Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Helio-ah. We are the Arcturians. I want to compare the ideas of planetary healing with the ideas of personal healing. We often say that you are a better planetary healer if you, at the same time, can work on yourself and provide yourself personal healing experiences. I, Helio-ah, am interested in providing different experiences and different techniques to each of you to help you on your healing journey. There are several important concepts that I want to use when I am talking about integrating planetary healing and personal healing.
The first concept has to do with time and dimensions. You live in a linear world where time is structured in the past, the present and the future. There are ways to transcend linear time for healings. Transcending linear time is an important concept in personal healing and in planetary healing.
We often refer to the space-time dimension or the space-time energy field. There are limitations in the language that we are using on the Third Dimension. When you come into the Third Dimension, you immediately are facing limitations because this dimension is set up in a polarized way. You have the Yin energy and the Yang energy. You have the positive and the negative. You have the good and the bad. You have the present and the future. You have to conform to those limitations. But the universe and especially the Fifth Dimension space-time continuum provide ways of transcending this duality and polarization. When you can transcend the polarizations and the duality, then you open up new fields of healing light and healing energy.
One of the concepts that helps us to grasp the ability to transcend space and time is based on holistic thinking or holistic theory. In fact, there is a theory in modern psychology that is based on the whole, and it was called the Gestalt Field. (Author’s note: gestalt is a German word meaning whole and was the basis of a type of psychology developed by Fritz Perls called Gestalt Psychology.) In gestalt theory, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Yet in this Third Dimension linear thinking, you are trained to look at each part separately.
If you look at yourself and the individual parts of yourself separately, then you might look at those parts that are filled with disease or that part of you that is uncomfortable. You may focus on only one part. But in the holistic theory or the theory of gestalt, we say that you look at the whole person; you look at everything, not just that part that would be considered diseased. And this becomes important when we do healing, because when we do the healing, then we have to look at the person’s whole system, including their soul journey and their multidimensional Self.
This leads me into the other concept that is important for personal healing, which is the holographic energy field. Now, the holographic energy field from the Arcturians’ perspective is stated in this way: You can take an image of an object, and using either a laser or some light transmission, then you can create an image that is three-dimensional. By looking at it in multi- levels, you can see all of its parts. But the key for our understanding in holographic healing and holographic energy is that one part can give you a view and help you access information to all parts. Now, this is key in the concept of holographic healing, because we want to help you heal, and the key to that is to access your whole, which includes the body, mind, the spirit, the belief systems and the emotions. Even beyond that, we have the energy field of your soul journey, which includes the past, present and future.
Therefore, to do the healing work on your Self, we look at the whole person, which includes the present, the past lives, and the future lives, and these all can come together. Now, in the healing energy chambers that I provide, we are particularly interested in the future Self because the present Self is only existing in the “now”. In order to change your Self, to heal your Self, you project energy into the future, even if it is five minutes in the future, even if it is one week in the future.
As an example of using future time, let me describe something that we have already worked on, which is the concept of the ascended Earth. In the planetary healing chamber, we often have two images: we have the image of the current Earth on one side, and then on the other side we have the image of the future Earth. We then say that, in the future, the Earth has ascended. In the future, the Earth has gone beyond Stage One, which it now is in, and has moved on to Stage Two of planetary development. In Stage Two of planetary development the polarizations have been transcended, and the inhabitants of the planet have developed a special spiritual relationship with the planet.
In the ascended Earth, we describe that relationship the inhabitants have with the Earth in terms of Biorelativity and planetary healing meditations. This means that in planetary level Stage Two the inhabitants know how to interact with the Spirit of the planet and work with the feedback loop system of the planet. In that work the planetary meditators have techniques that help modify the Planetary Logos. The Planetary Logos is a term that was used by Sanat Kumara, who is an overseer of the planet, and he is able to give information and ideas on how to interact on a deep level with the planet. This deeper level includes communications and interactions with the Spirit of the planet.
In the future, in planetary level Stage Two, there is an ongoing deep relationship between the planetary healers, the spiritual healers of a planet, and the Spirit of the planet, Gaia. With this relationship, there are ways of modifying many different levels of planetary energy, such as ocean currents, weather patterns, volcanic interactions, and even the ionosphere, which plays a protective role for the Earth from harmful cosmic radiation. Planets that go into Stage Two of planetary development, then, have that deeper level of spiritual understanding and spiritual interaction with the Logos and the Spirit of their planet.
There are many problems that you are seeing now on the Earth. For example, planetary problems have to do with the ocean currents and the possible collapses of ocean currents, and the levels of wind patterns that can create prolonged heat waves. All of these can be modified by planetary healing meditations through the Earth’s feedback loop system.
In the planetary healing work, we set up the stage for this healing development by going into the future time. The future time could be 10 years in the future, 20 years in the future, or even a year in the future. For these planetary healing meditations, we use healing white screens, which are screens that hold the holographic images of the Earth now, and then they also can hold the holographic image of the Earth in the future.
This is interesting to discuss holographic planetary work. When I describe holographic planetary work, then I can tell you that one part of the Earth does have information about the whole Earth, the whole gestalt of the Earth, including the future Earth. In the future Earth, we can see more unity, more organizational coherence.
Coherence is a very important term in planetary healing work, because coherence means that there is a balance. There is a harmony. There is an interaction between the planet and the inhabitants. And so, when we look at the two images, the image of the Earth on the present, and the image on the future Earth, then we see coherence. We see interaction. We see balance and harmony, and we see a spiritual dialogue. These are all characteristics of planetary Stage Two of development.
The healing work, then, is to focus on this future time when the Earth and humanity and the inhabitants will have these characteristics that I am describing and these abilities. These advanced traits will happen and exist in the future. Our goal is to accelerate the future so that it happens more quickly. I could say this will happen 500 years from now, that is, the Earth is going to have this planetary Stage Two of development. And you and I are working now to set the foundation. But there are ways and techniques to accelerate the development. We would like to see this happen immediately or as soon as possible. We would like to see this happen in your lifetime. This would be a wonderful occurrence.
When we do planetary healing, we have an image of the planet in the present stage, and then next to it, we have the image of the planet in the future. We, as planetary healers, work on the image of the future, and we send our light, we send our Arcan Power to that future screen with all of the changes that we can create in our minds. The new image, the image of the Earth in the future, has all of the characteristics, all of the building blocks necessary to allow the planet to come into Stage Two of development.
Now let us look at this model again. What happens after we have that new image of the future Earth? What happens after we have put all our energy into the thought fields of that image? The first thing that happens is that the image on the screen is strengthened. Next, we want to send that strengthened image into the Noosphere. The Noosphere has characteristics that are similar to the Unconscious, and I call that the Planetary Unconscious. We know that the Unconscious functions more efficiently with strong images, images that contain bright colors and images that contain strong thought forms.
After we work on the images of the future Earth, then we send our imagery to the Planetary Unconscious. We create strong images to send to the Noosphere. Let us visualize lots of green; let us see the stability in the oceans; let us see the blueness in the sky; let us see a strong ionosphere.
In planetary healing work, we are going to many different levels, including the oceans and the weather patterns. The ionosphere is also a critical part of the planetary healing work, and it is a critical part of any future level of planetary healing. The ionosphere is the protective energy field around the planet. What is it protecting the planet from? There are dangerous cosmic energies coming towards the planet. There are dangerous energies from the Sun. You recently have been experiencing solar flares and coronal mass ejections where very highly charged particles are directly coming towards the Earth. The ionosphere, along with aspects that are known as the Van Allen Belt, protect the electromagnetic field of the planet so that dangerous particles cannot get through, because those dangerous particles can destroy the ionosphere. And if they were destroyed, then more harmful particles will come through and cause more havoc and more destruction to life on the planet.
This planetary healing model method can be compared to the methods we use for personal healing. This is a difficult time to be on planet Earth. Your immune systems are all being challenged. There is a limitation on your immune system capability. One of the big concerns that I see now on the planet Earth and on humanity is that the environment is rapidly changing. This change includes the electromagnetic environment on the planet. The human immune system is not keeping up with these rapid changes, and it is not having the time to evolve.
Other rapid changes on the planet are affecting your immune system, including higher temperatures, warmer ocean temperatures and heat waves and more flooding. There is now the emergence of more pathogens that are challenging to your immune system, and these pathogens can overwhelm your immune system. That means that you are more susceptible both to pathogens, bacteria and viruses. Increased electromagnetic energies are flooding the atmosphere, in part because of a weaker ionosphere, which has made humanity more vulnerable to these hidden pathogens.
Imagine that you come to my starship, and I have a special healing room for personal work. Juliano has set up the Gaia Planetary Healing Chamber, which has special holographic energy dynamics for planetary healing. The Gaia Planetary Healing Chamber has a special ability to communicate with the Earth’s feedback loop system. I have created in my personal planetary healing room, which I call Helio-ah’s Healing Chamber, a healing room for the starseeds who want to come to heal themselves. This room has a special ability to communicate with your Subconscious. Many of you have already come to my healing chamber. For example, we have done work in the chamber using the computer booths and the rotating chair technique. We also use special tables in which I am able to work with your etheric body to remove blockages or even negative attachments that you may have accumulated. Since your energy field is more vulnerable; you need upgrades for better protection. Sometimes, in the computer world, you call it new firmware where your system has to be updated to deal with the new environment.
Now, in Helio-ah’s personal healing room, we also have two screens. One screen represents you in the present and your energy field in the present, and the second screen represents your future Self. The future Self can be anytime in the future. Imagine that you are in the future as an Ascended Master. As an Ascended Master, you have achieved great spiritual healings, and you have learned how to heal your physical body. And you have also learned how to ascend to the higher dimension. An Ascended Master knows how to enter the Fifth Dimension. Your future Self may decide to return to the Earth as an Ascended Master after you reach the Fifth Dimension. It is difficult to make that decision or choice now. But once you come into the higher realms, you may feel a deeper commitment to Gaia and a deep commitment to your other starseed family members still on the Earth. You may decide you may want to come back. You would want to come back with the heightened powers of an Ascended Master.
You now have the image of your Self as an Ascended Master. There are two screens in my healing chamber. In screen number two, you have the image of your Self as an Ascended Master, and in screen number one, you have your Self as you are now. For your healing part we want to focus on your energy field, on your vibrational energy field, as an Ascended Master. What would that look like? You would have a halo around your head and shoulders. You may appear handsome or beautiful.
One of the great things about being on the Fifth Dimension and being in a fifth-dimensional body is that you have the ability to create your appearance. And oftentimes, people will choose an image of themselves when they were 25 years old on the Earth. They may add features that they feel are associated with an Ascended Master, such as flowing hair, or wearing certain jewelry on their Third Eye, or wearing a white robe. There are many different ways that you can see yourself in your ascended state.
In the ascended state, you have reached a true healing. You are in an elevated state. You have accomplished the Ascension, and you have multiple abilities that you do not have in your third-dimensional body now. And most importantly, you have the ability to travel inter-dimensionally. That means that you can be on the Third Dimension, but also you can be on the Fifth Dimension. Fifth-dimensional beings do have the ability to appear on the Third Dimension. Jesus/Sananda demonstrated that after his own ascension when he returned to the planet, and many people saw him. He was able to demonstrate that it is possible and even helpful to return in a higher fifth-dimensional state, a state where people can still see you.
In today’s exercise, we want to work on the ascended state and put energy into that state of consciousness, into that state of being. Then, after we do that work, we want to download that new image into your Subconscious. We also will do a healing process where we take the screen with the image of the ascended view and merge that screen with the image of the current screen. We merge those two energies together. From that merging, you receive the benefit of the interaction of those two energies, and this will help you to accelerate your own healing.
The goal that you have now is to enter the Fifth Dimension. Your goal as a spiritual being is to ascend. This is what our work together is about. Anything that we could do to accelerate the ascension for you is beneficial. Your ascension is a healing experience. The more that you can activate that Ascension Energy now in your current body, the more healed you will be.
Please follow my instructions, and remember, in the ascended state, you have much improved healing powers, much improved techniques, more effective, more efficient and longer lasting healings.
Take three deep breaths. (Tones “Helio-ah, Helio-ah, Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”) Go into a state of spiritual relaxation. And I, Helio-ah, bring down a corridor of light from my starship Athena directly into the room that you are now in. Give permission for your spirit body to rise up from your Crown Chakra and enter the corridor of light that I have sent down to you. As you enter the corridor of light that connects with my Arcturian starship, travel now at the speed of thought to the starship Athena. (Tones “Ta ta ta ta ta.…”) You arrive at the starship Athena, and I, Helio-ah, greet you. Walk with me now into Helio-ah’s Healing Chamber of Light. We walk down the hallway and enter my healing chamber.
In the chamber, you see a large room that is divided up into individual rooms, with each room having two screens. The rooms are opened at the ceiling. Energetically you are all able to feel each other’s spirits. Go into an individual room and look and see the two screens that are in that room. The screen on the left is showing your energy field now as it is on the Earth before you came here to my starship. Energetically it shows all of your energy, including all of the blockages that you may have, all of the areas that may be suffering from disease, all of the stress in your Earth body. Remember that everything is on a vibrational level, and your whole etheric system is represented on the screen on the left as a vibrational energy field. Do not try to change anything. Your job is to project that image of your Self in the present onto the left screen.
Now, right next to the screen of your present Self is a new screen on the right side, and on that new screen project an image of your ascended Self onto the right screen. I want you to project what your energy field is going to look like as you become an Ascended Master. You can create the expression on your face; you can create your new aura so that is expanding. You can place a halo around your shoulders, and you can place a white robe on your body. Work on that, especially the internal parts of your Self. Imagine any organ that needs to be updated and vibrate more efficiently. Visualize any meridians that need to be unblocked. Work on that image, the image of your Self as an Ascended Master, and we will go now into a silent meditation for several minutes. As you develop and strengthen that image, make the image as strong as possible, as bright and colorful as possible, as detailed as possible, as coherent as possible. This is you in your ascended state. We will go into silence now. (Silence)
Keep that image as bright and as detailed as possible. We are almost ready to finish that image. Make it as colorful and as beautiful as you like. Please make sure that all meridians are open, all parts of your energy field are vibrating correctly. And make sure that the aura has the right vibrational speed. You are looking at this picture of your future Self in Helio-ah’s personal healing chamber as an Ascended Master. (Tones “Helio-ah, Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”)
Now take the picture on the right, the picture of you as an Ascended Master where you are totally healed, and take the image of you in the present on the left side. You have the two screens together. At the count of three, merge those two screens together into one image. One, two, three, now! The image has merged. The future Self, your Self as an Ascended Master, and your Self and the present are now integrated.
We are going to bring that energy field, that new merged you, that new image, back into the Earth body. Look at that new image, the image that is merged, and I want you now to meditate on that image again. And I want you to download that image into your Subconscious. We will go back into meditation for two minutes while you integrate and accept that new image, and take that image into your personal Subconscious. We will go into meditation again. (Silence)
Beautiful. The image now is merged and downloaded now into your etheric Subconscious.
You feel the merged energy in you. Prepare to leave my chamber and return to your Earth body, bringing that newer integration and the healing that comes with that integration into your physical body. As an Ascended Master energy participant, you have higher healing powers.
You stand up and walk out of my healing room and the booth that you were in. You leave the chamber, walk down the hallway, and come to the corridor of light that is connected to your room. You enter the corridor of light and travel now at the speed of thought back into your room. (Tones “Ta ta ta ta ta….”) You arrive at a position six feet above your physical body, and reenter now in perfect alignment, bringing that new image of your Self, the combined Ascended Master and the present Self. Bring it all into your body. The new energy comes into your personal Subconscious, and you are now integrating it beautifully, on all levels. (Tones “Helio-ah, Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”)
The merging of these two parts, the future Self of you as an Ascended Master and the present, provide new healing skills and healing abilities to your Self. Think for a moment what skills as a healer an Ascended Master might have. These powers include: 1) The power of thought, 2) the power to speak healing words, 3) the power to shift vibrational energy for healing , 4) the power to download light from other healers on the Fifth Dimension, such as Archangel Raphael, to other Earth beings, 5) bringing down healing powers of an Ascended Master as a planetary healer. All are now being integrated into your cellular structure, and I will say that this also helps to prepare you for your ascension. Anyone who has characteristics of an Ascended Master and energy of an Ascended Master in their vibrational field can ascend more easily. The Ascension is a healing experience. Feel within you the power of the merged future ascended Self in your current Self. Carry that light with you; carry that energy with you. Use it as you see fit for your personal healing, for healing others, and use it in your role as a planetary healer. This energy is being integrated into your system now, as we are speaking. So it shall be. I am Helio-ah. Good day.