January 6, 2018
Life on Arcturus
Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | [email protected]
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Today I want to discuss with you life on our planet Arcturus, which is a fifth-dimensional planet. I want to explain that our planet has ascended. We were living on a third-dimensional planet, but through our spiritual development and advancements, we transitioned our planet into the Fifth Dimension. It is interesting to look at some of the history of our third-dimensional planetary experiences. We, too, were in earlier stages of planetary development which I, in earlier lectures, have referred to as planetary Stage I of development. We had several third-dimensional planets in our system. They were in planetary Stage I developmental civilizations. We, too, at that time were experiencing conflicts and wars. In fact, there have been major conflicts and wars on many planets throughout the history of the galaxy. The Earth is not unique in having conflicts, duality and polarizations. The conflicts, polarizations and wars that you now see on Earth are fairly common throughout galactic civilizations.
Unfortunately, in one of our polarized conflicts we experienced the total destruction of one of our planets. I am not referring to just a localized nuclear conflict where cities were destroyed. I am referring to a planetary conflict which ended in the total annihilation of one of our planets. This was extremely traumatic, and the energy and the memories and the trauma from that event have stayed within our archetypical memories for eons.
Please note that there have been other military conflicts in the nearby star system called Lyra. The Lyran constellation and planetary systems are believed to be the original basis of the humans, or the Homo sapiens. There are recorded galactic historical accounts of wars going on within the Lyran system even before the Arcturian wars. In these conflicts, and also in the conflicts on Arcturus, there were refugees, including scientists and advanced spiritual people who decided to escape and leave their planet. They began the process of colonization of other planetary systems. Part of the purpose of their escape was to ensure the survival of their species. They were concerned that a military event might occur, which would lead to the total destruction of one of the Lyran planets. In fact a military campaign did lead to the destruction of their planet.
Now, in terms of the Earth and Earth development, there are scientific discussions about trying to colonize Mars, and this would be considered a similar attempt to ensure the survival of the Earth human species. I like to use the term “Earth human species” so that we can distinguish Earth beings from other human species that are living and thriving throughout the galaxy.
Now let us turn to the Arcturian life and the fact that, after that trauma which occurred eons before our ascension, a major spiritual infusion of light came to those who were still in the Arcturian star systems. After the war that led to the destruction of our planet, our forefathers gathered together in spiritual unity. They promised that never again would polarizations and dualities be allowed to result in destruction of civilizations or an entire planet. This commitment to harmony led to an acceleration of our spiritual advancement. It also helped to push us into the mode of ascending our entire planet into the Fifth Dimension.
It is our current planetary fifth-dimensional civilization that I will describe now. I will also refer to some of the main spiritual concepts and practices we have so that you can note their usefulness and relevance to your attempts and your efforts to advance Earth. From your perspective, all of our activities would look spiritual. We live in an extremely spiritual manner. There is no disease on our planet now. Also there are no polarizations, and there is no war. On a fifth-dimensional planet, like our Arcturian planet, war no longer exists. We have practiced and achieved a high degree of success in living in harmony with our planet through the practice of Biorelativity. Biorelativity is the telepathic communication to the spirit of a planet by advanced beings on the planet. This advanced telepathic communication helps to stabilize and modify any disruptions in weather patterns, earthquakes or storms.
We have been teaching you on Earth the practice of Biorelativity because we know that this is one of the key activities of advanced planetary civilizations in the galaxy. You may already have studied the galaxy from the view of astrophysics and, therefore, know that the galaxy is a dangerous place. There are asteroids striking planets, comets, and even exploding stars sending out dangerous radiation rays. There are aberrant stars that are off course; there are even cases of planets that are off course. In fact, one of the planets that was on an aberrant orbit was described as the twelfth planet which entered and came close to your Earth at the time of the Sumerians. This occurred approximately 4,000 years ago in Earth time. There are also circumstances in which planets from one dimension go into another dimension. The reason this can occur is because of special portals and zones of corridors existing around solar systems. Your scientists have referred to this as wormholes, which are circular shaped energy vortexes. If a planet passes near such a vortex, then that planet can be thrown into other parts of the galaxy, or in some cases, even into others dimensions.
We assign a large part of our Arcturian population to the following activities: meditations, Biorelativity, spiritual healing, temple work, and finally, Planetary Cities of Light projects. You might be surprised when I mention to you that we are also doing Planetary Cities of Light projects (Author’s note: a project on Earth directed by the author’s meditation group known as the Group of Forty which recognizes sacred areas and energies around cities on the Earth). In fact, the Planetary Cities of Light projects are the basis of unity on Arcturus.
We are a small planet compared to the size of the Earth. We have four to five million inhabitants. Our planet itself is more in alignment with the size of Mars. Our planet would be considered one third the size of the Earth. We do have two moons in our star system that are also in the Fifth Dimension. Because our planetary systems are in the Fifth Dimension, you would not be able to observe them with Earth-based, third-dimensional telescopes. When we ascended, we totally moved our planet into the fifth-dimensional realm.
Let us look at what our life is like. In Earth terms, people would ask: “Well do the Arcturians die?” And the answer is yes, we do have an ending to our life, but it is not like yours, because in your life you have a death that gives you the illusion that you have ended. You may believe in life after death, and of course, there is life after death. But there are the densities of this Third Dimension which, even to the most advanced person, can leave a type of doubt about whether there is continued existence after the Earth existence. Our death is actually a transition which means that we have a total awareness that we are going from one lifetime into another. We do not even call it death; rather we call it a “transitional time”.
In order to explain some of these other aspects of our Arcturian life, I need to talk to you about Arcturian consciousness. Consciousness is the final frontier. I know on your space program “Star Trek” that they call space the final frontier, but in our perception it is consciousness which is the final frontier. I am going to explain to you what the Arcturian consciousness is like, especially when we are on our planet. The three states of consciousness that are most known to you are the normal waking state of consciousness, the dream state and the sleep state. They are well separated in your life. In fact, the dream state is so separated from the conscious state that most of the time you do not remember your dream state. You know how easy it is to forget what you have dreamt even 30 seconds after you wake up. There are practices that help you to remember your dream state, and I also know that there are certain primitive civilizations or societies that work on the dream state and encourage members in their society to write them down or tell them as stories in group meetings.
The third state of consciousness is the sleep state where no dreaming is occurring. Now this state is so far removed from your consciousness that you have no memory, and in fact, you are not even able to recall what is going on. You are in fact in what could be called a “mini-state of death”.
Each one of these states of consciousness has its own benefit and purpose. In the Earth humans, there are sharp divisions between these three states. I know that your psychologists and neuropsychologists are able to describe these different states in terms of the brain waves that occur. In the dream state, you are also experiencing rapid eye movement. If you do not dream, then such a deficit could lead to insanity. There is obviously a need to be in that state of dream state consciousness. In order to get into that state of consciousness, you have to transition from the sleep state into the dream state. This could require, in certain cases, several hours of deep relaxation in order to get into that dream state.
Now we return to the Arcturian perspective on these three states. We are able to experience all these three states at once with total consciousness and awareness. We are able to, in our daily life, go and interact with total awareness in all three states, including the conscious state, which would be called the normal, perceptual state, the dream state, and the deep sleep state. There are many benefits for being able to experience the dream state, and it is more than just remembering the dreams. I am also talking about what would be “active dreaming” (Author’s note: this is also called lucid dreaming), where in the dream state you can control and change the outcome of events in a dream. You have a term for this active dreaming where you have the awareness of being in the dream state. It is rare for people to be able to do active dreaming. There are only a few highly evolved people who have this advanced active dreaming ability.
You are evolving, and already, many of you can experience active day dreaming (Author’s note: this would be called lucid daydreaming), and this is part of the forefront or predecessor to the active dreaming in the rapid eye movement consciousness. Daydreaming is an active dreaming while in the awake state of consciousness. In this state one retreats from the conscious state and goes into the “edge” of the dream state directly, without going into the deep sleep.
The activity of doing daydreaming gives you an introduction into some of the Arcturian consciousness and how we are able to use these different states of consciousness in our waking lives. The deep sleep state is a difficult experience to describe because there are no memories, no verbalizations and no images in that state. I might even say that in the deep sleep state you are in a state of oneness, going into a state of cosmic unity. This cosmic unity is so deep that there is no anchor for you. However, this state is a deep and important rejuvenation of your body. I want to add that the mind, not the brain, is multi-dimensional. Your mind exists in the Third Dimension, but it also exists in the Fifth Dimension, the dream state, the deep sleep state and in expanded consciousness where all states can be experienced simultaneously.
On Arcturus, we consider ourselves galactic anthropologists. Our mission and our studies are enhanced by the Planetary Cities of Light and what is known as the Sister Planetary Cities of Light in the galaxy. We are continually working to create energy fields of higher frequency within our cities. Our core method of doing this is through our temple work. Tomar is one of the temple masters that you are familiar with, and he offers instructions on the Arcturian temple methods. Thought constructs and thought constellations are the basis for our creating the thought energy field for our fifth-dimensional planet together.
Perhaps some review is in order, and also it is interesting and important to look at this concept of energy fields from several different perspectives. The basic energy field on the Earth sets the manifestations or materializations of events. The concept of objects and events first reside in the Noosphere. The Noosphere is a combination of a planetary subconscious, unconscious and auric energy field. All events and activities that happen on a planet must first occur and appear in the Noosphere. After they have been in the Noosphere, then they manifest.
We have learned the importance of working with the Noosphere. We have learned that, in advanced civilizations, the inhabitants of a planet can systematically download higher thinking, higher images, higher visualizations and higher thought projections into the Noosphere. This is the way to create the proper energy field for a higher planet. This means that all the energy input that is occurring can be based on unity thinking, which would be downloaded into the Noosphere. Unity thinking is based on fifth-dimensional principles, including love, equality, brotherhood and sisterhood and the unity of all there is.
To that end, we have a sophisticated system that inputs the Noosphere. We have full-time employees (and I will use Earth terms to describe it. It is not an Arcturian term, but I think if I use the Earth terms, you will have a greater understanding more easily) who meditate and work on downloading information and energy into the Noosphere. In order to be a full-time employee in one of these temples, you have to have advanced training. In fact, this advanced training is so specialized that people are chosen and are introduced into the techniques of this training when they are very young. In Earth terms, they would be called children.
I want to point out that our life span is longer than yours. We would consider our life to be six or seven hundred years long in Earth time. Therefore, 60 years old is not old from our standpoint! It is at the age of 60 or 70 when we have children. We, as prospective parents, do not even begin the process of having children until we are 60 or 70 years of age. The children that come to us are introduced and brought to us in full consciousness of their past lives. They know what goals and mission they have. This means that when a child is born, we the parents have their full background in our consciousness, and we know what soul lessons or missions they are here to learn, and therefore, we will provide them with the maximum support, education and direction for them to accomplish that. We can provide excellent guidance and support to our children, especially when you consider that we are lot older and more mature than you are when you have your children. This means that we can provide important information and oversight into their development. This means that the children, when they come into their family, are often closely connected to their dream time and to their past lives.
On Arcturus we are always talking about our past lives, and we continually seek methods of healing from past events. I mentioned earlier in this lecture that we still carry the trauma in our Collective Unconscious from the annihilation of one our planets eons ago. Those memories are strong. People who were living on that planet are reincarnating now into our planet. They have gone through soul training and have learned soul lessons. They are ready and able to enter our realm upon which they can initiate healings. We know that these people are open to healing these traumas.
