Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. There are many rapid changes occurring in the Earth drama. It is a very dramatic time on this planet now, and I am sure that it is hard for each of you to calibrate your energy fields to the changing environment and the changing social, political, and environmental situation. In fact, I know that as you feel that maybe you are on top of it and maybe you have adjusted to the situation on this planet, then there is another shift and there is another change. In a way, it is surprising that these changes are occurring and seem to be unpredictable. Is this not the contradiction, which is that we and other guides and teachers, predicted very dramatic polarizing and Earth changes, yet at the same time, there is the desire, there is the need to have stability, there is the need to be able to say: “Well, it is going to be ok, I can adjust to this.” Just when you think that you have adjusted, then there is another layer on top of that which seems to activate more chaos and more polarization. We will begin with a subject that we have visited before, but I feel is worthy of a revisit, and that is the subject of the Intersection of the Dimensions.
The Intersection of the Dimensions is a major occurrence that is accounting for several different changes on this planet. First, the Intersection of the Dimensions, that is, the intersection of the fourth and the Fifth Dimension with the third, has allowed extraterrestrials to visit this planet. You probably have learned by now that the spaces, the distances between planets in this galaxy and stars in this galaxy as well as other galaxies, are enormous. Therefore, it is impossible to simply travel these large distances in a lifetime, even if you were able to go at the speed of light. You could not expect to reach distant stars and planets in one lifetime.
The only method for interstellar, interplanetary and intergalactic travel is through dimensional corridors. Sometimes I refer to the dimensional corridors as hyperspace, which is a term that describes a place that is beyond space and beyond time. It is a place which does not conform to the normal space-time continuum. I think you all understand that in the Third Dimension and in this reality that you live in, space and time are inextricably woven together. You cannot talk about time without talking about space. In hyperspace there is no space that you can compare to on the Third Dimension. This is very difficult to describe to you, because you are so used to space. How can you imagine or even visualize that you are in a place with no space? The answer is that you are in a different state of being. The answer is that you are in a different state of consciousness in hyperspace. Truly, the time does not exist in hyperspace as it does on the Third Dimension, therefore the rule of hyperspace is that you can travel at the speed of thought, and the rule is that what you think, and where you project your thoughts, is where you go.
We have developed very advanced technologies so that we can bring our starships into hyperspace. There are other beings in this galaxy. There are also other beings in the cluster of galaxies known as the “local group”, which is the cluster of galaxies which includes the Milky Way Galaxy. (Author’s note: The local group is the name for a group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, and it comprises anywhere from 40 to 54 galaxies.) Dozens of these galaxies are called “dwarf” galaxies. Our friends in the Andromeda Galaxy also belong to this local cluster. These galaxies are extremely far away in terms of third-dimensional terms. (Author’s note: The local cluster is 10 million light years in diameter and the Andromeda Galaxy is as far away as 2.5 million light years.)
Through these hyperspace dimensional corridors you can travel through the Milky Way Galaxy and through the local cluster. But another thing is, how would you know where to go? If you are in planet Earth in this solar system, how would you know where other planets are in the Milky Way Galaxy? The Milky Way Galaxy itself could be as wide as one hundred thousand light years. Imagine how many star systems there are and how many planets there would be. How would you possibly find other planets with life on them, and likewise, how would other advanced beings find the Earth? The answer to that is that when you reach a certain level of advanced evolution and advanced consciousness, then there is a signature energy field which is disbursed into the hyperspace. That means that if you want to travel through hyperspace and find other planets with life on them, then there are several ways to find such planets. You could find through the signature energy of the planet the approximate direction the planet is.
Maybe you want to travel to the Pleiades. All astronomers and most of the Starseeds now have an image in their mind of where that star system is because the Pleiades is a well-known constellation in the night sky. It already is in your thought field. Therefore, when you want to travel to that place when you are in hyperspace, then you can thought project yourself to the Pleiades in order to go there. You may even have a visual image from the night sky. But what if you do not know where any of the biosphere life is in the galaxy? There are different directions, for example, in hyperspace. You can say: “Tune me in to all biospheric energy impressions in the left sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.” By projecting this thought into hyperspace, it is like projecting an antenna which reaches out and picks up signals.
This means that the Earth is emitting signals throughout hyperspace. There are extraterrestrial beings or high dimensional beings entering hyperspace and the hyperspace corridors in the Milky Way Galaxy. They are able to send out a radar-like energy to all planets that have a lifeform. Planets with life forms are emitting a signature of that life form into hyperspace. Advanced life forms are able to find you on the Earth, and therefore, you are able to find them; you are able to find others who emit this signal. It is as matter of knowing this formula and of how to send out the antenna, how to send out the signal in hyperspace to find those planetary systems that have a biological or biospheric signal.
The Earth has emitted a biospheric signature for centuries into hyperspace. This biospheric signal has been picked up by several groups of extraterrestrials. They then have been able to find the Earth, and they have visited the Earth. This has been documented by many of the philosophers and researchers. For example, such as what UFO researcher Erich von Daniken wrote in “Chariots of the Gods”, which explores evidence of the extraterrestrial beings coming to the Earth for centuries for a variety of different reasons. Some of the reasons have been benevolent and humanitarian, but some of them have been self-centered. Another UFO researcher, Zecharia Sitchin, suggests that extraterrestrials came to the Middle East centuries ago in order to enslave the humans. There have also been theories that the extraterrestrial visitors to the Earth were mixing their DNA with Man.
The point is that one way to talk about dimensions and access to the Third Dimension is through these dimensional corridors, and the primary dimensional corridor that I am now talking about is in hyperspace. Hyperspace corridors are used by the extraterrestrial beings in the Milky Way Galaxy. This method of following the signatures of the biospheric forms of life that are emitted in hyperspace is also used by other galaxies. And there have been a large number of visitations recently, and I am talking recently from the past 20 or 30 years, from other galaxies. There has been information coming from the Andromeda Galaxy, and there has been information from galaxies that are even beyond the local cluster.
Now let us look at the concept of the Intersection of the Dimensions as it applies to the fourth and the Fifth Dimension. There are intersections from the Fourth Dimension to the Third Dimension. The Fourth Dimension contains what I have referred to as the “astral plane”. The astral plane is the body or energy field that is around the Earth. The important thing for you to understand is that the astral plane contains energy, spirits and beings that are still locked into the Earth’s incarnational cycle, which means that they have not become free from the Earth karma. This means that they are in some ways in a lower state of consciousness. It so happens that the Fourth Dimension does have layers, so I cannot say to you that the Fourth Dimension is all lower energy, but there is also some higher fourth-dimensional energy. The important thing for you to understand though is that the Fourth Dimension is still locked, still connected into the Earth incarnational cycle, and that beings in the Fourth Dimension can and will reincarnate on the Earth.
Higher dimensional beings, including those in the fifth, sixth and seventh dimension, are able to visit the fourth and Third Dimension. There are higher beings who visit the Fourth Dimension, and there are higher beings coming into the Third Dimension. The higher up you go in the dimensional ladder, the easier it is for you to visit and interact in the lower dimensions. But for our purposes, when I talk about the Fourth Dimension, I am concerned about the lower Fourth Dimension. The lower Fourth Dimension is the home for spirits that are ghosts, and sometimes mischievous beings.
How does the Fourth Dimension intersect in the Third Dimension? Well, interestingly, some of these intersections from the third and Fifth Dimension can occur on certain designated holidays. For example, in Mexico they have a celebration called the “Day of the Dead” in which they essentially open up a corridor for those beings who are on the Fourth Dimension, and they want to communicate with them. (Author’s note: Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is celebrated throughout Mexico and focuses on gathering friends and family to pray for deceased friends and family to help support their spiritual journey.) It is also true that there are positive, lower fourth-dimensional beings, too, because when someone dies, they will often first go to different places on the Fourth Dimension.
We are talking about the concept of the lower fourth-dimensional beings who seem to be stuck and who are in a place on the Fourth Dimension where they are in a repetitive movement and experience. This has been described, for example, by the author Mary Summer Rain who writes about the extraordinary Native American shaman woman called “No-Eyes”. (Author’s note: No-Eyes is a shaman who is able to have visions of major and unsettling future changes coming to the Earth. See “Spirit Songs: The Introduction of No-Eyes” by Mary Summer Rain.) No-Eyes describes people who are caught in a forest fire and were not able to escape and died. They are trapped in the Fourth Dimension and continually relive this Earth experience and are not able to “wake up” and realize that they are in a lower, fourth-dimensional experience. This could be defined as post-death experience, and they are not able to extricate themselves from that experience without help. In the book of No-Eyes, she describes certain ways that spiritual healers can help release those fourth-dimensional beings that are stuck. I know that many of you in the Group of Forty have the sensitivity and the ability to do that spiritual work. It is a needed work.
In this time of polarization and of rapid change, there have been dramatic changes in the veil between the third and Fourth Dimension. In many parts of the planet, the veil has become corrupt or it has also loosened up. There are healthy ways of interacting with fourth-dimensional energy and fourth-dimensional beings. But sometimes, if there is a corruption between the veil between the dimensions, then what occurs is what I have described as the “bleeding of the dimensions”. The bleeding of the dimensions can be described in this way: There are unexpected or unplanned holes in the veil between the third and Fourth Dimension, and energy from the Fourth Dimension seeps in or bleeds in to the Third Dimension.
When the lower dimensional beings see that seeping in, they may go through those seepage holes and look for and attach themselves to other beings on the Earth who are vulnerable or who are susceptible to attachments. I am talking about the bleeding of the dimensions where the lower beings are coming in unwanted, and then stay as long as they want. Part of this is due to the weakened energy field around many of the people on this planet. If there is time, and if the energy field of a person is not healthy, then there are holes in the aura, then lower fourth-dimensional beings can attach themselves. The problem is that when these lower fourth-dimensional beings attach themselves to vulnerable beings, they can cause mischievous and sometimes painful and harmful interactions. These harmful interactions can sometimes escalate into wars or into violent tragedies and events, some of which you have now been seeing on the Earth during the past several years.
Now let me look at the relationship between the Fifth Dimension and the Third Dimension. Just like there are connecting links and corridors between the third and Fourth Dimension, there are corridors between the third and Fifth Dimension. These corridors between the third and Fifth Dimension bypass the Fourth Dimension, which means when you want to go to a higher dimension, that is, the Fifth Dimension, you do not need to go through the Fourth Dimension. You do have choices. For example, you can go through the Fourth to the Fifth if you want. But for the purposes of our planetary work, we are recommending going from the Third to the Fifth.
When we talk about these links between the third and the fifth, then we talk about the concept of the Intersection of the Dimensions. I do not use the exact word “bleeding” when I describe the relationship between the fifth and the Third Dimension because the energy that is coming from the Fifth Dimension is totally different than the energy coming from the Fourth Dimension to the Third Dimension. The energy from the Fifth Dimension is a higher vibration that creates enthusiasm and high activity and feelings of joy and ecstasy. It can create feelings of balance and harmony and feelings of love. Lower dimensional energies include jealousy, hatred, self-centeredness, selfishness and many of the other energies that you know that could be described as coming from the lower Self.
We will talk about the vibrational energy created when the Fifth Dimension and the Third Dimension intersect. In some ways, historically there has always been a reasonable linkage and corridor between the third and the fifth. Now we are going to the next level which is when and where the two dimensions actually intersect. The Intersection of Dimensions is difficult to explain because you have no real visual image of the dimension. You have no real visual image of the universe. You could, for example, compare a dimension to the universe and say that the existence of the universe is the Third Dimension. But there are some problems with that because the shape of the universe is still unknown. They used to think it was a circle, a sphere, but now when you say that the universe itself is infinite, that means there is no outer edge. How could you visualize a sphere that has no outer edge and that is always expanding?
I can tell you though that there are certain qualities of the Third Dimension that are in alignment with the shape structure of the universe, and one of these qualities is called “isotropic”. Isotropic means that each part is the same, so if you go to one part of the universe or you go to another part, there still is all the laws of gravity, and there still is all the concepts of density, and there still is a Third Dimension as you know it. (Author’s note: In cosmology isotropic means having identical properties in all directions. Thus, the properties of the universe are the same to all observers, no matter what part of the universe they are in. Or simply, the universe is the same everywhere!) Even though the universe might be infinitely large, wherever you go, you are going to follow the same laws of thermodynamics, weak and strong gravity. Everything is going to be the same.
However, for the purpose of our work today, I am going to make the dramatic assumption that this Third Dimension is a sphere which has strange properties which include infinite expansion. There is, then, a Fifth Dimension that is another universe which also has the shape of a sphere. At certain points in the Earth’s revolution around the Central Sun of the galaxy, corridors or portals appear in which the Earth can experience that the Fifth Dimension is intersecting with the Third Dimension.
At that intersection, there is a tremendous downloading of higher dimensional light, and some have even called this downloading energy the “Ascension Wave”. The downloading of this higher, fifth-dimensional light accelerates all of your psychic abilities. It accelerates the expansion of your consciousness. But in order to receive this higher, intersecting energy from the Fifth Dimension, you have to be tuned in to the right frequency. You have to be tuned in to the right energy field. There might be a fantastic station on your radio that is playing great music on your FM radio. You need to know what the frequency number is, for example, 106.3, to receive it. And in the same way, what if your radio does not go up to 106.3 FM? Your receiver only goes up to 105. You will never hear the station if your radio does not go to the higher frequency.
This comes back to the important principle of the preparation of the vessel, the preparation of receiving and the expansion of your frequency ranges so that you can go into the higher frequency range of the Fifth Dimension. We are going into this period in the next several months when there will be a heightened Intersection of the Dimensions coming, for example, at the end of April 2018.
Many of the Arcturian Starseeds are going to be gathering in Stonehenge, which is a place that is specifically established as a dimensional intersection point. But we have also set up the 12 etheric crystals around the planet, and each of those is set up to experience intersecting energy points when the Fifth Dimension intersects with the Third Dimension in a more powerful way.
These etheric crystals are stationed so that they can receive and download this energy and transmit it around the planet. The energy from the Intersection of the Dimensions has been referred to by some as the Ascension Wave, because that energy will accelerate the Ascension. You cannot ascend using normal, third-dimensional energy. You would have to be at an extremely high state of expanded consciousness. Only a handful of prophets have ever reached that state in the planetary history. I am not diminishing your spiritual abilities. I am only saying to you that, realistically, when we look at all the souls on this planet who have incarnated, there has been only a handful that have been able to spiritually accelerate and use the energies effectively for their ascension.
It is in your genetic codes to ascend. But now, we are in a state where there is an intersection, and there is going to be an Ascension Wave of light that will augment your abilities. It will help you to be in touch with your Higher Self, your higher consciousness, and you will be able to download and use this energy in a variety of different ways. It is healing to be in a planet when there is this intersection of energies. I compare this also to a solar eclipse where there is an alignment.
Let us again talk about the Intersection of Dimensions from the standpoint of the galaxy. We are studying the galactic vibrations, and we are acutely aware of the revolving of the Earth’s solar system around the center of the galaxy. Our system on Arcturus is close to your solar system. We are only about 36 light years away, and we are traveling around the galaxy together. Now there are some estimates that one revolution around the center of the galaxy takes 250 million years. Your Earth goes around the Sun in 365.25 days, which is one revolution. Can you even imagine a revolution that is 250 million years?
But think about this: On your path in the solar system around the Sun, there are changes in your seasons; there are changes in the angle of the sunlight; there are changes in weather patterns, and there are also energetic changes that are still being discovered. So you have this unique relationship to the Sun. You have the unique possibility of experiencing different angles of the Sun by the revolution trip around it. Now, in this fantastic journey around the center of the galaxy, there are so many variations of energy. When we see higher energy coming to a planet, it often brings polarization and chaos, because those beings that do not have the capacity for integrating higher energy become more imbalanced.
We want to focus on how you can use this energy because we are talking about the next 60 to 90 days in which there is going to be a stronger Intersection of the Dimensions, which means there is going to be a stronger download of positive light. You can use this for your own development. Try and go to higher, sacred places during this time to receive this download.
Activate, to the best of your ability, your Crown Chakra, because the Crown Chakra is specifically attuned to the intersections of different realms. You can open up your Crown Chakra much wider than you normally do to receive this galactic light and energy. Right now, focus on your Crown Chakra and say to yourself: “I open my Crown Chakra to the higher light coming from the Intersection of the Dimensions.” (Chants “OOOOOOHHHHHH, EEEEEEHHHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHHH.”) (Also other sounds.)
Open the Crown Chakra to these higher vibrational energy fields which are already beginning to stream through your Crown Chakra, downloading, activating and feeling like the wave of light from the Ascension is coming in. Feel the light from the wave of ascension come into your Crown Chakra. (Chants “OOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH, EEEEEEMMMMMM.”)
Use your Crown Chakra now to place a white and orange shield of protection around your energy field. It is like a filter, so in this filter your Crown Chakra will only receive this fifth-dimensional energy. Your Crown Chakra is now activating the frequency. Remember I talked about the radio station, and you have to go up to 106.3, so now your Crown Chakra has to be recalibrated to expanding its receptivity in order to receive this higher frequency of light coming from the Intersection of the Dimensions. (Chants “Holy light.”)
Calibrate your Crown Chakra now. Give your Crown Chakra the command: “Calibrate right now my Crown Chakra for the frequency of light of the Intersection of the Dimensions.” (Sings “Now, calibrate it, expand it, nooowww. OOOOOOHHHHHHHH.” (other sounds), “OOOOOOOOHHHHHH.” (other sounds))
Your frequency calibration in your Crown Chakra is now expanded to a more advanced frequency range. When the Intersection of Dimensions occurs, you will be able to shimmer more easily into the other dimensions. You will be able to thought project into the other dimensions more easily. You will be able to bring back higher, fifth-dimensional energy into your third-dimensional body. This is one of our greatest services, and our greatest desire is to assist you in that endeavor. Now I am going to turn the next part of the lecture over to Tomar. This is Juliano.
Tomar’s Temple on Arcturus
Channeled by David K. Miller
(Sings “Tomar, Tomar, Tomar.”) Greetings, I am Tomar. My fifth-dimensional temple is known as Tomar’s Temple. It will be more accessible to you during the next 90 days. During this coming time of the dimensional shifts, there will be a new energy called the Ascension Wave. I want to lead you on an exercise to my temple. You will find a great comfort in being in my temple. You will find that you will want to be in the temple, partly as a feeling of security. The next 90 days are going to be rather dramatic (Author’s note: channeled on April 7, 2018), but also during this time period it will be easier for you to come to my temple.
My temple has special features. One of the main features of this temple offers you an opportunity to experience your fifth-dimensional body without feeling any Earth attachments. This is accordance with some of the laws of the Arcturian Stargate. Remember in our earlier work, we would say that you cannot enter the fifth-dimensional Arcturian Stargate unless you have graduated from the Earth. Graduating from the Earth means that you are finished with your Earth incarnations. But Juliano, our Arcturian teacher, is able to open the doorway to the Stargate so that you can experience the fifth-dimensional light from the Stargate, which is beautiful and overwhelming for your third-dimensional body.
In Tomar’s Temple, I can bring you into the temple, and the beautiful part about coming into my temple is that your third-dimensional body and your third-dimensional attachments will be purified and left outside of the temple door. So you can come into the temple and feel totally in your fifth-dimensional energy field and totally detached, temporarily, from your third-dimensional body. This is a joyful experience!
Tomar’s Temple is filled in white light, and there is a small, circular area which looks like a small pond. The pond, which is inside the temple, contains beautiful galactic crystals. I have temple meditators sitting around the temple pond 24 hours a day. Of course, our days are not 24 hours, but I have to use the time terminology from the Earth to explain this to you. In the temple, you feel this powerful fifth-dimensional vibration. You also feel a deep connection to the galaxy, a connection that you might not feel as strongly in the Third Dimension.
In Tomar’s Temple, I have special windows similar to some of the windows you have heard Juliano describe on our starship Athena. These windows are high powered magnifying lenses that are as powerful as the most advanced telescopes on Earth. The windows are able to zoom in on any portion of this galaxy in as much detail as you want. The lenses within these windows are similar to what you see when you are using Google Maps when you zoom in on a place. This is how powerful the windows are. The zooming in is controlled by your thoughts. You can think about what you want to see through the window, and the lens in the window will zoom in on that place,
These windows are also keyed into spiritual centers around the galaxy. There might be a need to go to lower energy fields using these windows. You would also want to go to higher energy fields. Believe me, there are many beautiful higher temples and higher sacred energies around this galaxy on many different planets. You, who are visionary artists, will be receiving images of these sacred places during the next 90 days. Throughout the galaxy there are beautiful mountains that are sacred. There are beautiful valleys and beautiful temples throughout the galaxy. And now, at this point at the Intersection of the Dimensions, you will be able to receive images of these places. I am hoping the visionary artists on the Earth will be able to produce them for the rest of the world to see.
Take three deep breaths and feel the corridor of light that I have sent around you. It is a corridor that links directly to the Fifth Dimension. It is linked directly to my temple, Tomar’s Temple. Feel your astral body rise out of your physical body. Go up the corridor, traveling at the speed of thought. You come directly to my temple on Arcturus, Tomar’s Temple. There are huge circular stairs in front of the temple. Walk up these stairs and come to the door, and I am there at the door, greeting you. As you walk up to the door and through the entrance, your third-dimensional body is taken off like a coat. You are leaving your third-dimensional body outside of the door. You are entering with your soul energy body into my temple. Take a seat in the circular bench area around the center of the temple. You see white light and energy that is streaming down, producing the feeling of joy and balance. We will go into meditation now. (Chants “Tomaaaarrr, Toooommmaarrr, Toooommaaarrrr.”) (Silence.)
You have felt this wonderful light, higher consciousness, and now you experience a recalibration within your system allowing you to receive higher frequencies when you return to your Earth body. You get up from the benches and come to the doorway, ready to re-inhabit your third-dimensional body. Step through the door, re-enter your body in astral form, and now travel back with me to your Earth body through the corridor. “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta. (tones) . . . .” And come back into the physical, align yourself in perfect alignment with your third-dimensional physical body and re-enter now. Your ability to receive the coming frequency for the Intersection of the Dimensions and the Ascension Wave has now been expanded. You are recalibrated so that you are ready for the next 90 days of expansion that is coming to the Earth. I am your teacher and friend Tomar from Arcturus. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty