March 6, 2021
Planetary Stages of Development and Your Current Situation on the Earth
Copyright © 2021 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. To understand planetary stages of a civilization, one must have a galactic perspective. Certainly, we, the Arcturians, have that perspective. We have traveled around the galaxy and have visited many other planets. Some of these planets we have become involved with in the same way that we are now involved with the Earth. We are consultants, councilors and communicate telepathically through the role of an ascended teacher or master from the Fifth Dimension. With other planets, we have not gotten totally involved in their process. Rather, we have been observers. This is part of our role as galactic anthropologists. We are comfortable and find it beneficial to observe some planets and their development without the need, or calling, to interfere or to directly guide them.
It is relevant to speak of the Galactic Council at this point because the Galactic Council oversees planetary development and makes recommendations for involvement by Ascended Masters and teachers, such as the Arcturians. We have been called upon by the Galactic Council to become involved as instructors, teachers and consultants for the development of higher consciousness on Earth. We have also been asked to assist in the development of the Earth into expanded consciousness with the hope and expectation that our work, along with other Ascended Masters, will contribute to the Earth passing and completing Stage I of planetary development, and therefore, be able to move on to Stage II.
In revealing these stages, I think there is a tendency to perhaps simplify each stage, but in fact, each stage has many complicated and important sub-stages. For example, overall at this point, we say that the Earth is experiencing a conflict that must be resolved in order for the planet to move and complete Stage I, and then go on to Stage II. And this conflict we have generally described as the “polarization or conflict” between spiritual wisdom and modern technology. Now that current conflict is an overall result of many different sub-stages that have occurred over the evolution of humanity, especially during the past million years, but in particular, the last 6,000 years. Some reasons may even go back as far as 50,000 years.
You know that the rate of acceleration of technological development has been fantastic during the past 30 years. So what are we to designate as some of the sub-stages? I will list some and they are not necessarily in a defined order. The sub-stages include the humans or species developing fire, developing speech, and the burial of their dead. These are important signs of any species that is evolving and moving towards higher consciousness. The ability to make tools and use tools for farming, as well as warfare, is another important stage of development, and the ability to move from hunter and gatherer to farming, and living in groups in villages and cities, and states and countries, is another stage of development. We also see the technological aspects of the species’ development in terms of jet and rocket propulsion and technology, which includes the ability to develop propulsion devices that allow that civilization to leave the planet.
Unfortunately, as these technologies develop in any culture, or any civilization, there is always the risk that such propulsion technologies also indicate the ability of more efficient war and militaristic conquest. The technology can also be misused without militaristic conquest, but may still lead to the destruction of a civilization. This scenario has occurred in Atlantis. The Atlanteans, although they did have militaristic tendencies, were not destroyed due to a military conquest from another civilization, but rather, the Atlanteans were destroyed by the misuse of their own technology.
This would be similar to a civilization destroying themselves through the use of nuclear power accidents. Fukushima and Chernobyl demonstrate that the misuse of technology, or the lack of understanding of how to control technology, could lead to the destruction of civilizations on the Earth. The Atlanteans misused a type of technology related to higher energy crystals, and the use of solar and hydrogen technology to produce energy. However, they did not understand that they were dealing with a technology that could get out of control. It did get out of control, and in fact, it did lead to the destruction of their continent. This trauma experience is recorded in your DNA. Your DNA carries the memories of that destruction of Atlantis. There are many Atlanteans who have reincarnated into this Earth time, and are keenly aware of the destructive potential of modern technologies.
Stage I and completion of Stage I involve the development of propulsion systems which will allow a civilization to leave the planet or explore outside of their planet. It is our estimation and conclusion, along with many of the other astronomers and scientists on the Earth now, that the drive to explore other planetary systems, and leave the planet in general, is inherent in your DNA. You have a survivalist impulse, and your DNA does contain memories and information and visions of other planetary systems in this galaxy, and it is well-known throughout the galaxy that there have been advanced civilizations which destroyed themselves or were destroyed through military conflicts.
It is well-known that there is also an inherent cosmic danger in the galaxy, and it so happens that the Earth is residing in a relatively quiet part of the galaxy. In fact, where the Earth is now residing is a quiet two-thirds away from the galactic center, in an outer spiral, or arm, of the Milky Way. And this is not, relatively speaking, the highly active part of the galaxy. There are not a lot of cosmic explosions or cosmic events that can be destructive as in other parts of the galaxy. There have been what are known as “Death Stars” in certain parts of this galaxy or other galaxies. There have been cosmic explosions emitting lethal gamma rays which, in one instance, destroyed all planetary life 100 light-years away from the origin of that explosion. This explosion happened recently, but it was in another galaxy. Think about the magnitude and potential for destruction that can occur from one “Death Star” explosion releasing lethal gamma rays which would destroy all life within 100 light-years. Fortunately, the Milky Way galaxy is not going through anything like that now, and in particular, the Earth is in an isolated and relativity safe zone in the galaxy. This is all positive. But nonetheless, even in this section, there were planets which have destroyed themselves.
This idea of ecocide, that is, the suicide-like tendencies to destroy themselves, is widespread and known throughout the galaxy. But also, I would say 500 million years ago, there were advanced civilizations that became competitive and were involved in military conquest which led to the destruction of one planet. But also residents of that planet, who were highly advanced, were able to escape and were thus able to colonize other parts of the galaxy, including the Earth. These beings were of higher consciousness and were escaping conflicts that had occurred in that part known as Planetary Stage I of their planet.
The Earth is at the end of Planetary Stage I, and is in the middle of this conflict that involves ecocide, destruction of planetary resources and potential destruction of the biosphere. But there also is the potential to overcome these conflicts and move on to Planetary Stage II. In order to go to Planetary Stage II, there are certain requirements which must be completed, and I am going to list some of those requirements.
In Planetary Stage II, there is an end to the threats of ecocide, and there is a balance and stabilization, and there is a higher interaction that can be described as a spiritual interaction with the planet. And this spiritual interaction leads to the overcoming of many of the woes of planets that are in Stage I. A planet in Stage II has committed itself to spiritual wisdom and found a balance between spiritual wisdom and technology, and is able to use that balance to control the environment, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, erratic storms and all diseases, including pandemics. The planet in Stage II has the ability of propulsion and can travel outside of the planet, and the planet is able to colonize their civilizations on other planets in different parts of the galaxy, thereby ensuring their survival, should there be any type of planetary catastrophe on their home planet.
When I say that the conflict in Stage I is between spiritual wisdom and technology, then I can tell you that in Stage II, the spiritual wisdom has gotten equal balance, because right now on the Earth, the spiritual balance is maybe 15 percent, and the technological balance is 85 percent. That means that the technological balance is far outweighing the spiritual balance. The technological balance is not being counterbalanced by spirituality. Now on Earth there is not a spiritual understanding of Unity Consciousness, holographic energies, and how to live in a balanced and spiritual relationship with the core of the Earth. The Spirit of the Earth is known as “Gaia”. These are all requirements for the successful completion of Stage I.
It is possible that the Earth will successfully complete this Stage I of development, and there are two aspects that are vitally important to the completion of Stage I on the Earth now. The first vital aspect is the “Just Society”, and the second vital aspect is the Ascension and fifth-dimensional consciousness.
Let us begin with the discussion of the Just Society. The Just Society is an important concept that has a long philosophical history on this planet. It has been in mythologies, such as the Shangri-La story, or the story of Shamballa, and it has also been described in the religious Western traditions known as the “Kingdom of Heaven” being manifested on the Earth. Why is it that the Just Society has such an important role to play in the completion of Stage I of planetary development? The answer is that the Just Society is involved in the distribution of wealth, the distribution of food and the equalization of harmony and balance throughout the planet. This includes harmony and balance among all the different groups, as well as establishing harmony and balance with the biosphere and all plants and animals on the Earth.
This is a huge role, and the history of the Just Society and its acceptance has been dismal on this planet. There have been continual attacks on people who would promote this idea and fear about implementation of a Just Society on this planet. I understand that there are many political reasons for this fear, but overall, establishing a Just Society is necessary for completion of the Stage I of planetary development. The reason is because a Just Society protects the biosphere. A Just Society is environmentally sensitive, and it also watches out for the misuse of energy sources on the planet. Misuse of energy source technology led to the destruction of Atlantis.
The example that I give is the use of nuclear energy. There are numerous nuclear plants throughout the planet, especially in the Western world, possibly as many as over 160 or more. And I understand that there is a huge need for energy, and I understand that current technologies with fossil fuels are creating multitudes of problems throughout the planet, and therefore, there are many scientists and economists who believe that nuclear energy is one of the solutions to fulfilling the energy sources on the planet. But our experience is that nuclear energy is a primitive type of fuel and also highly dangerous. I have seen planets use nuclear energy, but none of them have been totally successful, and in at least three other cases that I have personally observed, the use of nuclear fuels has led to the total destruction of the planet. Nuclear accidents created a non-inhabitable planet, due to extension of radiation poisoning throughout the planet. Despite everyone’s assurances that are using that type of energy, the dangers exceeded their carefulness and lead to dire consequences.
Think for a moment about the Ascended Masters’ concerns about the Earth. Some people note that it was the Roswell incident of 1947 that marked the beginning of the extraterrestrial involvement on the Earth. The more direct involvement with the Earth began after the explosion of the first atomic bomb. That explosion, especially the test bomb, and the ones in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, did reverberate throughout the galaxy. The deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were traumatic and created traumatic energy waves throughout the galaxy, and it was at that point that the Galactic Council knew that there must be some oversight and control and involvement by the Galactic Council in the development of the Earth.
One of the dangers noted at that time is the possibility that the Earth will export nuclear technology, nuclear bombs, nuclear warfare, outside of the Earth and outside of the solar system. You are still struggling to understand how to travel to Mars. You might be questioning why would there be concern about the Earth transporting or exporting nuclear technology or nuclear weaponry outside of this solar system, especially when one considers that it is difficult to even travel to Mars? Perhaps the first Martian landing will be by 2024. It would take several months to get there, and there would be problems along the way, so certainly it would seem a long time before there would be the exportation of nuclear technology, given the many challenges that must be overcome in space travel. But frankly, planet Earth and the scientists and astrophysicists are much closer to interdimensional travel than you would imagine. On the one hand, you see the struggles and the conflicts over traveling to Mars, and therefore, will conclude that the Earth scientists are not close to overcoming the barriers of the Space-Time continuum. There is ongoing research now being made in several countries on this planet, having to do with interdimensional travel. This means that the Earth societies and advanced civilizations are closer to the development of interdimensional travel Space-Time devices than anyone would imagine.
On the one hand, we have the development of a third-dimensional space technology, i.e., traveling to Mars. There is also a continual study in interdimensional and other dimensional travels, and they are making great progress in doing these. All advanced civilizations that have graduated from Stage I and moved on to Stage II have developed interdimensional technology.
Interdimensional technology is a blending of propulsion-based technology that you might and will use in going to Mars. It is the integration of that propulsion technology which allows one to attain a certain core speed, and then one uses an interdimensional propulsion that is involved using galactic Fibonacci equations. There are certain numerical acceleration patterns and speeds that are involved in numerical ratios that perhaps you would call “mystical” or “magical”. When these ratios are better understood, and the acceleration propulsion is advanced enough, then there will be an explosion of interdimensional travel. That may sound like great news to you, but to the Galactic Council and to the Arcturians and others who are overseeing and observing the development, there is general deep concern.
Given the current state of the development on the planet, one would assume that the Earthlings, when they are able to do interdimensional travel, would bring weaponry with them. They will bring sophisticated weaponry, and that would include nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors and nuclear ray guns. There are what we call “nuclear ray guns”, and these are guns that can be carried and can transmit nuclear radiation without a nuclear explosion to different parts of this planet or to different parts of the galaxy. That means that the exporting, or carrying of the nuclear technology, does not necessarily involve huge bombs. You already know the different stories in your science fiction about small suitcases containing nuclear bombs. This is only half of the story. The Galactic Council does not want that type of technology exported outside of the solar system that you are inhabiting. There are safeguards, but the best safeguard is the evolution of higher consciousness, and the next best safeguard is the knowledge of the dangers of exploitations and the use of nuclear militaristic weaponry.
Let me return again to the concept of the Just Society. Everything that you do for the propagation and development of the Just Society will help move this planet towards completion and graduation from Stage I of planetary development. This is an important statement, and it relates to the concept of your soul mission. In the readings that I have done with many of you throughout the years, one of the most common questions that I have been asked through this channel is: “What is my soul mission?” I have found that people generally are hoping or expecting a discussion of their soul mission in grandiose terminology. For example, I could say that you are to lead ten million people towards a new awakening or development of a spiritual society. Or I could say that you will help a re-awakening of millions of Starseeds. These are all wonderful goals, and I support them.
The planet cannot graduate and complete Stage I until a Just Society has become dominant on this planet. That means that any of you who feel the calling for your spiritual mission, must and need to look at what role you are willing and able to play in the creation of a Just Society. It could be on a small level; it could be on a large level, and this includes the commitment to service. It is well-known that one of the great antidotes for burning off negative karma is service. We talk about accelerating karma and learning lessons. I am always asked: “What more do I need to do in order to complete my soul mission?” I tell people: “Well, one of your soul missions is to contribute to the Just Society, and part of that might be through the development of social programs.” It may not have the charisma or fame or fortune that some might expect in terms of development of the soul mission. I assure you that this has a magnificent potential for the helping of the creation of the Just Society.
Let me look at some of the characteristics of the Just Society further. One of the main characteristics of a Just Society is the distribution of food, so that there are no people on the planet that are going hungry. This is a key important development in the Just Society. You can understand that, on a planetary basis, the Earth is far from being able to implement that goal. There have been great concerns, for good reasons, about the overpopulation of this planet. I agree that the overpopulation and continued out-of-control growth of the population are main contributing factors to the destruction of this biosphere. Overpopulation is continually wreaking great havoc, especially in those places that are suffering from drought and lack of food resources. But our estimation is that, despite all of the growth in population, there are still enough resources to feed everyone on this planet. This points to the fruitfulness, the beauty, of this planet. Despite approximately eight billion people on this planet, there still exist enough resources to feed everyone.
The problem is not having enough resources; the problem is the distribution of food. The problem is not that there is a lack of places to grow the food, but rather the problem is that there is not enough wisdom to grow the food in a balanced way. The problem is not that there is a lack of meat, but rather the problem is that there are not ways of developing the needed protein in a balanced way. One of the major contributions to the Just Society is producing food in harmony with Nature. This is basic, and you may not think it has a lot of spiritual significance, but I assure you, it does.
Another one of the basic concepts in a Just Society is the overall freedom from disease. This is a necessity in a Just Society, especially when there is an overcoming of pandemics. This means that equal access to healthcare is vital. I realize that there are many different opinions throughout this planet about whether healthcare should be accessible to everyone. I want to point out that this is an important aspect of the Just Society, because in a Just Society, what happens to the health of one part of the society affects everyone.
That has clearly been shown in the pandemic, because you have people who do not have access to healthcare who are poor, and they can easily spread the pandemic into the other parts of the world which is rich and advanced. The spread of the pandemic could be done innocently. I think that, when we look back at the lessons from this pandemic, there will be an agreement and more of a move towards a universal approach to healthcare. Today as we are speaking, there is a universal approach to inoculation and vaccination. The criteria for vaccinations, at least in the United States, are based on age and vulnerability, but no one is saying that it is based on economic status. I realize that people of lower economic status do not have as easy access to the tools to get the vaccination. For example, appointments could be made by Internet, and people of lower economic status may not have Internet connections. The pandemic and vaccinations are opening up the discussions and the realizations that there is a necessity for providing some type of health inoculations and vaccinations to everyone. And we can say that, in a Just Society, there is the maintaining of healthcare for everyone.
Therefore, two of the requirements of a Just Society is the distribution of food, so everyone is having their nourishment needs met, and a distribution of healthcare to everyone so that there is a healthy immune response. Everyone contributes to the immune health of humanity. Your mission could also involve contributing to these two points, that is, the distribution of food and the distribution of healthcare in some way. Doing such work is what I call the “nitty gritty” of the work towards a Just Society. Such service may not be as dramatic or as colorful, but this work is important in order for this society to achieve spiritual wisdom and to achieve control of the resources and control of the biosphere so it is not destroyed.
The other issue that must be addressed in a Just Society is the energy needs, and along with the energy needs is the military needs. Energy needs now on this planet are met predominantly from fossil fuels. I know the many arguments for and against fossil fuels. We also know that there are more advanced energy systems throughout the galaxy in higher civilizations. One of the accomplishments of a planet that graduates from Stage I is the ability to provide the energy needs of the entire planet.
Recently astronomers talked about gigantic mirror-like systems that could be stationed around a planet, gathering the energy from their star, their sun. There recently was an observation of a star, and astronomers thought that they detected blockages of the starlight in relationship to a planet. Some astronomers concluded that this blockage of starlight was a system set up by an advanced planet to harness energy from their sun. Astronomers thought the advanced planet had setup an elaborate mirror-like system around the planet and around their sun to gather energy.
The source of all energy for this Earth is from the Sun. If there could be a way to harness that sunlight more effectively, then that would potentially be a way of solving a major problem that is leading to the ecocide on this planet and on all planets that are struggling to graduate from Stage I. There is a need to develop a sustainable energy system that will not destroy the planet. It is possible to harness all energy from the Sun and provide all of the energy needs of a civilization.
The Atlanteans did have a sophisticated system to harness sunlight that is more advanced than any solar panel system that now exists on Earth at this time. So the Atlanteans had advanced technology. They did not have the propulsion technology that you have. They did not have the computer technology that you do, but they did have the ability of developing this solar energy technology. But the technology was misused and misunderstood which led to an intense download of sunlight that led to a collapse and implosion of their machines which caused an earthquake that swallowed up their civilization.
Every use of external energy does have risks. Imagine, for example, that there are rotating mirrors placed closer to the Sun, harnessing the sunlight and sending it directly to the Earth. Can you also imagine how dangerous that could be if the mirrors were misaligned? You would be harnessing intense energies that are unimaginable, and a miscalculation of the downloading of sunlight could create catastrophic effects on the planet.
The other aspect of the Just Society that is critical is the relationship of the biosphere to the civilization and the protection of the biosphere. Ecocide and the destruction of the biosphere by inhabitants of the planet are out of control. From our perspective, the Earth is in a catastrophic situation because, at this moment, the biosphere is experiencing one of the most extreme ecocide situations that we have ever seen. We are seeing an ecocide that can be measured in years until total catastrophic collapse of the biosphere occurs. We made several predictions that the oceans have about 15 years left, and if the suicidal behavior is not stopped, then the ocean life could collapse soon. The collapse of the ocean life would have major effects on the weather patterns and other climatic aspects that are still unknown to humanity.
Ocean life does contribute to the ocean currents, and the ocean currents are changing. Even now, as we looked at this year in 2021, we have seen some major unusual weather patterns. This is all due to the ocean currents changing. Some of the climate changes are due to the ocean warming of the icebergs. Some of the weather changes also have to do with the unknown relationship between ocean life and ocean currents. When there are collapses of major animal groups or plant life in the ocean, then this will have a dramatic effect throughout the ocean and the planet. Planets in Stage II have learned to control and stop ecocide and create a balance that ensures the creation of all energy needs without the destruction of any plant and animal life. Despite the dramatic dangers and catastrophic predictions that one could make based on what is happening now, the Earth has tremendous recuperative powers. Using higher wisdom and higher knowledge, there could be a total reversal and a recovery. This planet is capable of making a fantastic recovery and that is the good news.
The Just Society and the graduation of Stage I is related to higher consciousness and the Ascension and the Fifth Dimension. The key to all this change is awareness and evolution of humanity to a greater expanded consciousness. We provide information about the galactic perspective because this will help to expand consciousness. People will realize that there are other civilizations throughout this galaxy that have gone through the same issues. Some of these planets did not make it. I can tell you that in our star system, there has been one planet that self-destructed, and I could tell you that some of you, who are coming into awareness of your past lives on other planetary systems, will remember being on a planet that did self-destruct. Now, when you incarnate back to the Earth, you are bringing with you the knowledge, information and techniques for preventing planetary ecocide. Remember ecocide is suicide, and ecocide means that the planet is committing environmental suicide.
There are 5,000 planets that have advanced civilizations. Ten percent of those planets are on the brink of where the Earth is; that means that 500 of the planets are still struggling with Stage I and are in the midst of an ecocide type of development crisis. Of those 500, perhaps five percent will fail. Five percent of 500, means we are talking about 25 planets. Now that is 25 planets out of 5,000, but still that is still a tremendous number. Statistically, not all planets make the transition successfully.
The good news is that the Galactic Council and the Arcturians and other higher beings are being asked to help participate in the saving of this planet, and we are being asked to provide as many resources as possible, as many consultations as possible, to assist in helping the Earth graduate from Stage I on to Stage II.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty