January 7, 2017
Neutralization: New Tools of Ascension for Planetary Healing
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
I know that all of you as Starseeds are greatly concerned about the polarizations and the polarizing energies that are permeating this planet. This polarization energy is often destructive and can create upheavals, chaos and damage the biosphere. How are we, as Starseeds, to approach this polarizing energy, and what is the best method for overcoming polarization and continuing our work as planetary healers and as students of the Ascension? Also, what is the correct way for us to deal with negative energies that may even come to us personally from this polarization? This is always a concern, especially for those who are on the path of ascension, enlightenment and expanded consciousness.
This new tool that I will describe and work with you on today is called the “Tool of Neutralization”. To understand neutralization as a spiritual tool, I will describe some basic mathematics: You have a positive energy, which is a + (plus), and you have a negative energy, which is a – (minus). When you look at the minus sign in front of a number or in any mathematical calculation, then you can conclude that when you are using the – (minus), you are taking away energy. When you are using the + (plus) sign, then you are adding energy. This is a very simplistic description, but I hope that you can see how this is metaphorically relevant to our discussion of the tools of ascension and the tool of ascension called “neutralization”.
This simple metaphor will also help you to deal with and understand polarizations. If someone is in a negative state, they are taking energy away from you and from the planet. This can be described in several different views. For example, if somebody has attachments to you, then they are taking away your energy. If you have a hole in your aura, then your energy is being decreased, and you are going into the minus category. On the other hand, if somebody is sending out energy, such as love, good will and kindness, then that energy is a plus, and you are gaining energy and in your light vibration.
How does neutralization fit into this? Neutralization is the process whereby you stop negative energy from being subtracted from your energy field or from your aura. Those who are doing things to take energy away and create a deficit either from you or from the planet are stopped when they are neutralized. This means that their actions can no longer take away energy either from you or the planet. At the same time, it is important to note that in this neutralization, they are temporarily paralyzed in their actions, and they may be unable to continue their negative actions. If I use the example of the environment, those who might be destroying the biosphere, destroying a species, or polluting the oceans or the atmosphere, suddenly would not able to do so anymore. They are neutralized and their actions are stopped, and they cannot continue in that activity. From a mathematical equation we can say they are no longer taking energy away from the biosphere. On a personal basis, if someone is trying to harm you energetically, then when that person is neutralized, then they can no longer harm you.
Now this can be described on an emotional, psychological or even physical level. Some of you may even know of a philosophy and spiritual practice known as “Aikido”, which is based on this deep and highly evolved concept of neutralization. This means when somebody is coming towards you to do you harm, then the Aikido practitioner neutralizes that person. The Aikido practitioner puts the attacker in a position where that person attacking him cannot continue to execute any harmful action towards him. At the same time what is beautiful is that this neutralization action does no harm to the person who is trying to do the negative action. They are neutralized and they cannot proceed.
But there is one vital fact that we must look at when we are talking about neutralization energy which is also described in the Aikido practitioner’s philosophy. Once the person is neutralized from doing the harm to you or to the planet, then if they decide to continue anyway and try to harm you and try to harm the planet again, then they will harm themselves instead. So let us review this again: In the metaphor of the martial arts Aikido practitioner, the attacking person is placed in a hand lock or an arm lock, which is an uncomfortable position for the attacker. This position causes them discomfort, but it becomes clear that if that attacker were to continue that action or continue in a movement towards an aggressive or destructive nature, that his arm would be harmed, broken or incapacitated. It would be the attacker’s own movement, the person’s action which would create the harm to himself. Now this is neutralization at the highest philosophical level. This is neutralization that can be described on the highest spiritual level, that is, when someone is trying to do harm to you, you can neutralize them so that they if they continue, then they will cause harm to themselves, making them totally stop all harmful actions because they have become neutralized. They will lose their desire to take energy away from you and to harm you. In many ways, they can decide to take a more positive response towards you.
If we look at neutralization on the planetary basis, we have some very important and interesting ideas and symbols. You are well aware of the global, destructive habits of humanity towards the environment, the oceans and the atmosphere. You are also aware of the destruction of the biodiversity and biosphere in general, including the forests and lands. Let’s use this analogy of neutralization and the world of the spiritual Aikido practitioner and apply it to planetary healing. Think for a moment about somebody polluting the ocean, sending radioactivity or garbage into the ocean. Suddenly, they become neutralized. They are unable to do this action. They are put in a position of even more extreme crisis if they continue on this action, because by continuing this action, then they will harm themselves. They will not be able to continue on this path without causing harm to themselves. They have become neutralized.
As planetary healers, how should you be visualizing and meditating on healing this planet? Also how should you visualize those people who might be trying to cause harm to you? Certainly in a polarized environment and a polarized world, it is easy to experience negative energy coming towards you. It would be helpful to use this tool of neutralization, especially when it comes to your own personal life and to possible emotional and psychological harm that other people may be causing you. People may be sending you negative energy either consciously or unconsciously. Visualize those who might be trying to send you negative energy, and then see them being neutralized so that the negative energy can no longer reach you.
When I discuss planetary healing, it becomes clear that there needs to be a strong, personal power among those who are engaging in planetary healing meditations and activations. Again I will use the example of the Aikido practitioner. The practitioner is not physically weak. In fact he spends long hours practicing and studying the Aikido techniques and building up his energy field so that he can neutralize, in a positive way, those who are coming towards him and wanting to do him harm. The energy field of the practitioner has become strong, and he has developed a good and positive energy field which enables him to use the ability of neutralization. As planetary healers then, we, too, must show and exert a positive, strong energy field.
We can help to neutralize negative and destructive energy. Why would I say neutralize instead of just using positive energy to overcome negative energy? Let us go back to our early examples of plus and minus. Remember minus is taking away energy and plus is giving energy or increasing energy. There are laws in spirituality and polarization called the “laws of repelling”. In this peculiar time that you are living in, a stronger positive energy often pushes away the negative energy, and likewise a stronger negative energy pushes away the positive energy. I think that you are seeing this in the polarization phenomenon now that those who are in a strong negative light or in a negative way, can repel those who are positive. For example, you might even personally feel more hatred or more anger or disgust at those people who are assuming this opposite negative polarized position. This is a manifestation of law of repulsion. When negative energy is so strong, then this indicates a dangerous spiritual situation on this planet. It is more difficult to find a middle way. It is difficult to even communicate with those on the opposite polarized side when there’s such a repulsion. This state of polarization and spiritual repulsion can lead to more chaos and even violence, so it is not a healthy or balanced way.
This idea of neutralization is also close to another spiritual concept which is called “harmony and balance”. I will say that it is close, but there are differences. There is a difference between harmony and balance and neutralization. Here we have one group on the planet who are positive and are working towards love and harmony and equality and the just society. Then you have the other group of people who are working for greed and power and control and are seeking to destroy those who don’t think like them. What kind of balance could there be among such polarizations? How could there be harmony and balance?
Let me first talk about harmony and balance from the spiritual perspective, and then let me also talk about what to do if there’s no common ground among polar opposites. In the concept of the Planetary Tree of Life we have this beautiful image of a masculine side and a feminine side. We have the image of the pillars where you have the good side and the bad side, the male side and the female side. But also we have two attributes that are especially relevant to our discussion, and it is the attribute of strength and judgment on one side and the attribute of compassion and mercy on the other. It is clear that judgment and strength are necessary, but judgment and strength without some mercy or compassion could be dangerous to the planet. I have discussed this before, and I have stated that there are experimental planetary situations in this galaxy where judgment has ruled and become too powerful. To live in a society that is overly judgmental would be difficult. Just think about yourself and how difficult it might be for you to operate when you are overly critical of yourself. Or think about how difficult it might be for you or how difficult it was for you when you were a child and had the unfortunate situation of having overly critical parents. It was difficult for you to function comfortably and be in a relaxed state. When there is compassion, then there is more permissiveness, more kindness and there can be more growth.
But let’s look at the opposite, which is mercy and kindness. Of course we all like kindness, and it’s good when people who are in positions of power are merciful and compassionate towards us. But we are in a situation now on this planet where there is a great, strong energy of polarization. Polarization often creates irregularity in thought patterns, chaotic thinking and also violence. During strong polarization energy, people can lose control of themselves and react from a very animalistic position. They could react from a low energy vibration that mistakenly believes that violence and terrorism are justifiable. In these situations and with these people, compassion does not work. In fact when you are compassionate to terrorists, then they view this as a weakness. Strong polarizations can become so far out of balance that there is no immediate harmony possible. In a more perfect world, we can say that judgment and compassion can be balanced and a new harmony is developed, but if the two sides are too far apart, too polarized, then compassion and balance may not be effective.
Strong polarization is part of the situation that you are now seeing on this planet. On a planetary basis, we are dealing with a strong polarization which can lead to catastrophic events, which include end-time scenarios, planetary disruptions, volcanic eruptions, storms, and social and economic upheavals. I think all of these scenarios sound familiar, and if you look around the planet today, you might see some of these events happening dramatically right now. There are extreme polarizations politically and economically on this planet, and simple compassion may lead to more upheaval. When I look at some of the situations in the refugee crisis, for example, especially in Europe, but also in the United States, we can see that extreme compassion and mercy sometimes can create more problems. There has to be an attempted balance.
But now, this leads to the discussion of neutralization, because in neutralization, you are not trying to balance one side with the other. You are not seeking to balance judgment with mercy, but rather you are trying to neutralize those who are using negative energy to take away and destroy the Earth. You are neutralizing those people who are trying to harm the Earth so that they are unable to do any more damage, both on a personal and planetary level. For example, you want to neutralize those who are destroying the whales or the giraffes or the elephants. There is no more room for compassion when people are brutally destroying wildlife for monetary gain. In order to exert such neutralization energy, it does require a certain type of discipline and strength.
I like to talk about ascension. I know that there have been other ascension models, especially in the fundamentalist world. In these models, people are uplifted into heaven. Another intervention into the Earth can focus on a neutralization energy. In this visual image we can use a neutralization image to counter the destruction of the Earth’s biosphere. Use your Arcan Energy and your power of meditation and your skills as planetary healers. You can participate in a new, very positive visualization for a healing on this planet by using the neutralization image. You can use this positive visualization also for your own personal experiences.
Today in this meditation work, I want you to visualize a neutralization image that stops the destruction of the biosphere. Each of you has a particular sphere of influence and also a peculiar and individualistic sensitivity to the environment. Each of you might have specific knowledge of a place on this planet that is in need of healing work. Also, you might be more politically aware of what a tyrant might be doing that is extremely unjust. So you have the choice of where you can focus your healing thoughts. With neutralization energy, you are not taking on their karma. You are not involved in a particular brand of energy exchange, but rather you are neutralizing it.
In this meditation today, I’d like each of you to choose an event or an occurrence on this planet that you are particularly sensitive to and concerned about. It could be the radiation leak at Fukushima, the civil war in Syria, the incoming administration in the United States government that has the potential for harming the environment and ignoring any gains that might have been made in the climate arena. You could focus on a powerful corporation that is destroying the forest in the Amazon jungle. Choose what seems to be the most pressing issue for you. Feel the power of your spiritual light and feel your ability now to rise out of your physical body and move energetically to the Ring of Ascension around this planet. In this Ring of Ascension, you will even feel more of your spiritual courage and energies, and you will feel the great spiritual tool of neutralization. We, you and I, are choosing that image of what it is that you want to see neutralized. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
Remember, it IS important to think that you don’t want to see that other polarized side destroyed. You don’t want to see that other polarized side group harmed. You only want their energy to be neutralized so they no longer can engage in the harmful activities, either towards you personally or towards the environment and the planet. You can visualize that neutral action in any way that you want. The bottom line is that if that group or that person continues that negative action towards the planet or towards other people, then they become neutralized. Any harm they might experience would then become self-inflicted. Focus your consciousness in the Ring of Ascension. Together we will go into meditation, and each of you can work on the neutralization visualization. We will be in silence now.
(After minutes of silence, chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.) As you are holding this light of neutralization, know that this is a higher vibration. It is a way for you to deal with the polarizing energies so that you don’t get sucked in the negative force fields that are surrounding the polarization. Your image of the neutralization shall be recorded in the Ring of Ascension and placed in the Noosphere, which will help the guides and teachers and the Earth manifest that which is necessary for neutralization.
Now I want to discuss the Ascension in terms of the waves. There have been some ideas about what will happen to those people who cannot change their consciousness. There have been discussions that these people will be taken off the planet in a mass exodus and only the higher vibrational people, like the Starseeds, will graduate and move on to the Fifth Dimension. But you noticed that in all of the discussions of the Ascension, we have talked about the three waves of ascension, because there is some compassion, there is some mercy for people on the Earth. There is an understanding that the Earth is a school, and that people are here to learn and experience, and even those who are polarized in a negative way can still open up to a positive light.
Visualize neutralizing energy going to others. Again, I go back to this beautiful analogy of the Aikido master who puts his opponent in a position that if the opponent continues to try and harm him, then that opponent would wind up hurting himself. In that moment when the attacker feels that response from the Aikido master, then a moment of recognition, a moment of enlightened energy, can come to that person. That person attacking can say: “Aha, I am dealing with a master here who has high energy. I submit and I am open to learning what this person has to offer me.” I know there are people who would violate that opportunity and would even continue and hurt themselves. They might have no hope of learning. On the other hand, there are many people who have a great respect when they experience this energy of neutralization. Neutralization is a spiritual energy force, but it also manifests in a physical way, and it leaves the opportunity for a shift and a change in a person’s behavior.
Remember when we are talking about neutralization energy, then we are also talking about self-protection, and we are moving into the world of the energy of the aura. We are in a time on this planet where it is of great necessity to protect your energy field and to work with your energy field. As I said, the energy of neutralization comes from a position of energetic strength. It does not come from a position of energetic weakness. This is why I called on each of you to work on the resiliency of your energy field, so that you are able to repulse negative energy that is coming towards you. Negative charge is an energy that is trying to take energy from you. This resiliency which I refer to is called “Pung” energy in Taoism. It helps you to create an elastic and resilient bounce in your energy field, so that when a negative source impinges on your aura, it bounces away and it cannot penetrate. It is also helpful to project this type of resiliency and elasticity around needed sacred spots around the planet. We need to energetically protect the sacred sites around the world. This includes the sacred rivers in North America and of the Native Peoples in South America. When you can work on that energy field surrounding that sacred place, then you can create an energy of Pung, or elasticity, around the area. Ultimately, the energy of elasticity pushes away intrusive negative energy and in fact, is neutralizing the negative energy.
So let us spend a moment now in personal meditation. I ask each of you to see your energy field in the shape of the Cosmic Egg. Remember you are still in the Ring of Ascension, and you have heightened powers of visualization. Fill your energy field with this elastic, bouncy light of Pung and see it coming into your energy field through your Crown Chakra. Again, we will go into silence.
Use this time to neutralize any inflammations in your body and any conflicts, any weaknesses, any holes or any attachments. Fill your aura with this resilient Pung light now. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH. OOOOOOOHHHHHH.) Your energy field is resilient; it is elastic. It is bouncy, and it has the power energetically to neutralize any negative force or energy that comes into your energy field. Negative energy is repelled with great ease and great elasticity. You have that Pung energy now. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.)
You can project powerful Pung energy to sacred spots and sacred situations around the globe. Know that all the fifth-dimensional guides and teachers are happy to support you in your spiritual work of neutralization. Neutralization does not cause harm to another person. In neutralization they are only put in a position where they will harm themselves if they continue their negative energy. Prepare to leave the Ring of Ascension and return to your physical body, re-entering in perfect alignment, feeling a new personal power and energy with this new tool for personal and planetary healing, neutralization. You are protected and you are deeply respected and valued in your light work.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller Founder / Director Group of Forty davidmiller@groupofforty.com www.groupofforty.com |