October 7, 2017
Ritual Purification and Shimmering
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
In this lecture we will examine the concept known as “ritual purification” and discuss how it relates to your preparation for the Ascension and how it relates to the exercise of shimmering. We will look at shimmering as an aspect in a more powerful and fifth-dimensional technique for attaining the goals which were defined in earlier mystical texts as “ritual purity”. So to begin this discussion, allow me to go back in time to a period that would be approximately 300-400 B.C., and at that time there was the existence of the “Second Temple” in Jerusalem.
There were specially trained priests who had permission to enter the sacred rooms. Only those who were of the highest rank or order were given this permission. However, these priests had to follow certain procedures before they were permitted to go into the sacred areas. Those rituals that they performed for this sacred task were called “ritual purity”. This meant that there were certain exercises and cleansings they had to do to their bodies before they could enter the sacred space. In the sacred space, they believed they had special access to interact with the Holy One. Part of the ritual purity ceremony involved taking a special bath, and this bath was done in a special place with special water in order to purify themselves.
So let us use that concept of ritual purity and ritual bathing as a process of attaining that purification. Let us now come forward to this time period in October of 2017. When you are preparing yourself for entering a higher, spiritual realm, then it is also necessary to purify yourself. In fact, purification is one of the steps in preparation for your ascension. The ascension process is comparable to the holy energy experience that the priests were able to experience in this sacred temple at 300 B.C., also known as the “Second Temple Period” in Jerusalem. This means that the process of ascension is really a sacred and highly regarded interactive process. This also means that one would want to prepare oneself for the Ascension by engaging in what was earlier called a ritual purification.
What does it mean to be purified? The process for purification now, in this year 2017, involves the detaching from third-dimensional energies, concerns and Earth attachments in general. Purification is a process in which one’s binding energy is removed from the earthly concerns. Some of these concerns are part of the everyday life, worries that everyone is concerned about. Becoming purified for the Ascension means that you would not be focused on or have the energy for the mundane or the daily business on the Earth. You would not have any energies or attachments to negative interactions with other people that could be occurring. Also you would not be thinking about or focusing on conflicts that are going on in your life. It also means that you would release your interest and your attachment to the daily news and the events that are occurring now on the planet.
Purification involves releasing oneself from Earth attachments. This “purification” or release is necessary for the Ascension. I think that one of the most difficult things for you, the starseeds, to do is to release the attachments and the energies that you feel for this planetary crisis and for the political upheavals that are occurring now and that will continue to occur in the future. It is difficult to detach from the continual Earth crises, including the hurricanes, earthquakes and other Earth shifts. So when I say “detach”, I want to be clear that this is not a cold-hearted removal of any interest or concerns you might have for the planet and the Earth events.
Becoming spiritually detached is not a call to stop being concerned and of being of service. Being of service is important, and we, the Arcturians, encourage you to continue in your service. However, when we talk about becoming ritually purified, then we are suggesting that this is a period of time in which you remove, or detach temporarily from, your Earth concerns. Earth concerns usually focus on materialistic and third-dimensional issues. We do not recommend the process of ritual bathing as a way of purification. This was a path that was done earlier about 2,500 years ago. We have an upgraded spiritual technology that is more effective and more in alignment with your spiritual Arcturian training.
I will explain this Arcturian technique in more detail, and then we will practice this technique together. It is vitally important that you use this technique as often as you can in order to prepare for your ascension and to do your spiritual work. Remember, the goal is not to stay in an eternal purified state on the Earth. That is impossible. Even if you are able to achieve in the exercise, one hundred percent purification, you will still have to return to your third-dimensional life. You still would have to be involved in your third-dimensional service. You would still be aware and react to the events on this planet which are upsetting.
What you will gain from this Arcturian technique is a method of periodically purifying yourself. This will help you in your daily life, and it will help you in your ascension process. The technique for ritual purification that the Arcturians use in our spiritual technology is called “shimmering”. This is a technique that we have introduced to you many times before, but we have not explained it as a purification exercise as we are going to do it now.
Shimmering has several powerful uses besides its use as a ritual purification. I recommend shimmering in the practice of bilocation, thought projection, and I have also recommended shimmering as a way of treating illnesses. Shimmering also has other functions, including helping in the protection of one’s energy field from negative attacks. We have documented experiences where some of our Group of Forty members have been close to accidents, and right before or at the moment of the accident, the member was able to shimmer, and they were protected from injury. Shimmering can also offer protection to you even in the face of such catastrophes as earthquakes or hurricanes. Now we will be looking at shimmering as a method for performing ritual purification.
The first and most important idea is that shimmering is an exercise that accelerates the pulse of your aura. When the aura reaches a certain frequency or vibration, then lower energies cannot remain attached to it. That means that lower thoughts, lower viruses and even attachments cannot remain when you are in a state of shimmering or right after a state of shimmering. In a sense, I look at the shimmering practice as a way of resetting your aura, much the same way as when you restart or reset your computer. When you restart your computer, viruses or blocked synapses in the computer’s hard drive are wiped clean, and then you start up freshly. After restarting the computer, you still have access to all of the memories and all the programs. But the restarting activates a clearing which allows your computer to function in a more efficient method and way. In fact, your computer will function at maximum efficiency.
I think this is a good analogy, when we look at the computer and then look at your mind and then look at your aura. Your mind is continually being fed information, and you are continually downloading programs and information. You are also receiving electromagnetic vibrations from many different sources. This includes from the telephone, the smartphone and televisions. There are many different energy fields around the Earth. There are thousands of different fields and many interactions with these fields. For example, the Earth has interactions with fourthdimensional beings, which we call “ghosts”. Some of you may even have attachments from these ghosts, which are called “negative attachments” from lower beings. Such attachments can cause mischief in your life. You will be happy to know that shimmering is a way of rebooting your aura, which will help to remove or release these negative attachments from your energy field. When you reboot your aura through the exercise of shimmering, what you are doing is clearing out these old programs and energy fields which allow entities to attach themselves to you. Some of those programs and energy fields from these programs are allowing your aura to be blocked.
Let me review, again, the techniques and steps in shimmering. I will explain further how shimmering is actually better than the ritual purification process that was performed in the time of the Second Temple. The first step in the shimmering exercise is to look at the pulse of your aura. The aura has a pulse, just like your circulatory system in your body has a pulse. In the scientific study of vibration and frequencies, we often speak of the concept called “resonance”. Resonance means that one frequency is able to relate or balance itself with another frequency, and therefore this allows both frequencies to interact and be harmonious with each other. This law of resonance in spirituality applies both to positive and negative frequencies. If the aura is vibrating at a slower frequency, then complimentary negative, or lower vibrational, energy can form a resonance with the aura and attach itself to the aura. During shimmering, you raise the frequency of your aura, and therefore by raising the frequency of your aura, these other lower energies from a negative source will no longer resonate with your energy field and will have to drop away from your energy field.
There are other problems in the discussion of lower energies attaching themselves to you, and that other problem is focused on holes in the energy field. For a variety of reasons, people have holes in their energy field. It is impossible to live on the Earth now and not have some fracture or some imbalance in your aura. By living on this planet now, there will be periods of time where you will have holes in your aura. The goal and the concern is how to reboot and reformat your aura so the holes cannot remain embedded in your energy field. Healing your aura also can include making sure that these holes do not become larger, or that they can be totally healed so that there is no longer any leakage of vital energy from your system. Becoming overly involved in this cosmic drama on Earth does lower your vibration and can be a draining factor. Now again, I am not recommending that you stop your service. I am still recommending that you be concerned about what is occurring on the planet.