Some Starseeds are from Arcturus and have reincarnated on the Earth. You were on Arcturus when it was in its third-dimensional systems. Some of you actually had the experience of being on that planet, living at the time when the planetary wars were occurring, and in some cases you have even experienced death at the time of the annihilation. There is something to say about repetition in reincarnation and also the repetition compulsion in incarnational learning. You have reincarnated now on planet Earth that is also on the brink of destroying itself. This means there is a learning process and there is a repetition for you. It does not mean that you have to die this time if the destruction of the planet happens. You can use this opportunity of being on a planet that has perilous events for spiritual advancement. It is a strange paradox, that when planets are close to destroying themselves, there is also an extraordinary amount of spiritual light and spiritual energy that is still surrounding that planet. It is always hoped that spiritual light will dominate and bring forth a harmony and balance. This is a galaxy that is filled with violence at times which means that in some cases the planetary duality has not been successfully resolved.
On another note, there are no diseases on our Arcturian system. We live without disease. I also want to talk about our food and how we eat. You may have seen pictures of us. We have been described very kindly as looking like ballet dancers by some people. That is because we have thin bodies, and also, it does not appear from your standpoint that we are “muscularly endowed or muscularly strong”. I have to explain though that first of all, we use telekinesis, which is the ability to use the mind to move objects. This is a more advanced form of mental power. Certainly physical, muscular energy and power is helpful and desirable on a third-dimensional planet, but on a fifth-dimensional planet especially, all things are done with the mind. There is no need to lift things up or build up muscle strength. The second thing is that our food system is based on what you would call “liquid light”. I will also use the term “manna”, which is a food that is described in the book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible that was used when the Israelites were in the desert for forty years. At that time, being in the desert, they were not able to do agriculture. They were not able to raise animals or do the things necessary to cultivate farming. Food was dropped down to them from the sky. It was dropped by higher beings onto those desert people known as Israelites, and the food was in the form that was called “manna”.
This story offers a useful description of manna. Manna is the type of food that we use. Let me give you some of the characteristics of manna, and also, the characteristics of liquid light. Manna is a perfect food. There is no biological waste produced from eating it. When you eat it, you never have to go to the bathroom afterwards, because everything is totally used. The manna can also be vibrationally attuned to your own physical structure. Because there is no waste when you eat the food, that means that you do not gain weight when you eat it. You cannot become overweight. Every molecule in the food is vibrationally attuned to you.
Liquid light or drinks is also a type of manna in which you drink a perfected mixture of manna. We do not eat meat. We do not need to devote a large period of our time to raising food. We do not spend large amounts of time for meals in our Arcturus society. On Earth I know that there is a tremendous need for food gathering, and then also are many rituals and ceremonies for eating. You have three meals per day, and this consumes a large amount of your energy and time. I realize there are social consequences and social events during your meal time. We do not have such ceremonies or social events during our meals.
On Arcturus we then have different digestive systems. We do not have the complex intestinal system that you on Earth have, because everything we eat is used. Since there is no waste produced from our food, then there is no need for a complex system to remove toxins. We also appear thinner to you, because we do not have complex digestive systems. That means also that our other organs are smaller and more streamlined. For example, your kidneys and liver often have to process toxins. There are no toxins in our food, so therefore we do not need the complex kidneys, liver and large intestinal systems that you have. This is one of the reasons why we have been able to overcome disease.
I have been asked about our marriages and about our social situation. We do mate and we do have marriage systems, but also, we do not have divorce like you do. I have been with my partner Helio-Ah now for several lifetimes. We do have what I call “expanded relationships”, which means there are relationships which are powerful and spiritual and can also go beyond the “marriage” relationships. Our relationships are harmonious. There have been questions asked about our sexual relations. Our sexual encounters are purely vibrational energy unity, which means that it reaches the state that you might call ecstasy or higher pleasure, but it is a unity of a vibrational energy field that does not have the physical components. The reason is physical components are good, but ours is more on a vibrational unity level, which brings true pleasure.
Now I want to talk about the Arcturian temples. Some of you already are students of Tomar, an Arcturian temple master and teacher. Our temple meditators have been trained since childhood, and these meditators then go into the temple as “employees”. They are trained to download thoughts into our Noosphere. We know that the acceleration and downloading of the thoughts requires a certain power, which is called the “Arcan” power. We need to elevate and make the thought power as strong as possible, so we use the crystals in the Arcturian temples to increase our thought power from the temple meditators.
The crystals we use in our temples are specially programmed and are much more powerful than the crystals that are on the Earth. I can say, though, that there are also some powerful crystals on the Earth. I want to say something about the mining of crystals on Earth. I know that there has been talk about how other extraterrestrial civilizations have come to the earlier, ancient civilizations for mining and for obtaining resources. There is truth to this. One of the things that they were also mining was for special crystals. The higher civilizations, and even some of the lower extraterrestrial civilizations, know very well the power of Earth crystals. There are special, high-powered crystals throughout the Earth, and some of the most powerful crystals have been removed by extraterrestrial beings throughout the eons. Even though many of the powerful crystals have been removed, there are still vast ancient and powerful crystals left on the Earth. We are not mining the Earth for these crystals.
In our Arcturian temples we are using high-powered crystals to help us amplify our thoughts during meditations. The crystal temple has special portals in which the thoughts can be downloaded through these portals into the Noosphere of our planet. There is a planetary aura. There are thought forms that exist around the planet in its aura, and these thought forms are continually updated from our crystal temple work. Some of the lower thought forms are purified or upgraded. We are always looking for ways of upgrading all thought forms in our Noosphere.
In the Arcturian temple, we have the ability to go into the past, present and future. The more advanced past, present and future work is done in the holographic chambers which cover these time periods. We are able to travel throughout the galaxy, and we are also able to do time travel. This is another question that is frequently asked to us: Are the Arcturians able to do time travel? The answer is yes, we are able to do time travel. Time travel is based on the concepts of folding space and time. One observation I can point out is when you look into the night sky, the star systems that you see might be many light years away. In the case of Arcturus, our star system that you see in the night sky is 36 light years away. In reality, when you look at the night sky on the Earth and you see Arcturus, you are seeing the way our star was 36 years ago. You are not seeing Arcturus the way it is today. In order to see Arcturus in the now, you would have to use the positive energy process of folding of space. Everything in the universe has a positive and a negative charge. In time travel, there is a reverse process in which you can, through acceleration and using special corridors and thought forms, either go forward in time, or you can use a process similar to folding of space and time, which allows you to reverse time and then go backwards in time.
Another question that has been asked of us is: Do you use robots? We do not call them robots; we call them “computer-bots” in your language. These are highly advanced computers which are especially used in our spaceships. We discovered that there is a special advanced program that is implanted in each one of our “computer-bots” which prevent them from taking over our society in any way. These computer-bots then cannot take over the planet. I know there is a lot of fantasy, and there is a lot of projection about using computers and robots for war. This is one of the main advancements that we have made in our technology, that is, that we have learned that there is a special downloaded program to prevent that. But you do not usually see us with robots because we are able to do many of the tasks with just telekinesis. We have highly advanced computers on our spaceships, and we have highly advanced computers in our healing chambers.
I want to give you an idea of the power of these computers. If I project my specialized computer from my spaceship onto you, my computer can totally read your energy field. Your energy field, your aura, contains everything that is going on in this life, including all diseases, all imbalances and all events that have occurred in your life. Your energy field also contains all the information about what is going to happen to you in the future based on the energy reading now. Your energy field also gives us a reading about everything that happened to you in the past. I have another level on the computer which can also tie into your past lives. This means that your aura system is more complex and filled with a lot more information than you could even imagine. The truth is that your aura contains information about the past life, the present life and even the future life. My computer is able to read that. These are the levels of our highly advanced computers.
Let me speak now about Helio-Ah and holographic work, because holographic work is based on the time differential and also on Unity Consciousness. The Unity Consciousness is accelerated by the integration of waking consciousness with the dream time and the sleep time. In the healing chambers by Helio-Ah, you are able to visually record and portray any event that has occurred to you whether it was in the past, present or future. This is particularly important because visualizations and pictures are one of the most important aspects of dream time. When you are in the dream state, you are usually dreaming in images. If you try to remember a dream, you must visualize images. In certain dream experiences, there are times when there are words in the dream.
When the masters like Tomar are working in their temples, they are often meditating in images. It’s true; you can also use affirmations in temple meditation. Powerful affirmations are considered an advanced form of working with the Noosphere. In our temple work, we do use imagination, visualizations and affirmations. All three of these are keys to personal and planetary healing. The holographic chambers are based on the holographic healing computers which are called Helio-Ah’s Healing Chamber.
The people who were on Arcturus when some of the planets were destroyed had severe trauma from that past life. One of the benefits in the holographic healing chamber is to re-program and heal past-life traumas. One of the ways we do the healing is by re-creating the visual traumatic event on the computer screen. Let me give you an example. Let us say that you were on the planet when it was destroyed. How can that possibly be healed? In our work, we can take you back to that moment of the trauma, and then right at that moment, say like 10 seconds or 30 seconds or even a minute or two or five minutes before the actual destruction, we can help you create a visual image of you ascending or being rescued.
We can then download the image of an ascension and an upliftment into the image of a past trauma, which would then shift the event in your memory. Therefore, the memory of that is shifted in the Collective Unconscious, and you now have a beautiful and new image in your mind. This is one of the secrets of Helio-Ah’s holographic healing. This holographic method is also used on planetary work.
On our planet we teach and work with planetary healing. We have gigantic computers; they are not large in terms of size but in scope. We are able to holographically heal a planet working with our holographic planetary computers. We are able to holographically work with the future time of a planet, and we are able to download images from our advanced and perfected future into our present. We are advanced when working in planetary systems healings.
I have called ourselves “galactic anthropologists” because we are interested in studying other planetary systems. We are interested in working spiritually with other planetary systems. We know that there is a Collective Unconscious, a collective energy field of all living beings in this galaxy. This means if you experienced a trauma on the Earth, it is possible that you will reincarnate on another planet, and when you do, you may have an opportunity to heal. We strongly believe in cosmic karma, that is, incarnational systems work cosmically throughout the galaxy. We come to the Earth and work with the Earth as galactic anthropologists. We come to study; we come to help; we come to provide guidance and teachings. This is also one of the reasons why we have downloaded the 12 etheric crystals on the Earth because we know that these etheric crystals are energy points that can be used successfully for shifting the Noosphere on this planet. We also know that the etheric crystals have the ability to raise the Arcan power of any thought of high nature, which will then be downloaded into the Noosphere of the Earth.
The Noosphere on the Earth is still in an early form of development. This is good and this is bad. The good is that the Noosphere is open to new input; however, the negative side is that the Noosphere still needs to be developed with higher thought forms. We need to raise the vibration and the skill level of the practitioners of Noorelativity. Noorelativity is the ability to send thoughts and energy into the Noosphere for the purposes of manifesting a higher healing light throughout that planet.
I know that you have other questions about our society. For example, people have asked us if we have cars. Do we travel? Do we use our thought forms to travel throughout the galaxy? Why would we need a spaceship to travel through the Fifth Dimension if we can transport ourselves with the power of thinking? The answer is that many of our spaceship excursions are going from our fifth-dimensional planet into interdimensional space, and in some cases, we do travel in the Third Dimension. Therefore, it is necessary for us to have a ship.
Remember that we do have temple masters on our ship, and we also use the temple masters to create the energy field of the ship and also to connect our core vibrational thoughts with the Arcturian planetary home base. We love you all and we are happy to offer our teachings, especially as I know there are many of you who want to learn more from Tomar about meditations and temples. Many of you want to learn more about Helio-Ah and her techniques. She has specialized holographic healing techniques for the third-dimensional Earth beings. I am hoping we will be able to further discuss all of these issues in future lectures.
I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty
[email protected]