January 5, 2019
Meditation to Connect with the Star Arcturus and the Arcturians
Copyright © 2019 David K. Miller
I need to offer some brief explanations to you on cosmic energy and how cosmic energy is connecting to the Earth. It is no secret that the Earth is not isolated in the galaxy or in the universe, and it certainly is no secret that the Earth is being bathed continually in radiation and cosmic energy and light from different sources, including sources in this galaxy and extragalactic sources throughout the universe. Just witness, for example, that modern astronomers are able to receive energy from everywhere in the universe, going back as far in time as the Big Bang, which is estimated to have occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago.
But today, we are interested in your personal stars, your personal energy and why and how you can connect to the Arcturian energy. It is known, especially among the Taoists, that everyone has a personal star in our galaxy. Each of you often question: “Where is my home planet?” or “Where is my home star?” There is a deep soul longing within you for returning to your home planet and to your home star. Why is this? In many cases, your soul entered this universe and this galaxy through your home planet, and therefore, your home star is like a birthing place for you. It is a place where you first began to experience consciousness and awareness of who you are and what you are about.
You, as Starseeds, are soul travelers. Starseeds have been incarnating on many different planetary systems around the galaxy, including Arcturus. I know that some of you come from other star systems besides Arcturus, and these other star systems include the Antares, the Pleiades, Alano, Sirius. I could name other stars whose names you never heard on the Earth. Remember, the names of the stars that are given by your astronomers are Earth-based names. Some of these “personal stars” have galactic names while others just have names unique just to Earth.
You have a longing then, to connect with your home planet and home star in order to feel its strong boost of energy and light. The home star and the home planet can provide you with spiritual sustenance in order to feel nourished, replenished and invigorated. During this time of dramatic planetary political change, it is especially even more important to feel this Starseed connection.
Let us look more closely at Arcturus as your personal star. Arcturus may be your home planet and personal star. However, some of you may be from other planetary systems that you might also call your home star, but you also feel deeply connected to Arcturus. What is the common thread, what is the common link that attracts you to the Arcturian star energy?
To answer this question, I want to remind you of how we, the Arcturians, see our role in the galaxy and our role in the Earth’s spiritual development and advancement. I must talk about the Stargate. We look at ourselves as advanced spiritual higher dimensional beings in this galaxy, and we feel that we have a special mission to reach out and connect with Starseeds throughout this section of the galaxy. This outreach has many purposes, including most importantly providing a service to Earth Starseeds. We know how important it is for Starseeds to be awakened. Think for a moment, about your journey on this planet, and think about how long it took you to become awakened. After you woke up to your Starseed heritage, perhaps you did not feel supported. Perhaps you did not know what to do with this awakening. Perhaps you felt isolated; perhaps you felt different. Maybe you even felt misunderstood, but you did not give up and you sought out others who have the desire to connect with the Arcturians. Being the guardians of the Stargate means that we have this special role, and that we have a special ability through our work, to help you connect with your other home star planets and your other home star systems. We have special access and special abilities through our work that will help you connect with your home star, wherever it might be.
I have described the Stargate in several different metaphors, but my favorite one is comparing the Stargate to a train station. Visualize, for example, a train station in which there are signs saying this train goes to New York, or this train goes to Frankfurt, or this train goes to Istanbul, and this train goes to Beijing. There you are in this station and you can transfer to many other cities throughout the Earth. This is a unique station. This is the way the Stargate is. The Stargate offers access to your home planet, your home star, even if that home star is in another galaxy, or even if your home is in another dimension. This is a powerful tool, the Stargate, and it means that we as star workers can assist you in connecting to whatever star system you belong to.
We also have other tools to help you access and connect to your personal star system. Meditation exercises can offer you an accessible way of connecting to your home star. Think about the cosmic energy that comes to you from stars, and let us think about the wonderful ability that each of you is having through our work together. You are having the ability to focus your energy and focus your thoughts on Arcturus.
So, let us begin the meditation for connecting to the star Arcturus. (Chants “OOOOOO, OOOOOO.”) Let these sounds be a clearing of all lower dimensional energies that are around your aura. (Chants “OOOOOO, OOOOOO.”) Visualize yourself sitting in a huge circle around the Earth. Project yourself in the sitting position, etherically, to the Ring of Ascension around the Earth.
You are sitting energetically in the Ring of Ascension around the Earth, and in the middle of this huge circle, on top of the Earth, is David, the channel, sitting in a chair high above the North Pole, perhaps 100 miles or more above the North Pole. His energy, through our work with him, is connecting to the star Arcturus, and the energy from Arcturus is downloaded directly into David’s Crown Chakra, and then it is connecting to you through a line going from David’s Crown Chakra to your Crown Chakra. You are sitting in a circle, and the energy of Arcturus is continuing to be downloaded to the channel David’s Crown Chakra, and then it is being delivered directly into your Crown Chakra. This is a general energy, so let us go into meditation and hold and feel this connection. We will go into silence now. (Silence)
I want you to see the star Arcturus directly above David. (Silence) Feel the connection to Arcturus. Feel the connection to we, the Arcturians, energetically filling up your aura and your Crown Chakra. Now, we send through our star system, the blue Arcturian light as a vibrational healing, activating energy to each of you through this method. This healing energy is going through David, then to each of you as you are sitting around the Ring of Ascension. Receive the Arcturian blue light.
I, Juliano, now place my starship, Athena, above David, above the North Pole, in an interdimensional space perhaps 500 miles above the Earth. I am in the starship, providing a conduit between Arcturian energy and you through David. The reason is that we are able to refine and accommodate the Arcturian energy to the highest frequency that you can access and you can integrate. We bring the energy from the star Arcturus through our starship and then directly down to David and then to you. It is even a more refined and integrative energy. (Chants “OOOOOO.”) Let this golden-blue energy come down to each of you as a personal healing light. You can distribute this energy to any part of your physical body that you wish. This golden energy light is now being downloaded and distributed. Let us go into silence again. (Silence)
Now, we are going to send an activation energy of spiritual technology. You are teachers; you are healers, and we are activating and sending new information on spiritual technology to you. This energy has to do with personal healing techniques, such as the Cosmic Egg, organ replenishment, immune system cleansing, rebalancing, re-stabilization of your emotional body, re-stabilization of your mental body, detoxification of all systems and removing any toxicity. This is a special green healing light that is now entering your body using this method. Receive now this green energy from the star Arcturus through my starship Athena through David. This energy goes through each of you, now. (Silence)
Just allow this beautiful, green Arcturian light to flow through all of your body, including all of the cells, all of the organs and all of the four bodies. This green light is flowing through your body. It is cleansing your body. It is healing by helping to remove all of your toxicity, which now travels out of your body into the Earth. This toxic energy is being discharged from your body with a continual flow of powerful, Arcturian green light. (Chants “OOOOOO, OOOOOO.”)
I am increasing this intensity of green healing light from the star Arcturus. It is reaching you, providing a beautiful upliftment and cleansing of every cell in your body. Let us go back into meditation. (Silence) A huge, powerful wave of green light, like an ocean of light, like a wave from an ocean, is being sent down now. Receive it. To the best of your ability, see this green light Arcturian energy going through every cell of your body, purifying it, removing any toxicity, any blocks, any darkness. This is a very powerful green light. (Silence) (Chants a prayer in a galactic language.) (Chants “OOOOOO.”)
See the green light removing all the toxicities and being discharged and downloaded into the Earth. All unwanted energy leaves your body, now! This includes any attachments or any negative spirits that may be attached. They are removed. They cannot tolerate this healing green light. Beautiful! The Earth receives the discharge, and now this energy becomes a lighter green color. It represents more of a harmony and balance that goes from Arcturus through the starship through David to each of you, bringing your cells into a new harmony. For you are now connecting fully with the Arcturian star; you are truly experiencing a cosmic, Arcturian healing.
Now, let us move to spiritual alchemy, that is, the spiritual technology for affecting planetary change and planetary healing. Spiritual alchemy requires a higher frequency, a higher vibration; it requires a higher mental energy. It requires an ability to join with other Starseeds, other Arcturian Starseeds, other like-minded Starseeds. Joining with other Starseeds increases one’s ability to use Arcan power and magnetic energy force. You have to be in a special vibration in which you can first accept and work with other Arcturian Starseeds in a group. It requires a personal and energetic commitment to merge your energies with others, to overcome any fears you have about being part of a group and to be able to give up your ego and merge with the group energy. You have to have full trust and confidence that you will be able to work together in harmony and balance for the greater good. Group energy and group unity is a special vibration.
I now send down the violet Arcturian light, and distribute it to each of you. This light will enable you to accelerate your group consciousness, your group energy, your group cohesiveness and your group coherency. This light will help you to utilize in a higher light all of your Arcturian spiritual planetary tools. Through your powerful group connections you will be able to work most effectively for the highest good of this planet. I send down the Arcturian violet flame. (Chants a sound.) Receive now the violet flame which you can use for planetary service and group cohesiveness. Use the Arcturian star light now as the violet light is now coming down into your energy field. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Noorelativity is an extremely high level of planetary work, and it requires the purest mind, the purest intention. The highest frequency and vibration in the universe is pure thought. It is very hard and takes lots of training to be able to achieve a pure thought, and to then download that pure thought into a planet’s Noosphere. One such pure thought, for example, is Christ Consciousness. Just saying the words “Christ Consciousness” can fill the Noosphere with positive healing light for everyone. Another positive pure thought is contained in the words “Messianic Consciousness”. The consciousness of pure thought includes the ability to meditate and engage in higher consciousness. Engaging in pure thought means the effectiveness of one’s meditations will greatly accelerate. In reality, the purest thought is beyond words. Pure thought has the highest frequency. This means that a pure thought can remain in the Noosphere, even after one stops the meditation of that thought.
In a normal thought you have the thought energy of love or higher balance, but it may only stay there for a very brief time. But in pure thought with higher consciousness, the thought energy vibration stays in the Noosphere even after you leave and withdraw your energy. Pure thought has a life of its own. In order to reach that level of mental energy, you need the purification of the white light which I am now going to send to you. Receive now this dynamic, pure white light into your mind, into your mental body, and let this white light be like a halo around your shoulders and your head. Let the white light be downloaded now into your aura. Pure, white light is going through your mental body for purification. (Chants sounds.)
Your mental body is now purified, and you are able to have pure thoughts of the highest frequency. This thought frequency will be so powerful that you can send this thought into the Noosphere, and after you leave, after you withdraw your energy, that thought will remain as strong as when you were attached to it. This is the level of work with the Noosphere that we are striving for in our teaching with you.
In summary, we have sent you different frequencies of light, different activations, including blue light, green light, gold light, violet light and white light. We have helped you to powerfully connect with the star Arcturus. I want you to know that the star Arcturus is for you a personal star, and that you can call on the star Arcturus anytime, day or night. We are always here for you.
You are also able from the star Arcturus to reach out into other sections of the galaxy. Project yourself now upwards, through my starship, to the star Arcturus, and feel the great upliftment, the great cosmic connection which Arcturus offers you. Now, bring yourself back to the Earth. The channel leaves his position at the center of the circle and comes down into his body. You leave your position in the Ring of Ascension, and the circle of light, and come down into your body, fully aware, integrated and downloading all of this healing light and energy into your system. The violet light, the blue light, the white light, the golden light, all the different frequencies of the Arcturian lights which we have worked with, are now in your system, in your vibratory field, and all your cells are in harmony. Your mental, emotional and physical body is in alignment. You are feeling energetic, but also with the new activation for your ascension.
The last part of this work today is talking about the Ascension. I am talking about the Ascension when you are fully in your Earth body, because you want to be fully in your Earth body when you ascend. Please say this affirmation: “I, (your name), am now prepared for my ascension. Repeat the affirmation. I, (your name), am now prepared for my ascension.” (Chants “OOOOOO, OOOOOO.”) And so it shall be.
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty