Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I want to review the power of the number 40, and explain why we are using that number in this planetary healing group and ascension process. 40 is a universal number of power that is used on the third-dimensional plane on the Earth throughout the galaxy. The number 40 contains secret powers that have been expressed by the prophets on the Earth. They have used the number 40 for transformation, including for ascension. The most well-known example is Moses, who had an extradimensional encounter of the highest form and was on the Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights. The number 40 contains a mystical power. It is a mystical experience lasting 40 days that has been used by other prophets, including Jesus who was in the desert for 40 days.
What is significant for our work is that we are transferring the numerical power of that number to you, the participants in the Group of Forty. This mystical power helps give you more Personal Power, and this is what we are going to be talking about in this lecture. I will refer to this as Personal Power, because, in this time of great anxiety, polarizations and upheavals on the planet, you need to look at what makes you healthy. What do you need to do to protect yourself? And how, especially if you are confronted with life and death or dire circumstances, can you elevate yourself and maintain the proper perspective and energy so that you are continually connected with your soul?
The answer to this problem lies directly in this concept of Personal Power, and how do you gather Personal Power? But for an introduction, let me say that working within the confines of a group that is using the number 40 helps you to vibrationally increase your Personal Power. Personal Power has many benefits, including healing, ascension and obtaining expanded galactic consciousness.
I want to introduce to you today the concept of synchronicity, which can be defined as meaningful coincidences. I am sure that in your lifetime, things happen to you, and they seem to have a meaningful coincidence that leads to some interesting and positive outcomes, that leads you to believe that there are no accidents. You can say that there is an overall plan for your life. And this means there is an overall planetary plan as well.
You may have heard me talk about this planetary plan as an Earth drama. And it may look unplanned, especially when you see the chaotic events that are occurring. These events may even look as random. Yet, there is an overall plan. The problem is that, in your limitations on the Earth, you do not have all of the information to understand what the plan is. And when I say all of the information, this includes the past lives, and the karmic involvement of many different groups, including the karmic involvement of other planetary systems and other extraterrestrial systems. There are other extraterrestrial beings that are contributing to this planetary drama.
When I talk about synchronistic events, I also refer to this other interesting phenomenon known as déjà vu, which loosely can be defined as “already seen”. In other words, everyone has had the experience of either going into a place or meeting someone, and you may feel like, “Oh, I have met this person before,” or “Oh, I have been in this room before,” even though you have never had a memory, or you have never in this lifetime been there or met that person. Why is there that phenomena of déjà vu? The answer is important because it fits in with our theme of an overall Divine Plan and the concept of meaningful coincidences.
Before you came into this lifetime, you had a pre-life review. I know that many of you are familiar with the life review at death. This is a condensed time when all of the events that you have experienced in this incarnation come before you, and you relive and review them. It is amazing that you could do that in such a condensed period of time. Did you know that there is also a pre-life review which occurs before you come into this lifetime? Before you enter this lifetime, you are shown, with your guides and teachers, the events, the people and many other circumstances that are going to occur in your incarnation. Déjà vu, then, is an experience in which you are recalling the pre-life review of an event.
It may seem like you have met that person before, but in reality, the meeting was shown to you in the pre-life review. Of course, there are also other circumstances in which you do meet somebody from another incarnation. But before you came into this lifetime, you saw in advance who you were going to meet. And you chose who you are going to be with. That might be difficult for some of you to accept. Many people will not want to accept that you chose these parents, or that you knew you were going to be in a difficult marriage, or you knew in advance that you were going to have this experience of illness or accidents.
Many people bring up the issue, then, of Free Will, because it sounds like everything is planned, and there is no choice and that all is predestined. But there is a Free Will, and you always have the choice. Even when there is a pre-review, you still have choices. Because it is important for you to understand that, even though there are pre-determined events, you also always have the Free Will or choice on how you will react to any event. You have the choice right now of whether to cross the street or not cross the street, for example, or whether to listen to this lecture or to do something else. But, there is an overview and plan that you participated in, and you saw it before you came into this lifetime.
You are curious and you want to know so much about yourself, and why personal events are happening, and of course, why global events are happening on the planet. It is important to understand and to have a broad perspective, a perspective that sometimes requires you to have the knowledge of your past lives. You might wonder why this certain illness came to you, or you may wonder why this difficult relationship is confronting you now. And oftentimes, these difficult situations are the result of karmic unfinished business the soul is trying to resolve on its journey.
You are on a journey with your soul to learn and to graduate from the Earth. One of the most powerful concepts in the soul journey is soul imprinting. You may think of soul imprinting, especially when you have the experience of trauma. Each of you has had lifetimes on the Earth that have been filled with trauma. Trauma leaves an imprint on your consciousness, and it does require a lot of healing. Did you know that past-life traumas also leave an imprint on your soul?
A beautiful example of that is the Holocaust victims from the World War II that reincarnated after the end of World War II. For example, there is a group of Holocaust victims that reincarnated in Australia as opposed to reincarnating in Germany or in Europe. Many of them experienced psychotherapy. Under hypnosis, and in trance work, their psychologists wanted to know why these people would reincarnate in Australia. All of these people had died in the Holocaust, and all were Jewish in their former lifetime. Their answer is quite interesting. They all said that they chose to reincarnate in Australia because they wanted to be as far away as possible from Germany in their new lifetime.
Their souls had that imprint of their trauma, and they understood that it was necessary to come back into the Earth, to learn lessons and to deal with trauma. Their souls had the ability to choose which country it would reincarnate into. Under the hypnosis, in past-life regression, the people reported that they felt much safer to reincarnate in a country like Australia that is thousands of miles away from Europe and Germany.
Yet, even in their new reincarnation, the group of people that I am talking about who were Holocaust victims chose to reincarnate in another lifetime in Australia in a non-Jewish, Christian family. However, as adults they spontaneously began to have soul memories of their traumatic experiences in their past lifetime in Germany. They also suddenly felt drawn to certain rituals and certain types of prayers that were from their previous lifetime as Jews. They became troubled by these experiences and memories, and they started seeking psychological help. They could not understand why they were having these spontaneous memories, because they had no experience as Jews in their current lifetime in Australia.
This story is an example of what I call soul imprinting, which means that, from one lifetime to the next, traumas are carried through incarnations. This knowledge is so important. If this information could be known throughout the planet, then a great deal of this violence might stop because the people who are committing violence are setting up an imprint that they personally will have to play out in another lifetime. Likewise, the victims, too, will have to heal their experiences in a future lifetime. In some cases it is possible for people who experience trauma to heal from these events before the end of that traumatic incarnation.
Your soul is on a journey. All events are recorded on the Akashic records as well as on your personal soul history which stays with you from lifetime to lifetime.
Our focus is on healing, the Ascension and helping you to progress in your soul work and soul journey. You have to learn what your true nature is. What is the most important tool that you can cultivate to help you on your soul journey now? What is the most important tool that you could cultivate for your ascension progress? The answer is that the most important tool you have is your consciousness and your expanded consciousness. This tool of expanded consciousness is a unique gift that each of you starseeds are developing and using, and the more you can expand your consciousness, the greater opportunities that you will have to heal yourself and to ascend and to progress as an enlightened being on this soul journey.
There are other ascension tools as part of expanded consciousness. These other tools include accessing past-life events, experiencing awareness of the life-between-life events, and experiencing the pre-review before you came into this lifetime. Further tools include the psychological exercise known as soul retrieval. In soul retrieval you are taken back to a past life, where, for traumatic reasons, you had to abandon previous gifts, such as being a shaman or being a psychic. You may have had to abandon those gifts for fear of being persecuted. Interestingly, that part of yourself that had those gifts may have decided to abandon those gifts in that lifetime out of fear of being persecuted. On a soul level, you left that part of yourself in that past lifetime. Now you can retrieve that lost part of yourself and bring it back into this current lifetime. Part of the healing that you may need to do now is to retrieve that part of yourself which includes your gifts that you abandoned in that previous lifetime.
Expanded consciousness is the gift and is the tool for your ascension that allows you to do soul retrieval and other important soul exercises. The practicing of expanded consciousness is what we are going to also focus on in our meditation.
Another tool for ascension work is emptying the Self as a way of receiving higher light and higher information. Removing worldly thoughts and ego obsessions helps one to receive more higher light.
We will begin our meditation exercise now. From the perspective of expanded consciousness, imagine your mind as the size of a ball. In this exercise, your consciousness can be symbolically represented as a ball around your energy field on top of your shoulders. Now this could be either a small ball, and that would represent contracted consciousness, and in contracted consciousness you would only have the limitations or the narrowness of the small mind. Now think of the large ball as representing the large mind or expanded consciousness.
When you empty the small mind, then you are able to receive light. However, if you expand the big mind into the big ball, then the small parts of the mind become insignificant. Expanding the mind into a large ball is another way of emptying the Self. You can empty the ego by expanding the big mind.
Think of your consciousness like a large ball that can expand easily. Then you can expand your consciousness into the galaxy, because you are starseeds. One definition of a starseed is that they are people who have the ability to expand their consciousness into the galaxy and beyond. Now, it is easier to expand your consciousness into the galaxy when or if you can remember your past lifetimes on other planetary systems, because then you have an anchor for your expansion. Many of you even now are reaching out to your home planet. You are reaching out to Arcturus or the Pleiades, or Antares or Andromeda. You are expanding your consciousness by reaching out to those areas. By connecting your mind and your heart to those planetary systems from which you had come, then you will experience greater expanded consciousness on the Earth. Expanded consciousness also means expanded healing powers, expanded psychic powers on all levels.
I want to discuss another important tool in this work of the soul journey. You are preparing for your ascension and for the continuation of your soul journey in the most positive way, even in the face of negative events that you may be facing, because with higher expanded consciousness, even negative events become insignificant. I know that is easy for me to say, and maybe hard for you to accept, especially if you are having negative events. You always have the ability to use your consciousness. The next tool for the soul journey that I want to explain today is called the gathering of Personal Power. Personal Power is an important spiritual tool. And for the discussion of this part, I am going to turn it over to Chief White Eagle who is an expert on this subject, and then I will return after he is finished.
Hey ya hey ya ho, hey ya ho, hey ya ho. Greetings! All my words are sacred. We are all galactic brothers and sisters of light, and I come to you with an open heart and an expanded mind. I feel welcome among the starseeds. Let me discuss with you my view on Personal Power, because from the ascended Native Peoples’ perspective, the gathering of Personal Power is one of the most important aspects of spiritual development. No matter what your situation, no matter what your struggles, no matter what your pain or suffering is, you still have the ability to gather Personal Power.
Now, when I speak of Personal Power, we can compare it to gathering material wealth. You think about money and you can gather money, and if you are lucky you can put money in the bank. Later on if you need the money, you can withdraw it, and knowing that you have that savings account may give you a feeling of confidence and security. I want you to think of Personal Power in a similar way. In gathering Personal Power, you are gathering, what I could call the Chi life force energy. Gathering Personal Power involves using your spirit body to store Chi in your astral body.
We are looking at Personal Power as storing higher vibrational energy. Using crystals can help you store higher energy. If you are a lover of crystals, then you know that crystals are able to be programmed to store higher thought energy. Tachyon stones are another example of stones that can store higher energy.
Sacred plants are another source you can use for gathering Personal Power. Sacred plants have special powers. Smoking them or using them as incense are two methods of gathering power from these special plants.
Using a Medicine Wheel in your property is another great way to gather Personal Power. You can meditate inside of the Medicine Wheel or also use the Medicine Wheel to bring down higher energy.
Personal Power is stored in your energy field. That means that when or if you are confronted with any type of negativity, you can call on that Personal Power just like you can call on taking the money out of the bank, if you needed it in an emergency. When you have Personal Power, you can use that energy that you have stored for protection and for an emergency. You also can use the Personal Power to achieve higher and more expanded states of consciousness. When you have Personal Power, you can achieve expanded states of consciousness, states which you could not achieve if you did not have the Personal Power.
In the process of gathering Personal Power, we also look at Power Animals. Each person has a Power Animal. That Power Animal could be a bear, or an elk, for example. Even a snake is a Power Animal, representing the Kundalini light and energy. There are many Power Animals available for you to access. In our shamanistic work, especially in the teepee or in the Medicine Wheel, we will go into trance and invite your Power Animal to visit you. We welcome the Power Animal into our energy field. I encourage you in your meditations to do that, to reach out to invite your Power Animal to be with you.
You are spiritual warriors. The Earth is experiencing a battle of polarizations. It is a battle of dualities on this planet in which negativity is getting out of control. You want to have as much protection as possible. You want to have as much Personal Power as possible stored in your energy field.
Now, we even find Personal Power in our chanting, because we acknowledge that the chanting is a vibrational tool that helps us to expand our minds and our energy fields. Hey ya ho, hey ya, he ya ho. I, Chief White Eagle, send a blessing to all of my friends in the Group of Forty, to all seekers of 40 and the mystical power of that number. Let each of my starseed friends in the Group of Forty who are hearing my lectures and reading these words, receive an extra boost of Personal Power. Let each of them receive the stored energy of the Ascended Masters, of the Native Peoples. Let each of them receive the energy from their Power Animal, and let each know that they are on the right path for progressing on their soul journey. Hey ya ho, hey ya, hey ya hey, hey ya ho.
Find the ways to gather your power. Do not let others take your power from you. If they do accidentally try to steal your power, do not worry, because you can store extra Personal Power. If you could see the energetic fields of people in your day-to-day life, you would see that there exists a continual energy dance, where one person is taking the energy from another person, and oftentimes it is all unconscious. Some have called those who take other’s energy as being an energy vampire. Unfortunately, there are people who are parasitic vampires, and are only surviving because they are stealing energy from other people. Please try to avoid those people when possible. You want to protect your own energy; you want to protect your Personal Power from energy vampires. Your energy field is sacred, and do not let others take your power. This is why we use the shielding.
One of our most famous spiritual tools is the White Shield with the image of the buffalo on it. The buffalo is our Power Animal that we use for protection. Hey ya ho, hey ya ho. Visualize now an etheric shield in front of you, and this White Shield has the image of the buffalo. You have heard of the power of the buffalo, heya ho, heya ho, the thunder of the buffalo running on the plains of the Midwest of the United States. The power of the buffalo is grounded energetically to the Earth. Think of the flexibility and the grace of the running buffalo. Let that be an image on a shield in front of your energy field. This will help you very much to keep and to gather Personal Power. I am going to return you now to Juliano. This is Chief White Eagle. Do not forget the White Eagle is also a Power Animal. The White Eagle is a Power Animal that can help you keep your Personal Power. All my words are sacred. Ho!
This is Juliano. Now take three deep breaths. As you enter a state of spiritual relaxation, become aware of your energy field, and in particular, I want you to become aware of your head energetically. The energy field around your head is in the shape of a round ball. Visualize your energy field around your head as an electromagnetic ball of vibrating light. We are going to expand that ball of light. The ball symbolically represents your mind. Expand your ball to your whole room, and then feel the expansion energetically, and then expand it further outward to your whole house. You can look around your whole house. This is an expansion in which you have full consciousness. Expand your ball to your city in which you live. Some of you may be in Planetary Cities of Light. You may be amazed that by expanding your mind to the size of your city, then you can see things that are happening around the city in real time. This is the power of the expanded mind.
Now expand your ball (consciousness) to the state that you are living in. Next, expand your consciousness to the country that you are living in. Next, expand your consciousness to the planet that you are living on. We are only just beginning. Expand your consciousness to the solar system, including the planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and yes, Pluto. Expand the consciousness and the ball outside of the solar system going to Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, which holds the star system Arcturus. Now expand your consciousness to the Pleiades. Next, expand your consciousness towards the center of the galaxy, Antares, and expand your consciousness to the Central Sun. Hold the multi-levels of this expansion, as we will go into meditation now for several minutes as you experience this multi-leveled expanded awareness. We will be in silence. (Silence)
You have reached the Central Sun; you have reached expanded consciousness in the galaxy. Bring yourself back from the Central Sun, to Antares, to the Pleiades, to Arcturus. Bring your consciousness back to the solar system, back to the Earth, back to your country, back to your state, back into your home, back into your room, back into your original consciousness. You have expanded and now have a new flexibility in your consciousness. This flexibility will help you to gather higher Personal Power. Let all this settle in energetically. Feel the expanded consciousness of being a starseed now on planet Earth with full awareness on all levels. I am Juliano. Good day.