But, I am recommending that you learn this technique of rebooting and shimmering. Practice it so that you can clear your aura. Your aura will not become overly taxed by these third-dimensional concerns, especially if you are sensing that the Ascension is near, then you definitely want to practice this shimmering
The first step in shimmering is to command your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. The Cosmic Egg is a universal energy shape that has the maximum capability of performing vital spiritual energetic tasks, such as protection. Also, the Cosmic Egg shape allows your aura to go to its highest maximum frequency. Think about going into a wind tunnel. If you are driving a vehicle that is curved and aerodynamic through a wind tunnel, then it would probably be able to travel faster, and also it would not suffer as much damage from the high winds. Look at the shape of the Cosmic Egg as being aerodynamic. By being aerodynamic, it allows you to achieve the maximum frequency that you are capable of sustaining. This means that when the aura is in this shape, lower energies and vibrations cannot attach themselves as easily, and there will be less penetration or “drag” by these lower energies.
The process of lower energy fields interacting with your energy is a complex subject. There are analogies that we use to describe lower vibration attachment energy, and these analogy terms include hooks and daggers. You can visualize that people who have negative energy might send a hook or dagger into your aura in order to attach to you and drain your energy. To accomplish this process they make a hole in your aura. Watching negative news can also drain your energy field. Fortunately, the shape of the Cosmic Egg is so aero-dynamic that these hooks or attachments will slide off.
After putting your aura into the shape of the Cosmic Egg, then there is a second aspect of the shimmering exercise. After you put yourself in the shape of a Cosmic Egg, visualize an opening above your Crown Chakra. Then call on me, Juliano, or other Arcturian guides, such as Tomar or Helio-ah, and ask them to send you a downloading of Arcturian blue light and blue energy into your aura.
The next part or third step in this shimmering exercise is what I call “neutralization”. Neutralization is the term used to describe a situation where there exists negative energy and negative vibrations. You can neutralize the negative vibration so that energy does not have the force to harm you or lower your energy.
Here are the steps in the shimmering exercise in the correct order. First you put your aura in the shape of the Cosmic Egg, and then you download the blue Arcturian energy, and then you will do this toning to neutralize any energies of a lower vibration around you. The tone sounds like this: (Chants “Ohhh!”) Everyone should be able to make that sound. It is spelled in transliteration OH…OH. State your intention to use this sound to neutralize any negative energy that might be attached to your aura. This statement of intention is also an important aspect of this exercise which, again, is for ritual purification.
Now the next or fourth step in the shimmering exercise is that you visualize the outer edge of your aura having a dark, blue line around it. You see that that blue line has a pulse and you observe the pulse rate. The pulse rate of your aura might actually be exactly in harmony with your circulatory pulse or your heartbeat. But generally, I find that the aura pulse rate in normal people is much slower than the aura pulse rate of Starseeds.
Now I will give you a rhythmic sound, which will demonstrate the different aura pulsing rates. A slow aura pulsing would have this rhythm or beat: (tones slowly) “da, da, da.” That slower rhythm demonstrates a lower aura pulse vibration. When you want to accelerate the vibration of your pulsing of the aura, then you begin to make this same sound, only this time you speed up the vibration, rhythm and beat. You would tone faster (tones rapidly) “da, da, da, da” and then more rapidly (tones faster) “da, da, da, da, da.”
This more rapid beat will accelerate the vibration and the pulsing of your aura. This means that your pulsing will automatically expand your consciousness. Also by automatically accelerating the vibration of your aura, you increase the pulsing speed, and as you are increasing your pulsing speed, lower attachments and lower entities fall away. This cleansing from the shimmering exercise is exactly what was accomplished through the ritual purification in ancient Israel, only now we are purifying your aura, your energy field, in a very balanced way. This means that when you are able to experience this higher vibration, you will be in resonance with other, higher vibrational energies, and you will then attract more Masters, more healing energy, and more balance from the Fifth Dimension. This technique I am describing can also be used for personal healing experiences.
Now I will lead you through the entire exercise of shimmering. Begin by taking three deep breaths. Gently with your mind, tell your energy field to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Open the top of the egg which is at your Crown Chakra. Call on me, Juliano, and I will appear, and I will begin to download Arcturian blue light through your Crown Chakra into your aura. Your aura now fills up with beautiful, Arcturian blue light. Now listen to this tone, as it will neutralize any lower vibrations, any attachments, whether it be from other spirits or from whatever source. This tone will neutralize all of the negative energy that might be attached around you. This includes third-dimensional energy of lower consciousness. All will be neutralized. (Tones “OH, OH, OH, OH.”) We will go into silence while you feel the neutralization of lower energies, whatever they may be, fall away. We will be in silence now for one minute. (Silence)
Now the neutralization has been successful, and the lower energies of whatever source are falling away from your aura as we are speaking. Become aware of the outer edge of your aura and see that there is a dark, blue line around the aura. This line is pulsing. It is beating to a slower rhythm, and most likely it is similar to this: (Tones slowly) “dah, dah, dah.” You now have the ability, through the powers of your mind, to accelerate the pulsing of your aura. So listen to my toning and then match the pulsing of the aura to my toning. (Tones rapidly) “duh, duh, duh, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta” (faster and faster).
Your aura is now vibrating at a speed so fast this channel cannot even reproduce a tone to keep up with the speed that your aura is now vibrating at. And as your aura is vibrating, again you will see falling away lower attachments. Lower energies are detaching easily from you, including thoughts of Earth matters and Earth concerns in your personal life. Again we will go into silence for one minute as you experience the “ta, ta, ta, ta, ta” high speed process of your aura. Excellent! You aura is now vibrating at a fast speed. (Silence)
Now the final step of this exercise is that we are going to begin to shimmer together. Shimmer means that you are going so fast that you are flickering in your Earth body. Your aura is flickering at such a high speed that it is interacting and even appearing in the Fifth Dimension. As it appears in the Fifth Dimension, it absorbs higher frequency light from the Fifth Dimension. Download and bring that frequency of fifth-dimensional light into your aura. With this high speed vibration that you are experiencing, I will say the word “shimmer”. (Tones “Shimmeeeerrrrrr, shimmmeeeerrrrr, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer.”) You are now flickering back and forth between the Third and the Fifth Dimension at a very rhythmic speed. (Tones “Shimmeeeerrrrrr, shimmeeeerrrrrr, shimmeeeerrrrrr.”)
Now as you are absorbing all this energy, your aura is breathing more clearly. Your aura is flickering back and forth between the dimensions. You and your aura are in this higher state and are vibrating at a higher frequency. Now as we are comparing shimmering to purification, we can say that you have achieved both a state of shimmering, and you are in that state of ritual purity. You are in a state where you could go into a sacred temple and interact with the highest energy. You are in this state now, where if the Ascension occurred, you could make a clean interaction and clean ascension.
Now I will explain how to use this technique of shimmering for specific personal healing. While we are in this higher state of consciousness with the shimmering, I want you to scan your body. By scanning your body, you might already know you might have a benign tumor or a nodule or some other unwanted accumulation of tangled nerves or blocked energy in any part of your body. So you choose which part of your body you want your attention focused on. After you have identified that part, come back into the state where you are aware of your whole Cosmic Egg.
Then I want you to visualize a duplicate Cosmic Egg that is being birthed from your aura right in front of you. Then that duplicate cosmic shaped aura becomes miniaturized or smaller, like the size of the palm of your hand. So hold your hand out and see the miniature Cosmic Egg being placed and now appearing in your hand. For the males, use your right hand; for the females, use your left hand. You now have that miniature Cosmic Egg in the palm of your hand. I would say that miniature duplicate aura is around three inches tall. In fact the duplicate Cosmic Egg would be the size of a normal egg from chickens that you get at the store. But this Cosmic Egg that you have in your hand has all the advanced vibrational frequency processes of your high frequency aura.
Now take that cosmic miniature egg and send it inside your body where the area of concern is, including any organ or any part of your body. Send it there and it encloses the whole area. And now the duplicate Cosmic Egg is shimmering with the same speed as your aura. Now I’m going to say the word “shimmer” again, and your aura will shimmer and the miniature Cosmic Egg will also shimmer around the area of your concern. And this shimmering around the area of your concern is going to create a wonderful healing energy. (Tones “shimmmeeeeeerrrrr, shimmmeeeeerrrr, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.”)
The miniature Cosmic Egg that is shimmering in your body is now absorbing any negative vibrations or energy that is stored up in this area of concern. It is sucking up all the negative energy in that area, and it is all being absorbed in the duplicate Cosmic Egg. Now, at the count of three, take the miniature egg and remove it from your body and put it back into the palm of your hand. One, two, three – now. Beautiful. Now you have that duplicate Cosmic Egg with the energy field that you have extracted from your body in the palm of your hand. Visualize and direct that miniature Cosmic Egg to come up to the top of your aura.
I, Juliano, am standing right there, and I take the egg and send it off into an interdimensional space far away from where you are. (Tones “Whoosh, whoosh.”) You are still shimmering and your body is filled with this light. Let us again go into meditation as you slowly process all this light and energy we have been working with. We will go into silence. (Silence)
You have completed the successful purification of your aura. You are ready to enter the Fifth Dimension. You are ready and you have cleansed yourself. I would like Archangel Metatron to speak to you in the closing moments. This is Juliano. Good day.
This is Archangel Metatron. Blessings, my friends. I recognize your state of purification. I recognize your state of Arcturian light. Know that you are more sensitive in this state, and of course, you want to be with the highest light, and you want to be with the energies that are most in resonance with you. The particular sacred names of God that are spoken in the Kabbalah are in alignment with your vibrational desires to go into the Fifth Dimension. Listen again to the famous sounds which are also sounds for the key to ascension: (Chants) “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Tzevaoth. Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Tzevaoth.”
The sacred temple, known as the Second Temple, contained higher spiritual technology. It was a spiritual technology that was connected with higher dimensional beings. These higher beings were working with purifying techniques and also working with special frequencies. The inner chamber in the temple had special electromagnetic qualities that only priests with a certain vibrational frequency could even tolerate. Before going into that chamber, the priests performed this ritual purification so they could tolerate the frequency. It’s hard to imagine a light frequency that is so intense that you would not be able to tolerate the intensity. However, this high frequency only could be tolerated if you removed, as we have done today, your attachments to the Third Dimension temporarily. We are not asking and it is not required to permanently remove all attachments. By temporarily removing and increasing the frequency of your aura, you can participate in this spiritual technology that is similar to the energy that higher dimensional beings helped to create in this special chamber in the sacred temple.
It would be difficult to describe the energy in this chamber. I can tell you that the inner chamber had so much light that it looked like there were mirrors that were magnifying this light. The aura of the priest in the room would immediately enter into this high vibration that would produce a state of ecstasy. The person in the chamber would not want to leave the room. In certain cases, there was another person outside of the room that was instructed to make sure the person in the room would come back. At times, there were ropes put around the priest before he went into the room. The priest was pulled upon by his partner in order to make sure he would come out. They did not want to lose the priest. In the inner chamber, it would be easy in the chamber to give the body up totally. There could be considered an “ascension” at that point.
So now you have before you the tool to do this ritual purity and to experience the higher frequencies. If you combine this with some of the other Arcturian work, which includes going to the Crystal Lake to the Arcturian Temple, then you have again magnified the power of your work. I will conclude our time together by singing the words Holy Light: “Or HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Or HaKadosh Baruch Hu.” (Holy Light Blessed is He.) Let the holy light, the sacred light, fill your aura in everlasting peace, health and happiness.
I am Archangel Metatron. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty