the ability to ascend and move on into the Fifth Dimension. The higher dimensions are still categorized by their third-dimensional location. This means that there is both a fifth-dimensional Milky Way Galaxy and a third-dimensional one. There is a fifth-dimensional Earth; there is a fifth-dimensional Andromeda Galaxy, and we know of at least 5,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy that have higher civilizations and higher life forms. We categorize and visit these planets, and we designate them according to their level of development. We are calling these levels of development Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, and Stage 5. Each stage has what we call conflicts that must be resolved, and some of those conflicts, if they are unresolved, can lead to the destruction of the planet.
We, the Arcturians, are focusing on this quadrant, or section, of the galaxy that is the point around Arcturus and the Earth. The Earth is in a quadrant that is estimated to be two-thirds of the way from the center of the galaxy, which is known as the Central Sun. This quadrant is part of a radius that goes out approximately 50,000 light years in this section of the arm of the Milky Way. We have been given the task of guarding and working with the stargate, and the stargate is responsible for and works with this quadrant of the galaxy. That means that there are other beings who are working in other portions of this galaxy with our stargate. So, if we are on the left arm of the spiral of the Milky Way, then there is a right arm, and that right arm could be as much as 40,000 or 50,000 light years from where the Earth is. The Earth is approximately 28,000 to 30,000 light years from the center.
What is the function of the stargate, and how is it that the stargate is related to your soul development? Well, the stargate works in providing a portal, or an entry into higher dimensions, and the stargate is only accessible by those people who are in a position to graduate from the Earth or from other third-dimensional planets. Graduation from the Earth means that, essentially, you will ascend. It means that you are preparing to finish the Earth incarnation and are going to move into other realms or other planetary systems. One of the things that we have learned is that it is difficult for Earth inhabitants to understand and grasp where all these other planets are in the universe. It is difficult to grasp how to choose what planet you want to go to in your next incarnation.
There are millions of other galaxies, and each of these galaxies has a number of planetary civilizations on them. The Andromeda Galaxy is larger than the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Andromeda Galaxy has anywhere between 8,000 and 10,000 advanced civilizations, while the Milky Way Galaxy has around 5,000 civilizations. You would need guidance; you would need information to make a choice on where to go in your next incarnation just based on the vast number of advanced planets in the universe.
Most of the Arcturian Starseeds that we are working with choose to stay within the Milky Way Galaxy for future incarnations. But now in this time of expanded consciousness, many Starseeds are reaching out and looking for knowledge about other galaxies, in particular, the Andromeda Galaxy.
The Andromeda Galaxy is often called the “sister galaxy” of the Milky Way Galaxy. We visit the Andromeda Galaxy regularly. We work closely with the Andromedan Galactic Council. You are aware that there also is a Milky Way Galactic Council that is overseeing many aspects of the development of the planetary civilizations in our galaxy, including the Earth. The Earth has a special attraction to Starseeds because of her ability and opportunity to learn through duality. Duality is exactly what you may find most disturbing about this planet, but at the same time, the soul is coming to this planet because of the learning opportunities the Earth offers from experiencing duality and polarizations.
Unfortunately, the duality and polarizations have intensified on Earth, and now we are reaching a point of possible self-destruction of the planet. How is the Galactic Council going to approach a planet, such as the Earth, that is close to self-destruction? We know that there are several possibilities. One possibility is what is known as an intervention, and an intervention means that the Galactic Council can either send a messenger, a figure of high spiritual powers, to intervene and move this planet off of the course that it is going on. Such an intervention does occur in this galaxy and does occur also on the other galaxies that we have visited.
What would that look like if we have an intervention like this? Would it be a spaceship landing on the lawn of the President’s house, or would it be some higher dimensional being that is appearing on television giving the planet new information? Another possibility would be some existing person who is now already on the planet could gain recognition and power as a healer and could gather a group of followers. Also, an intervention on this planet could be led by an Ascended Master that has a huge following in the third-dimensional world.
These are some of the possibilities for divine intervention or for extra, higher dimensional intervention. One of the most important aspects in such an intervention is to look at the karma involved, and to ask: Is it possible, based on the current situation, that the planet has the abilities, based on the laws of karma, based on the laws of cause and effect, to solve the problem by itself and to stop the self-destruction? In our assessment, in the Arcturian assessment, the Earth does not have the logical or cause-and-effect energy to stop the self-destruction. If things were left unchanged, in other words, if everything stays on the course it is going, then this planet will self-destruct.
When I say self-destruct, let me clarify that self-destruct in this discussion means that the civilization as you know it, the Western civilization, would not survive. Self-destruction means that the biosphere would not be able to evolve, and that there would be collapses in many of its systems. This would include, for example, the food chain system or the collapse of ocean life. It would include collapses of other major aspects of the systems that keep this planet together as you know it. It does not mean that the entire planet would be destroyed.
There are some unusual technologies that the Earth has developed that are, according to the Galactic Council, disturbing, and could create planetary destruction. That means then, in summary, that logically and left unattended and left non-intervened, this situation on this planet is heading towards a system collapse which we do not want to see and which you do not want to see.
The idea of intervention means that there must be a group of people like the Starseeds who are receivers, who are willing to be receptive to an intervention, and that is another way of saying that the intervention must be invited. The intervention has to have a receiver or a reception. We, for example, do not intervene uninvited. It would be like going to somebody’s house and opening the door without being invited. Part of the reason why there are so many Starseeds on the planet now is because of the receptivity that they have towards a higher intervention. And you and the Arcturian Starseeds also are very open to a higher intervention. The Galactic Masters and the Ascended Masters are all working together. They meet continually, and they are sending healing thoughts continually to you and many other Starseeds around the planet, preparing and inviting the higher spiritual intervention. Because clearly, the intervention that is necessary for the solution of this planet’s crisis has to be spiritual in nature.
There is no doubt that this conflict now on the planet is due to a lack of spirituality. Spirituality includes an understanding of basic concepts, such as Unity Consciousness and holographic energies, and setting up a new Noosphere (Author’s note: the collective thought field of the planet) foundation for this planet. This all sounds very complicated, but if you look at the work that we have been doing in the past several years, then all of the ideas that I am explaining are well-known to you. What is most needed is the higher dimensional stimulation. The higher dimensional activation and stimulation will shake the belief foundation of everyone on this planet and open them up to being receivers of spirituality. One of the problems is the confusion that exists between spirituality and religion because some people are religious and spiritual, but some people are not spiritual but religious, and some people have both characteristics.
When we talk about spiritual, we are talking about the Spirit and the Soul, and its relationship to incarnations, and its relationship to frequencies, and its relationship to vibrations, and the spiritual also includes the important concept of Galactic Spirituality. Galactic Spirituality is the acknowledgment that the higher dimensions are existing in every galaxy and that there is an evolutionary pattern in the planetary civilizations that is grounded in certain stages of development. When a stage of development becomes blocked, then there must be a force to unblock it. Planet Earth now is blocked. The energy on planet Earth is blocked, and if left unattended and left without some external fifth-dimensional force, then there will be further degradations that both you and I do not want to see.
I want to talk also about the idea of spirituality versus technology, and I want to explain why the Galactic Council and the Ascended Masters are so concerned about the Earth now. They are concerned about the higher technology that has developed on Earth, and because of these concerns, there is a higher likelihood of an intervention by the council. The dropping of the nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki stimulated the awareness of the Galactic Council of the advanced technology. There was a major concern that the Earth scientists and space travelers could export this technology outside of the solar system. Perhaps you have wondered about this? How can the Earth’s space program export nuclear energy outside of the solar system, when in fact, you can’t even travel to Mars with humans on it? Maybe you can send space probes to the planets, but you are not even close to being able to leave the solar system with humans aboard.
The nuclear technology development is part of the quantum world. The nuclear technology is based on quantum energy theory, and that has opened up other doorways for space technology and travel through corridors and travel through wormholes. That means that the Earth science is close to traveling through corridors and to other dimensions. Earth is closer than what you might have thought to interdimensional travel. That means that there are hidden technologies on this planet that are far beyond what you are hearing about in the media, and some of these technologies are so advanced that, if they were allowed to totally develop, then humanity would be able to travel throughout the galaxy. I realize that this news may sound shocking to you. Humanity is still struggling to decide whether you should continue to use the internal combustion engine for your automobiles. Now I am telling you that the scientists in some countries are so advanced that they are close to being able to teleport to other parts of the galaxy and even able to go to other dimensions. If this is true, then they could easily bring the nuclear technology into the galaxy, but there is something even more dangerous, and that relates to black holes research technology.
Earth scientists are studying and experimenting with black holes. There are “supercolliders”, one of which is in Geneva, Switzerland, that is studying researching the black hole phenomena. (Author’s note: The Large Hadron Collider is experimenting with black holes and has a 27-kilometer ring, which is able to accelerate particles close to the speed of light so that scientists can study and do experiments with the “new physics”.) In these supercolliders, they are doing experiments to create a black hole, but this idea of creating a black hole may sound innocent, especially if you hear them say that the “experimental” black hole will only exist for a nanosecond in the collider, and then it will be gone. On paper and theoretically, that sounds harmless, but there is a phenomenon in Chaos Theory which is called “being out of control”, and when you as humans play or examine or re-create a black hole, it is possible that that black hole could go out of control and begin to rapidly expand.
Let us just think about this and do some calculations for a moment. OK, if the black hole exists for one second, and then if it doubles in size every second, then you are talking about the potential for it to become very large. You can understand that, exponentially, getting doubled in size every second will create a black hole vast in size. Why would that be a problem? First of all, if the black hole research got out of control and doubled continually, then it would soon reach a point where it could engulf the entire planet, and engulfing this entire planet could lead to even the possibility that the black hole could engulf the solar system. This sounds like science fiction, but this is one of the reasons why the Galactic Council is concerned about where the technology is going on the Earth, and this is one of the reasons why we want to put curbs on some of this research. Remember, many of the scientists will say, “We have this under control; do not worry; we understand, and the black hole only will exist for a nanosecond.” But that argument does not hold water. When things get out of control in black hole research, then huge areas can be taken away from the Third Dimension.
This idea of the study of the black holes has led to another technology which is called the “death ray phenomenon”. The death ray phenomenon can be described as a death ray being emitted from a gun. The gun is pointed at an enemy, and the ray exterminates the victim and makes the person disappear. Where does the person go? Actually, what happens is the person goes into the black hole. They are disappearing from this reality and they are going into the black hole. Ray guns are secret weapons the governments are using, that also are based on the black hole technology. Military black hole technology is based on the idea that whatever exists can go into non-existence. And so, if you compare the ray gun to the black hole, you see that what was existing is gone. Where did it go? Nobody knows, and nobody is going to go into the hole to look for it, because anybody who goes into the black hole will be so gravitationally torn apart that they could never exist in it, and would never be able to return.
The black hole technology leads us to the discussion of the multiverse because people want to know where the matter goes when it enters a black hole. In the Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a huge black hole. There are black holes all over the galaxy, and there are black holes in every galaxy. Where are all the black holes leading, and what happens to them?
It does sound somewhat complicated. There are 11 universes; each universe is existing separately from each other, but they all are existing in a bubble or in an area I call the “etheric soup” of the multiverse. That means that there is a space outside of the universe which is an energetic soup in which each of the 11 universes exists. Each universe has different characteristics. The universe that you are in, for example, is based on the Laws of Cause and Effect and is based on duality. Other universes can be duplicating this universe, but there are universes, for example, that operate on different principles. Many black holes exist in each universe, and when the energy from a black hole sucks in matter, it discharges matter out of the universe that it had gathered or attracted and then sends this matter into the etheric soup. The energy that is expelled from the original universe goes into this outer layer or etheric soup and is eventually used to create another universe at a future point.
Let us look again at the multiverse. This universe that you are now in started with the Big Bang approximately 14.7 billion years ago. There are some universes that did not have a Big Bang. Those universes are called a “steady state universe”, which means that the universe was born in an expanded state and has stayed in that state and is not changing.
This universe that we are now in is based on change and expansion because the theory of the Big Bang is “everything was contracted; now everything is expanded.” The average life of a universe is 100 billion years, so that means that this universe is an adolescent. You are living in a universe that is an adolescent. Think about it; if you were 14 years old, and you are going to live to 100, then you are still a teenager. This universe is still at a young age. Some of the other universes in the multiverse are older, and they are in their adulthood. One universe is even in old age. In this universe, everything is expanding, and then it will reach an outer limit where the energy is going to drain away. In the universe that is a steady state, all the energy is staying in the same place. More importantly, the principles of each universe are different.
This universe is like the galaxy in that it is based on the Laws of Karma. It is based on Laws of Cause and Effect and based on energy contraction and expansion. One of the characteristics of this universe is called “isotropism”, or “isotropic”. Isotropic means that when there is one law on the Earth, for example, such as the Law of Gravity, then that law works everywhere in the universe. (Author’s note: in physics isotropic means uniform in all directions.) If you were living on the other side of this Milky Way Galaxy, the Laws of Gravity would still be working; you would not be experiencing different laws. It is true that each planet has different gravitational fields, so if you are on the Moon, you may able to bounce up and down, and you could not do that on the Earth. The laws of gravity are going to work anywhere in this galaxy and anywhere in this universe. That is what isotropic means and this relates to another key concept which is called holographic energy.
Holographic energy means that what you see in this part works everywhere, and so everything you need to know about this universe can be found from the Earth. Everything that you want to learn about the universe, that includes going into the quantum world, and it also includes going into the regular mechanical world, can be understood from this small point that we live on. What you are experiencing and learning on Earth here has universal principles.
Let me go back to the galaxies. There is an infinite number of galaxies. No one knows how many there are because the universe is infinite. How can you count the number of galaxies in space when it keeps on going on without end? That means that every type of galaxy exits. Galaxies exist that have no life on them, and then there are galaxies that self-destruct. There are galaxies that emit killer rays and destroy all the planets in a galaxy. There are large galaxies; there are small galaxies, and each galaxy has different opportunities for manifesting different types of realities.
For most of you, your incarnations have been on planets only in the Milky Way Galaxy. There are a few of you who have had incarnations in the Andromeda Galaxy. I want to say again, the Andromeda Galaxy is predominantly feminine based; the Milky Way Galaxy is predominantly masculine based.
Let us return then to this idea of the Ascended Masters, and the idea that this planet has tremendous learning opportunities. One of the reasons why some of you have come to this planet now is to be trained as an Ascended Master. You will have an opportunity to be an Ascended Master working either on the Earth or on other planets. Given the current labor shortages, you may laugh when I tell you this: there is a shortage of Ascended Masters in the galaxy, and there are many job openings for Ascended Masters on this planet and on other planets.
And coming to this planet at this time, and experiencing the traumas and the polarization and the other aspects of this destruction is providing you with what I call “planetary trauma training”. The planetary trauma training is a key factor in your learning how to be an Ascended Master, because you wanted to personally experience the trauma, so that if and when you are going to become an Ascended Master on another planet, you will have the experience, the understanding and the empathy for the people who you are working with. You will get further training on this theme when you go to the Arcturian Stargate.
One of the roles of the Arcturian Stargate is training because you will have to decompress from this Earth experience. Decompression involves receiving help on processing a lot of the trauma that you are seeing. And then, after the training, you can put it all together, so that you can choose what position you are going to take on your soul journey and what planet you are going to help. Some will choose to do what I call “rest and relaxation”. You could go to a planet like Alano or like Xterra where the planet is in a higher stage of development and everything is functioning on a spiritual basis. You could enjoy the peace and tranquility and spiritual equanimity that exists on some of these planets.
The fifth-dimensional Earth is still in the Milky Way Galaxy and the fifth-dimensional Arcturus is still in the Milky Way Galaxy. Even though you only see these systems in the Third Dimension, the higher dimensions are still based on the third-dimensional Milky Way Galaxy.
There are wormholes and corridors, and these wormholes and corridors exist within the solar systems. The Jupiter Corridor is between Mars and Jupiter. It has extensive portals and a wormhole within it for traveling throughout the galaxy and beyond. One of the things about a wormhole is that it is devoid of electromagnetic energy. In a wormhole, the only sign of electromagnetic energy is thought waves. And in this electromagnetic energy void, the thought waves prevail, and what you think and where you want to happen immediately.
Let us return then, to the big issue of the saving of the Earth, the coming together of the divine intervention that is on the forefront. The divine intervention is right on the cusp of happening. Use your ability to seek out and call on the higher, galactic fifth-dimensional forces to make an intervention. Your ability to call on this now is critical, and your ability to provide the groundwork and the receptivity for a higher planetary intervention is needed now.
Let us meditate together, and we will create a linkage to the Galactic Council through the Arcturian Cosmic Cross. (Author’s note: an etheric link between the Earth, the Ring of Ascension, the Arcturian Crystal Temple and the Central Sun.) Take three breaths. Know that you are a fifth-dimensional being of light and that you are able to leave your physical body. Your spirit body goes upward from wherever you are sitting into the Ring of Ascension. You travel upwards from your Crown Chakra to the Ring of Ascension, and in the Ring of Ascension, you immediately meet and see at least 50 Ascended Masters that are working with this planet. Some of these masters you know by name; they are well-known and others, you may not know their names. Some are Earth-based, some are not, but you immediately see their status as an Ascended Master, and we all sit together in a huge circle in the Ring of Ascension. This is a holographic circle; that means that even though we are all in different parts of the planet, we are sitting together, and we are united with the Ascended Masters. I, Juliano, am connecting the Ring of Ascension and your energy to the Galactic Council in the Central Sun. (Tones “Oh, Oh.”)
We unify our energy as a thought-form, and we call on the Galactic Council and higher, fifth-dimensional guidance from the Central Sun to provide an immediate galactic intervention to rescue planet Earth. And we place these thoughts on an etheric disk in the center of the Ring of Ascension. This is a disk of the material used in the Akashic Records. It is a highly evolved, electronically advanced, Akashic disk, and we project our request based on what each of us is seeing on this planet, onto the disk. Let us spend a moment in meditation while you and I project onto this disk the needs and the desires for intervention that we each hold. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Make sure that you put on this disk that you are requesting galactic intervention now. All of the information, all of your energies, all of your love for the Earth, is now incorporated onto this Akashic disk. I, Juliano, with your energetic support, send this disk now from the Ring of Ascension directly to the Galactic Council in the Central Sun. (Tones “Oh, oh.”) The disk is flying at the speed of thought to the Central Sun and to the Galactic Council. With your requests, your desires, our invitation, we say we are ready for the fifth-dimensional galactic intervention assistance now. (Tones “Oh.”) The disk has been received, and the Galactic Council sends their love to you all.
The method that we are using to send this request is appropriate and well-received. And now, we will return to our physical bodies, bringing from the Ring of Ascension the healing light from the Ascended Masters. You have been sitting, interacting energetically with the Ascended Masters. This has helped to increase your own spiritual light quotient and your healing abilities for yourself. Say goodbye to the Ascended Masters around you and travel through the corridor back into your physical body to a place six feet above your physical body, and re-enter now directly and in alignment with this higher energy into your third-dimensional body. Know that at this moment, with this exercise and our group participation, you are helping to fulfill your mission on planet Earth as a planetary healer and Starseed. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty